70 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis residu gula dalam glikokonjugat menggunakan 4 jenis lektin yaitu wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), soybean agglutinin (SBA), concanavalin A (Con A), Rhicinus communis Agglutinin (RCA) dan distribusinya pada epitelium olfaktorius tunika mukosa hidung kelelawar pemakan buah (Pteropus vampyrus) dan kelelawar pemakan serangga (Myotis horsfieldii). Sebanyak 3 ekor Kalong betina dewasa dan 2 ekor Lawabetina dewasa digunakan dalam penelitian. Preparat histologinelitian dari 3 ekor kalong betina dewasa dan 3 ekor lawa betina dewasa dicat dengan pewamaan Alcian Blue-Periodic Acid Solution (AB-PAS). Analisis preparat histologi dilakukan secara deskripstif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa residu gula pada glikokonjugat epithelium Kalong adalah mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine dan N-acetylglucosamine. Jenis-jenis residu gula pada glikokonjugat epitelium olfaktorius lasiwen adalah mannose dan N-acetylglucosamine. Distribusi residu gula tersebut terdapat pada lapisan mukus permukaan, dendrit, zona supranuklear badan sel saraf olfaktorius, duktus kelenjar Bowman, kelenjar Bowman dan sel basal, sedangkan distribusi residu gula pada epitelium olfaktorius lasiwen tersebar di lapisan mukus permukaan dan zona supranuklear badan sel saraf olfaktorius.Kata kunci: Residu gula, glikokonjugat, epitelium olfaktorius, kalong, lasiwe

    SL-04 Enriching Veterinary Anatomy Education and Research of Indonesia Through Diversity

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    Enriching Veterinary Anatomy Education and Research of Indonesia Through Diversit


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis residu gula dalam glikokonjugat menggunakan 4 jenis lektin yaitu wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), soybean agglutinin (SBA), concanavalin A (Con A), Rhicinus communis Agglutinin (RCA) dan distribusinya pada epitelium olfaktorius tunika mukosa hidung kelelawar pemakan buah (Pteropus vampyrus) dan kelelawar pemakan serangga (Myotis horsfieldii). Sebanyak 3 ekor Kalong betina dewasa dan 2 ekor Lawabetina dewasa digunakan dalam penelitian. Preparat histologinelitian dari 3 ekor kalong betina dewasa dan 3 ekor lawa betina dewasadicat dengan pewamaan Alcian Blue-Periodic Acid Solution (AB-PAS). Analisis preparat histologi dilakukan secara deskripstif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa residu gula pada glikokonjugat epithelium Kalong adalah mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine dan N-acetylglucosamine. Jenis-jenis residu gula pada glikokonjugat epitelium olfaktorius lasiwen adalah mannose dan N-acetylglucosamine. Distribusi residu gula tersebut terdapat pada lapisan mukus permukaan, dendrit, zona supranuklear badan sel saraf olfaktorius, duktus kelenjar Bowman, kelenjar Bowman dan sel basal, sedangkan distribusi residu gula pada epitelium olfaktorius lasiwen tersebar di lapisan mukus permukaan dan zona supranuklearbadan sel saraf olfaktorius

    AH-11 Expression of N-Acetylglucosamine Residues in Abomasum of The Swamp Buffalo

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    Expression of N-Acetylglucosamine Residues in Abomasum of The Swamp Buffal

    Pengaruh Penangkaran terhadap Profil Eritrosit Lumba-lumba Hidung Botol dari Perairan Laut J awa = The Influence of the Captivity in Bottlenose Dolphin Erythrocytes Profile from The Waters of The Java Sea

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    Di laut Jawa banyak populasi lumba-lumba yang sering tersangkutjala para nelayan saat mencari ikan di laut. Di Indonesia, lumba lumba hidung botol merupakan mamalia air yang dilindungi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil eritrosit bottlenose dolphin (lumba-lumba hidung botol) sebeluni dan setelah penangkaran. Tujuh ekor lumba-lumba digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel darah diambil melalui vena superfisialis sirip ekor guna pemeriksaan eritrosit, meliputi jumlah, morfologi, kadar hemoglobin dan hematokrit. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat lumba-lumba diangkat dari perairan Laut Jawa dan setelah lumba-lumba mengalami penangkaran di PT. WSI, Kendal, Jawa Tengah. Data sebelum dan sesudah penangkaran dibandingkan dan diuji dengan analisis statistik t-test berpasangan pada tingkat signifikasi 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin dan nilai hematokrit secara signifikan. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penangkaran yang dilakukan oleh PT.WSI, Kendal, Jawa Tengahmeningkatkan profil eritrositlumba-lumba hidungbotol. In the Java Sea, there are a lot of dolphins, that often snagged fishing nets. While In Indonesia, bottlenose dolphins are mammals protected water. The aims of this research was to study the erythrocytes profile in bottlenose dolphins before and after the captivity. Seven dolphins were used in this research. Blood samples were\u27 taken out from the superficial vein of tail for examination of the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels and value ofhematokrit. Sampling was done when the dolphins appointed from the waters of the Java Sea and after experiencing dolphin captivity in PT. WSI, Kendal, Central Java. The data before and after captivity were compared and tested with the statistical analysis on the level of significance of the paired t-test 95%. The results showed the significant increase in the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin levels and the values ofhematokrit significantly. It was concluded that captivity done by WSI Corporation, Kendal, Central Java did increase the profile of erythrocytes inbottlenose dolphins

    Temporal Recovery of Pancreatic β-Cells in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Induced by Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Conditioned Medium

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    Conditioned medium (CM) derived from human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell culture has been studied in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) and showed a good prospect as an alternative treatment. However, effects of CM in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) have not been studied. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell-derived conditioned medium (CM) for the recovery of pancreatic β-cells in T2DM-induced Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus). The T2DM-induced rats were prepared by applying combination injection of nicotinamide (NA) and streptozotocin (STZ). The T2DM-induced rats were treated with 0.2 ml CM fourth times periodically, with a week interval. One week after each CM treatment, the pancreas glands were collect, fixed in Bouin’s solution, processed by paraffin method and carried out immunohistochemistry staining for insulin detection. The blood samples were collected for glucose concentration evaluation. Microscopic observation indicated the decrease of immunoreactive cell number and its intensity towards insulin after the combination injection of NA and STZ. One week after first and second CM treatment, the presence of numerous and hight intensity of insulin- immunoreactive (IR) cells in the pancreatic islets could be observed. However, the number of insulin-IR cells and its intensity decreased dramatically 1 week after the third CM treatment and almost disappeared in 1 week after the fourth CM treatment in all of the pancreatic islets. The histological features changes of insulin-IR cells are in agreement with the profile dynamics of glucose concentration in the blood. This study showed that conditioned medium (CM) derived from human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell culture has ability to recover the insulin production from pancreatic β-cells in T2DM-induced Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) temporary. Keywords: conditioned medium, type 2 diabetes mellitus, pancreatic β-cells, temporal recovery, nicotinamide-streptozotocin

    PCS-12 Complex Oligosaccharide Detected in the Lingua of Hystrix javanica by Lectin Histochemistry

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    Hystrix javanica or usually called Sunda porcupine is wildlife animal that only found in Java, Bali, Sumbawa, Flores, Lombok, Madura, and Tonahdjampea (Indonesia) [1]. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) has classified this Rodentia into Least Concern criteria, that means the species is relatively widespread and abundant [2]. Nevertheless, their population in nature was threatened, since this mammal was considered as pest by some people.There were anatomical data of Sunda porcupine organ, but it still limited. One of the ways to determine the detail function of the organ can be done by making histological preparations. Lectin histochemistry has been used widely as a probe to detect sugar residues in the organs or tissues because lectin can bind specifically to carbohydrate residues in term of glycoconjugates [3]. Analysis the composition or type of sugar residues in the organs can help to understanding the role of their function.The aims of this study were to detect and find out the distribution of complex oligosaccharide in the lingua of Hystrix javanica using lectin histochemistry method. This data will completes the information that has been obtained before about mucopolysaccharide type of major salivary glands of Hystrix javanica [4]

    Morphological Characteristics of the Stomach of the Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)

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    The ability of swamp buffaloes for adaptation to swampland was suggested to be supported by their digestive system efficiency including absorption one. This research was done to obtain scientific explanation about digestive efficiency of swamp buffalo by investigating swamp buffalo stomach morphologically. Six stomachs were obtained at slaughterhouse from 2.5-3 years old healthy male swamp buffaloes. Every part of the stomach includes nonglanduler stomach (forestomach: rumen, reticulum, and omasum) and glanduler stomach (abomasum) was taken for measuring length, width, and weight organs. Then all of samples from each part of stomach were prepared for morphological observation. The data were analyzed descriptively. Stomach of swamp buffalo had morphological peculiarities, such as: mucosa surface of rumen, reticulum, and omasum has black color, and there is variation of ruminal papillae of swamp buffalo, including branching. Special characteristics of swamp buffalo stomach is estimated as supporting morphological factors for increasing digestive efficiency to survive in swampland

    The Structure and Hormone Expression of Male Accessory Reproductive Glands of the Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix Javanica)

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    This research was to investigate the histological structure of male accessory reproductive glands of the Sunda porcupine and verify the presence of testosterone and Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) with immunolocalization. The research used three accessory reproductive gland samples of male Sunda porcupine. Tissues were processed using paraffin method and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Immunohistochemistry methods. The histological structure and distribution of testosterone and ABP were analyzed descriptively. This research showed that male accessory reproductive glands of the Sunda porcupine are seminal vesicle, prostate, and bulbourethral glands. The seminal vesicle was lined by simple columnar epithelium, prostate was lined by simple columnar epithelium or simple cuboidal epithelium, and bulbourethral gland was lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. The presence of testosterone was found in adenomere cells of seminal vesicle and prostate glands; and in interstitial tissue of bulbourethral gland. The presence of ABP was detected in the adenomere cells of the bulbourethral gland. The male accessory reproductive glands of Sunda porcupine has been identified which consist of seminal vesicle, prostate, and bulbourethral glands. The immunolocalization of testosterone was found in adenomere cells of seminal vesicle and prostate glands, and ABP was detected in bulbourethral gland. Keywords: Androgen binding protein, Bulbourethral, Hystrix javanica, Prostate, Seminal vesicle, Testosterone DOI: 10.7176/ALST/78-04 Publication date: February 29th 202
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