9,957 research outputs found

    The Orbital Light Curve of Aquila X-1

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    We obtained R- and I-band CCD photometry of the soft X-ray transient/neutron- star binary Aql X-1 in 1998 June while it was at quiescence. We find that its light curve is dominated by ellipsoidal variations, although the ellipsoidal variations are severely distorted and have unequal maxima. After we correct for the contaminating flux from a field star located only 0.46" away, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the modulation is ~0.25 mag in the R band, which requires the orbital inclination to be greater than 36 degrees. The orbital period we measure is consistent with the 18.95 h period measured by Chevalier & Ilovaisky (1998). During its outbursts the light curve of Aql X-1 becomes single humped. The outburst light curve observed by Garcia et al. (1999) agrees in phase with our quiescent light curve. We show that the single humped variation is caused by a ``reflection effect,'' that is, by heating of the side of the secondary star facing towards the neutron star.Comment: 18 manuscript pages, 7 figures; accepted by A

    The Motor and the Highway in Modern Traffic

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    Chandra Observations of SN 2004et and the X-ray Emission of Type IIp Supernovae

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    We report the X-ray detection of the Type II-plateau supernova SN 2004et in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946, using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. The position of the X-ray source was found to agree with the optical position within ~0.4 arcsec. Chandra also surveyed the region before the 2004 event, finding no X-ray emission at the location of the progenitor. For the post-explosion observations, a total of 202, 151, and 158 photons were detected in three pointings, each ~29 ks in length, on 2004 October 22, November 6, and December 3, respectively. The spectrum of the first observation is best fit by a thermal model with a temperature of kT=1.3 keV and a line-of-sight absorption of N_H=1.0 x 10^{22} cm^{-2}. The inferred unabsorbed luminosity (0.4-8 keV) is ~4x10^{38} erg/s, adopting a distance of 5.5 Mpc. A comparison between hard and soft counts on the first and third epochs indicates a softening over this time, although there is an insufficient number of photons to constrain the variation of temperature and absorption by spectral fitting. We model the emission as arising from the reverse shock region in the interaction between the supernova ejecta and the progenitor wind. For a Type IIP supernova with an extended progenitor, the cool shell formed at the time of shock wave breakout from the star can affect the initial evolution of the interaction shell and the absorption of radiation from the reverse shock. The observed spectral softening might be due to decreasing shell absorption. We find a pre-supernova mass loss rate of (2-2.5)x 10^{-6} M_{\odot} /yr for a wind velocity of 10 kms, which is in line with expectations for a Type IIP supernova.Comment: total 19 pages including 7 figures. ApJ, in press. See http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/rho/preprint/SN2004etms.ps for the paper including full resolution image

    Correlated Timing and Spectral Variations of the Soft X-ray Transient Aquila X-1: Evidence for an Atoll classification

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    Based on Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer data, we discuss the classification of the soft X-ray transient Aquila X-1 in the Z/atoll scheme, and the relation of its kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPO) properties to the X-ray colors. The color-color diagram shows one elongated ("banana") structure and several "islands" of data points. The power spectra of the island are best represented by a broken power-law, whereas those of the banana by a power-law below ~ 1 Hz plus an exponentially cut-off component at intermediate frequencies (30-60 Hz). The parameters of these two components change in correlation with the position of the source in the color-color diagram. Based on the pattern that the source shows in the color-color diagram and its aperiodic variability we conclude that Aquila X-1 is an atoll source. We have also investigated the possible correlation between the frequency of the kHz QPO and the position of the source in the color-color diagram. The complexity seen in the frequency versus count rate diagram is reduced to a single track when the frequency is plotted against hard or soft color.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Aql X-1 in Outburst and Quiescence

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    We present photometry and spectroscopy of the soft x-ray transient Aql X-1. Optical photometry during an active state shows a strong (0.6 mag peak-to-peak) modulation at a period of 19 hours. Infrared (K'-band) photometry during a quiescent state limits any ellipsoidal variations to <0.07 mag (peak-to-peak), which implies an inclination i<31 (90% limit). Spectroscopy in a quiescent state shows at most very small radial velocity variations, which implies a very low inclination of i<12 (90% limit). The low inclination is rather unexpected given the large photometric modulation seen in the active state. The upper limit to the equivalent width of the anomalous Li 6707A line is <0.3A, which is similar to the measured strength of this line in several other x-ray transients.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 12 pages, 5 figure

    Modeling the Radio and X-ray Emission of SN 1993J and SN 2002ap

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    Modeling of radio and X-ray observations of supernovae interacting with their circumstellar media are discussed, with special application to SN 1993J and SN 2002ap. We emphasize the importance of including all relevant physical mechanisms, especially for the modeling of the radio light curves. The different conclusions for the absorption mechanism (free-free or synchrotron self-absorption), as well as departures from an ρr2\rho \propto r^{-2} CSM, as inferred by some authors, are discussed in detail. We conclude that the evidence for a variation in the mass loss rate with time is very weak. The results regarding the efficiencies of magnetic field generation and relativistic particle acceleration are summarized.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Uses svmult.cls. To appear in proceedings of IAU Colloquium 192 "Supernovae (10 years of SN 1993J)", April 2003, Valencia, Spain, eds. J. M. Marcaide and K. W. Weile

    X-ray emission from radiative shocks in Type II supernovae

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    The X-ray emission from the circumstellar interaction in Type II supernovae with a dense circumstellar medium is calculated. In Type IIL and Type IIn supernovae mass loss rates are generally high enough for the region behind the reverse shock to be radiative, producing strong radiation, particularly in X-rays. We present a model for the emission from the cooling region in the case of a radiative reverse shock. Under the assumption of a stationary flow, a hydrodynamic model is combined with time dependent ionization balance and multilevel calculations. The applicability of the steady state approximation is discussed for various values of the ejecta density gradient and different sets of chemical composition. We show how the emerging spectrum depends strongly on the reverse shock velocity and the composition of the shocked gas. We discuss differences between a spectrum produced by this model and a single-temperature spectrum. Large differences for especially the line emission are found, which seriously can affect abundance estimates. We also illustrate the effects of absorption in the cool shocked ejecta. The applicability of our model for various types of supernovae is discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    On the mass of the neutron star in V395 Car/2S 0921-630

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    We report high-resolution optical spectroscopy of the low-mass X-ray binary V395 Car/2S 0921-630 obtained with the MIKE echelle spectrograph on the Magellan-Clay telescope. Our spectra are obtained near superior conjunction of the mass donor star and we exploit the absorption lines originating from the back-side of the K-type object to accurately derive its rotational velocity. Using K0-K1 III templates, we find vsini=32.9 +/- 0.8 km/s. We show that the choice of template star and the assumed limb darkening coefficient has little impact on the derived rotational velocity. This value is a significant revision downwards compared to previously published values. We derive new system parameter constraints in the light of our much lower rotational velocity. We find M_1=1.44 +/- 0.10 Msun, M_2=0.35 +/- 0.03 Msun, and q=0.24 +/- 0.02 where the errors have been estimated through a Monte-Carlo simulation. A possible remaining systematic effect is the fact that we may be over-estimating the orbital velocity of the mass donor due to irradiation effects. However, any correction for this effect will only reduce the compact object mass further, down to a minimum mass of M_1=1.05 +/- 0.08 Msun. There is thus strong evidence that the compact object in this binary is a neutron star of rather typical mass and that the previously reported mass values of 2-4Msun were too high due to an over-estimate of the rotational broadening.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    HST/STIS UV Spectroscopy of Two Quiescent X-ray Novae: A0620-00 and Centaurus X-4

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    In 1998 we made UV spectroscopic observations with HST/STIS of A0620-00 and Cen X-4, which are two X-ray novae (aka soft X-ray transients). These binary systems are similar in all respects except that the former contains a black hole and the latter contains a neutron star. A UV spectrum (1700-3100A) is presented for the quiescent state of each system in the context of previously published UV/optical and X-ray data. The non-stellar, continuum spectrum of black hole A0620-00 has a prominent UV/optical peak centered at about 3500A. In contrast the spectrum of neutron-star Cen X-4 lacks a peak and rises steadily with frequency over the entire UV/optical band. In the optical, the two systems are comparably luminous. However, black hole A0620-00 is about 6 times less luminous at 1700A, and about 40 times less luminous in the X-ray band. The broadband spectrum of A0620-00 is discussed in terms of the advection-dominated accretion flow model.Comment: 18 pages including 4 figures; tentatively scheduled for the March 10, 2000 issue of ApJ; minor revision