2,077 research outputs found

    Increasing powers in a degenerate parabolic logistic equation

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the asymptotic behavior of the positive solutions of the problem tuΔu=aub(x)upinΩ×R+,u(0)=u0,u(t)Ω=0 \partial_t u-\Delta u=a u-b(x) u^p \text{in} \Omega\times \R^+, u(0)=u_0, u(t)|_{\partial \Omega}=0 as p+p\to +\infty, where Ω\Omega is a bounded domain and b(x)b(x) is a nonnegative function. We deduce that the limiting configuration solves a parabolic obstacle problem, and afterwards we fully describe its long time behavior.Comment: 15 page

    Neutron capture cross section measurements of 238U, 241Am and 243Am at n_TOF

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    Proposal: Neutron capture cross section measurements of 238U, 241Am and 243Am at n_TOFThe increase of the world energy demand and the need of low carbon energy sources have triggered the renaissance and/or enhancement of nuclear energy in many countries. Fundamental nuclear physics can contribute in a practical way to the sustainability and safety of the nuclear energy production and the management of the nuclear waste. There exists a series of recent studies which address the most relevant isotopes, decay data, nuclear reaction channels and energy ranges which have to be investigated in more detail for improving the design of different advanced nuclear systems [1] and nuclear fuel cycles [2]. In this proposal, we aim at the measurement of the neutron capture cross sections of 238U, 241Am and 243Am. All three isotopes are listed in the NEA High Priority Request List [37], are recommended for measurements [1] and play an important role in the nuclear energy production and fuel cycle scenarios. The measurements will provide as well valuable nuclear structure data necessary for the improvement of nuclear models and the statistical interpretation of the nuclear propertiesPostprint (author's final draft


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem agribisnis, tingkat pendapatan petani, dan pengaruh subsistem agribisnis terhadap pendapatan petani kubis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan Februari 2011, di Desa Wanaraja, Kecamatan Wanayasa, Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Sampel penelitian dipilih secara acak sederhana dengan jumlah sampel 125 orang dari populasi sebanyak 430 petani. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei, sedangkan kuesioner digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, meliputi analisis pendapatan dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keuntungan petani kubis sebesar Rp. 546.409,- pada luas lahan rata-rata 2.956 m2 dalam satu musim tanam dengan rata-rata produksi 1,36 ton. Nilai keuntungan petani kubis tersebut dihitung dari pengurangan penerimaan usahatani kubis sebesar Rp. 2.271.944,- dengan biaya produksinya sebesar Rp. 1.696.776,-. Apabila dikonversikan ke dalam hektar, maka produktivitas yang dicapai masih sangat rendah karena hanya 4,56 ton perhektar sedangkan rata-rata produktivitas kubis di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2009 mencapai 18,50 ton perhektar dan potensi produksi kubis hibrida green coronet yang banyak ditanam petani di Banjarnegara mencapai 30 – 45 ton perhektar. Penerapan subsistem sarana produksi dan proses produksi atau usahatani berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan petani kubis yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai signifikansi masing-masing sebesar 0.000 dan 0.022, sedangkan subsistem pasca panen dan pengolahan hasil serta pemasaran tidak berpengaruhnya nyata yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai signifikansi dari masing-masing subsistem yaitu 0.749 dan 0.224. Kata kunci : Agribisnis, produksi, pendapatan, petani kubis. The objectives of the research was to find out the implementation of Agribusiness subsystem, level of income, expenses and profit obtained by the farmer from the cabbage agribusiness. The research was done in February 2011, in Wanaraja village and Wanayasa sub districts which were located in Banjarnegara Regency. There were 125 people who simply selected randomly as the sample of the population. The method had been used was survey, the sample took by purposive sampling method about 125 farmers from 430 population of cabbage farmers, and questioner form had been used as tool for data collection. The analysis that had been used was quantitative descriptive analysis which consists of income analysis and multiple linier regresion analysis. The result of the research shows that the profit of cabbage cultivation in 2.956 m2 field area in average was 546.409 rupiah with production about 1.36 tons. The profit counted from the difference of net revenue was 2,271,944 rupiah minus total cost was 1,696,776. If this result converted to a hectare wide area, the productivity that has been achieved was only 4,56 tons per hectare which was to low in comparison with the cabbage productivity in Central Java generally which was 18.50 tons per hectare; whereas the potential of hybrid cabbage production, the green coronet was about 30 – 45 tons per hectare. The implementation of agribusiness system especially the production input supplying subsystem, and the cultivation subsystem has real influnced to farmers income in Banjarnegara which was showed by each significant value as 0.000 and 0.022. Whereas, the post harvest subsystem, and the marketing subsystem has no real influenced to farmers income which was showed by each significant value as 0.749 and 0.224. Keywords : Agribusiness,production, farmers income, cabbage farmer

    Organizational climate in an upscale hotel group: Climate dimensions and their impact towards employees' satisfaction and commitment

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    This dissertation focus on the results of a questionnaire as an instrument, in order to obtain relevant information to find whether the dimensions of the climate increase or not increase employees' commitment and job satisfaction, being this defined as the main objective of this study. It is crucial to understand what features influence commitment and job satisfaction, mainly because low levels of satisfaction and commitment have been associated to high levels of turnover, deviant workplace behaviors and lower productivity. Literature review focuses mainly on organizational climate movements, specially focusing on the dimensions of the climate and their outcomes in the employees' satisfaction and commitment. The study developed in a correlation perspective, was supported in a methodology using quantitative methods for collection and analysis of the data. The sample for this study is composed by 3594 employees and was developed in one of the biggest hotel groups in Portugal, operating in several countries across the world. An organizational climate questionnaire developed specifically for this organization in 2017, was defined as the principal instrument for this dissertation. The analysis of the results allowed to conclude that the dimensions of the climate, such as, leader facilitation and support, organizational image and teamwork increase employees' job satisfaction. Additionally, dimensions of the climate, such as, service quality, spirit at work and career development increase employee’s commitment.Esta dissertação centra-se nos resultados de um questionário como instrumento, a fim de obter informações relevantes para saber se as dimensões do clima aumentam ou não aumentam o compromisso e a satisfação no trabalho dos empregados, sendo este definido como o principal objetivo deste estudo. É crucial entender quais as características que influenciam o compromisso e a satisfação no trabalho, principalmente porque baixos níveis de satisfação e de comprometimento têm sido associados a altos níveis de rotatividade dos trabalhadores, comportamentos desviantes no ambiente de trabalho e menor produtividade. A revisão de literatura foca principalmente movimentos do clima organizacional, com especial relevância nas dimensões do clima e os seus resultados na satisfação e no compromisso. O estudo desenvolvido numa perspetiva correlacional, foi suportado numa metodologia utilizando métodos quantitativos para recolha e análise dos dados. A amostra deste estudo é composta por 3594 colaboradores e foi desenvolvido num dos maiores grupos hoteleiros de Portugal, atuando em vários países do mundo. Um questionário de clima organizacional desenvolvido especificamente para esta organização em 2017, foi definido como o principal instrumento para esta dissertação. A análise dos resultados permitiu concluir que as dimensões do clima, tais como, facilitação e apoio do líder, imagem organizacional e trabalho em equipa, aumentam a satisfação no trabalho dos colaboradores. Adicionalmente, as dimensões do clima, tais como, qualidade do serviço, espírito de trabalho e desenvolvimento de carreira, aumentam o compromisso dos colaboradores

    Longevity and parasitic capacity of the azorean type of Trichogramma cordubensis Vargas & Cabello (Hym., Trichogrammatidae)

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    3rd International Symposium "Trichogramma and other egg parasitoids". 3ème Symposium International "Les trichogrammes et autres parasites oophages", San Antonio (USA), 23-27 Sep 1990.The recent capture at the island of São Miguel-Azores of a local type of Trichogramma cordubensis Vargas & Cabello (Hym., Trichogrammatidae) gave rise to the question of its epigenetic characterization, according to parameters indentical to those of the continental type. This characterization was carried out with the objective of recognizing its ability to be used as a biological control agents against agricultural pests in this region. It was verified, for this local type, that, in similarity with the continental type, the maximum of its parasitic capacity occurs in the first day after emergence. This seems to indicate that this insect should be introduced in the inundative release fields before its emergence. The local type of T. cordubensis diverged significantly from the continental type in its longevity

    Democracy, fundamental rights and public finance: a constitutionalist criticism of the Steuerle-Roeper Index

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    The article proposes to critically discuss the concept of fiscal democracy as operationalized by the means of the Steuerle-Roeper Index. It is assumed that the contemporary sociohistorical context comprises a scenario of crisis or decline of democracies, largely explained by the fiscal difficulties faced by the States. The Fiscal Democracy Index is discussed as a promising scientific contribution for the attribution of empirical tangibility to such a reality. However, a difficulty is identified concerning the non-consideration of fundamental rights as condition for the possibility of democratic politics. Finally, an example from the Brazilian constitutional system is presented in order to illustrate the article´s theoretical argument.

    Short-term forecasting for direct normal irradiance with numerical weather prediction models in Alentejo (Southern Portugal): implications for concentration solar energy technologies

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    With the potential to sustain the world’s energy needs, solar energy plays a major role for the renewable energy transition. However, inherent problems exist in solar energy forecasting, a very important tool for power plant operators that allows an efficient energy management and dispatch operations in the electric grid. In particular, concentrating solar power (CSP) systems, which rely on direct normal irradiance (DNI) and its high variability, which links uncertainty to the electrical energy outputs of CSP plants. The main atmospheric factors that influence DNI variation at surface are clouds and aerosols, which are misrepresented by current numerical weather prediction models. To provide accurate predictions of DNI for efficient CSP operations, particularly during periods of direct solar intermittency, the solar resource needs to be well characterized. Solution to this problem is still one of today’s challenges in solar forecasting. This thesis makes use of short-term forecasts of DNI from the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), the global model of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), together with ground-based measurements in Alentejo region (southern Portugal). The evaluation of the solar resource in the region is based on the IFS predictions, as well as the prediction of energy production outputs from different CSP systems through the System Advisor Model (SAM) power plant simulator, in which the results are compared with local measured data. To improve the role that DNI forecasting has in CSP power plants, several post-processing techniques are used for the correction of hour and day-ahead values of DNI. Different operational strategies are discussed and proposed according to the obtained results; Resumo: Previsão de Curto Tempo de Radiação Normal Directa Através de Modelos Numéricos de Previsão do Tempo no Alentejo (Sul de Portugal): Implicações para as Tecnologias de Concentração Solar Com potencial para assegurar as necessidades energéticas do mundo, a energia solar desempenha um papel importante na transição energética renovável. Contudo, existem problemas inerentes na previsão de energia solar, uma ferramenta muito importante para os operadores de centrais eléctricas que permite uma gestão energética mais eficiente e operações de distribuição da mesma na rede eléctrica. Em particular, os sistemas de concentração de energia solar (CSP), que dependem da radiação normal directa (DNI) e da sua elevada variabilidade, atribuindo incerteza à geração de energia eléctrica resultantes de centrais CSP. Para fornecer previsões precisas para operações CSP eficientes, particularmente durante períodos de intermitência solar directa, o DNI precisa de ser bem caracterizado. Os principais factores atmosféricos que influenciam a variação de DNI à superfície são as nuvens e os aerossóis, que não são representados realisticamente pelos actuais modelos numéricos de previsão do tempo. A solução para este problema é ainda hoje em dia um desafio em previsão solar. Esta tese faz uso das previsões de curto-período de DNI do Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), modelo global do European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), em conjunto com medidas à superfície na região do Alentejo (sul de Portugal). A avaliação do recurso solar na região é efectuada com base em previsões do IFS, tal como a previsão de outputs de produção energética de diferentes sistemas CSP através do simulador de centrais eléctricas System Advisor Model (SAM), onde os resultados são comparados com os obtidos com medidas meteorológicas locais. Para melhorar o papel que a previsão de DNI tem em centrais CSP, várias técnicas de pós-processamento são efectuadas para a correção de valores de DNI para a hora e dia seguinte. Diferentes estratégias de operação são discutidas e propostas de acordo com resultados obtidos

    Benchmarking some Portuguese S&T system research units: 2nd Edition

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    The increasing use of productivity and impact metrics for evaluation and comparison, not only of individual researchers but also of institutions, universities and even countries, has prompted the development of bibliometrics. Currently, metrics are becoming widely accepted as an easy and balanced way to assist the peer review and evaluation of scientists and/or research units, provided they have adequate precision and recall. This paper presents a benchmarking study of a selected list of representative Portuguese research units, based on a fairly complete set of parameters: bibliometric parameters, number of competitive projects and number of PhDs produced. The study aimed at collecting productivity and impact data from the selected research units in comparable conditions i.e., using objective metrics based on public information, retrievable on-line and/or from official sources and thus verifiable and repeatable. The study has thus focused on the activity of the 2003-06 period, where such data was available from the latest official evaluation. The main advantage of our study was the application of automatic tools, achieving relevant results at a reduced cost. Moreover, the results over the selected units suggest that this kind of analyses will be very useful to benchmark scientific productivity and impact, and assist peer review.Comment: 26 pages, 20 figures F. Couto, D. Faria, B. Tavares, P. Gon\c{c}alves, and P. Verissimo, Benchmarking some portuguese S\&T system research units: 2nd edition, DI/FCUL TR 13-03, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon, February 201

    Investigating of scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment in a complex cognitive test battery in rats

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciências Biofarmacêuticas, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.A escopolamina, um composto anticolinérgico, é frequentemente aplicada como modelo farmacológico para debilitar funções cognitivas. É usado principalmente em dose única e em animais jovens. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos do tratamento crónico com escopolamina em várias funções cognitivas em ratos experientes. Também foi testado até que ponto o donepezil pode melhorar o deficite cognitivo. Ratos da espécie Long-Evans de 8,5 meses de idade foram treinados regularmente em paradigmas como 5CSRTT (medindo a atenção), MWM (aprendizado espacial), Pot jumping (aprendizado da função motora), discriminação em tela sensível ao toque de caixa (TS) (aprendizagem visual) e uma tarefa de cooperação (aprendizagem social). Após as medições iniciais, os ratos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de tratamento: solução salina, escopolamina (0,3 mg/kg) e escopolamina+donepezil (3 mg/kg). Os grupos de salina e escopolamina receberam tratamento via ip por 20 dias, o grupo escopolamina+donepezil foi injetado com escopolamina por 10 dias e então escopolamina e donepezil durante os 10 dias seguintes. A escopolamina prejudicou significativamente o desempenho em 5CSRTT, COOP e PJ: em 5CSRTT, os animais de controlo acertaram mais e produziram menos omissões do que os animais tratados. Os ratos tratados com escopolamina realizaram ensaios fracos em testes de cooperação, quando comparado com os de controlo. No entanto, o desempenho melhorou gradualmente durante o período de tratamento. Em PJ, o grupo de controlo pôde saltar distâncias significativamente maiores do que o grupo tratado com escopolamina, e a magnitude do efeito da escopolamina aumentou com tratamentos repetidos. A escopolamina exerceu um efeito fraco em TS e não mostrou efeitos significativos em MWM. Donepezil não melhorou o deficite de desempenho de aprendizagem em nenhum dos testes. Todos os grupos apresentaram desempenho semelhante aos níveis iniciais logo dois dias após a descontinuação dos tratamentos. Com base nos nossos resultados, o tratamento repetido com escopolamina não induziu mudanças duradouras no funcionamento das redes neurais cognitivas, portanto, provavelmente não será um modelo adequado para testar medicamentos de tratamento para demência especialmente em animais jovens.Scopolamine, an anticholinergic compound is frequently applied as a pharmacological model of cognitive impairment. It is mainly used in single dose and in naïve animals. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of repeated scopolamine treatment on several cognitive functions in experienced rats. It was also assessed to what extent donepezil could improve the induced impairment. 8.5 months old Long-Evans rats had been trained regularly in 5-choice serial reaction time task (5CSRTT, measuring attention), Morris water maze (MWM, spatial learning), pot jumping test (PJ, motor learning), pairwise discrimination in touchscreen box (TS, visual learning) and a cooperation task (social learning). After baseline measurements rats were randomly assigned into three treatment groups: saline, scopolamine (0.3 mg/kg) and scopolamine+donepezil (3 mg/kg). Saline and scopolamine groups received ip. treatment for 20 days, the scopolamine+donepezil group was injected scopolamine for 10 days then scopolamine and donepezil during the following 10 days. Scopolamine significantly impaired performance in 5CSRTT, COOP and PJ: in 5CSRTT, control animals gave more correct answers and produced less omissions than treated animals. The scopolamine-treated rats yielded less successful trials in cooperation tests, than the control. However, these impairments gradually decreased during the treatment period. In PJ, the control group could jump significantly longer distances than the scopolamine-treated, and the magnitude of the scopolamine-effect increased by repeated treatments. Scopolamine exerted a weak effect in TS and did not show significant effects in MWM. Donepezil did not ameliorate the learning performance deficit in any of the tests. All groups showed similar performance to their baseline levels already two days after discontinuation of the treatments. Based on our results, repeated scopolamine treatment could not induce lasting changes in the functioning of cognitive neural networks. Therefore, it may not be an appropriate model for testing potential antidementia drugs, especially in young animals.Semmelweis University, Cognitive Translational Behavioral Pharmacology Group

    Radiative capture on 242Pu for MOX fuel reactors

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    Proposal: Radiative capture on 242Pu for MOX fuel reactorsThe use of MOX fuel (mixed-oxide fuel made of UO2 and PuO2) in nuclear reactors allows substituting a large fraction of the enriched Uranium by Plutonium reprocessed from spent fuel. Indeed around 66% of the plutonium from spent fuel is made of 239Pu and 241Pu, which are fissile in thermal reactors. A typical reactor of this type uses a fuel with 7% reprocessed Pu and 93% depleted U, thus profiting from both the spent fuel and the remaining 238U following the 235U enrichment. With the use of such new fuel compositions rich in Pu the better knowledge of the capture and fission cross sections of the Pu isotopes becomes very important. This is clearly stated in the recent OECD NEA’s “High Priority Request List” and in the WPEC-26 “Uncertainty and target accuracy assessment for innovative systems using recent covariance data evaluations” report. In particular, a new series of cross section evaluations have been recently carried out jointly by the European (JEFF) and United States (ENDF) nuclear data agencies. As the new evaluations on 240Pu and 241Am have been already completed, 242Pu is the next to be reevaluated, and the scarceness of capture data (only two TOF measurements from 1973 and 1976 are available and disagree with each other) calls for a new time-of flight capture cross section measurement. This will be the first measurement in 40 years and, with the use of more advanced techniques, shall provide a more reliable and accurate result. We propose to measure the capture cross section of 242Pu in the region from thermal up to at least 60 keV, aiming for a high energy limit of 500 keV. The experiment would make use of an array of 4 low neutron sensitivity C6D6 detectors and be carried out at the n_TOF EAR-1 (185 m flight path) measuring station. Compared to the current uncertainty of 35%, this measurement aims at an improved accuracy between 7% and 12% depending on the energy region.Preprin