5,374 research outputs found

    Consistent Hashing Considered Harmful

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    The emulation of vacuum tubes is a practical obstacle. In this paper, we prove the exploration of the Ethernet, demonstrates the appropriate importance of machine learning. In this paper we verify that IPv4 can be made autonomous, interactive, and self-learning

    Design Thinking in Health Sciences: Developing Solutions-Oriented Graduates Impacting Local Medical Communities Through Innovative Leadership

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    Design Thinking in Health Sciences is a multi-year project that focuses on applying design thinking pedagogy across the health sciences in the undergraduate and graduate educational experiences through pop-ups and curriculum infusion at Elon University. In addition, the project serves to partner with local community organizations to provide “real-life” exposure on how design thinking can be implemented to serve the greater community. A convenience sample of graduate and undergraduate health science students completed a version of the INCODE-ICB-v5 survey that measures many of the same identified characteristics of The Ten Principles of Good Interdisciplinary Teamwork. Surveys were distributed pre and post design thinking pop-ups throughout the project’s 3-year period. There was statistical significance in the overall growth of the students post exposure as well as in the individual and interpersonal domains of the INCODE-ICB-v5. The results conclude that exposing undergraduate and graduate health science students to design thinking pedagogy aids in the development of creating multi-functional, high impact medical teams with strong leadership abilities that will make a sustainable impact on the local medical community. The importance of tailoring opportunities that made design thinking relevant and relatable to the participants’ disciplines was necessary for the success of this project. After all, “user-centered design means understanding what your users need, how they think, and how they behave – and incorporating that understanding into every aspect of your process” (Garrett, n.d., as cited in Yalanska, 2018, para. 24)

    Mandibular Attachment Device Effects on African American Veterans with Heart Failure

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    Heart failure is a growing epidemic that affects people nationwide and is disproportionate to African Americans. The purpose of this quantitative repeated measures study was to determine whether mandibular attachment device (MAD) therapy impacts symptoms of heart failure in African American male veterans diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The oxidative stress theory was applied in this study to assess whether MAD therapy received from Veterans Affairs (VA) dental clinics impacted heart failure symptoms, after controlling for patient body mass index (BMI) levels and smoking status. Research questions examined whether MAD had a significant effect on symptoms of heart failure in male African American veterans with OSA and whether BMI and smoking caused a moderating effect on MAD therapy treating efficacy on symptoms of heart failure. Secondary data from the VA was captured through the VA informatics and computing infrastructure. Data obtained from 29 records were analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences. The repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance and the repeated measures multivariate analysis of covariance were used to assess the magnitude of change in heart failure symptoms (ejection fraction, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, oxygen saturation, brain natriuretic peptide, n-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, and troponins levels) while controlling for the 2 covariates. Results showed a positive mean change in systolic blood pressure while using the MAD and a negative moderated effect after controlling for BMI at 4-months on oxygen saturation. This study will aid positive social change by providing new data that can be used by the public health field towards an alternative treatment

    Species Composition, Abundance, and Vertical Distribution of the Stomiid (Pisces: Stomiiformes) Fish Assemblage of the Gulf of Mexico

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    Species composition, abundance, and vertical distribution of the stomiid fish assemblage were investigated in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, a low-latitude, oligotrophic oceanic ecosystem. Seventy-two described species, representing 18 genera, and one undescribed species were identified from 1155 trawl samples. With an additional 10 species reported elsewhere, the stomiid species number now known equals 83, making the Stomiidae the most diverse fish family in the Gulf of Mexico. The assemblage was dominated by three species,Photostomias guernei, Chauliodus sloani and Stomias affinis. These species, as well as four other common species, exhibited an asynchronous diel vertical migration pattern (450–900 m during day; 20–300, 550–900 m at night). The percentage of the populations of the three dominant species migrating daily ranged from 50–70%. Two other patterns occurred in less abundant species: synchronous migration (400–700 m during the day, 0–200 m at night); and, possible migration from the bathypelagial (\u3e 1000 m during day; 50–300 m at night). Minimum abundance and biomass estimates for the entire assemblage were 1.86 × 105 individuals and 35.3 kg DW•km-2 in the upper 1000 m. Stomiids comprised approximately 10% of the micronekton standing stock in the eastern Gulf. Extrapolating eastern Gulf data to the world warm-water mesopelagial, abundance results suggest that stomiids are the dominant mesopelagic upper-trophic level predatory fishes, and as such may serve as key trophic mediators in the transfer of energy in these ecosystems

    Testing for assortative mating by diet in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Experimental studies of the evolution of reproductive isolation in real time are a powerful way to reveal the way that fundamental processes, such as mate choice, initiate divergence. Mate choice, while frequently described in females, can occur in either sex, and can be affected by the genetics or environment of an individual. Here we describe simple protocols for assessing mating outcomes in fruit flies, which in this context can be used to assess reproductive isolation derived from rearing on different diets over multiple generations

    Structure and Petrology of the Grandy Ridge-Lake Shannon Area, North Cascades, Washington

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    The Grandy Ridge-Lake Shannon area contains four major lithologic units: the Chilliwack Group, the Yellow Aster Complex, and the informally named chert/basalt and Triassic dacite units. The units are juxtaposed along anastomosing low angle faults of Late Cretaceous age. Additional deformation took place at a more recent time. Lithologies of the Chilliwack Group predominate in the study area, with fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the lower clastic sequence present at lower elevations in the map area, and relatively mafic volcanic rocks present mostly at higher elevations. Sedimentary rocks in the vicinity of Upper Baker Dam, originally mapped as part of the Nooksack Group, are in this study assigned to the Chilliwack Group, based on lithologic, metamorphic, and structural considerations. The Chilliwack Group contains metamorphic mineral assemblages indicative of high pressure-low temperature metamorphic conditions. Reibeckite and crossite are reported for the first time in this unit. Lithologies of the Chilliwack Group are present at the structurally lowest levels in the map area. A low angle thrust contact separates these rocks from overlying rocks of the Triassic dacite unit in many locations. The chert/basalt unit appears to be the structurally highest unit in the study area. Evidence of two deformations is present in the Chilliwack Group. An early (D1) deformation is manifested by a persistent, low angle, slaty to phyllitic cleavage (S1) in fine-grained rocks, a northwest-trending stretching lineation (L1) in volcanic and coarse clastic rocks, and by infrequent northeast-trending folds. The second deformation (D2) is less extensive, primarily manifested by northwest-trending F2 folds. The L1 lineations consist of stretched clasts and amygdules, and are most common along the top of Grandy ridge and in the vicinity of Upper Baker Dam. They are interpreted to represent the direction of shearing during the first deformation. Study of shear sense indicators suggests that the upper plate moved northwest relative to the lower plate. Strain magnitudes associated with these L1 lineations vary, but average approximately 3.5:1 in the XZ principal plane. This evidence suggests a minimum of several kilometers of northwest displacement of the approximately one kilometer thick section of rock exposed in the study area. The first deformation appears to have post-dated crystallization of the high pressure minerals, as evidenced by the presense of cracked and boudinaged lawsonite grains. Evidence for northwest-southeast directed movement is present elsewhere in the Chilliwack Group, and is also present along segments of the Shuksan Fault. This movement may be related to emplacement of the structural units present in the western North Cascades

    Assessing metacognitive skills in waking and sleep: A psychometric analysis of the metacognitive, affective, cognitive experience (MACE) questionnaire

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    The Metacognition, Affective, Cognitive Experience (MACE) questionnaire was designed to assess metacognition across sleep and waking (Kahan & LaBerge, 1996). The present research evaluates the psychometric properties of the MACE. Data from two recent studies (N = 185) were used to assess the inter-item consistency, test-retest reliability, and factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity of the MACE. Results show that the MACE is a reliable measure with good construct validity. Exploratory factor analyses revealed one self-regulation and two monitoring factors. One monitoring factor emphasized monitoring internal conditions; the other emphasized monitoring external conditions. This factor structure is consistent with the Metacognitive Model (Nelson & Narens, 1990). Tests of convergent and discriminant validity suggest that the MACE is assessing metacognition and is appropriately related to similar constructs such as mindfulness and self-consciousness. The implication of these findings as well as suggestions for research and clinical applications of the MACE are discussed

    Global Trophic Position Comparison of Two Dominant Mesopelagic Fish Families (Myctophidae, Stomiidae) Using Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotopic Analyses

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    The delta N-15 values of organisms are commonly used across diverse ecosystems to estimate trophic position and infer trophic connectivity. We undertook a novel cross-basin comparison of trophic position in two ecologically well-characterized and different groups of dominant mid-water fish consumers using amino acid nitrogen isotope compositions. We found that trophic positions estimated from the delta N-15 values of individual amino acids are nearly uniform within both families of these fishes across five global regions despite great variability in bulk tissue delta N-15 values. Regional differences in the delta N-15 values of phenylalanine confirmed that bulk tissue delta N-15 values reflect region-specific water mass biogeochemistry controlling delta N-15 values at the base of the food web. Trophic positions calculated from amino acid isotopic analyses (AA-TP) for lanternfishes (family Myctophidae) (AA-TP similar to 2.9) largely align with expectations from stomach content studies (TP similar to 3.2), while AA-TPs for dragonfishes (family Stomiidae) (AA-TP similar to 3.2) were lower than TPs derived from stomach content studies (TP similar to 4.1). We demonstrate that amino acid nitrogen isotope analysis can overcome shortcomings of bulk tissue isotope analysis across biogeochemically distinct systems to provide globally comparative information regarding marine food web structure
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