2,493 research outputs found

    Superplastic forming of ceramic insulation

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    Superplasticity has been demonstrated in many fine-grained structural ceramics and ceramic composites, including yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (YTZP), alumina, and Al2O3-reinforced zirconia (Al2O3/YTZ) duplex composites and SiC-reinforced Si3N4. These superplastic ceramics obviously offer the potential benefit of forming net shape or near net shape parts. This could be particularly useful for forming complicated shapes that are difficult to achieve using conventional forming techniques, or require elaborate, subsequent machining. In the present study, we successfully demonstrated the following: (1) superplastic 3Y-TXP and 20 percent Al2O3/YTZ composite have for the first time been successfully deformed into hemispherical caps via a biaxial gas-pressure forming technique; (2) no experimental difficulty was encountered in applying the required gas pressures and temperatures to achieve the results, thus, it is certain that higher rates of deformation than those presented in this study will be possible by using the current test apparatus at higher temperatures and pressures; and (3) an analytical model incorporating material parameters, such as variations during forming in the strain rate sensitivity exponent and grain growth-induced strain hardening, is needed to model accurately and therefore precisely control the biaxial gas-pressure forming of superplastic ceramics. Based on the results of this study, we propose to fabricate zirconia insulation tubes by superplastic extrusion of zirconia polycrystal. This would not only reduce the cost, but also improve the reliability of the tube products

    The search for pre-clovis in the ice-free corridor: archaeological geophysics at Wally’s Beach

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    Wally’s Beach is an important archaeological/paleontological locality in southern Alberta where pre-Clovis dates have been reported from butchered faunal remains, but associated cultural materials are poorly known. Significant challenges exist for research at the site, including poor access, limited stratigraphy, and the extreme size of the site (>2km2). Ground-penetrating radar and drone imagery were conducted to identify higher-potential areas, which discovered a possible paleochannel. This discovery aids future research efforts at Wally’s Beach to better understand the earliest human occupation of the ice-free corridor

    The impact of within-herd genetic variation upon inferred transmission trees for foot-and-mouth disease virus

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    Full-genome sequences have been used to monitor the fine-scale dynamics of epidemics caused by RNA viruses. However, the ability of this approach to confidently reconstruct transmission trees is limited by the knowledge of the genetic diversity of viruses that exist within different epidemiological units. In order to address this question, this study investigated the variability of 45 foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) genome sequences (from 33 animals) that were collected during 2007 from eight premises (10 different herds) in the United Kingdom. Bayesian and statistical parsimony analysis demonstrated that these sequences exhibited clustering which was consistent with a transmission scenario describing herd-to-herd spread of the virus. As an alternative to analysing all of the available samples in future epidemics, the impact of randomly selecting one sequence from each of these herds was used to assess cost-effective methods that might be used to infer transmission trees during FMD outbreaks. Using these approaches, 85% and 91% of the resulting topologies were either identical or differed by only one edge from a reference tree comprising all of the sequences generated within the outbreak. The sequence distances that accrued during sequential transmission events between epidemiological units was estimated to be 4.6 nucleotides, although the genetic variability between viruses recovered from chronic carrier animals was higher than between viruses from animals with acute-stage infection: an observation which poses challenges for the use of simple approaches to infer transmission trees. This study helps to develop strategies for sampling during FMD outbreaks, and provides data that will guide the development of further models to support control policies in the event of virus incursions into FMD free countries

    Exposure–response modelling approaches for determining optimal dosing rules in children

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    Within paediatric populations, there may be distinct age groups characterised by different exposure–response relationships. Several regulatory guidance documents have suggested general age groupings. However, it is not clear whether these categorisations will be suitable for all new medicines and in all disease areas. We consider two model-based approaches to quantify how exposure–response model parameters vary over a continuum of ages: Bayesian penalised B-splines and model-based recursive partitioning. We propose an approach for deriving an optimal dosing rule given an estimate of how exposure–response model parameters vary with age. Methods are initially developed for a linear exposure–response model. We perform a simulation study to systematically evaluate how well the various approaches estimate linear exposure–response model parameters and the accuracy of recommended dosing rules. Simulation scenarios are motivated by an application to epilepsy drug development. Results suggest that both bootstrapped model-based recursive partitioning and Bayesian penalised B-splines can estimate underlying changes in linear exposure–response model parameters as well as (and in many scenarios, better than) a comparator linear model adjusting for a categorical age covariate with levels following International Conference on Harmonisation E11 groupings. Furthermore, the Bayesian penalised B-splines approach consistently estimates the intercept and slope more accurately than the bootstrapped model-based recursive partitioning. Finally, approaches are extended to estimate Emax exposure–response models and are illustrated with an example motivated by an in vitro study of cyclosporine

    Photonic mode density effects on single-molecule fluorescence blinking

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    We investigated the influence of the photonic mode density (PMD) on the triplet dynamics of individual chromophores on a dielectric interface by comparing their response in the presence and absence of a nearby gold film. Lifetimes of the excited singlet state were evaluated in ordet to measure directly the PMD at the molecules position. Triplet state lifetimes were simultaneously determined by statistical analysis of the detection time of the fluorescence photons. The observed singlet decay rates are in agreement with the predicted PMD for molecules with different orientations. The triplet decay rate is modified in a fashion correlated to the singlet decay rate. These results show that PMD engineering can lead to an important suppression of the fluorescence, introducing a novel aspect of the physical mechanism to enhance fluorescence intensity in PMD-enhancing systems such as plasmonic devices

    Very high rotational frequencies and band termination in 73Br

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    Rotational bands in 73Br have been investigated up to spins of 65/2 using the EUROBALL III spectrometer. One of the negative-parity bands displays the highest rotational frequency 1.85 MeV reported to date in nuclei with mass number greater than 25. At high frequencies, the experimental dynamic moment of inertia for all bands decrease to very low values, indicating a loss of collectivity. The bands are described in the configuration-dependent cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky model. The calculations indicate that one of the negative-parity bands is observed up to its terminating single-particle state at spin 63/2. This result establishes the first band termination case in the A = 70 mass region.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. C as a Rapid Communicatio

    Ternary organic photodetectors based on pseudo–binaries nonfullerene–based acceptors

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    The addition of a third component to a donor:acceptor blend is a powerful tool to enhance the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells. Featuring a similar operating mechanism, organic photodetectors are also expected to benefit from this approach. Here, we fabricated ternary organic photodetectors, based on a polymer donor and two nonfullerene acceptors, resulting in a low dark current of 0.42 nA cm−2 at −2 V and a broadband specific detectivity of 1012 Jones. We found that exciton recombination in the binary blend is reduced in ternary devices due to the formation of a pseudo-binary microstructure with mixed donor–acceptor phases. With this approach a wide range of intermediate open-circuit voltages is accessible, without sacrificing light-to-current conversion. This results in ternary organic photodetector (TOPD) with improved Responsivity values in the near-infrared. Moreover, morphology analyses reveal that TOPD devices showed improved microstructure ordering and consequentially higher charge carrier mobilities compared to the reference devices