275 research outputs found

    Machine-learning identification of galaxies in the WISExSuperCOSMOS all-sky catalogue

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    The two currently largest all-sky photometric datasets, WISE and SuperCOSMOS, were cross-matched by Bilicki et al. (2016) (B16) to construct a novel photometric redshift catalogue on 70% of the sky. Galaxies were therein separated from stars and quasars through colour cuts, which may leave imperfections because of mixing different source types which overlap in colour space. The aim of the present work is to identify galaxies in the WISExSuperCOSMOS catalogue through an alternative approach of machine learning. This allows us to define more complex separations in the multi-colour space than possible with simple colour cuts, and should provide more reliable source classification. For the automatised classification we use the support vector machines learning algorithm, employing SDSS spectroscopic sources cross-matched with WISExSuperCOSMOS as the training and verification set. We perform a number of tests to examine the behaviour of the classifier (completeness, purity and accuracy) as a function of source apparent magnitude and Galactic latitude. We then apply the classifier to the full-sky data and analyse the resulting catalogue of candidate galaxies. We also compare thus produced dataset with the one presented in B16. The tests indicate very high accuracy, completeness and purity (>95%) of the classifier at the bright end, deteriorating for the faintest sources, but still retaining acceptable levels of 85%. No significant variation of classification quality with Galactic latitude is observed. Application of the classifier to all-sky WISExSuperCOSMOS data gives 15 million galaxies after masking problematic areas. The resulting sample is purer than the one in B16, at a price of lower completeness over the sky. The automatic classification gives a successful alternative approach to defining a reliable galaxy sample as compared to colour cuts.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Obtained catalogue will be included in the public release of the WISExSuperCOSMOS galaxy catalogue available from http://ssa.roe.ac.uk/WISExSCO

    The optimization problem of the shaped knife profiling

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    Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки процесу гарячого поділу безперервнолитої квадратної заготовки на ножицях з фасонними ножами. Відзначається доцільність проведення теоретичних досліджень розділових операцій на ножицях з використанням методу скінченних елементів (МСЕ). Метою даної роботи було визначення оптимальної форми профілювання фасонного ножа для поділу квадратної заготовки в гарячому стані шляхом математичного моделювання на базі МСЕ. Представлено методику проведення досліджень, що включали два етапи. На першому етапі використовували математичне моделювання відповідно до плану повного факторного експерименту 24 згідно виробничих умов реалізації процесу з ножами що мали значення кута розкриття ножів 90…98° та ухилу контактних поверхонь 3…11°. При обробці даних моделювання були отримані три відносних параметра, два з яких характеризують зминання (затяжка) і загин кінців розкату, і ще один – ромбічність торцевої поверхні. Для кожного з параметрів, отримані лінійні рівняння регресії як функція температури різання та розмірів заготовок, величини кута розкриття ножів та ухилу контактних поверхонь. На другому етапі дослідження вирішували оптимізаційну задачу пошуку мінімуму цільової функції – ромбічності. За результатами відзначено, що оптимальні значення профілювання ножів залежать від вимог, що висуваються до якості зрізу. Введено фактор граничного відхилення зминання і загину кінців, встановлений діапазон його значень та проаналізовано вплив на оптимальні параметри. Запропоновано величини кута розкриття ножів та ухилу контактних поверхонь, за умови мінімізації граничного відхилення зминання і загину кінців у досліджуваних діапазонах температур та розмірів заготовок. Отримано залежності параметрів профілювання ножів від граничного відхилення зминання і загину кінців заготовок після поділу. Результати роботи можуть бути рекомендовані для використання при прийнятті проектно-конструкторських і технологічних рішень в питаннях гарячого розділення безперервнолитої квадратної заготовки фасонними ножами на кут.The advantages and disadvantages of the process of separation in hot condition of billet with square shape by special profiled knives were analyzed. There is expediency of carrying out theoretical researches the separating operations by shears based on finite elements method (FEM) is noted. The purpose of the work was to determine the optimal shape for make form a profiled knife for separating a square billet in a hot state by simulating based on the FEM. A methodology of study realization consisting of two stages is presented. At the first stage, simulating was used in accordance with the plan of the full factorial experiment 24 according to the technological environment for the process implementation with knives having a knife opening angle of 90...98° and a contact surface inclination of 3...11°. At the processing the simulation results, three relative parameters were obtained. Two parameters characterize the crumpling (tightening) and bending of the billet ends, and one more – the rhomboidity of the end surface. For each of the parameters, the linear regression equations obtained as a function of cutting temperature and billet sizes, the knife opening angle and contact surface inclination. At the second stage of the study, the optimization problem of determining the minimum of the objective function – rhomboidity – was solved. According to the results, it was noted that the optimal values of the profiling of knives depend on the requirements for the quality of the cut. The factor of the maximum deviation of crumpling and bending of the ends is introduced. The range of its values is established and the influence on the optimal parameters is analyzed. The values of the knife opening angle and contact surface inclination are proposed, provided that the maximum deviation of the crumpling and bending of the ends, at the studied temperature ranges and sizes of the billets, is minimized. The dependences of the optimal parameters of the profiling of knives on the maximum deviation of the crumpling and bending of the ends of the billets after separation are obtained. Results of work can be recommended for use to get solutions in design and technology questions of hot separation square billet by profiled knife on the angle

    Do aspects of personality determine sexually responsible behaviour and contraceptive self-efficacy among adolescent females?

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between personality characteristics (Five-factor model; Costa & McCrae, 1992), contraceptive self­ efficacy (CSE; Levinson, 1986) and sociosexual orientation (SOl; Simpson & Gangestad, 1991b). Questionnaires were administered to 131 adolescent females aged between 16-18 years in secondary school classrooms. The questionnaires were used to identify individuals' personality characteristics, attitudes, alcohol use and demographic variables and their relationship with adolescents' perceived efficacy within sexual situations. Contraceptive self-efficacy was highly correlated with conscientiousness and neuroticism. The results showed those that are highly conscientious perceive that they dm and should be responsible for their sexual behaviour and act in accordance to these beliefs. Whereas, those with high level of neuroticism feel less in control of their sexual behaviour and are at high risk of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Alcohol use was found to be highly predictive of sexual behaviour, CSE, SOl and personality characteristics. Contraceptive self-efficacy appears to be an important predictor of contraception use, personality and alcohol use. Implications for sexual education programs are discussed in terms of the results of this research

    Evaluating beauty care provided by the hospital to women suffering from breast cancer: qualitative aspects

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    International audienceGOALS OF WORK: Cancer patients are offered more and more access to beauty care during their stay in the hospital. This kind of intervention has not been evaluated yet. Primary objective of our research was to determine what type of evaluation strategy to be implemented (as a supportive care with quality of life and/or medical benefits; as a service providing immediate comfort); intermediate objective was to investigate in scientific terms (psychological, sociological) the experience of beauty care by patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty patients (all users of beauty care provided by hospital, 58 female, most of them treated for breast cancer, two male, mean age 53 years) and 11 nurses and physicians, from four French cancer centres were included. We used direct observation and semi-structured interviews, conducted by a sociologist and a psychologist; different types of beauty care were concerned. RESULTS: All the interviewed patients were satisfied. Patients appreciated acquiring savoir-faire on how to use make-up and on personal image enhancement. Psychological and social well-being benefits were mentioned. The beauty care was not alleged to be reducing the side effects of the treatments, but it had helped patients to accept or bear the burden of them. Providing care beyond that which is directly curative was appreciated by the patients as a sign that they were treated as a "whole" person. CONCLUSION: The survey brings valuable clues concerning beauty care experience by cancer patients; it suggests the relevance of quantitative evaluation of the immediate and long-term effects on the quality of life

    Inflammatory cytokines and biofilm production sustain Staphylococcus aureus outgrowth and persistence: A pivotal interplay in the pathogenesis of Atopic Dermatitis

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    Individuals with Atopic dermatitis (AD) are highly susceptible to Staphylococcus aureus colonization. However, the mechanisms driving this process as well as the impact of S. aureus in AD pathogenesis are still incompletely understood. In this study, we analysed the role of biofilm in sustaining S. aureus chronic persistence and its impact on AD severity. Further we explored whether key inflammatory cytokines overexpressed in AD might provide a selective advantage to S. aureus. Results show that the strength of biofilm production by S. aureus correlated with the severity of the skin lesion, being significantly higher (P < 0.01) in patients with a more severe form of the disease as compared to those individuals with mild AD. Additionally, interleukin (IL)-β and interferon γ (IFN-γ), but not interleukin (IL)-6, induced a concentration-dependent increase of S. aureus growth. This effect was not observed with coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from the skin of AD patients. These findings indicate that inflammatory cytokines such as IL1-β and IFN-γ, can selectively promote S. aureus outgrowth, thus subverting the composition of the healthy skin microbiome. Moreover, biofilm production by S. aureus plays a relevant role in further supporting chronic colonization and disease severity, while providing an increased tolerance to antimicrobials

    Invariant higher-order variational problems II

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    Motivated by applications in computational anatomy, we consider a second-order problem in the calculus of variations on object manifolds that are acted upon by Lie groups of smooth invertible transformations. This problem leads to solution curves known as Riemannian cubics on object manifolds that are endowed with normal metrics. The prime examples of such object manifolds are the symmetric spaces. We characterize the class of cubics on object manifolds that can be lifted horizontally to cubics on the group of transformations. Conversely, we show that certain types of non-horizontal geodesics on the group of transformations project to cubics. Finally, we apply second-order Lagrange--Poincar\'e reduction to the problem of Riemannian cubics on the group of transformations. This leads to a reduced form of the equations that reveals the obstruction for the projection of a cubic on a transformation group to again be a cubic on its object manifold.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure. First version -- comments welcome

    Event-related alpha suppression in response to facial motion

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.While biological motion refers to both face and body movements, little is known about the visual perception of facial motion. We therefore examined alpha wave suppression as a reduction in power is thought to reflect visual activity, in addition to attentional reorienting and memory processes. Nineteen neurologically healthy adults were tested on their ability to discriminate between successive facial motion captures. These animations exhibited both rigid and non-rigid facial motion, as well as speech expressions. The structural and surface appearance of these facial animations did not differ, thus participants decisions were based solely on differences in facial movements. Upright, orientation-inverted and luminance-inverted facial stimuli were compared. At occipital and parieto-occipital regions, upright facial motion evoked a transient increase in alpha which was then followed by a significant reduction. This finding is discussed in terms of neural efficiency, gating mechanisms and neural synchronization. Moreover, there was no difference in the amount of alpha suppression evoked by each facial stimulus at occipital regions, suggesting early visual processing remains unaffected by manipulation paradigms. However, upright facial motion evoked greater suppression at parieto-occipital sites, and did so in the shortest latency. Increased activity within this region may reflect higher attentional reorienting to natural facial motion but also involvement of areas associated with the visual control of body effectors. © 2014 Girges et al

    Neuroanatomical Abnormalities in Violent Individuals with and without a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia

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    Several structural brain abnormalities have been associated with aggression in patients with schizophrenia. However, little is known about shared and distinct abnormalities underlying aggression in these subjects and non-psychotic violent individuals. We applied a region-of interest volumetric analysis of the amygdala, hippocampus, and thalamus bilaterally, as well as whole brain and ventricular volumes to investigate violent (n = 37) and non-violent chronic patients (n = 26) with schizophrenia, non-psychotic violent (n = 24) as well as healthy control subjects (n = 24). Shared and distinct volumetric abnormalities were probed by analysis of variance with the factors violence (non-violent versus violent) and diagnosis (non-psychotic versus psychotic), adjusted for substance abuse, age, academic achievement and negative psychotic symptoms. Patients showed elevated vCSF volume, smaller left hippocampus and smaller left thalamus volumes. This was particularly the case for non-violent individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Furthermore, patients had reduction in right thalamus size. With regard to left amygdala, we found an interaction between violence and diagnosis. More specifically, we report a double dissociation with smaller amygdala size linked to violence in non-psychotic individuals, while for psychotic patients smaller size was linked to non-violence. Importantly, the double dissociation appeared to be mostly driven by substance abuse. Overall, we found widespread morphometric abnormalities in subcortical regions in schizophrenia. No evidence for shared volumetric abnormalities in individuals with a history of violence was found. Finally, left amygdala abnormalities in non-psychotic violent individuals were largely accounted for by substance abuse. This might be an indication that the association between amygdala reduction and violence is mediated by substance abuse. Our results indicate the importance of structural abnormalities in aggressive individuals