2,142 research outputs found

    Non-divisibility vs backflow of information in understanding revivals of quantum correlations for continuous-variable systems interacting with fluctuating environments

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    We address the dynamics of quantum correlations for a bipartite continuous-variable quantum system interacting with its fluctuating environment. In particular, we consider two independent quantum oscillators initially prepared in a Gaussian state, e.g. a squeezed thermal state, and compare the dynamics resulting from local noise, i.e. oscillators coupled to two independent external fields, to that originating from common noise, i.e. oscillators interacting with a single common field. We prove non-Markovianity (non-divisibility) of the dynamics in both regimes and analyze the connections between non-divisibility, backflow of information and revivals of quantum correlations. Our main results may be summarized as follows: (i) revivals of quantumness are present in both scenarios, however, the interaction with a common environment better preserves the quantum features of the system; (ii) the dynamics is always non-divisible but revivals of quantum correlations are present only when backflow of information is present as well. We conclude that non-divisibility in its own is not a resource to preserve quantum correlations in our system, i.e. it is not sufficient to observe recoherence phenomena. Rather, it represents a necessary prerequisite to obtain backflow of information, which is the true ingredient to obtain revivals of quantumness

    Entanglement as a resource for discrimination of classical environments

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    We address extended systems interacting with classical fluctuating environments and analyze the use of quantum probes to discriminate local noise, described by independent fluctuating fields, from common noise, corresponding to the interaction with a common one. In particular, we consider a bipartite system made of two non interacting harmonic oscillators and assess discrimination strategies based on homodyne detection, comparing their performances with the ultimate bounds on the error probabilities of quantum-limited measurements. We analyze in details the use of Gaussian probes, with emphasis on experimentally friendly signals. Our results show that a joint measurement of the position-quadrature on the two oscillators outperforms any other homodyne-based scheme for any input Gaussian state

    Fully representable and *-semisimple topological partial *-algebras

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    We continue our study of topological partial *-algebras, focusing our attention to *-semisimple partial *-algebras, that is, those that possess a {multiplication core} and sufficiently many *-representations. We discuss the respective roles of invariant positive sesquilinear (ips) forms and representable continuous linear functionals and focus on the case where the two notions are completely interchangeable (fully representable partial *-algebras) with the scope of characterizing a *-semisimple partial *-algebra. Finally we describe various notions of bounded elements in such a partial *-algebra, in particular, those defined in terms of a positive cone (order bounded elements). The outcome is that, for an appropriate order relation, one recovers the \M-bounded elements introduced in previous works.Comment: 26 pages, Studia Mathematica (2012) to appea

    Operators in Rigged Hilbert spaces: some spectral properties

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    A notion of resolvent set for an operator acting in a rigged Hilbert space \D \subset \H\subset \D^\times is proposed. This set depends on a family of intermediate locally convex spaces living between \D and \D^\times, called interspaces. Some properties of the resolvent set and of the corresponding multivalued resolvent function are derived and some examples are discussed.Comment: 29 page

    Cross-spectral analysis of the X-ray variability of Mrk 421

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    Using the cross-spectral method, we confirm the existence of the X-ray hard lags discovered with cross-correlation function technique during a large flare of Mrk 421 observed with BeppoSAX . For the 0.1--2 versus 2--10keV light curves, both methods suggest sub-hour hard lags. In the time domain, the degree of hard lag, i.e., the amplitude of the 3.2--10 keV photons lagging the lower energy ones, tends to increase with the decreasing energy. In the Fourier frequency domain, by investigating the cross-spectra of the 0.1--2/2--10 keV and the 2--3.2/3.2--10 keV pairs of light curves, the flare also shows hard lags at the lowest frequencies. However, with the present data, it is impossible to constrain the dependence of the lags on frequencies even though the detailed simulations demonstrate that the hard lags at the lowest frequencies probed by the flare are not an artifact of sparse sampling, Poisson and red noise. As a possible interpretation, the implication of the hard lags is discussed in the context of the interplay between the (diffusive) acceleration and synchrotron cooling of relativistic electrons responsible for the observed X-ray emission. The energy-dependent hard lags are in agreement with the expectation of an energy-dependent acceleration timescale. The inferred magnetic field (B ~ 0.11 Gauss) is consistent with the value inferred from the Spectral Energy Distributions of the source. Future investigations with higher quality data that whether or not the time lags are energy-/frequency-dependent will provide a new constraint on the current models of the TeV blazars.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Topological aspects of quasi *-algebras with sufficiently many *-representations

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    Quasi *-algebras possessing a sufficient family M of invariant positive sesquilinear forms carry several topologies related to M which make every *-representation continuous. This leads to define the class of locally convex quasi GA*-algebras whose main feature consists in the fact that the family of their bounded elements, with respect to the family M, is a dense C*-algebra

    The pluricomplex Poisson kernel for strongly convex domains

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    Let D be a bounded strongly convex domain in the complex space of dimension n. For a fixed point p epsilon partial derivative D, we consider the solution of a homogeneous complex Monge-Ampere equation with a simple pole at p. We prove that such a solution enjoys many properties of the classical Poisson kernel in the unit disc and thus deserves to be called the pluricomplex Poisson kernel of D with pole at p. In particular we discuss extremality properties (such as a generalization of the classical Phragmen-Lindelof theorem), relations with the pluricomplex Green function of D, uniqueness in terms of the associated foliation and boundary behaviors. Finally, using such a kernel we obtain explicit reproducing formulas for plurisubharmonic functions
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