62 research outputs found

    Utilization of thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria isolates and Trichoderma harzianum fungi on rice strow composting

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    The thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria are potential organisms for applications such as in decomposition of organic materials and enzyme technology. One potential organic materials which is very abundant in Indonesia is rice straw, which have not been optimally utilized. The problem is, the compostingprocess of straw in nature is used to take along time, so it needs to add effective decomposer microoroganisms which can adapt on compost termperature rise. The aims of this research were to isolated and selected thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria and Trichoderma harzianum and tested the isolates on rice straw composting. This research is executed in laboratory in faculty of agriculture, University of Alwashliyah Medan. Twenty thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria were isolated from several process composting of rice strawand corn waste at high temperature, from peat land and sidebu-debu hot spring, while Trichoderma harzianum fungi that used in this research was already got from previous research. Cellulolytic activity was determined by ability of bacteria and fungi to degrade carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) substrate. Cellulolytic microorganisms was selected based on clear zone which form surrounding the colonies. Cellulase activity was measured by dinitrosalisilic acid (DNS) method. Results showed that there were 5 isolates (JG12, JG9,JG7 JR2, SD1) showing the best ability to degrade CMC. JG12 isolate had the higest diameter ratio of clear zone and enzyme activity ( 2,6 and 5,07 x 10-3 U/mL), while T. Harzianum had ratio of clear zone 1,22 and enzyme activity 4,02 x 10-3 U/mL).Then the selected bacteria and T. Harzianum were test on rice straw composting. This selection was used complete block Random Design Factorial, which consist of bacteria isolates as the first factor (S0=control, S1= Straw+JG7, S2=Straw+JR2, S3=Straw+JG9, S4=Straw+JG12, S5=Straw+SD1) and T. Harzianum as the second factor( T0=control, T1=Straw+T. harzianum). The result of this research are the highest decreasing of ratio C/N is caused by the treatment combination S4T1 which is consist of JG12 bacteria isolate that isolated from corn waste composting and Trichoderma harzianum (C/N = 17,16)

    Hearing problems in patients with hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background: Gelsolin amyloidosis (AGel amyloidosis) is a hereditary form of systemic amyloidosis featuring ophthalmological, neurological and cutaneous symptoms. Previous studies based mainly on patients’ self-reporting have indicated that hearing impairment might also be related to the disease, considering the progressive cranial neuropathy characteristic for AGel amyloidosis. In order to deepen the knowledge of possible AGel amyloidosis-related hearing problems, a clinical study consisting of the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) questionnaire, clinical examination, automated pure-tone audiometry and a speech-in-noise test was designed. Results: Of the total 46 patients included in the study, eighteen (39%) had self-reported hearing loss. The mean scores in the SSQ were 8.2, 8.3 and 8.6 for the Speech, Spatial and Qualities subscales, respectively. In audiometry, the mean pure tone average (PTA) was 17.1 (SD 12.2) and 17.1 (SD 12.3) dB HL for the right and left ears, respectively, with no difference to gender- and age-matched, otologically normal reference values. The average speech reception threshold in noise (SRT) was − 8.2 (SD 1.5) and − 8.0 (SD 1.7) dB SNR for the right and left ears, respectively, which did not differ from a control group with a comparable range in PTA thresholds. Conclusion: Although a significant proportion of AGel amyloidosis patients experience subjective difficulties in hearing there seems to be no peripheral or central hearing impairment at least in patients up to the age of 60 years.Peer reviewe

    Correlation of rheological properties of barley and malt quality

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi fizikalno-kemijska svojstva različitih sorti ozimog ječma te slada dobivenog od različitih sorti ozimog ječma. U istraživanju je korišteno 18 uzoraka ozimog ječma žetve iz 2014. godine. Analiziran je kemijski sastav uzoraka ječma (udio vode, škroba i proteina) te viskozitet ječmenog brašna Mikro Visko-amilografom. Sladu su analizirana fizikalna (ekstrakt, friabilnost i viskozitet) te kemijska svojstva (Kolbach indeks, udio vode te ukupnih i topljivih proteina). Rezultati su pokazali da su svi uzorci ozimog ječma imali približno jednaka kemijska svojstva. Kemijski sastav slada se nije značajno razlikovao za sve uzorke slada dobivenog od različitih sorti ozimog ječma. Udio ekstrakta najvažniji je pokazatelj kvalitete slada,a u sladu od svih sorti ozimog ječma bio je niži od donje granice kvalitete. Kolbachov indeks je također bio nešto niži od uobičajenog. Najvišu temperaturu želatinizacije imala je sorta Vanessa, a najnižu sorta Zlatko. Sorta ječma Gordon imala je najviše, a sorta Vanessa najniže vrijednosti viskoznosti paste, vrijednost setback i vrijednost kidanja, nastale nakon želatinizacije, pri svim uvjetima mjerenja.The aim of this study was to determine the physical and chemical properties of the different varieties of winter barley and malt obtained from different varieties of winter barley. The study used 18 samples of winter barley harvested in 2014. The chemical composition (water content, starch and protein), and the viscosity of barley samples by Micro Visco- amylograph were analyzed. In addition, physical (extract, Friability and viscosity) and chemical properties (Kolbach index, water content and total and soluble protein content) of the malt were determined. The results showed that all the samples of winter barley had similar chemical properties. The chemical composition of the malt was not significantly different for all malt samples obtained from different varieties of winter barley. The share of the extract is the most important indicator of the quality of malt, and malt of all varieties of winter barley was lower than the lowest limit of quality. Kolbach's index was also slightly lower than normal. The highest temperature of gelatinization had variety Vanessa, and the lowest variety Zlatko. The variety of barley Gordon had the highest and variety Vanessa the lowest values of viscosity, the setback and the breakdown after gelatinization, in all measurement conditions

    Isolation, Screening and Molecular Cloning Studies of Xylanase Producing Bacillus Pumilus Strains

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    Cellulosic plant materials are an excellent source of hemicellulolytic microorganisms. Five strains of Bacillus pumilus PJ19, P2, K52A, K51 and K5B, two strains of B. subtilis B2 and PJ18 and one Cellulomonas sp. which produced endoxylanase (1,4-B-D-xylan xylanohydrolase, EC have been isolated locally from plant materials. B. pumilus PJ19 produced the highest xylanase activity when grown in shake flask in yeast tryptone broth (YIB) at 200 rpm, 37°C which yielded activity of 265 U/ml. The enzyme was induced in Dubois media by the addition of xylan as carbon source and was repressed by xylose, glucose, fructose, maltose and sucrose. B. pumilus strain PJ19 and K5B showed maximum enzyme activity when grown in YIB (PH 7.2), 37°C after 36 hours, P2 (28 hours), while K51 and K52A after 32 hours incubation. The xylanase from B. pumilus PJ19 was purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulphate precipitation and gel filtration of CM-Sepharose and Sephacryl S-200. The molecular weight of the purified xylanase was estimated to be 23,000 D by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 22,SIS D by mass spectrometry. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was 9.3. The optimum pH and temperature for hydrolysis of oat spelt xylan were 6.5 and 60°C, respectively. The enzyme was stable at a pH range of 7.5 to 8.5 and at a temperature of up to 45˚C but lost 50% of its activity at 58°C after 10 minutes of incubation. The purified enzyme had a Km of 1.42 mg/ml and V max of 107 µmol/ minlmg for oat spelt xylan and Km of 2.15 mg/ml and V max of 29.22 µmol/min/mg for birchwood xylan. The major end products of oat spelt xylan hydrolysis were xylobiose, xylotriose and higher oligosaccharides while for birchwood xylan were xylotriose with some xylobiose determined by thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. Xylose was not produced as a product of hydrolysis and trans xylosidation was detected. The activity of the enzyme was enhanced in the presence of Mg2+, Ca2+ and K+ but was inhibited by EDTA, Cu2+, Ag+, Zn2+, Fe2+ and Hg2+. The enzyme was competitively inhibited in the presence of xylose with Kj of 1 98 mM. A complete DNA sequence of the xylanase gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and cloned into E. coli INVaF' using pCRII cloning vector. The complete DNA sequence was also determined. The structural xylanase gene which started from an ATG initiation codon, consists of an open reading frame of 684 bp, which encoded 202 amino acid residues. The molecular weight of the xylanase was estimated from the amino acid composition to be 22,474 D and is in agreement with the results obtained from SDS-PAGE of the purified xylanase. The xylanase was expressed constitutively by the cloned gene in the absence of xylan. The enzyme was located primarily in the cytoplasm probably because of the incompatibility of the Gram-positive signal peptide in E. coli to direct the enzyme extracellularly as in the donor strain

    Defeciancy Of Puma And Noxa For Melanomagenesis In A Mouse Model Of Melanoma

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    It is commonly believed without sufficient evidence that the impairment of the ability to undergo apoptosis (a mode of programmed cell death) in response to conventional treatment such as cytotoxic drugs, gained melanoma its notorious resistance to therapy. Studies to determine the contribution of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway for melanomagenesis are often deterred by utilisation of in vitro cell culture models and xenograft models. An established mouse model of melanoma, the Cdkn2a -/-, Tyr-HRASG12V, was utilised in this study to obviate limitations posted by the usage of in vitro and xenograft models


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    The research about “The Production of Bioetanol in Corn cob waste (Zea Mays) of Resulting The Delignation Process”. The aim of this research  is to find out the highest weight of cellulose which contained in the corn cob waste. Then Cellulose which has been obtained, it was done on delignification process by using NaOH in variety of soaking time. To achieve the goal, then the application of the treatment effect of soaking time on corn cob waste powder on weight of cellulose was done. On the effect of soaking time on the powder of corn cob waste was applied   the six levels each 12 hours, 16 hours, 20 hours, 2 hours, 28 hours and 32 hours. Based on the result, it showed that the weight of cellulose is 5,729 g at 28 hours on soaking time. The use of soaking time which was applied for delignification process NaOH on the yield of cellulose. Cellulose of hydrolysis corn cob waste powder with H2SO4 10% and the result of fermentation of hydrolysis yeast cells immobilized. The level of glukosa is 43 % and 6 % for etanol. The result of sugar fermentation is done at the room temperature for 48 hours

    The Use of Parameter Space in Resource Management or Lets Stop Thinking in Terms of Equilibrium Oriented Methods

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    We shall desribe a simple simulation of a predation system; then produce a parameter surface plotting one parameter on one axis and another parameter on the other. On that surface we define several regions that have similar system properties, for example, predator goes extinct, prey goes extinct, stable equilibrium, stable oscillation, etc. We will show how small changes in parameter values can produce major changes in system dynamics and we suggest that environmental managers consider parameter manipulation as a major tool in management. We believe that this approach will suggest new and hopefully very useful ways of designing environmental management policies

    Fundamental studies on the gladiolus culture in Nagano Prefecture (Ⅰ) : Effects of planting time and mother corm weight on the growth in gladiolus; Fundamental studies on the gladiolus culture in Nagano Prefecture (Ⅱ) : Effects of planting time in the previous year on the growth of gladiolus in the current year; Fundamental studies on the gladiolus culture in Nagano Prefecture (Ⅲ) : Effects of Spacing on the growth in gladiouls

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    1960年,Early Redを使用して植え付け時期および球茎重量が,開花ならびに新球茎の肥大に与える影響について調査を行なつた。1.花芽の発達は,球重の大であつた区ほど早く,植え付け時期別では花芽分化が高温期に行なわれた区ほど促進された。2.開花期は花芽の発達が早かつた区ほど促進された。しかし花芽分化後の低温は開花期を遅延した。3.小花数,花穂長および花梗長は,球重の大であつた区ほど優れ,植え付け時期別では花穂長および花梗長は,それらの伸長期に降雨量の多かつた6月1日,同15日の両区が最も勝り,それらの伸長期に乾燥した5月15日区が最も劣つた。4.新球茎の肥大および木子の着生は,生育期間が長かつた区ほど,また球茎重の大であつた区ほど良好であつた。5.新球茎の澱粉含量は,植え付け時期の早かつた区に高く,植え付け時期の後れるにともなつて減少した。全糖含量は澱粉含量とは逆な傾向を示した。6.以上の結果から本種の一般に開花する球茎の大きさは0.5g以上と推定した。また当地での開花可能な植え付け時期は,1-3g球で7月上旬まで,0.5-1g球で6月下旬までと考える。1960年,植え付け時期を異にして生産した球茎を,1961年,同一条件で栽培し次年の草丈,開花および球茎の増殖に与える影響を調べた。1.発芽速度は,前年の植え付け時期が後れた7月1日と同15日の両区から生産された球茎は,他の区から生産された球茎より3乃至4日遅延した。発芽率は各区とも94パーセント以上であつた。2.1個体当りの発生茎数は,前年の植え付け時期の後れた区から生産された球茎では少なく,早かつた区から生産された球茎では多かつた。3.開花期は,前年の植え付け時期の早かつた区から生産された球茎は早く,遅れた区から生産された球茎は遅延した。しかしその差は僅かであつた。4.小花数,花穂長および花梗長は,前年の植え付け時期が6月1日以前の区から生産された球茎(球重28g以上)では変らなかつたが,6月15日以降の区から生産された球茎(球重24g以下)では漸次小花数は少なく,花穂長および花梗長は短くなつた。5.新球茎および木子の増殖は,前年の植え付け時期が6月1日以前の区から生産された球茎では変らなかつたが,6月15日以降の区から生産された球茎では急激に減退した。本実験はグラジオラスの成球および木子の栽植密度と生育との関係を明らかにするために行なつたものである。1.1961年の実験はSnow Princess, Spot Light, HectorおよびRed Radianceの成球(1.5吋以上)を用いて行なつた。その結果,分球の少ないHector, Red RadianceおよびSpot Lightでは1個体当り少なくとも200平方糎あるいはそれ以上,分球の多いSnow Prineessでは1個体当り300平方糎内外あるいはそれ以上の面積が必要であると推定された。2.1962年の実験はEarly Redの木子を用いて行なつた。その結果,木子の播種量は,その発芽率を40パーセント内外と考えた場合,1a当り5lを標準として抑制栽培をかねる場合にはそれより少な目に播種するのが適当であると考える。Article信州大学農学部学術報告 8: 1-32(1963)departmental bulletin pape

    Evergreens in South Dakota

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    This bulletin is a continuation of bulletin 246. The Shade, windbreak and Timber Trees of South Dakota , March, 1930. It is to be followed by a bulletin on the ornamental trees and shrubs of South Dakota. These bulletins will be a report on tests of trees and shrubs carried on for many years at this station and throughout the state