113 research outputs found

    Differences of some chemicals and physical properties of winter wheat grain of mealy and vitreous appearance

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    Many wheat species and cultivars, independent of genetic markers of hardness, can produce grain with a vitreous, mealy or mixed appearance. This study analyzed selected chemical and physical differences between kernels with a vitreous and mealy appearance, hand-picked from grain of four winter wheat cultivars cultivated in Poland. Separated fractions were examined for protein content and composition, friabilin presence, carotenoids and total phenolic compounds content, specific kernel density, hardness, as well as kernel surface color. It was found that the ratio of vitreous kernels in the cultivars ranged from 39.18% to 76.28%. Vitreous kernels were darker, slightly heavier and harder than mealy kernels. Additionally, these kernels were more abundant in proteins (an average increase of 2.13%, with variation among cultivars from 0.71% to 2.89%). This type of kernels was also richer in phenolic compounds (on average by 4.02%) and less abundant in carotenoids (on average by 4.53%). Mealy (softer) kernels fractured to a finer flour

    Influence of physical activity on cancer development, treatment and prophylaxis

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    Activation of the growth factors pathways is involved in cell growth and proliferation and is associated with carcinogenesis. Many studies have shown an increase in blood growth factors concentrations after training. On the other hand, numerous organisations recommend physical activity in cancer therapy and prophylaxis. This two phenomena may actually cause confusion. The aim of this paper was to present findings on the significance of physical activity in course of neoplastic disease and dispel doubts concerning its role in cancer treatment

    Phenolic and lipophilic compounds of wheat grain as factors affecting susceptibility to infestation by granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.)

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    The impact of certain groups of polyphenolic (phenolic acids and alkylresorcinols) and lipophilic compounds (total lipids, fatty acids, sterols, tocols and carotenoids) on susceptibility of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) kernels to Sitophilus granarius infestation was studied. In the experiments, six cultivars of spring wheat with comparable protein content, endosperm hardness and overall technological quality were used. Twenty grams of grain were infested by 10 pairs of beetles and stored for one week or eight weeks at 28±2°C and relative humidity of 60%. The intensity of growth and feeding of S. granarius varied significantly in the used cultivars. The antixenosis effect of the studied grain chemicals, observed after one week of infestation, was the lowest for Łagwa cv., which was characterized by the highest total lipid and sterol contents. Other cultivars showed a similar antixenosis effect. For antibiosis effect, the most attractive for S. granarius infestation was Ostka Smolicka cv., which was characterized by the lowest content of total phenolic acids. In contrast, the highest antibiosis effect was found for Arabella and Izera cvs. with the lowest values of sterol content and average values of other determined phytochemicals


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    The paper presents the issue of agricultural lease rules. The author analyzed the current legal regulations regarding the lease in the period 1964-2014 and discussed the new lease rules in the draft law of 3 November 2014 on agricultural lease. In the article were used descriptive method, descriptive and comparative method as well as historical and doctrinal law interpretation

    Rola przywództwa w rozwiązywaniu problemu wypalenia zawodowego w placówce medycznej

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    Burnout in a medical institution, especially in the frontline of medical service and following the difficult time of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, is an urgent challenge that leaders need to understand and address directly. The aims of the article are: 1. getting to know the causes of fatigue and burnout as well as the impact they have on a person; 2. defining the role of leadership in creating an organizational culture based on team involvement and promoting the well-being of employees in a medical institution; 3. proposing a strategy for building an atmosphere of mutual support as well as preventing fatigue and burnout. The research method was the review and analysis of professional literature, including articles in international journals and training materials. There are many definitions of the phenomenon of burnout in the literature on the subject. It is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a lowered sense of personal achievement. In the case of healthcare professionals, the depersonalization of patients may initially be expressed in a tendency to avoid patients and shorten the time spent with them.Primary factors influencing the occurrence of burnout are: lack of fairness and mutual respect, unmanageable workloads, lack of role clarity, poor communication or support from the manager, unreasonable time pressures and poor workflows, lack of meaningful connections. Factors that emerged during the pandemic are: growing backlogs, expectations to work outside areas of expertise, and the so-called emotional toll. The key role of leaders is to create a culture of respect and continuous improvement that integrates team members and helps them support one another in the most difficult moments of their professional work. It is extremely important to implement strategies which promote building and maintaining employees’ well-being and resilience to stress. These strategies should be individually developed by people who experience burnout. In medical teams, it is worth considering what the medical staff owes to patients and reassessing their values, building their hierarchy, and rethinking what is real and valuable in life. In order to reach such important conclusions, it is often necessary to discuss difficult and painful matters.Wypalenie zawodowe w placówce medycznej, szczególnie na pierwszej linii świadczenia usługi medycznej i po trudnym czasie pandemii COVID-19, jest pilnym wyzwaniem, które przywódcy powinni zrozumieć i bezpośrednio rozwiązać. Celami artykułu są: 1) poznanie przyczyn oraz wpływu zmęczenia i wypalenia zawodowego na człowieka; 2) określenie roli przywództwa w tworzeniu kultury organizacyjnej opartej na angażowaniu zespołów i promującej dobre samopoczucie pracowników w placówce medycznej oraz 3) zaproponowanie strategii budowania atmosfery wzajemnego wsparcia oraz zapobiegania zmęczeniu i wypaleniu zawodowemu. Metodą badawczą są przegląd i analiza literatury branżowej, w tym artykułów w międzynarodowych czasopismach oraz materiałów ze szkoleń. W literaturze przedmiotu istnieje wiele definicji zjawiska wypalenia zawodowego. Jest to zespół wyczerpania emocjonalnego, depersonalizacji i obniżonego poczucia dokonań osobistych. W przypadku personelu medycznego depersonalizacja pacjentów może początkowo wyrażać się w tendencji do unikania osób chorych i skracania czasu spędzanego z nimi. Czynnikami pierwotnymi wpływającymi na występowanie wypalenia zawodowego są brak uczciwości i wzajemnego szacunku, obciążenia, którymi nie można zarządzać, brak jasności ról, słaba komunikacja lub brak wsparcia ze strony przełożonego, nieuzasadniona presja czasu i brak ludzi do pracy, brak znaczących relacji międzyludzkich. Czynnikami, które pojawiły się w czasie pandemii, są rosnące zaległości, oczekiwanie na oddelegowanie do innej pracy oraz tak zwany koszt emocjonalny. Kluczową rolą liderów na różnych szczeblach w hierarchii jednostki jest tworzenie kultury szacunku i ciągłego doskonalenia, która integruje członków zespołu we wzajemnym wspieraniu się w najtrudniejszych momentach pracy zawodowej. Niezwykle ważne jest wdrażanie strategii promujących budowanie i utrzymywanie dobrego samopoczucia i odporności pracowników na stres. Strategie te powinni indywidualnie do swoich potrzeb tworzyć ludzie, którzy doświadczają syndromu wypalenia. W zespołach medycznych warto zastanowić się, co personel medyczny zawdzięcza pacjentom, i ponownie dokonać oceny wartości, zbudować ich hierarchię i przemyśleć, co w życiu jest prawdziwe i cenne. Aby dojść do tak ważnych wniosków, niejednokrotnie trzeba omówić sprawy trudne i bolesne

    Wędrówka przez las zjawisk. Centrum nauki jako projekt zmiany kulturowej

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    This paper focuses on the science center as an institution of indirect pedagogy. The concepts of the exhibitions and exhibits of the Exploratorium — the first science center founded in 1969 in San Francisco by Frank Oppenheimer — are presented as a model that inspired the creation of Warsaw’s Copernicus Science Center. This model is set in the historical and cultural context of changes concerning both the paradigm of museums and the broader perspective of changes in the culturally ingrained idea of education. Describing the pedagogical assumptions of exhibits and exhibitions aims to reconstruct a new relationship paradigm between the visitor and an exhibition institution such as a science center. The key issue concerns the relationship between society and science modeled (and molded) by Copernicus. Introduced into social and educational practice (dissemination of culture, especially science), the new institution is intended to trigger new thinking on a society-wide scale and lead to socio-cultural change.Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest centrum nauki jako instytucji pośredniego wychowania. Koncepcje wystaw i eksponatów Exploratorium — centrum nauki założonego w 1969 roku w San Francisco przez Franka Oppenheimera — przedstawione zostają jako inspiracja, która przyświecała utworzeniu warszawskiego Centrum Nauki Kopernik. Powstanie Kopernika zostaje osadzone w historycznym i kulturowym kontekście zmian dotyczących zarówno paradygmatu muzeów, jak i w szerszej perspektywie przekształcania się kulturowego wyobrażenia edukacji. Opis pedagogicznych założeń eksponatów i wystaw ma na celu rekonstrukcję nowego paradygmatu relacji między zwiedzającym a instytucją wystawienniczą, jaką jest centrum nauki. Kluczowa kwestia dotyczy modelowanej przez Kopernika relacji między społeczeństwem a nauką. Wprowadzona do społecznej praktyki edukacyjnej (upowszechniania kultury, w szczególności nauki) nowa instytucja ma w tym zamyśle uruchamiać nowe myślenie w skali ogólnospołecznej i prowadzić do zmiany społeczno-kulturowej

    Polskie społeczeństwo informacyjne – wyzwania ku innowacyjności

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    The article is a summary of own research conducted in 2003–2013. The aim of the study is to expose stimulating aspects of innovation and motivating aspects of creative project management in the context of pro-innovative methods and skills, and also specification of challenges to innovative Polish information society


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    The aim of the article was to describe the process of ownership transformations carried out in the years 1992-2020. It addresses economic determinants for the establishment of the Agricultural Property Agency of the State Treasury (APAST) Agricultural Property Agency (APA) as well as its tasks aimed at implementing these transformations. The analysis covered two transformation periods, namely the years 1992-1996 and 2000-2020. The research applied descriptive and descriptive–comparative methods as well as statistical descriptive and also a tabular technique. The basic source of research materials was the source literature and statistical data from the Agricultural Property Agency (APA), the National Support Centre for Agriculture (NSCA) reports and the studies published in Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics (IAFE) entitled “The Market of Agricultural Land”. It was attempted to define the role of land sale and land lease in this process. The changes which occurred in the leased and sold land were also indicated. The legal regulations in force regarding property turnover were discussed, pointing to the limitations resulting from these legal acts in the implementation of transformations. The research showed that both sale and lease played an important role in transformations in various periods of the APAST/APA functioning