173 research outputs found

    On the Inferential Zigzag and Its Activation Towards Clarifying What It Is Commonsense Reasoning

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    This paper has a twofold goal: The first is to study how the inferential zigzag can be activated, even computationally, trying to analyse what kind of reasoning consists of, where its ’mechanism’ is rooted, how it can be activated since without all this it can just seem a metaphysical idea. The second, not so deeply different - as it can be presumed at a first view - but complementary, is to explore the subject’s link with the old thought on conjectures of the 15th Century Theologist and Philosopher Nicolaus Cusanus who was the first thinker consciously and extensively using conjectures

    Cybernetics, Fuzziness and Scientific Revolutions

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    Settimo Termini ​pioneered along with Aldo de Luca the concept of fuzziness measures in the sixties. Today he is a Full Professor of Theoretical Computer Science at the University of Palermo and an affiliated researcher at the European Center for Soft Computing, Mieres (Asturias), Spain. He has directed from 2002 to 2009 the Istituto di Cibernetica "Eduardo Caianiello" of CNR (National Research Council) in Italy. Among his scientific interests, the introduction and formal development of the theory of (entropy) measures of fuzziness; an analysis in innovative terms of the notion of vague predicate as it appears and is used in Information Sciences, Cybernetics and AI. Recently he has been interested also in the connections between scientific research and economic development and the conceptual foundations of Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing. He is Fellow of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and of the Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti of Palermo. In 2015 he will be 70, and we want to celebrate his birthday with the Soft Computing community with this interview where he discusses history of Cybernetics. The interview was conducted in Italian and translated by the authors

    Testosterone and aggressiveness.

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    Aggressiveness is an ancestral behavior common to all animal species. Its neurophysiological mechanisms are similar in all vertebrates. Males are generally more aggressive than females. In this review, aggressive behavior in rodents, monkeys, and man and the role of testosterone and brain serotonin levels have been considered. Interspecifi c aggressiveness in rats has been studied considering the mouse-killing behavior; the neonatal androgenization of females increases adult mousekilling as does the administration of testosterone in adults. Intraspecifi c aggressiveness was studied by putting two or more male rats (or mice) in the same cage; the condition of subjection or dominance is infl uenced by testosterone. In monkeys, testosterone is related to aggressiveness and dominance and, during the mating season, increases in testosterone levels and aggressive attitude are observed. In men, higher testosterone levels were obtained in perpetrators of violent crimes, in men from the army with antisocial behaviors, in subjects with impulsive behaviors, alcoholics and suicidals, in athletes using steroids, and during competitions. Aggressive and dominant behavior are distinguished. Testosterone infl uences both of these, even if man is usually inclined to affi rm his power without causing physical damage. Testosterone receptors are mainly in some hypothalamic neurons, where it is aromatized into estrogens, which determine the increase in aggressiveness. A relation between testosterone levels and diencephalic serotonin has been shown: in fact, the lack of serotonin increases aggressive behaviors both in animals and man. Testosterone also increases ADH levels in the medial amygdala, lateral hypothalamus, and preoptical medial area, involved in aggressive behaviors

    ‎On the Inferential Zigzag and Its Activation Towards Clarifying What It Is Commonsense Reasoning

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    This paper has a twofold goal‎: ‎The first is to study how the inferential zigzag can be activated‎, ‎even computationally‎, ‎trying to analyse what kind of reasoning consists of‎, ‎where its 'mechanism' is rooted‎, ‎how it can be activated since without all this it can just seem a metaphysical idea‎. ‎The second‎, ‎not so deeply different‎ - ‎as it can be presumed at a first view‎ - ‎but complementary‎, ‎is to explore the subject's link with the old thought on conjectures of the 15th Century Theologist and Philosopher Nicolaus Cusanus‎ ‎who was the first thinker consciously and extensively using conjectures‎

    Myofascial Pain Syndrome, myofascial trigger points and trigger points in Veterinary Medicine: a review

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    SĂ­ndrome Dolorosa Miofascial (SDM) Ă© uma condição dolorosa relacionada aos pontos gatilhos miofasciais (PG) no mĂşsculo esquelĂ©tico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma revisĂŁo bibliográfica sobre a etiologia, fisiopatogenia, diagnĂłstico e tratamento na medicina veterinária. Foram utilizados sites de pesquisas Scientific Electronic Library, Pubmed e Medline. Os critĂ©rios de inclusĂŁo estabelecidos foram: ser escrito em inglĂŞs; no perĂ­odo de 1990 a 2018; ter as palavras chaves para busca: myofascial pain syndrome veterinary/dog/canine/cat/feline/ horse/equine, trigger points veterinary/dog/canine/cat/feline/horse/equine. ApĂłs a revisĂŁo observa-se que faltam estudos clĂ­nicos em medicina veterinária, sendo que os artigos encontrados se limitam Ă  descrição, incidĂŞncia e tĂ©cnicas pontuais em cĂŁes e equinos, nĂŁo sendo encontradas referencias em felinos.Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) a is a painful condition related to myofascial trigger points (TP) in skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to perform a literature review on the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of MPS in veterinary medicine. The research sites used for this purpose were: Scientific Electronic Library, PubMed and Medline. The inclusion criteria for the papers were: must be written in English; published between 1990 and 2018; include the following keywords: myofascial pain syndrome veterinary/dog/canine/cat/feline/horse/equine, trigger points veterinary/dog/canine/cat/feline/horse/equine. Through the review, it was observed that veterinary clinical studies are scarce, and the articles found lack information such as MPS description, incidence and specific treatment techniques in dogs and horses, and no studies in cats were found

    Verso le CittĂ  Cognitive. Un esempio di classificatore fuzzy: il bot parcheggiatore

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    Le città cognitive (Portmann, Seising e Tabacchi, 2017) sono una possibile evoluzione delle smart cities (Portmann e Fingers, 2016). Nella progettazione di una città cognitiva si tiene conto, oltre che della rete di sensori ed attuatori che contribuiscono alla condivisione dei dati, anche del rapporto tra la città ed il cittadino; a questo fine sono utilizzate una serie di tecnologie proprie della Computational Intelligence (Kacprzyk e Pedrycz, 2015), quali Metaeuristiche, Algoritmi evolutivi e genetici e metodologie Soft Computing per includere nel dialogo non solo vaste moli di dati, ma la possibilità di analisi introspettive che utilizzino come interfaccia da e verso gli utenti i linguaggi naturali e le logiche imprecise (Perticone e Tabacchi, 2016, D’Asaro et al., 2017). In questo lavoro presentiamo un esempio schematico di assistente virtuale basato sui classificatori a regole fuzzy (Magdalena, 2015), che utilizza ed integra gli open data prodotti dalla smart city con metodi linguistici per la classificazione al fine di indicare all’utente la convenienza nella scelta di un parcheggio in una realtà non conosciuta

    Recognition and behavioral assessment of acute pain in cats: literature review

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    Embora a dor seja considerada o quarto sinal vital e uma das manifestações mais comumente encontradas na prática médica veterinária dos animais domésticos, seu tratamento ainda é inadequado. A dor aguda pós-operatória tem suscitado grande interesse por seu potencial risco de cronificação caso não adequadamente tratada, podendo piorar a recuperação e a qualidade de vida do paciente. O gato é uma das espécies domésticas menos estudadas no que diz respeito ao reconhecimento e controle da dor, e algumas das dificuldades residem na avaliação e na percepção da dor. O consenso sobre os sinais comportamentais da dor nesta espécie publicado em fevereiro de 2016 considerou alguns sinais como confiáveis e sensíveis para a avaliação da dor em gatos, em toda uma gama de diferentes condições clínicas, porém afirma a necessidade da realização de estudos que analisem a sua validade e aplicabilidade clínica, especialmente em relação a diferentes intensidades de dor. Na tentativa de se quantificar a dor são utilizados vários tipos de escalas subjetivas tradicionais e outras que facilitam a avaliação da efetividade da analgesia, a partir da observação de sinais comportamentais espontâneos indicativos de dor, combinada a uma resposta qualitativa à palpação da ferida cirúrgica. Faz-se necessária a utilização de escalas específicas para o tipo de dor (aguda ou crônica) e para a espécie, de modo a minimizar a subjetividade e a parcialidade dos observadores e possibilitando uma melhor assistência ao paciente.Although pain is considered the 4th vital sign and one of the most frequently observed clinical signs in domestic animals’ clinical practice, its treatment is still inadequate despite significant improvement in the last few years. Acute post-operative pain has aroused great interest due to its potential risk of developing into chronic pain, and if not treated properly, it might worsen the recovery and the patient’s quality of life. Cats are one of the least studied species of domestic animals regarding pain recognition and control. Some of the difficulties lie in pain assessment and perception. The consensus published in February 2016 about behavioral signs of pain in cats considered some signs to be reliable and sensitive for the assessment of pain in this species in many different clinical conditions, however it still states that more studies will be necessary in order to evaluate its clinical validity and applicability, especially considering the various pain intensities. As an attempt to quantify pain intensity in cats, several types of traditional subjective scales and others that facilitate pain assessment by combining the observation of spontaneous behavioral signals of pain and qualitative response to palpation of surgical wound are used as tools. It is necessary to use specific scales for each type of pain and for each specific animal species so to minimize the subjectivity and the partiality of the observers, reducing bias and improving efficacy, thus leading to a better patient care

    Taxonomy and pathology of Togninia (Diaporthales) and its Phaeoacremonium anamorphs.

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    The genus Togninia (Diaporthales, Togniniaceae) is here monographed along with its Phaeoacremonium (Pm.) anamorphs. Ten species of Togninia and 22 species of Phaeoacremonium are treated. Several new species of Togninia (T.) are described, namely T. argentinensis (anamorph Pm. argentinense), T. austroafricana (anamorph Pm. austroafricanum), T. krajdenii, T. parasitica, T. rubrigena and T. viticola. New species of Phaeoacremonium include Pm. novae-zealandiae (teleomorph T. novae-zealandiae), Pm. iranianum, Pm. sphinctrophorum and Pm. theobromatis. Species can be identified based on their cultural and morphological characters, supported by DNA data derived from partial sequences of the actin and Ăź-tubulin genes. Phylogenies of the SSU and LSU rRNA genes were used to determine whether Togninia has more affinity with the Calosphaeriales or the Diaporthales. The results confirmed that Togninia had a higher affinity to the Diaporthales than the Calosphaeriales. Examination of type specimens revealed that T. cornicola, T. vasculosa, T. rhododendri, T. minima var. timidula and T. villosa, were not members of Togninia. The new combinations Calosphaeria cornicola, Calosphaeria rhododendri, Calosphaeria transversa, Calosphaeria tumidula, Calosphaeria vasculosa and Jattaea villosa are proposed. Species of Phaeoacremonium are known vascular plant pathogens causing wilting and dieback of woody plants. The most prominent diseases in which they are involved are Petri disease and esca, which occur on grapevines and are caused by a complex of fungi, often including multiple species of Phaeoacremonium. Various Phaeoacremonium species are opportunistic fungi on humans and cause phaeohyphomycosis. The correct and rapid identification of Phaeoacremonium species is important to facilitate the understanding of their involvement in plant as well as human disease. A rapid identification method was developed for the 22 species of Phaeacremonium. It involved the use of 23 species-specific primers, including 20 primers targeting the Ăź-tubulin gene and three targeting the actin gene. These primers can be used in 14 multiplex reactions. Additionally, a multiple-entry electronic key based on morphological, cultural and Ăź-tubulin sequence data was developed to facilitate phenotypic and sequence-based species identification of the different Phaeoacremonium species. Separate dichotomous keys are provided for the identification of the Togninia and Phaeoacremonium species. Keys for the identification of Phaeoacremonium-like fungi and the genera related to Togninia are also provided. The mating strategy of several Togninia species was investigated with ascospores obtained from fertile perithecia produced in vitro. Togninia argentinensis and T. novae-zealandiae have homothallic mating systems, whereas T. austroafricana, T. krajdenii, T. minima, T. parasitica, T. rubrigena and T. viticola were heterothallic.

    Off-label long acting injectable antipsychotics in real-world clinical practice: a cross-sectional analysis of prescriptive patterns from the STAR Network DEPOT study

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    Introduction Information on the off-label use of Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) antipsychotics in the real world is lacking. In this study, we aimed to identify the sociodemographic and clinical features of patients treated with on- vs off-label LAIs and predictors of off-label First- or Second-Generation Antipsychotic (FGA vs. SGA) LAI choice in everyday clinical practice. Method In a naturalistic national cohort of 449 patients who initiated LAI treatment in the STAR Network Depot Study, two groups were identified based on off- or on-label prescriptions. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to test several clinically relevant variables and identify those associated with the choice of FGA vs SGA prescription in the off-label group. Results SGA LAIs were more commonly prescribed in everyday practice, without significant differences in their on- and off-label use. Approximately 1 in 4 patients received an off-label prescription. In the off-label group, the most frequent diagnoses were bipolar disorder (67.5%) or any personality disorder (23.7%). FGA vs SGA LAI choice was significantly associated with BPRS thought disorder (OR = 1.22, CI95% 1.04 to 1.43, p = 0.015) and hostility/suspiciousness (OR = 0.83, CI95% 0.71 to 0.97, p = 0.017) dimensions. The likelihood of receiving an SGA LAI grew steadily with the increase of the BPRS thought disturbance score. Conversely, a preference towards prescribing an FGA was observed with higher scores at the BPRS hostility/suspiciousness subscale. Conclusion Our study is the first to identify predictors of FGA vs SGA choice in patients treated with off-label LAI antipsychotics. Demographic characteristics, i.e. age, sex, and substance/alcohol use co-morbidities did not appear to influence the choice towards FGAs or SGAs. Despite a lack of evidence, clinicians tend to favour FGA over SGA LAIs in bipolar or personality disorder patients with relevant hostility. Further research is needed to evaluate treatment adherence and clinical effectiveness of these prescriptive patterns

    The Role of Attitudes Toward Medication and Treatment Adherence in the Clinical Response to LAIs: Findings From the STAR Network Depot Study

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    Background: Long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics are efficacious in managing psychotic symptoms in people affected by severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The present study aimed to investigate whether attitude toward treatment and treatment adherence represent predictors of symptoms changes over time. Methods: The STAR Network \u201cDepot Study\u201d was a naturalistic, multicenter, observational, prospective study that enrolled people initiating a LAI without restrictions on diagnosis, clinical severity or setting. Participants from 32 Italian centers were assessed at three time points: baseline, 6-month, and 12-month follow-up. Psychopathological symptoms, attitude toward medication and treatment adherence were measured using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), the Drug Attitude Inventory (DAI-10) and the Kemp's 7-point scale, respectively. Linear mixed-effects models were used to evaluate whether attitude toward medication and treatment adherence independently predicted symptoms changes over time. Analyses were conducted on the overall sample and then stratified according to the baseline severity (BPRS < 41 or BPRS 65 41). Results: We included 461 participants of which 276 were males. The majority of participants had received a primary diagnosis of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (71.80%) and initiated a treatment with a second-generation LAI (69.63%). BPRS, DAI-10, and Kemp's scale scores improved over time. Six linear regressions\u2014conducted considering the outcome and predictors at baseline, 6-month, and 12-month follow-up independently\u2014showed that both DAI-10 and Kemp's scale negatively associated with BPRS scores at the three considered time points. Linear mixed-effects models conducted on the overall sample did not show any significant association between attitude toward medication or treatment adherence and changes in psychiatric symptoms over time. However, after stratification according to baseline severity, we found that both DAI-10 and Kemp's scale negatively predicted changes in BPRS scores at 12-month follow-up regardless of baseline severity. The association at 6-month follow-up was confirmed only in the group with moderate or severe symptoms at baseline. Conclusion: Our findings corroborate the importance of improving the quality of relationship between clinicians and patients. Shared decision making and thorough discussions about benefits and side effects may improve the outcome in patients with severe mental disorders
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