2,873 research outputs found

    Observaciones sobre relaciones cleptoparasitarias interespecíficas en el Alimoche (Neophron percnopterus)

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    S'aporten diverses observacions de cleptoparasitisme per part d'un aufrany adult sobre un voltor adult incubant, i també tres intents de corbs sobre nius d'aufranys amb polls. Les guineus també visiten els nius d'aufranys que són accessibles i aprofiten les deixalles que troben i en una ocasió, fins i tot, van predar un poll d'un mes d'edat

    Technological Solutions for Electronic Voting and Guarantees of the Integrity of the Electoral Process. A Case Study

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    This paper attempts to show, on the basis of a specific example, that a balanced simple and transparent design for the process of identification and in-person electronic voting is essential to safeguard the basic rights of voter

    Acreditación y fomento de la calidad. La experiencia chilena de las últimas décadas

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    La preocupación por la calidad surge como tema prioritario en la educación superior (ES) al producirse cambios en la estructura del sistema chileno a partir de 1981. Estos cambios han implicado una drástica expansión y diversificación de la oferta educativa, originada tanto por la división de instituciones del Estado ya existentes, como por la autorización que permitió la creación de instituciones privadas. De ocho universidades, en gran medida financiadas por el Estado, altamente selectivas y que reclutaban a la élite de estudiantes y académicos, se pasó a un sistema que hoy cuenta con 224 instituciones de muy distinta naturaleza, que incluye universidades, institutos profesionales y centros de formación técnica. Ello ha provocado que la selectividad se circunscriba actualmente a unas pocas instituciones, sólo de nivel universitario y de elevado prestigio social, lo que ha impactado en la calidad del sistema. Por otra parte, las instituciones buscan lograr su autofinanciamiento (incluidas las estatales), por lo que se ha producido una multiplicación de la oferta tradicional de carreras, la creación de nuevas y atractivas carreras para el mercado y la proliferación de sedes por todo el paísPeer Reviewe

    Cloud-Based Collaborative 3D Modeling to Train Engineers for the Industry 4.0

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    In the present study, Autodesk Fusion 360 software (which includes the A360 environment) is used to train engineering students for the demands of the industry 4.0. Fusion 360 is a tool that unifies product lifecycle management (PLM) applications and 3D-modeling software (PDLM—product design and life management). The main objective of the research is to deepen the students’ perception of the use of a PDLM application and its dependence on three categorical variables: PLM previous knowledge, individual practices and collaborative engineering perception. Therefore, a collaborative graphic simulation of an engineering project is proposed in the engineering graphics subject at the University of La Laguna with 65 engineering undergraduate students. A scale to measure the perception of the use of PDLM is designed, applied and validated. Subsequently, descriptive analyses, contingency graphical analyses and non-parametric analysis of variance are performed. The results indicate a high overall reception of this type of experience and that it helps them understand how professionals work in collaborative environments. It is concluded that it is possible to respond to the demand of the industry needs in future engineers through training programs of collaborative 3D modeling environments

    Laser marking of polymers. Work methodology

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    Laser marking of polymers. Work Methodology. Context The aim of this work is to obtain a work protocol for laser marking of polymers (figure 1). An in depth study regarding the ‘state of the art’ (articles, patents, books, dissertations) about the laser-polymer interaction, laser parameters, photo chemical/thermical processes, mechanical properties of polymers and optical characterization will be carried out. During laser marking, different phenomena can be observed from the most common photothermical processes to photochemical reactions. Those phenomena are not only due to the raw material, but also to different additives, wavelengths and laser parameters. This work will be developed with the resources available at the company B.S.H. (Balay) and the University of Zaragoza, mainly with the laser processing of materials group and the liquid crystals and polymers group. Initial proposal As starting materials for the study of laser marking, the following commercial polymers are proposed: ABS, SAN, PBT, PMMA and mainly PP. Regarding the irradiation following wavelengths are proposed: 1064, 532 and 355 nm covering IR, visible and UV spectra. Special interest will be paid to 355nm (UV) because in this range the possibilities of photochemical processes increases. Control of raw material There is a strong interest in controlling the raw material and additives, so alternatives for the production of different polymer plates will be studied; partially to identify the relationships between different phenomenology and additives. To control the raw material a profound knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the material is necessary. For the analysis various tools can be enhanced (XPS, ATR, EDX). Experiments According to the ‘state of the art’ different experiments are proposed, carrying them out on both, the raw material and the marks. The experiments fall into various investigation backgrounds, the different fields are shown below. . Design of experiments (DoE): parameter selection, factorial design. • Mathematical models: photo chemical/thermical rate, thermal models. • Mechanical properties: hardness and scratch resistance of the marks. • Temperature: measurement different tools • Morphology: roughness, appearance and depth of marks. • Optical characterization: Contrast and color distance (CIELab), absorption spectra. • Detection of photochemical/photothermical phenomena: carbonization, foaming, photo reduction, bond breaking, ablation, incubation, blocking. Importance of experimental results The experimental results must be discussed leading to conclusions. According to the conclusions the experiments can be accepted, discarded or adapted defining a solid work methodology suitable for a wide group of polymers

    A Periodic Location Routing Problem for Collaborative Recycling

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    Motivated by collaborative recycling efforts for non-profit agencies, we study a variant of the periodic location routing problem, in which one decides the set of open depots from the customer set, the capacity of open depots, and the visit frequency to nodes, in an effort to design networks for collaborative pickup activities. We formulate this problem, highlighting the challenges introduced by these decisions. We examine the relative dfficulty introduced with each decision through exact solutions and a heuristic approach which can incorporate extensions of model constraints and solve larger instances. The work is motivated by a project with a network of hunger relief agencies (e.g., food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters) focusing on collaborative approaches to address their cardboard recycling challenges collectively. We present a case study based on data from the network. In this novel setting, we evaluate collaboration in terms of participation levels and cost impact. These insights can be generalized to other networks of organizations that may consider pooling resources

    Autoperception of teachers and direct team in the development of creativity: A case study analyzed with VADECRIE

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    El objetivo primordial de este trabajo es constatar la autopercepción que tiene el profesorado y equipo directivo de la creatividad en escuela. Valorar hasta qué punto existe un desarrollo creativo de la institución educativa a partir de un estudio de caso. Para ello aplicamos varios parámetros del instrumento “Valoración del desarrollo creativo de instituciones educativas” (VADECRIE) referidos a la dimensión humana: profesorado, equipo directivo y estudiantes. Intentamos conocer sus opiniones y autopercepciones. De ese modo triangularemos la información proveniente de dichas fuentes. La investigación se plantea desde un enfoque o paradigma de la complejidad y se utiliza como metodología el estudio de caso, centrando en el Colegio concertado Santo Ángel de la Guarda (Albacete. España). Este estudio se realizó con 348 participantes, de los cuales 14 fueron docentes de enseñanza básica, 7 miembros del equipo directivo y 327 alumnos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que existe una autopercepción positiva de la creatividad en el CentroThe main objective of this work is to verify the self-perception of the faculty and management team of creativity in school. Evaluate the extent to which there is a creative development of the educational institution from a case study. To do this we apply several parameters of the instrument "Valuing the creative development of educational institutions" (VADECRIE) referring to the human dimension: teaching staff, management team and students. We try to know their opinions and self-perceptions. In this way, we will triangulate and contrast the information coming from these sources. The research is based on an approach or paradigm of complexity and is used as a case study methodology, focusing on the Colegio Santo Ángel de la Guarda (Albacete, Spain). This study was carried out with 348 participants, of which 14 were teachers of basic education, 7 members of the management team and 327 students. The results show that there is a positive self-perception of creativity in the Cente

    Stability of thick brane configurations

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    Presented at the XXXI International Conference of Theoretical Physics, “Matter to the Deepest”, Ustroń, Poland, September 5–11, 2007.We study higher dimensional models with a cutoff Λ (lambda) and determine conditions under which brane configurations can be generated by dynamics at scales below Λ (lambda). Then we study the stability of these configurations

    Microplastic ingestion and feeding ecology in three intertidal mollusk species from Lima, Peru

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    Microplastics (< 5 mm) are ubiquitous contaminants in the marine environment. The aims of the present study were to report the incidence of microplastic pollution in three mollusk species from the coast of Lima and to investigate the relationship between microplastic ingestion and feeding ecology. Specimens of three mollusk species Semimytilus algosus, Tegula atra and Chiton granosus were sampled from the intertidal rocky zone. For microplastic isolation, soft tissues were digested in 10% KOH, vacuum filtrated and analyzed under a microscope. Rigorous contamination prevention measures were taken into account. C. granosus was the most contaminated mollusk (6.92 ± 2.13 particles g-1). Red fibers were the overall most abundant microplastic. The feeding behavior of T. atra promotes microplastic exposure to C. granosus. More research is needed to fully understand the microplastic effects on mollusk species