107 research outputs found

    Analyses of femtosecond laser ablation of Ti, Zr, Hf

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    Femtosecond laser ablation of Ti, Zr and Hf has been investigated by means of in-situ plasma diagnostics. Fast plasma imaging with the aid of an intensified charged coupled device (ICCD) camera was used to characterise the plasma plume expansion on a nanosecond time scale. Time- and spaceresolved optical emission spectroscopy was employed to perform time-of-flight measurements of ions and neutral atoms. It is shown that two plasma components with different expansion velocities are generated by the ultra-short laser ablation process. The expansion behaviour of these two components has been analysed as a function of laser fluence and target material. The results are discussed in terms of mechanisms responsible for ultra-short laser ablation

    Thermoplastic deformation of silicon surfaces induced by ultrashort pulsed lasers in submelting conditions

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    A hybrid 2D theoretical model is presented to describe thermoplastic deformation effects on silicon surfaces induced by single and multiple ultrashort pulsed laser irradiation in submelting conditions. An approximation of the Boltzmann transport equation is adopted to describe the laser irradiation process. The evolution of the induced deformation field is described initially by adopting the differential equations of dynamic thermoelasticity while the onset of plastic yielding is described by the von Mise's stress. Details of the resulting picometre sized crater, produced by irradiation with a single pulse, are then discussed as a function of the imposed conditions and thresholds for the onset of plasticity are computed. Irradiation with multiple pulses leads to ripple formation of nanometre size that originates from the interference of the incident and a surface scattered wave. It is suggested that ultrafast laser induced surface modification in semiconductors is feasible in submelting conditions, and it may act as a precursor of the incubation effects observed at multiple pulse irradiation of materials surfaces.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Applied Physic

    Structure and Morphology Effects on the Optical Properties of Bimetallic Nanoparticle Films Laser Deposited on a Glass Substrate

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    International audienceMoving nanosecond laser system is used for laser-assisted thermodiffusion deposition of metallic nanoparticles from water-based colloidal solutions. The results obtained for both gold and silver nanoparticles show that film morphology strongly depends on laser scanning speed and the number of passages. We show, furthermore, the possibility of producing bimetallic Au:Ag thin films by laser irradiation of the mixed solutions. As a result of several laser scans, granular nanometric films are found to grow with a well-controlled composition, thickness, and morphology. By changing laser scanning parameters, film morphology can be varied from island structures to quasi-periodic arrays. The optical properties of the deposited structures are found to depend on the film composition, thickness, and mean separation between the particles. The transparency spectra of the deposited films are shown to be defined by their morphology

    Structure and Morphology Effects on the Optical Properties of Bimetallic Nanoparticle Films Laser Deposited on a Glass Substrate

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    Moving nanosecond laser system is used for laser-assisted thermodiffusion deposition of metallic nanoparticles from water-based colloidal solutions. The results obtained for both gold and silver nanoparticles show that film morphology strongly depends on laser scanning speed and the number of passages. We show, furthermore, the possibility of producing bimetallic Au:Ag thin films by laser irradiation of the mixed solutions. As a result of several laser scans, granular nanometric films are found to grow with a well-controlled composition, thickness, and morphology. By changing laser scanning parameters, film morphology can be varied from island structures to quasi-periodic arrays. The optical properties of the deposited structures are found to depend on the film composition, thickness, and mean separation between the particles. The transparency spectra of the deposited films are shown to be defined by their morphology

    Suppression of ablation in femtosecond double pulse experiments

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    We report the physical reasons of a curious decrease in the crater depth observed for long delays in experiments with femtosecond double pulses. Detailed hydrodynamic modeling demonstrates that the ablation mechanism is dumped when the delay between the pulses exceeds the electron-ion relaxation time. In this case, the interaction of the second laser pulse with the expanding target material leads to the formation of the second shock wave suppressing the rarefaction wave created by the first pulse. The evidence of this effect follows from the pressure and density profiles obtained at different delays after the first laser pulse.Comment: Submitted to one of the APS Journal

    Invited Article: Filamentary deposition of laser energy in glasses with Bessel beams

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    We investigate the nonlinear absorption of laser energy in the bulk of transparent dielectrics for femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses focused by a conical lens. We highlight the influence of the pulse duration, laser pulse energy, and cone angle on laser energy absorption in transparent dielectrics. We provide a semi-analytical model allowing the calculation of maps for the density of nonlinear absorption of energy in BK7 and in SiO2 as a function of the pulse duration and peak fluence in the focal region. The comparison of the density of nonlinear absorption of energy with the available energy density determines optimal pulse durations and Bessel beam cone angles compatible with uniform laser energy deposition in the Bessel zone. The results reproduce quantitatively the transmission measurements for experiments in BK7 with picosecond pulses and suggest that the loss of propagation invariance and uniform laser energy deposition is responsible for a previously reported transition between different types of damage morphology in SiO2 [M. K. Bhuyan et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 021107 (2014)].We investigate the nonlinear absorption of laser energy in the bulk of transparent dielectrics for femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses focused by a conical lens. We highlight the influence of the pulse duration, laser pulse energy, and cone angle on laser energy absorption in transparent dielectrics. We provide a semi-analytical model allowing the calculation of maps for the density of nonlinear absorption of energy in BK7 and in SiO2 as a function of the pulse duration and peak fluence in the focal region. The comparison of the density of nonlinear absorption of energy with the available energy density determines optimal pulse durations and Bessel beam cone angles compatible with uniform laser energy deposition in the Bessel zone. The results reproduce quantitatively the transmission measurements for experiments in BK7 with picosecond pulses and suggest that the loss of propagation invariance and uniform laser energy deposition is responsible for a previously reported transition between different typ..

    Laser-assisted fabrication and in vitro verification of functionalized surface for cells biointegration

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    The paper investigates how the surface relief of an implant affects cell behavior. Currently, most implant manufacturers claim the key impact biocompatibility factor to be surface micro-roughness. We suppose that the interaction between cells and implants also depends on such relief peculiarities as continuous or discontinuous topography, subcellular distance between peaks and presence of porous oxide layer. We have developed the laser processing conditions that provide three different reliefs: "open grooves", "grid" and "close grooves". Along with the micro-roughness characteristics the reliefs differ with their deepness and period of groove

    Transient optical response of ultrafast nonequilibrium excited metals: Effects of electron-electron contribution to collisional absorption

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    Approaching energy coupling in laser-irradiated metals, we point out the role of electron-electron collision as an efficient control factor for ultrafast optical absorption. The high degree of laser-induced electron-ion nonequilibrium drives a complex absorption pattern with consequences on the transient optical properties. Consequently, high electronic temperatures determine largely the collision frequency and establish a transition between absorptive regimes in solid and plasma phases. In particular, taking into account umklapp electron-electron collisions, we performed hydrodynamic simulations of the laser-matter interaction to calculate laser energy deposition during the electron-ion nonequilibrium stage and subsequent matter transformation phases. We observe strong correlations between optical and thermodynamic properties according to the experimental situations. A suitable connection between solid and plasma regimes is chosen in accordance with models that describe the behavior in extreme, asymptotic regimes. The proposed approach describes as well situations encountered in pump-probe types of experiments, where the state of matter is probed after initial excitation. Comparison with experimental measurements shows simulation results which are sufficiently accurate to interpret the observed material behavior. A numerical probe is proposed to analyze the transient optical properties of matter exposed to ultrashort pulsed laser irradiation at moderate and high intensities. Various thermodynamic states are assigned to the observed optical variation. Qualitative indications of the amount of energy coupled in the irradiated targets are obtained. Keywords: ultrafast absorption ; umklapp electron-electron collision ; collisional absorption ; laser-matter interactio