30 research outputs found

    Potential, cultivation and quality of some crambe sp. in Southern Turkey

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    Crambe sp. is an oilseed crop from the Brassicae family and native to the Mediterranean region. It can be converted into a number of industrial and energy uses. Crambe oil is used in introducing in stain, primers, plastic and solid wax, cosmetic and engine portions in the form of nylon-13.13 exclude carburetor as eco-friendly. All these properties make it interesting. This study is the first report on yield, cultivation procedure, and quality characteristics of Crambe sp. cultivated in Turkey. Native Crambe seeds, collected from eight different locations in Turkey, were cultivated under Çukurova conditions in Mediterranean region. Two Crambe species, Crambe orientalis and Crambe tataria, determined at the locations were studied, and some morphological characteristics and oil compositions were sown from cultivars and native forms. Fatty acid composition of seeds was examined with GC and GC/MS. In native populations, high seed oil contents were obtained from C. tataria (Ankara - Faculty of Science and Letters) and C. tataria (Kahramanmaraş-Elbistan), as 45.62 and 45.50%, respectively. The highest erucic acid content (49.0 %) was found in C. tataria (Ankara-Bilkent). In Çukurova conditions, despite cultivated all collected species, just C. orientalis was bloom among this species, and so that seed yield (472.77 kg/ha) oil rate (% 27.43) and erucic acid (41.0 %) could determine just this species

    Measurements of 220Rn and 222Rn and CO2 emissions in soil and fumarole gases on Mt. Etna volcano (Italy) : implications for gas transport and shallow ground fracture

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 8 (2007): Q10001, doi:10.1029/2007GC001644.Measurements of 220Rn and 222Rn activity and of CO2 flux in soil and fumaroles were carried out on Mount Etna volcano in 2005–2006, both in its summit area and along active faults on its flanks. We observe an empirical relationship between (220Rn/222Rn) and CO2 efflux. The higher the flux of CO2, the lower the ratio between 220Rn and 222Rn. Deep sources of gas are characterized by high 222Rn activity and high CO2 efflux, whereas shallow sources are indicated by high 220Rn activity and relatively low CO2 efflux. Excess 220Rn highlights sites of ongoing shallow rock fracturing that could be affected by collapse, as in the case of the rim of an active vent. Depletion both in 220Rn and in CO2 seems to be representative of residual degassing along recently active eruptive vents.This work was funded by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (S.G., M.N.) and by the Dipartimento per la Protezione Civile (Italy), projects V3_6/28-Etna (M.N.) and V5/08-Diffuse degassing in Italy (S.G.), and NSF EAR 063824101 (K.W.W.S.)

    Chemical components of different basil (ocimum basilicum l.) cultivars grown in mediterranean regions in Turkey

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    Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is one of the most popular fresh herbs. Ocimum basilicum shows great variation in morphology and essential oil components. This study was conducted to determine essential oil yields and components of different tbasil cultivars when grown in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Seeds of four cultivars of sweet basil were provided from Greece, France, Germany, and Turkey. Basil plants were allowed to flower three times during the summer period. Essential oils were extracted from flowering plants by hydrodistillation, and the oil was analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Essential oil ratio and components showed great variation, depending on the cultivars and harvest times. The results showed the existence of three different chemo types according to main compounds: linalool(Greek basil), linalool + methylcinnamate (Turkish and German basil), andlinalool + methyl eugenol (French basil). © 2000 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Determination of yield and quality in marjoram as influenced by development periods [Mercanköşk (Majorana hortensis moench)'de gelişme dönemlerine göre verim ve kalite]

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    Marjoram, naturally grown in Mediterranean region, is a perennial shrub. It is used as spices, and its essential oil has also antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Marjoram is well-adapted to Çukurova conditions, so, the highest fresh (1077.2 kg/da) and dried herba yields (492.9 kg/da) and essential oil yield (7.77 I/da) were obtained at post-flowering stages. The determined main components of its oil were ?-terpinen, p-cymol and terpineol. The contents of geraniol. p-cymol and cineol were found to be influenced by only development stages while sabinen, myrcen, borneol, terpineol, thymol and carvacrol contents were influenced by both development stages and experiment years

    Ecological and morphological variation of wild ruscus aculeatus from mediterranean region of southern turkey

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    In this study the ecological and morphological variation of Ruscus wild species from different altitude of the Mediterranean region were surveyed and identified. Ecological and morphological variations of R. aculeatus L. collected from six different regions were determined. The lowest plant height (26.4 cm), stem number (1.0) leaves number (9.3), fresh weight (2.8 g), fresh and dried rhizome (5.2 g, 2.2 g respectively) were obtained from Zorkun region (Altitude 750 m) which is deforested area, recovered by low trees population; Pinus spp. and rocky screes. No significant correlations between different regions were observed in terms of leaflet number in deep, middle and top unit and dried herb yield. Also highest fresh and dried rhizome weight (59.3 g, 30.6 g respectively) were obtained from Duzici region (Altitude 500 m) which is covered with Quercus sp., Pinus sp., Myrtus sp., Cistus sp., Erica sp. In general, morphological characters of R. aculeatus showed large scale variation in different habitat and altitudes

    A research on the using possibilitiy of the tobacco wastes of cigarette factory as fertilizer [Sigara fabrikasi tütün atiklarinin gübre olarak degerlendirilmesi]

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    In this study, possibilities of using the tobacco wastes as fertilizers, after processing in cigarette industry have been investigated. Wheat and rape seed and sesame and corn were selected as test plants for winter and summer time period, respectively. For this purpose, tobacco wastes in the different rates (0, 750, 1500, 2250 and 3000 kg/da) were applied into soil at 15 cm. depth two months ago before seeding so it provides partly decomposition of the tobacco wastes. Also another plot which is fertilized at the recommended rates for each crop was included into experiment for comparing the effects of tobacco wastes with the conventional fertilization. Also, in order to monitor the effects of preceding crop on the succeding crop, wheat and rape seed were seeded after corn and sesame, respectively. Seed yield and some botanical traits of each crop and also organic matter, available phosphorus and total nitrogen were determined in soil samples, taken from each treatment plots, referring to before seeding and after harvest. Meanwhile, crude protein in wheat and corn, crude protein and oil content in rape seed, and oil content in sesame were determined. It has been, also, investigated whether tobacco mosaic viruses have been transferred from tobacco wastes to test plants. With the application of tobacco wastes seed yields and protein rates in test plants were increased. Although tobacco wastes were contaminated with tobacco mosaic viruses, test plants had not it

    Essential oil composition of Ocimum basilicum L. at different phenological stages in semi-arid environmental conditions

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    Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is known locally as "feslegen or reyhan", belonging to the Lamiaceae family and is widely grown as an ornamental, medicinal and spice crops in the Mediterranean countries, including Turkey. Basil is cultivated in small areas like gardens. However this plant must be produced in the shape of field farming for a new crop. Cultivar, cropping season, plant ontogeny and plant part had significant effects on the yield and quality of the essential oil of O. basilicum as with other essential oil plants. The present work was undertaken with the main objective to investigate the essential oil rate and constitutents of essential oil isolated from the aerial parts of O. basilicum cultivated in Diyarbakir as affected by different development stage. The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation were analyzed by gas -chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC -MS) The yield of essential oil from different development stages varied between 1.2-1.6%, and the major components identified in essential oils are linalool, eugenol and terpinen-4-ol. The highest linalool content was obtained from flowering stage and it was observed that linalool percentages decreased in the post-flowering period, which showed an increase towards the flowering period, eugenol was rich in pre-flowering stage and the maximum amounts of terpinolen-4-ol were observed in post-flowering stage. © by PSP