1,355 research outputs found

    Assessment of risks in conditions of provision of security of economic activities of organizations

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    The study of the evolution of the economic security of the business entity has shown that at the present stage of economic development it is important to consider the factors of influence on economic security, in particular: the effectiveness of management, personnel and financial safety, a strategic approach to the functioning of the communication system of protection, taking into account the evolution of security and active search for innovative modern domains of development of industrial organizations and increase of the responsibility of performers for the consequences of their work. This allows to reduce the risk of loss of economic safety of the business entity. It was argued that innovative conceptualization of risk as a probable threat of losses lies within the scope of activity of managers of various units and has features of probable economic and objective-subjective nature, as well as a wide range of variability of the impact on the issues of economic safety and is conditioned by the dynamic development of important societal significant economic processes at the global and national levels, which ultimately contributes to enhancement of the organization’s competitive advantages

    Direct observation of superconducting vortex clusters pinned by a periodic array of magnetic dots in ferromagnetic/superconducting hybrid structures

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    Strong pinning of superconducting flux quanta by a square array of 1 μ\mum-sized ferromagnetic dots in a magnetic-vortex state was visualized by low-temperature magnetic force microscopy (LT-MFM). A direct correlation of the superconducting flux lines with the positions of the dots was derived. The force that the MFM tip exerts on the individual vortex in the depinning process was used to estimate the spatial modulation of the pinning potential. It was found, that the superconducting vortices which are preferably located on top of the Py dots experience about 15 times stronger pinning forces as compared to the pinning force in the pure Nb film. The strong pinning exceeds the repulsive interaction between the superconducting vortices and allows the vortex clusters to be located at each dot. Our microscopic studies are consistent with global magnetoresistace measurements on these hybrid structures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantitative assessment of pinning forces and the superconducting gap in NbN thin films from complementary magnetic force microscopy and transport measurements

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    Epitaxial niobium-nitride thin films with a critical temperature of Tc=16K and a thickness of 100nm were fabricated on MgO(100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Low-temperature magnetic force microscopy (MFM) images of the supercurrent vortices were measured after field cooling in a magnetic field of 3mT at various temperatures. Temperature dependence of the penetration depth has been evaluated by a two-dimensional fitting of the vortex profiles in the monopole-monopole model. Its subsequent fit to a single s-wave gap function results in the superconducting gap amplitude Delta(0) = 2.9 meV = 2.1*kB*Tc, in perfect agreement with previous reports. The pinning force has been independently estimated from local depinning of individual vortices by lateral forces exerted by the MFM tip and from transport measurements. A good quantitative agreement between the two techniques shows that for low fields, B << Hc2, MFM is a powerful and reliable technique to probe the local variations of the pinning landscape. We also demonstrate that the monopole model can be successfully applied even for thin films with a thickness comparable to the penetration depth.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Теоретичне обґрунтування пошуку потенційних лікарських засобів, що містять біологічно активні речовини з сировини харчових рослин

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    Considering that food plants have a stable raw material base and proved harmless to the human body, the use of raw materials of food plants to create new MP is relevant and has several advantages: sufficient raw material base, meaningful efficiency and high safety level.Aim. Theoretical justification of the search for potential medicinal products based on the food plant row materials, in particular, carrot roots and parsnip roots.Materials and methods. Clinical and pharmacological analysis of the databases of scientific information (articles, monographs, abstracts of theses, etc.) was conducted from Ukraine and worldwide (NCBI, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Google Scholar, Google Academy). This information includes contain data on the search, development, preclinical research, clinical trials, application in officinal medical practice on the basis of plant-based row materials, in particular, carrot roots and parsnip roots.Results. The conducted study allowed to prove the relevnce, timeliness, expediency and prospect of search of new promising medicinal products on the basis of raw materials of food plants of the Celery genus of carrot roots and parsnip roots.Conclusion. Within the process of the study if has been justified that plants of celery genus planted carrot and planted parsnip, having powerful, affordable and cheap raw material base, are the sources of substances containing the amount of biologically active substances promising to create on their basis new drugs with cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory, nephroprotective, wound healing, reparative action, and they are prospective in terms of the introduction into medical practice for the treatment of skin lesions.Учитывая то, что пищевые растения имеют стабильную сырьевую базу и доказанную безвредность для организма человека, использование сырья пищевых растений для создания новых лекарственных средств является актуальным и имеет ряд преимуществ: достаточную сырьевую базу, значимую эффективность и высокую степень безопасности.Цель. Теоретическое обоснование поиска потенциальных лекарственных средств на основе сырья пищевых растений, в частности – корнеплодов моркови и пастернака.Материалы и методы. Клинико-фармакологическому анализу подлежали источники научной информации (статьи, монографии, авторефераты диссертаций и т.п.) из баз Украины и мира (NCBI, НБУ им В. И. Вернадского, Google Scholar, Google Академия), в которых приведены данные о поиске, разработке, доклинических исследованиях, клинических испытаниях, применении в официнальний и народной медицине лекарственных средств на основе растительного сырья, в частности - корнеплодов моркови и пастернака.Результаты. Проведенное исследование позволило доказать актуальность, своевременность, целесообразность и перспективность поиска новых лекарственных средств на основе сырья пищевых растений рода сельдерейных корнеплодов моркови и пастернака.Выводы. В процессе исследования доказано, что растения рода сельдерейных морковь посевная и пастернак посевной, имея мощную, доступную и дешевую сырьевую базу, являются источниками субстанций, содержащих сумму биологически активных веществ, перспективных для создания на их основе новых лекарственных средств с цитопротекторным, противовоспалительным, нефропротекторным , ранозаживляющим, репаративным действием и являются перспективными для внедрения в медицинскую практику с целью лечения повреждений кожи.Зважаючи на те, що харчові рослини мають стабільну сировинну базу й доказану нешкідливість для організму людини, використання сировини харчових рослин  для створення нових ЛЗ є актуальним та має низку переваг: достатню сировинну базу, значущу ефективність та високий ступінь безпечності.  Мета. Теоретичне обґрунтування пошуку потенційних лікарських засобів на основі сировини харчових  рослин, зокрема – корнеплодів моркви  та пастернака.Матеріали та методи. Клініко-фармакологічному аналізу підлягали джерела наукової інформації (статті, монографії, автореферати дисертаційних робіт та тощо) з баз України та світу (NCBI, НБУ ім В. І. Вернадського, Google Scholar, Google Академія), в яких наведені дані про пошук, розробку, доклінічні дослідження, клінічні випробування, застосування у офіцінальній та народній медицині лікарських засобів на основі рослинної сировини, зокрема – з корнеплодів моркви та пастернака.Результати. Проведене дослідження дозволило довести актуальність, своєчасність, доцільність та перспективність пошуку нових лікарських засобів на основі сировини харчових рослин роду Селерових коренеплодів моркви та пастернака.Висновки. В процесі дослідження доведено, що рослини роду Селерових морква посівна та пастернак посівний, маючи  потужну, доступну та дешеву сировинну базу, є джерелами субстанцій, що містять суму біологічно активних речовин, перспективних для створення на їх основі нових лікарських засобів з цитопротекторною, протизапальною, нефропротекторною, ранозагоювальною, репаративною дією та є перспективними для впровадження в медичну практику з метою лікування пошкоджень шкіри

    Preliminary results on growing second generation biofuel crop miscanthus X Giganteus at the polluted military site in Ukraine

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    Citation: Pidlisnyuk, V., Trögl, J., Stefanovska, T., Shapoval, P., & Erickson, L. (2016). Preliminary results on growing second generation biofuel crop miscanthus X Giganteus at the polluted military site in Ukraine. Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica, 15(1), 77-84. doi:10.1515/nbec-2016-0008The semi-field research on using second-generation biofuel crop Miscanthus x giganteus for restoration of former military site in Kamenetz-Podilsky, Ukraine was carried out during two vegetation seasons. Despite high metal pollution of soil, in particular, by Fe, Mn, Ti, and Zr, no growth inhibition was observed. The concentrations followed pattern soil > roots > stems > leaves. Accumulation of particular metals in roots was different: Fe, Mn and Ti were accumulated rather palpably after the first vegetation season and less tangible after the second one. Cu, Pb and Zn were less accumulative in both vegetation seasons, and for As and Pb the accumulative concentrations were very small. Accumulations in the aboveground parts of the plant in comparison to roots were significantly lower in case of Fe, Ti, Mn, Cu, Zn, Sr and even statistically comparable to zero in case of As, Pb and Zr. Calculated translocation ratio of metals in the plant's parts preferably indicated lack of metals' hyper accumulation. Generally, no correlations were observed between concentrations of metals in the soil and in the upper plant's parts. The research confirmed the ability of Miscanthus x giganteus to grow on the military soils predominantly contaminated by metals. © by Josef Trögl 2016

    Symmetry and disorder of the vitreous vortex lattice in an overdoped BaFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 superconductor: Indication for strong single-vortex pinning

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    The disordered flux line lattice in single crystals of the slightly overdoped aFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 (x = 0.19, Tc = 23 K) superconductor is studied by magnetization measurements, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), and magnetic force microscopy (MFM). In the whole range of magnetic fields up to 9 T, vortex pinning precludes the formation of an ordered Abrikosov lattice. Instead, a vitreous vortex phase (vortex glass) with a short-range hexagonal order is observed. Statistical processing of MFM datasets lets us directly measure its radial and angular distribution functions and extract the radial correlation length \zeta. In contrast to predictions of the collective pinning model, no increase in the correlated volume with the applied field is observed. Instead, we find that \zeta decreases as 1.3*R1 ~ H^(-1/2) over four decades of the applied magnetic field, where R1 is the radius of the first coordination shell of the vortex lattice. Such universal scaling of \zeta implies that the vortex pinning in iron arsenides remains strong even in the absence of static magnetism. This result is consistent with all the real- and reciprocal-space vortex-lattice measurements in overdoped as-grown aFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 published to date and is thus sample-independent. The failure of the collective pinning model suggests that the vortices remain in the single-vortex pinning limit even in high magnetic fields up to 9 T.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Symmetry and disorder of the vitreous vortex lattice in an overdoped BaFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 superconductor: Indication for strong single-vortex pinning

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    The disordered flux line lattice in single crystals of the slightly overdoped aFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 (x = 0.19, Tc = 23 K) superconductor is studied by magnetization measurements, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), and magnetic force microscopy (MFM). In the whole range of magnetic fields up to 9 T, vortex pinning precludes the formation of an ordered Abrikosov lattice. Instead, a vitreous vortex phase (vortex glass) with a short-range hexagonal order is observed. Statistical processing of MFM datasets lets us directly measure its radial and angular distribution functions and extract the radial correlation length \zeta. In contrast to predictions of the collective pinning model, no increase in the correlated volume with the applied field is observed. Instead, we find that \zeta decreases as 1.3*R1 ~ H^(-1/2) over four decades of the applied magnetic field, where R1 is the radius of the first coordination shell of the vortex lattice. Such universal scaling of \zeta implies that the vortex pinning in iron arsenides remains strong even in the absence of static magnetism. This result is consistent with all the real- and reciprocal-space vortex-lattice measurements in overdoped as-grown aFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 published to date and is thus sample-independent. The failure of the collective pinning model suggests that the vortices remain in the single-vortex pinning limit even in high magnetic fields up to 9 T.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Комп’ютерна графіка та фотографіка в аспекті дизайнерської діяльності

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    The use of computer graphics and photography helps to diversify the educational process, improves the quality of training of future designers, expands their technical capabilities for the artistic modeling of clothing models. The use of graphic editors in the learning process increases the professional level of students, provides positive motivation, promotes creativity and self-expression, provides ample opportunities for experimentation, greatly facilitates the work and expands opportunities to implement their own, sometimes unique creative ideas.Застосування комп’ютерної графіки та фотографіки допомагає урізноманітнити навчальний процес, підвищує якість підготовки майбутніх дизайнерів, розширює їхні технічні можливості стосовно художнього моделювання моделей одягу. Використання графічних редакторів у процесі навчання підвищує професійний рівень студентів, забезпечує позитивну мотивацію, сприяє творчості та самовираженню, забезпечує широкі можливості для експериментування, істотно полегшує роботу і розширює можливості для реалізації власних, часом унікальних творчих задумів

    Multiyear phytoremediation and dynamic of foliar metal(loid)s concentration during application of Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu to polluted soil from Bakar, Croatia

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    The multiyear cultivation of Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu (M.×giganteus) at the soils polluted by metal(loid)s were researched. The biomass parameters and concentrations of elements: Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, and Mo were determined in the plant’s organs at harvest. The same metal(loid)s were monitored in the plant’s leaves throughout three vegetation seasons. The principal component analysis and general linear model approaches were applied for statistical evaluation followed by Box-Cox transformation. The difference in the distribution of elements in the plant, the content of elements in the soil, various regime of uptake to the plant tissues, and the year of vegetation were analyzed as driving factors of the phytoremediation. The results showed that the leading promoter was the factor of the zone, which was the most essential for Ti, Fe, and Cu and the smallest for Mn. The factor of differences in soil pollution was essential for Zn and Mo, much less for As, Sr, andMn, limited for Fe, and was not seen for Ti and Cu. The factor of the interrelation effects of the zone and experiment reflected the different regime of uptake for the plant tissues was seen for two elements: more prominent for Cu and smaller for Ti. While analyzing the dynamic of foliar concentrations of the metal(loid)s during 3 years, two groups were defined. Firstly, Fe, Ni,Mn, and Sr showed stable curves with limited distribution of the plant life cycle. Secondly, As, Zn, Cu, and Mo showed different fluctuations in the curves, which can be attributed to essential influence of those elements to the plant life cycle. Further research will be focused on the application of M.×giganteus to the polluted soil in a bigger scale and comparison results of laboratory and field experiments


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    The aim of the work – to analyze the effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions to the formation of professional competencies of doctors in the organization of part-time education at the State institution “Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” (ZMAPO). The main body. It is shown, that the formation of professional competences of doctors depends on the application of different approaches to the realization of educational goals, motivation and the desire to improve their professional level. As promising direction of the raising professional education in the ZMAPO we determined the use of remote technologies, in particular, the conducting various educational models and environments, including professional Internet resources. The experience of the organization of courses of the correspondence training in postgraduate education and continuous professional development of physicians by distance methods is presented. It is emphasized, that the education of doctors based on the competent approach using remote technologies motivates participants. The aimed level of formation of professional competencies of doctors is determined. Conclusion. Organization of the part-time education, based on a competent approach, increases the motivation to self-education of doctors and promotes the application of the necessary knowledge in the field of their professional and personal development.Мета роботи – аналіз ефективності педагогічних умов формування фахових компетентностей лікарів при організації очно-заочного навчання у Державному закладі «Запорізька медична академія післядипломної освіти Міністерства охорони здоров’я України» (ДЗ «ЗМАПО МОЗ України»). Основна частина. Доведено, що формування професійних компетенцій лікарів залежить від застосування різних підходів до реалізації цілей навчання, мотивації та прагнення підвищувати свій професійний рівень. Перспективним напрямком підвищення фахової освіти у ДЗ «ЗМАПО МОЗ України» визначено застосування дистанційних технологій, зокрема при проведені різноманітних навчальних моделей із застосуванням освітнього середовища Moodle, у тому числі через фахові Internet-ресурси. Представлено досвід проведення кафедрами академії циклів очно-заочної післядипломної підготовки та безперервного професійного розвитку лікарів&nbsp; за дистанційними методами. Підкреслено, що навчання на основі компетентнісного підходу з використанням дистанційних технологій мотивує учасників. Визначено рівень сформованості фахових компетенцій лікарів. Висновок. Організація очно-заочного навчання, що ґрунтується на компетентнісному підході, підвищує мотивацію до самоосвіти лікарів та сприяє застосуванню необхідних знань у сфері їх професійного й особистісного розвитку