1,145 research outputs found

    Translation model, translation analysis, translation strategy: an integrated methodology

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    AbstractThe paper revisits the concepts of translation model, translation analysis, and translation strategy from an integrated perspective. Translation modeling is reconsidered in terms of a paradigm shift and a distinction between a process-oriented (descriptive) model and an action-oriented (prescriptive) model. Following the discourse and communication translation model, we put forward a “model – analysis – strategy” concept and a “features – difficulties – solutions” concept to reformulate a translation strategy as a flexible, variable and, to a certain extent, individual (but not unique) algorithm. We also introduce the notion of a discursive profile framed on existing discourse-related data in translation

    Variety of role recruitment of employees of the modern enterprise as the main factor its efficiency

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    В статье рассматривается проблема формирования оптимального для эффективной деятельности крупного промышленного предприятия статусного и ролевого набора его непосредственных работников: руководителей среднего и низового звена и рядовых исполнителей: рабочих, служащих и специалистов. Анализируется целый спектр социальных ролей (формальных и неформальных), «привязанных» к социальным статусам, определяемых функциональными обязанностями работников предприятия. Используя метод социологического опроса, автор исследует специфику, масштаб и качество ролевого набора, влияющих на социальный порядок и эффективное функционирование любой организации.The article deals with the problem of creating the optimal for the efficient operation of a large industrial enterprise status and role set his immediate staff: managers of middle and lower-level managers and ordinary executors: workers, employees and professionals. We analyze the whole spectrum of social roles (formal and informal), "tied" to the social status, defined functional responsibilities of employees. Using a poll method, the author investigates the specifics of the scale and quality of role-based set that affect social order and the effective operation of any organization

    Use Zircon-Ilmenite Concentrate in Steelmaking

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    Market requirements cause a constant search for new materials and technologies, for their immediate use in increasing requirements for material and energy efficiency, as well as to the quality of steel. In practice, steel production in the tended recently of more stringent requirements for the chemical composition of the steel and its contamination by nonmetallic inclusions, gas and non-ferrous metals. The main ways of increasing of strength and performance characteristics fabricated metal products related to the profound and effective influence on the crystallizing metal structure by furnace processing of the melt with refining and modifying additives. It can be argued that the furnace processing of steel and iron chemically active metals (alkali-earth metals, rare-earth metals, and others.) is an integral part of modern production of high quality products and competitive technologies. Important condition for development of methods secondary metallurgy of steel is the use of relatively inexpensive materials in a variety of complex alloys and blends, allowing targeted control of physical and chemical state of the molten metal and, therefore, receive steel with improved performance. In this connection the development of modifying natural materials metallurgy technologies presented complex ores containing titanium and zirconium, is a very urgent task

    Physics Reach of High-Energy and High-Statistics IceCube Atmospheric Neutrino Data

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    This paper investigates the physics reach of the IceCube neutrino detector when it will have collected a data set of order one million atmospheric neutrinos with energies in the 0.1 \sim 10^4 TeV range. The paper consists of three parts. We first demonstrate how to simulate the detector performance using relatively simple analytic methods. Because of the high energies of the neutrinos, their oscillations, propagation in the Earth and regeneration due to \tau decay must be treated in a coherent way. We set up the formalism to do this and discuss the implications. In a final section we apply the methods developed to evaluate the potential of IceCube to study new physics beyond neutrino oscillations. Not surprisingly, because of the increased energy and statistics over present experiments, existing bounds on violations of the equivalence principle and of Lorentz invariance can be improved by over two orders of magnitude. The methods developed can be readily applied to other non-conventional physics associated with neutrinos.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, Revtex

    Key points and values of diplomatic discourse as parametres to analyze interdiscoursivity

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    Results of comparative research of signs of interdiscoursivity in diplomatic discourse in interaction with political, Mass Media and legal discourses are presented. Methods of research of interdiscoursivity within the frames of discoursive-communicative model of translation is offered, analysis of interdiscoursivity of diplomatic discourse on individual parameters (key points and values) is undertaken.Представлены результаты сопоставительного исследования проявлений интердискурсивности дипломатического дискурса во взаимодействии с политическим, массовоинформационным и юридическим дискурсами. Предложена методика исследования интердискурсивности в рамках дискурсивно-коммуникативной модели перевода, проведен анализ интердискурсивности дипломатического дискурса по отдельным параметрам (узловые точки и ценности дискурса)

    Philosofy as a mean of socialization of future doctor

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    The article discusses the actual problem of socialization and the formation of a future doctor through philosophy. That philosophy is the main mechanism for the formation of a future doctor. Context of the work is the idea that in contemporary Russian society and higher education system in the process of identity formation (a doctor) the role of philosophy as an important humanitarian component is markedly reduced, which may further lead to negative consequences. The author uses the analysis of theoretical sources and the results of specific empirical research to confirm his hypothesis.В статье рассматривается актуальная проблема социализации и становления личности будущего врача посредством философии. Именно философия является главным механизмом формирования личности будущего врача. Контекстом работы является идея, что в современном российском обществе и системе высшего образования в процессе формирования личности специалиста (врача) роль философии как важной гуманитарной составляющей заметно снижается, что может в дальнейшем привести к негативным последствиям. Автор использует как анализ теоретических источников, так и результаты конкретных эмпирических исследований для подтверждения своей гипотезы

    Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of oxide systems on the basis of rare earth, alkaline earth and 3d-transition (Mn, Fe, Co) metals. A short overview of

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    Review is dedicated studies of phase equilibria in the systems based on rare earth elements and 3d transition metals. It’s highlighted several structural families of these compounds and is shown that many were found interesting properties for practical application, such as high conductivity up to the superconducting state, magnetic properties, catalytic activity of the processes of afterburning of exhaust gases, the high mobility in the oxygen sublattice and more

    Signatures of cosmic tau-neutrinos

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    The importance and signatures of cosmic tau--(anti)neutrinos have been studied for upward-- and downward--going μ+μ+\mu^-+\mu^+ and hadronic shower event rates relevant for present and future underground water or ice detectors, utilizing the unique and reliable ultrasmall--xx predictions of the dynamical (radiative) parton model. The upward--going μ+μ+\mu^- +\mu^+ event rates calculated just from cosmic νμ+νˉμ\nu_{\mu}+\bar{\nu}_{\mu} fluxes are sizeably enhanced by taking into account cosmic ντ+νˉτ\nu_{\tau}+ \bar{\nu}_{\tau} fluxes and their associated τ+τ+\tau^- +\tau^+ fluxes as well. The coupled transport equations for the upward--going ν()τ\stackrel{(-)}{\nu}_{\tau} flux traversing the Earth imply an enhancement of the attenuated and regenerated ν()τ\stackrel{(-)}{\nu}_{\tau} flux typically around 10410510^4-10^5 GeV with respect to the initial cosmic flux. This enhancement turns out to be smaller than obtained so far, in particular for flatter initial cosmic fluxes behaving like Eν1E_{\nu}^{-1}. Downward--going μ+μ+\mu^- +\mu^+ events and in particular the background--free and unique hadronic `double bang' and `lollipop' events allow to test downward--going cosmic ντ+νˉτ\nu_{\tau} +\bar{\nu}_{\tau} fluxes up to about 10910^9 GeV.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures; Added reference