3,242 research outputs found

    Analaysis of The Effect of Relative Humidity in The Eggs Incubator

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    This study aimed to verify the effect of relative humidity during incubation ofduck eggs in the incubator on the rate of decline in egg weight, hatching day old duck weight, length and hatching eggs energy difference duck. Duck eggs taken from the poultry business in Meunasah Krueng, water fence, Lambaro, Aceh Besar. Then each egg was placed in an incubator unit in the three experimental groups, namely low humidity (57/58% RH), intermediate humidity (67/68% RH) and high humidity (71/72% RH). Incubation process done manually with temperature 38 oC incubator. Eggs were coded X and O adjacent to facilitate marking a reversal in current twice a day. Primary data retrieval from the first day until the fifteenth day by weighing the eggs and using electronic scales. Changes in egg weight reduction on the fifteenth day following (10.666%), (3.853%) and (2.859%) for the treatment of low humidity, intermediate andhigh, then the day of hatching eggs weigh hatching day old duck also showed that the weight is also affected by incubation and humidity differences by ANOVA analysis it can be concluded that the changes in egg weight reduction greatly influence the hatching duck weight difference and the difference so long incubation energy hatching day old duckling have more energy at low humidity (57/58% RH)

    Emergence of visually-evoked reward expectation signals in dopamine neurons via the superior colliculus in V1 lesioned monkeys

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    Responses of midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons reflecting expected reward from sensory cues are critical for reward-based associative learning. However, critical pathways by which reward-related visual information is relayed to DA neurons remain unclear. To address this question, we investigated Pavlovian conditioning in macaque monkeys with unilateral primary visual cortex (V1) lesions (an animal model of 'blindsight'). Anticipatory licking responses to obtain juice drops were elicited in response to visual conditioned stimuli (CS) in the affected visual field. Subsequent pharmacological inactivation of the superior colliculus (SC) suppressed the anticipatory licking. Concurrent single unit recordings indicated that DA responses reflecting the reward expectation could be recorded in the absence of V1, and that these responses were also suppressed by SC inactivation. These results indicate that the subcortical visual circuit can relay reward-predicting visual information to DA neurons and integrity of the SC is necessary for visually-elicited classically conditioned responses after V1 lesion

    Estimasi Nilai Lingkungan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Ditinjau dari Neraca Air Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Studi Kasus: Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Dayun, Kabupaten Siak, Propinsi Riau)the Estimation Of Oil Palm Plantation ...

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    Dayun area is one of the centers of oil palm plantation in Siak Regency. State-owned company that develops oil palm plantation in Dayun is PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (PTPN V) which is the first company developing oil palm plantation in Siak Regency. The oil palm plantations cause various effects to the environment; one of them is the decreasing water availability for the water stakeholders. The decreasing water availability causes additional cost to the community. The objectives of this study were to determine the decreasing of water availability which was caused by oil palm plantation, and its cost to meet the needs of water. The study used water balance model by Thornwhite 1957 and Willingness to Pays (WTP) analysis using questionaire of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) in Sawit Permai, Dayun Subdistrict, Siak Regency. The land cover, before and after, affects the water balance which impacts the water availability in Dayun. The decreasing water availability was comparable with the increasing water demand in oil palm plantation, equal to 67 mm/year. Oil palm plantation had greater runoff than that of forest. The need of water in oil palm plantation in Dayun was 42.728 liters/ha/day, with the daily need of a single palm tree equal to 0,012 m3/s. Based on the analysis of debt estimation, there is debt decreasing which indicates the decreasing water availability in Dayun, around 349 m3/s yearly. The estimated value of the environment for oil palm plantation by water resources consumption based on the difference of forest and oil palm plantation during the dry season (JJA) is equal to Rp 7.500.000. Average WTP for the water conservation program is Rp 26.400, with WTP maximum and minimum up to Rp 45.000 and Rp 5.000, respectively. The economic value of water conservation program is Rp 18.850.000/month.Dayun area is one of the centers of oil palm plantation in Siak Regency. State-owned company that develops oil palm plantation in Dayun is PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (PTPN V) which is the first company developing oil palm plantation in Siak Regency. The oil palm plantations cause various effects to the environment; one of them is the decreasing water availability for the water stakeholders. The decreasing water availability causes additional cost to the community. The objectives of this study were to determine the decreasing of water availability which was caused by oil palm plantation, and its cost to meet the needs of water. The study used water balance model by Thornwhite 1957 and Willingness to Pays (WTP) analysis using questionaire of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) in Sawit Permai, Dayun Subdistrict, Siak Regency. The land cover, before and after, affects the water balance which impacts the water availability in Dayun. The decreasing water availability was comparable with the increasing water demand in oil palm plantation, equal to 67 mm/year. Oil palm plantation had greater runoff than that of forest. The need of water in oil palm plantation in Dayun was 42.728 liters/ha/day, with the daily need of a single palm tree equal to 0,012 m3/s. Based on the analysis of debt estimation, there is debt decreasing which indicates the decreasing water availability in Dayun, around 349 m3/s yearly. The estimated value of the environment for oil palm plantation by water resources consumption based on the difference of forest and oil palm plantation during the dry season (JJA) is equal to Rp 7.500.000. Average WTP for the water conservation program is Rp 26.400, with WTP maximum and minimum up to Rp 45.000 and Rp 5.000, respectively. The economic value of water conservation program is Rp 18.850.000/month

    Bioregion heterogeneity correlates with extensive mitochondrial DNA diversity in the Namaqua rock mouse, Micaelamys namaquensis (Rodentia: Muridae) from southern Africa - evidence for a species complex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intraspecific variation within the diverse southern African murine rodents has not been extensively investigated, yet cryptic diversity is evident in several taxa studied to date. The Namaqua rock mouse, <it>Micaelamys namaquensis </it>Smith, 1834 is a widespread endemic murine rodent from the subregion. Currently, a single species with four subspecies is recognised, but in the past up to 16 subspecies were described. Thus, this species is a good candidate for the investigation of patterns and processes of diversification in a diverse but under-studied mammalian subfamily and geographic region. Here, we report genetic differentiation based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome <it>b </it>(cyt <it>b</it>) sequences among samples collected over an extensive coverage of the species' range.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cytochrome <it>b </it>sequences of 360 widely sampled individuals identified 137 unique maternal alleles. Gene tree and phylogeographic analyses of these alleles suggest the presence of at least eight lineages or haplogroups (A-H), with varying degrees of intra-lineage diversity. This differentiation is in contrast with the most recent taxonomic treatment based on cranial morphometrics which only recognised four subspecies. The mtDNA diversity strongly supports earlier views that this taxon may represent a species complex. We further show statistical support for the association of several of these lineages with particular vegetation biomes of southern Africa. The time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) dates to the Pliocene (~5 Mya) whereas coalescent-based divergence time estimates between lineages vary between 813 Kya [0.22 - 1.36] and 4.06 Mya [1.21 - 4.47]. The major diversification within lineages occurred during the Pleistocene. The identification of several regions of sympatry of distinct lineages offers future opportunities for the elucidation of the underlying speciation processes in the suggested species complex.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Similar to other African murine rodents, <it>M. namaquensis </it>radiated during the Pliocene and Pleistocene coinciding with major periods of aridification and the expansion of savanna habitats. The suggested species complex is represented by at least eight lineages of which the majority are confined to only one or a few neighbouring biomes/bioregions. Contrasting intra-lineage phylogeographic patterns suggest differences in adaptation and responses to Plio-Pleistocene climatic and vegetation changes. The role of ecological factors in driving speciation in the group needs further investigation.</p

    Sistem Pengisi dan Pengatur Tekanan Udara Ban Mobil secara Otomatis dengan Mikrokontroler

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    Sometimes to fill a tire with a air pump were made us tired. Not even to fill it up but we must check it up the tire pressure. The process of air pressure filling and control device for car tire automatically using microcontroller is the way of solution to every people to check up the tire easily. The systems can be measure maximum pressure until 50 psi then the system can be check for every change of voltage level to prove there is any leakage of tire. This system can help us more better to know our tire condition easily

    Design, Operation and Construction of a Large Rainfall Simulator for the Field Study on Acidic Barren Slope

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    The utilization of rainfall simulators has turned out to be more far reaching with the automated instrumentation and control systems. This paper portrays a rainfall simulator designed for analysis of erosion on steep (2.5H: 1V). A rainfall simulator designed to perform experiments in slope is introduced. The large scale of the apparatus allows the researcher to work in remote areas and on steep slopes. This simulator was designed to be effortlessly set up and kept up as well as able and additionally ready to create a variety of rainfall regimes. The nozzle performance tests and lateral spacing tests were performed at Research Center for Soft Soil (RECESS), which is another Research and Development (R and D) activity by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. This test system is the standard for research involving simulated rainfall. The rainfall simulator is a pressurized nozzle type simulator. It discharges uniform rainfall on a square plot 6 m wide by 6 m (19.685 ft) long. The fundamental parts of a sprinkler rainfall simulator are a nozzle, a structure in which installs the nozzle, and the connections with the water supply and the pumping system. The structure of the test system was manufactured created with four fixed hollow rectangular galvanised on which a header with 25 nozzles attached to it. The nozzles are spaced 1 m apart. Flow meters control the inflow of water from the storage tank, ensuring each nozzle has a similar release rate, regardless of the introduction of the test system. The tank that was utilized has the 200 gallons of water which is 757.08 Lit and the full with water in tank can run the artificial rainfall simulation roughly around 50 to 60 minutes. The support system is collapsible, easy to set up and maintain. The subsequent test system is conservative (under RM9,000 to build), made with industrially accessible parts, simple to set-up and maintain and highly accurate

    Desenvolvimento de um dispositivo de administração de insulina para crianças diabéticas

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    Este projeto visou o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo deadministração de insulina para crianças diabĂ©ticas que permitisse aumentar aqualidade de vida do doente atravĂ©s de um produto discreto e inovador. Assim,foi estudado o histĂłrico da doença, identificado os dispositivos existentes nomercado, levantadas as novas tecnologias no tratamento da doença e asnecessidades do utilizador. O fator motivador para o desenvolvimento desteprojeto foi dado pela inexistĂȘncia de um dispositivo de administração de insulinaexclusivo para crianças e adolescentes diabĂ©ticos. O conceito do dispositivo foibaseado em uma Ăłrtese umbilical, tornando o dispositivo imperceptĂ­vel no corpodo diabĂ©tico em sua vida diĂĄria. AlĂ©m disso, aplicação tecnolĂłgica do dispositivopermite a conexĂŁo dos dados referentes a administração de insulina viabluetooth com medidores de glicemia, telemĂłveis, smartphones e tablets


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