444 research outputs found

    Effect of Dendritic Side Groups on the Mobility of Modified Poly(epichlorohydrin) Copolymers

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    [EN] The macromolecular dynamics of dendronized copolymer membranes (PECHs), obtained by chemical modification of poly(epichlorohydrin) with the dendron 3,4,5-tris[4-(n-dodecan-1-yloxy)benzyloxy] benzoate, was investigated. In response to a thermal treatment during membrane preparation, these copolymers show an ability to change their shape, achieve orientation, and slightly crystallize, which was also observed by CP-MAS NMR, XRD, and DSC. The phenomenon was deeply analyzed by dielectric thermal analysis. The dielectric spectra show the influence of several factors such as the number of dendritic side groups, the orientation, their self-assembling dendrons, and the molecular mobility. The dielectric spectra present a sub-Tg dielectric relaxation, labelled as gamma, associated with the mobility of the benzyloxy substituent of the dendritic group. This mobility is not related to the percentage of these lateral chains but is somewhat hindered by the orientation of the dendritic groups. Unlike other less complex polymers, the crystallization was dismantled before the appearance of the glass transition (alpha(Tg)). Only after that, clearing transition (alpha(Clear)) can be observed. The PECHs were flexible and offered a high free volume, despite presenting a high degree of modifications. However, the molecular mobility is not independent in each phase and the self-assembling dendrons can be eventually fine-tuned according to the percentage of grafted groups.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, grant POLYDECARBOCELL (ENE2017-86711-C3-1-R, ENE2017-86711-C3-3-R).Teruel Juanes, R.; Pascual-Jose, B.; Graf, R.; Reina, JA.; Giamberini, M.; Ribes-Greus, A. (2021). Effect of Dendritic Side Groups on the Mobility of Modified Poly(epichlorohydrin) Copolymers. Polymers. 13(12):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13121961119131

    A selected ion flow tube study of the ion-molecule reactions of monochloroethene, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene

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    Data for the rate coefficients and product cations of the reactions of a large number of atomic and small molecular cations with monochloroethene, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene in a selected ion flow tube at 298 K are reported. The recombination energy of the ions range from 6.27 eV (H3_3O+^+) through to 21.56 eV (Ne+^+). Collisional rate coefficients are calculated by modified average dipole orientation theory and compared with experimental values. Thermochemistry and mass balance predict the most feasible neutral products. Together with previously reported results for the three isomers of dichloroethene (J. Phys. Chem. A., 2006, 110, 5760), the fragment ion branching ratios have been compared with those from threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy over the photon energy range 9-22 eV to determine the importance or otherwise of long-range charge transfer. For ions with recombination energy in excess of the ionisation energy of the chloroethene, charge transfer is energetically allowed. The similarity of the branching ratios from the two experiments suggest that long-range charge transfer is dominant. For ions with recombination energy less than the ionisation energy, charge transfer is not allowed; chemical reaction can only occur following formation of an ion-molecule complex, where steric effects are more significant. The products that are now formed and their percentage yield is a complex interplay between the number and position of the chlorine atoms with respect to the C=C bond, where inductive and conjugation effects can be important

    Postharvest characterization of oranges 'Baianinha' stored under refrigeration and ambient conditions

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    The postharvest quality of fresh oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, 'Baianinha') was evaluated in terms of chemical and physical properties, in May of 1998. An experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with two replications, submitting the fruits to two treatments: storage at ambient conditions (21 ± 0.4°C and RH = 60 ± 1.0%, and in cold room (1 ± 0,5°C and RH = 85 ± 2,5%). After 15 days of storage, a highly significant difference was observed (P=0,01) in the levels of ascorbic acid (decrease of 20% and 8%, at ambient condition and refrigerated fruits, respectively). Titratable acidity decrease approximately 14%, for fruits at ambient condition, and 8% for the refrigerated fruits. It was observed an increase of 30% (ambient condition) and 18% (refrigerated fruits), in the brix/titratable acidity ratio. The results demonstrated that there is a tendency of quality loss for fruits maintained at ambient condition. Therefore, the use of refrigeration is necessary for the maintenance of post harvest quality of fresh orange.A qualidade pós colheita de laranjas in natura (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, 'Baianinha'), foi avaliada em termos de suas propriedades químicas e físicas, em maio de 1998. Foi aplicado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com duas repetições, submetendo os frutos a dois tratamentos: armazenamento a temperatura ambiente (21 ± 0,4°C e UR= 60 ± 1,0%), e em uma câmara frigorífica (1 ± 0,5°C e UR = 85 ± 2,5%). Após 15 dias de armazenamento, foi observada uma diferença altamente significativa (P=0,01), nos níveis de ácido ascórbico (diminuição de 20% e 8%, nas laranjas expostas a temperatura ambiente e nos frutos refrigerados, respectivamente). A acidez titulável teve uma diminuição de aproximadamente 14%, para os frutos mantidos à temperatura ambiente, e de 8% para os frutos refrigerados. Comprovou-se um aumento de 30% (frutos em condições ambientais) e de 18% (frutos refrigerados), na relação sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável. Os resultados apontam uma tendência à perda da qualidade nos frutos mantidos em condições ambientais, o que reafirma a necessidade do uso de refrigeração para a conservação pós-colheita de laranja in natura.464

    A novel presenilin 1 mutation (L174M) in a large Cuban family with early onset Alzheimer disease.

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    We studied a Cuban family with presenile dementia (autosomal dominant) consisting of 281 members within six generations, the proband descended from a Spanish founder. Mean age at onset was 59 years of age. Memory impairment was the main symptom in all patients, additionally, ischemic episodes were described in 4 (n = 18) patients. Neuropathological examination of brain material (1 patient) revealed neuronal loss, amyloid plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles. Thirty DNA samples were genotyped (regions on chromosome 1, 3, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20, and 21). A maximum Lod score of 3.79 at theta = 0 was obtained for marker D14S43, located in a 9-cM interval in which all patients shared the same haplotype. Sequencing of the PSEN1 gene revealed a heterozygous base substitution, C520A (exon 6), which is predicted to cause an amino acid change from leucine to methionine in the TMIII of the presenilin 1 protein. The mutation was found to co-segregate with the disease phenotype and the associated disease haplotype. The C --> A change was not observed in 80 control chromosomes from the Cuban population. Leucine at position 174 is highly conserved among species and is identical in prese