469 research outputs found

    Sensor capsule for diagnosis of gastric disorders

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    Motility and pH sensor capsule is developed to monitor gastric acidity, pressure, and temperature. Capsule does not interfere with digestion. Sensor is capsule which includes pH electrode, Pitran pressure transducer, and thermistor temperature sensor all potted in epoxy and enclosed in high density polyethylene sheath

    Microbial load monitor

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    A card configuration which combines the functions of identification, enumeration and antibiotic sensitivity into one card was developed. An instrument package was designed around the card to integrate the card filling, incubation reading, computation and decision making process into one compact unit. Support equipment was also designed to prepare the expandable material used in the MLM

    Using games for teaching crisis communication in higher education and training

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    © 2016 IEEE. Terror actions and catastrophes are frequently described in media. As more and more countries experience terror actions and natural disasters, there has been a greater focus on learning how to handle and to manage them. In Norway on the 22nd of July 2011, Anders Behring Breivik placed a bomb in a car that exploded near the Governmental Offices killing 8 persons. He went on to an island where there was a political camp for youths killing another 67. The rescue operations unveiled an unprepared task force. The Gjrv-report provide a massive critique towards the call out services [1]. This kicked off a major work on updating safety routines in all municipalities. The municipalities are now obliged to have a plan for crisis preparedness [2]. This again triggered the need for education within the area of crisis preparedness, crisis training and crisis management. Hedmark University of Applied Science now offers different study programs, including a BA within these areas. It is, however, very expensive to train realistically and the need for different approaches regarding training has been discussed. One of the solutions that the University is currently working on, is the use of games. Game based learning, also called 'serious games', has become an academic genre and using games for learning and training has proven fruitful [3-12]. In the military, games have been used for simulation purposes [13] and spin offs from these have also reached a commercial market [14, 15]. Using games in education opens up a range of opportunities. One of them is within the area of Crisis Communication. Crisis Communication as a curriculum is about how to approach the area of crisis communication, understanding the key concepts and develop skills within the curriculum. Games that support communication between the gamers can for instance contribute towards a greater understanding of communication in a crisis situation. What is needed to communicate and how messages are received, in order to support handling a crisis, are amongst the concrete learning objectives one can attribute towards this type of training. To use games to support the hands on training can thus provide the learners with valuable know how, and support their learning outcome. The learning from this will be beneficial to the organizations they work in as they will have an experience that will aid them in the work on planning for and preparing for crisis in their own organizations

    Rapid modification of the bone microenvironment following short-term treatment with Cabozantinib in vivo

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    Introduction: Bone metastasis remains incurable with treatment restricted to palliative care. Cabozantinib (CBZ) is targeted against multiple receptor tyrosine kinases involved in tumour pathobiology, including hepatocyte growth factor receptor (MET) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR-2). CBZ has demonstrated clinical activity in advanced prostate cancer with resolution of lesions visible on bone scans, implicating a potential role of the bone microenvironment as a mediator of CBZ effects. We characterised the effects of short-term administration of CBZ on bone in a range of in vivo models to determine how CBZ affects bone in the absence of tumour. Methods: Studies were performed in a variety of in vivo models including male and female BALB/c nude mice (age 6– 17-weeks). Animals received CBZ (30 mg/kg, 5× weekly) or sterile H2O control for 5 or 10 days. Effects on bone integrity (μCT), bone cell activity (PINP, TRAP ELISA), osteoblast and osteoclast number/mm trabecular bone surface, area of epiphyseal growth plate cartilage, megakaryocyte numbers and bone marrow composition were assessed. Effects of longer-term treatment (15-day & 6-week administration) were assessed in male NOD/SCID and beige SCID mice. Results: CBZ treatment had significant effects on the bone microenvironment, including reduced osteoclast and increased osteoblast numbers compared to control. Trabecular bone structure was altered after 8 administrations. A significant elongation of the epiphyseal growth plate, in particular the hypertrophic chondrocyte zone, was observed in all CBZ treated animals irrespective of administration schedule. Both male and female BALB/c nude mice had increased megakaryocyte numbers/mm2 tissue after 10-day CBZ treatment, in addition to vascular ectasia, reduced bone marrow cellularity and extravasation of red blood cells into the extra-vascular bone marrow. All CBZinduced effects were transient and rapidly lost following cessation of treatment. Conclusion: Short-term administration of CBZ induces rapid, reversible effects on the bone microenvironmentin vivo highlighting a potential role in mediating treatment responses

    Have medical students’ attitudes towards clinical communication skills changed over a 12- year period? A comparative long-term study

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    Background Attitudes towards learning clinical communication skills at the end of medical school are likely to reflect the students’ training and motivation for the continued development of their skills as doctors. Students from two Norwegian medical schools, one with a traditional, and the other with an integrated curriculum, were approached in 2003 and 2015; with regard to changes in students’ attitudes towards acquiring communication skills in two diverse learning environments. This comparison might reveal the effects of the training programs from a long-term perspective, as neither of the medical schools made any major curriculum changes within the study period. Methods The samples comprised final-year medical students. Two separate cross-sectional surveys performed 12 years apart (2003 and 2015) used items from the Communication Skills Attitude Scale in addition to age and gender. The traditional curriculum included only theoretical teaching and no contact with patients was made during the first 2 to 2.5 years of medical school. However, the integrated curriculum combined training in theoretical and clinical communication skills with early patient contact from the beginning. Results Attitudes improved from the first to the second survey at both schools, however, students from the integrated school reported more positive attitudes than those from the traditional school. Female students from the integrated school contributed the most to the difference in attitudes in both surveys. Conclusions Students in both traditional and integrated curricula improved their attitudes from the first to the second assessment. However, compared with the traditional curriculum, the integrated one fostered even higher levels of positive attitudes towards acquiring communication skills, and a pronounced influence was observed on female students. These findings suggest that an educational program with greater emphasis on improving attitudes among male students may be required.publishedVersio

    Process and apparatus for analyzing specimens for the presence of microorganisms therein

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    Microorganisms in a specimen are detected, identified, and enumerated by introducing the specimen into a sampling cartridge and diluting the specimen with a known volume of water within the cartridge. The cartridge has a manifold and several cassettes attached to the manifold. Each cassette contains a serpentine flow channel having a series of filters therein and a detection cell located downstream from each filter. The flow channel in each cassette also contains a culture medium which is freeze dried and is highly selective in the sense that it promotes the growth of one type of microorganism, but not others. The mixture of the specimen and water flows from the manifold into the flow channel of each cassette where it rehydrates the culture medium therein and further flows through the filters. Each filter removes a known proportion of the microorganisms from the mixture of specimen, water and medium, thereby effecting a serial dilution. After the cassettes are heated to incubate the microoganisms, the detection cells are observed for growth of the microorganisms therein which is manifested in a change in the light transmitting characteristics of the mixtures within the cells

    Modifying the osteoblastic niche with zoledronic acid in vivo - potential implications for breast cancer bone metastasis

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    INTRODUCTION: Bone metastasis is the most common complication of advanced breast cancer. The associated cancer-induced bone disease is treated with bone-sparing agents like zoledronic acid. Clinical trials have shown that zoledronic acid also reduces breast cancer recurrence in bone; potentially by modifying the bone microenvironment surrounding disseminated tumour cells. We have characterised the early effects of zoledronic acid on key cell types of the metastatic niche in vivo, and investigated how these modify the location of breast tumour cells homing to bone. METHODS: Female mice were treated with a single, clinically achievable dose of zoledronic acid (100μg/kg) or PBS. Bone integrity, osteoclast and osteoblast activity and number/mm trabecular bone on 1, 3, 5 and 10days after treatment were assessed using μCT, ELISA (TRAP, PINP) and bone histomorphometry, respectively. The effect of zoledronic acid on osteoblasts was validated in genetically engineered mice with GFP-positive osteoblastic cells. The effects on growth plate cartilage were visualised by toluidine blue staining. For tumour studies, mice were injected i.c. with DID-labelled MDA-MB-231-NW1-luc2 breast cancer cells 5days after zoledronic acid treatment, followed by assessment of tumour cell homing to bone and soft tissues by multiphoton microscopy, flow cytometry and ex vivo cultures. RESULTS: As early as 3days after treatment, animals receiving zoledronic acid had significantly increased trabecular bone volume vs. control. This rapid bone effect was reflected in a significant reduction in osteoclast and osteoblast number/mm trabecular bone and reduced bone marker serum levels (day 3-5). These results were confirmed in mice expressing GFP in osteoblastic linage cells. Pre-treatment with zoledronic acid caused accumulation of an extra-cellular matrix in the growth plate associated with a trend towards preferential [1] homing of tumour cells to osteoblast-rich areas of bone, but without affecting the total number of tumour cells. The number of circulating tumour cells was reduced in ZOL treated animals. CONCLUSION: A single dose of zoledronic acid caused significant changes in the bone area suggested to contain the metastatic niche. Tumour cells arriving in this modified bone microenvironment appeared to preferentially locate to osteoblast-rich areas, supporting that osteoblasts may be key components of the bone metastasis niche and therefore a potential therapeutic target in breast cancer.Marie-Therese Haider, Ingunn Holen, T. Neil Dear, Keith Hunter, Hannah K. Brow

    Reduced levels of Ago2 expression result in increased siRNA competition in mammalian cells

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    Administration of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) leads to degradation of specific mRNAs utilizing the cellular RNA interference (RNAi) machinery. It has been demonstrated that co-administration of siRNAs may lead to attenuation of activity of one of the siRNAs. Utilizing antisense and siRNA-mediated RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) gene reduction we show that siRNA competition is correlated with differences in the cellular expression levels of Ago2, while levels of other RISC proteins have no effect on competition. We also show that under certain conditions siRNA competition rather than reduction of cellular RISC levels may be responsible for apparent reduction in siRNA activity. Furthermore, exploiting siRNA competition, we show that the RISC pathway loads and results in detectable cleavage of the target RNA in ∼2 h after transfection. The RISC pathway is also capable of being reloaded even in the absence of new protein synthesis. RISC reloading and subsequent induction of detectable cleavage of a new target RNA, requires about 9–12 h following the initial transfection

    Modeling recursive RNA interference.

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    An important application of the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway is its use as a small RNA-based regulatory system commonly exploited to suppress expression of target genes to test their function in vivo. In several published experiments, RNAi has been used to inactivate components of the RNAi pathway itself, a procedure termed recursive RNAi in this report. The theoretical basis of recursive RNAi is unclear since the procedure could potentially be self-defeating, and in practice the effectiveness of recursive RNAi in published experiments is highly variable. A mathematical model for recursive RNAi was developed and used to investigate the range of conditions under which the procedure should be effective. The model predicts that the effectiveness of recursive RNAi is strongly dependent on the efficacy of RNAi at knocking down target gene expression. This efficacy is known to vary highly between different cell types, and comparison of the model predictions to published experimental data suggests that variation in RNAi efficacy may be the main cause of discrepancies between published recursive RNAi experiments in different organisms. The model suggests potential ways to optimize the effectiveness of recursive RNAi both for screening of RNAi components as well as for improved temporal control of gene expression in switch off-switch on experiments
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