17 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Generatif Berbantu Simulasi Physics Education Technology (Phet) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    The research aimed to find out the results of student learning, teacher and student activities, teachers 'skills in managing learning, and students' response to the use of Generative Learning Model simulations PhET assisted in the learning process. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach in the form of classroom action research (PTK). The research data was sourced from the students of class XI-MIA 3 SMAN 12 Banda Aceh the school year 2015/2016 totaling 29 students, 9 male students and 20 female students. Data collection instruments used in this study is the observation sheets, sheets of test in the form of pre-test and post-test at the beginning of the end of learning, and student feedback questionnaire sheets were analyzed using analysis of all three percentages. The result showed that (1) An increase in the activities of teachers and students during the learning process in each cycle, (2) There was an increase in the skills of teachers in managing learning in each cycle of the medium category to be very good, (3) The percentage of classical completeness overall well increase of 62%, 72% and 93%, and (4) the students tend to be positive where 86% of students said he was happy to learning by using model-assisted simulation generative this PhET. Based on data obtained from this study can be concluded that the application of the generative learning model-assisted simulation PhET on the material elasticity and Hooke's Law can improve learning outcomes of students of class XI-MIA 3 at SMAN 12 Banda Aceh in terms of both individual and classical completeness completeness

    Using 18O/2H, 3H/3He, 85Kr and CFCs to determine mean residence times and water origin in the Grazer and Leibnitzer Feld groundwater bodies (Austria)

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    Two groundwater bodies, Grazer Feld and Leibnitzer Feld, with surface areas of 166 and 103 km2 respectively are characterised for the first time by measuring the combination of δ18O/δ2H, 3H/3He, 85Kr, CFC-11, CFC-12 and hydrochemistry in 34 monitoring wells in 2009/2010. The timescales of groundwater recharge have been characterised by 131 δ18O measurements of well and surface water sampled on a seasonal basis. Most monitoring wells show a seasonal variation or indicate variable contributions of the main river Mur (0–30%, max. 70%) and/or other rivers having their recharge areas in higher altitudes. Combined δ18O/δ2H-measurements indicate that 65–75% of groundwater recharge in the unusual wet year of 2009 was from precipitation in the summer based on values from the Graz meteorological station. Monitoring wells downstream of gravel pit lakes show a clear evaporation trend. A boron–nitrate differentiation plot shows more frequent boron-rich water in the more urbanised Grazer Feld and more frequent nitrate-rich water in the more agricultural used Leibnitzer Feld indicating that a some of the nitrate load in the Grazer Feld comes from urban sewer water. Several lumped parameter models based on tritium input data from Graz and monthly data from the river Mur (Spielfeld) since 1977 yield a Mean Residence Time (MRT) for the Mur-water itself between 3 and 4 years in this area. Data from δ18O, 3H/3He measurements at the Wagna lysimeter station supports the conclusion that 90% of the groundwaters in the Grazer Feld and 73% in the Leibnitzer Feld have MRTs of 20 m) with relative thicker unsaturated zones. The young MRT of groundwater from two monitoring wells in the Leibnitzer Feld was confirmed by 85Kr-measurements. Most CFC-11 and CFC-12 concentrations in the groundwater exceed the equilibration concentrations of modern concentrations in water and are therefore unsuitable for dating purposes. An enrichment factor up to 100 compared to atmospheric equilibrium concentrations and the obvious correlation of CFC-12 with SO4, Na, Cl and B in the ground waters of the Grazer Feld suggest that waste water in contact with CFC-containing material above and below ground is the source for the contamination. The dominance of very young groundwater (<5 years) indicates a recent origin of the contamination by nitrate and many other components observed in parts of the groundwater bodies. Rapid measures to reduce those sources are needed to mitigate against further deterioration of these waters

    Deletion of PEA-15 in mice is associated with specific impairments of spatial learning abilities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>PEA-15 is a phosphoprotein that binds and regulates ERK MAP kinase and RSK2 and is highly expressed throughout the brain. PEA-15 alters c-Fos and CREB-mediated transcription as a result of these interactions. To determine if PEA-15 contributes to the function of the nervous system we tested mice lacking PEA-15 in a series of experiments designed to measure learning, sensory/motor function, and stress reactivity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report that PEA-15 null mice exhibited impaired learning in three distinct spatial tasks, while they exhibited normal fear conditioning, passive avoidance, egocentric navigation, and odor discrimination. PEA-15 null mice also had deficient forepaw strength and in limited instances, heightened stress reactivity and/or anxiety. However, these non-cognitive variables did not appear to account for the observed spatial learning impairments. The null mice maintained normal weight, pain sensitivity, and coordination when compared to wild type controls.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We found that PEA-15 null mice have spatial learning disabilities that are similar to those of mice where ERK or RSK2 function is impaired. We suggest PEA-15 may be an essential regulator of ERK-dependent spatial learning.</p

    Analisis Integritas Pengayaan Ruang sebagai Performa Tampilan Rumah Limas Palembang

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    Tipologi rumah Limas Palembang sangat beragam, tergantung jumlah, jenis, dan fungsi ruang pada tiap rumah Limas—yang mana tiap ruangan ini lantainya berjenjang sehingga berpengaruh pada derajat kecuraman atap Limasannya. Karakter form follows function ini menjadi integritas tersendiri bagi rumah Limas Palembang, menjadikannya berbeda dari rumah-rumah tradisional Indonesia yang lain. Hal ini yang dirasa penulis masih belum diperhatikan oleh banyak kalangan. Keberagaman tipologi ini di sisi lain menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyulitkan pelestarian rumah Limas, karena tidak ada patokan atau standar baku proses desain tampilannya. Sementara rumah kebanggaan Sumatera Selatan ini sudah hampir punah, beberapa yang otentik yang tersisa sudah di ambang kerusakan pula—tidak adanya standar baku tadi turut menyulitkan proses renovasinya. Tujuan penelitian adalah menunjukkan keberagaman tampilan rumah Limas Palembang yang merupakan performa dari integritas pengayaan ruangnya. Hasil analisis berupa identifikasi dan data keragaman tipologi rumah Limas ini diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi salah satu standar baku untuk membantu proses pelestariannya (renovasi, pembangunan ulang, ataupun pembangunan baru). Melalui survei, pemotretan, sketsa, pengukuran, dan penggambaran ulang serta mengusung metode deskriptif-komparatif, dari tiga sampel representatif rumah Limas di tiga lokasi: Lorong Firma, 11 Ulu, dan Tangga Buntung dapat dilihat korelasi yang kuat antara integritas pengayaan ruang dan performa tampilannya

    Popular culture and public debate: London 1780

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