449 research outputs found
Analyzing risk factors for lumpy skin disease by a geographic information system (GIS) in Turkey
ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗLumpy skin disease (LSD) is caused by the virus of the same name and has major economic impacts on cattle breeding. In Turkey, frequent cases of cattle LSD have been reported over the last years. The present study aimed to analyze potential risk factors for LSD and provide information for controlling the spread of infectious diseases by a geographic information system (GIS). The research included cross-sectional and retrospective studies with active disease follow-up and semi-structured interviews (SSI) from August 2013 to December 2014 in Turkey. Potential risk factors for LSD were evaluated based on environmental conditions and provincial demographic and epidemiological data. Of the total of 562 observed animals, 27.22% and 2.67% of cattle were sick and died due to LSD, respectively. The morbidity rate was 26.04% in mixed and 38.18% in local breeds. The animal-level prevalence significantly differed among animals of different age, sex, and with different vaccination status (P<0.05). It was more serious in younger animals and females and during drier weather conditions. A trend of seasonality was observed in LSD occurrence. Significant risk factors affecting the prevalence of LSD were proximity to the southern border of Turkey, animal movements, and animal markets. In this process, geographical query, analysis, and thematic map production were performed by GIS
Evaluation of the biocompatibility of experimentally manufactured portland cement: an animal study
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of MTA and the experimentally manufactured
portland cement (EMPC).
Study design: Twenty one Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were allocated to testing of three groups. Group I and Group
II included ProRoot MTA and the EMPC. The materials were mixed with distilled water and placed in polyethylene
tubes. The tubes were implanted subcutaneously in the dorsal region of the animals. Group III served as control; the
implanted polyethylene tubes remained empty. At 7, 14, and 28 days after the implantation, the animals were sacrificed
and the implants were removed with the surrounding tissues. The specimens were prepared for histological
examination to evaluate the inflammatory response.
Results: No significant difference was found between tissue reactions against the tested materials (p>0.05). Also,
control group showed similar results(p>0.05).
Conclusions: Results suggest that the EMPC has the potential to be used in clinical conditions in which ProRoot
MTA is indicated. MTA and the EMPC show comparable biocompatibility when evaluated in vivo. Although the
results are supportive for the EMPC, more studies are required before the safe clinical use of the EMPC
Diamond burs versus curettes in root planing: a randomized clinical trial
This study compares diamond burs and curettes by clinical, microbiological, biochemical, scanning electron microscopic parameters and treatment time data in the non-surgical periodontal treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis.
Two quadrants of each of the 12 patients received root planing with diamond burs whereas other 2 quadrants were treated with curettes. Clinical periodontal measurements were recorded at baseline and then 1, 3, 6 months after completion of non-surgical periodontal treatment. Subgingival plaque, gingival crevicular fluid samples were obtained at baseline and 1-month control. Twenty-one hopeless teeth received root planing with diamond burs or curettes or no treatment at all and then extracted for microscopic evaluations.
Clinical periodontal parameters improved similarly with both treatment modalities. Microbiological analyses revealed similar findings for the bacterial load (16S gene copy numbers), ratio of each bacterium to the total bacterial count at baseline, 1-month control. Cytokine levels in the gingival crevicular fluid samples exhibited differences between the two treatments. Scanning electron microscopic analyses indicated that diamond burs were better in terms of calculus removal, loss of tooth substance indices, but roughness index values were better for curettes.
As a conclusion, diamond burs provide findings comparable with curettes in root planing
Odnos između težine azotemije i plinova u krvi u 101 teleta s neonatalnom dijarejom
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the severity of azotemia and blood gas parameters in 101 neonatal calves with diarrhea. The calves were divided into 3 groups on the basis of their creatinine levels. The 3 groups were defined as: the non-azotemia group (5.01 mg/dL). Azotemia was not detected in 35 of the 101 calves with diarrhea, mild-moderate azotemia was identified in 34, and severe azotemia in 32. Blood pH was significantly lower in the severe azotemia group compared to the non-azotemia and mild-moderate azotemia groups, while K and lactate levels were significantly higher. Although the HCO3 - and BE values of the severe azotemia group were lower than the other groups, a statistical difference was only found with the mild-moderate azotemia group. Ionized calcium (iCa+2) level was also lower in the severe azotemia group compared to the other groups, but the difference was only significant with the non-azotemia group. In conclusion, it was observed that azotemia is a common occurrence in neonatal calves with diarrhea, and there is a significant relationship between the severity of azotemia and blood gases. Therefore, it may be concluded that it would be beneficial to monitor renal functions during the treatment of calves with neonatal diarrhea.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio procijeniti odnos između težine azotemije i pokazatelja plinova u krvi u 101 teleta s dijarejom. Telad je na temelju razine kreatinina podijeljena u tri skupine: skupina bez azotemije (5,01 mg/dL). Azotemija nije otkrivena u 35 od 101 teleta s dijarejom, blaga – umjerena azotemija pronađena je u 34 teleta, a teška azotemija u 32 teleta. Vrijednost pH krvi bila je znakovito niža , a razina kalija i laktata znakovito viša, u skupini s teškom azotemijom u usporedbi s ostalim dvjema skupinama. Iako su vrijednosti HCO3 - i BE u skupini teladi s teškom azotemijom bile niže nego u drugim skupinama, statistički znakovita je razlika pronađena samo u odnosu na skupinu s blago-umjerenom azotemijom. Razina ioniziranog kalcija (iCa+2) također je bila niža u skupini s teškom azotemijom u usporedbi s drugim skupinama, ali je razlika bila znakovita samo u odnosu na skupinu bez azotemije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se azotemija često pojavljuje u neonatalne teladi s dijarejom i da postoji znakovita povezanost između težine azotemije i plinova u krvi. Može se stoga zaključiti da bi praćenje bubrežne funkcije bilo korisno u liječenju teladi s neonatalnom dijarejom
Current clinician perspective on non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant use in challenging clinical cases.
OBJECTIVE: The evolution of non-vitamin K antagonist anticoagulants (NOACs) has changed the horizon of stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation (SPAF). All 4 NOACs have been tested against dose-adjusted warfarin in well-designed, pivotal, phase III, randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) and were approved by regulatory authorities for an SPAF indication. However, as traditional RCTs, these trials have important weaknesses, largely related to their complex structure and patient participation, which was limited by strict inclusion and extensive exclusion criteria. In the real world, however, clinicians are often faced with complex, multimorbid patients who are underrepresented in these RCTs. This article is based on a meeting report authored by 12 scientists studying atrial fibrillation (AF) in diverse ways who discussed the management of challenging AF cases that are underrepresented in pivotal NOAC trials. METHODS: An advisory board panel was convened to confer on management strategies for challenging AF cases. The article is derived from a summary of case presentations and the collaborative discussions at the meeting. CONCLUSION: This expert consensus of cardiologists aimed to define management strategies for challenging cases with patients who underrepresented in pivotal trials using case examples from their routine practice. Although strong evidence is lacking, exploratory subgroup analysis of phase III pivotal trials partially informs the management of these patients. Clinical trials with higher external validity are needed to clarify areas of uncertainty. The lack of clear evidence about complex AF cases has pushed clinicians to manage patients based on clinical experience, including rare situations of off-label prescriptions
Effects of levamisole on hyaluronidase activity and sperm characteristics in rams
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of levamisole on sperm characteristics and
hyaluronidase activity of blood serum and semen. For this purpose, 12 Akkaraman rams (2–3 years
old) were used. Levamisole hydrochloride was administered orally at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg body
weights once daily for 2 days. Serum and semen samples were collected from the rams at posttreatment
1, 2, 4, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 216, 288 and 384 h and examined for sperm characteristics
and hyaluronidase activity. The results showed that the use of levamisole caused significant
(P < 0:01) increase in serum hyaluronidase activity at all times except the 72 h, and in semen
hyaluronidase activity at 1, 2, 4, 24, 72, 96 and 120 h compared to the control group. In addition, the
levamisole caused significant (P < 0:05) decreases in semen volume, sperm motility, concentration
and total sperm number at all times. There was no correlation between semen hyaluronidase activity
and the sperm characteristics. In conclusion, levamisole did not have any deleterious effect on
hyaluronidase enzyme. However, the use of this drug in rams during the breeding season is harmful
due to the decrease of sperm characteristics
Effect of clitoral massage on levels of estradiol, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and pregnancy rate in cows
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of clitoral massage on levels of estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) and pregnancy rate in cows. For this purpose, 38 Holstein cows ranging from 3-6 years old were used. The cows were divided into two groups, as control (n=19) and application (n=19). The degree of intensity of oestrus expression was scored on a scale of 0 to 5 by considering knowledge of anamnesis, findings of rectal palpation and inspection as a criteria. All animals of both groups were artificially inseminated by recto-vaginal method with frozen-thawed bull semen. Clitoral massage was applied to the cows in the application group for 15-30 sec. after artificial insemination. Blood samples were then taken from jugular vein and centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 m., and serum samples were stored deep-frozen at -20 oC. Levels of E2, T and DHEA-S were determined by RIA method. All animals were examined by rectal palpation of the uterus for pregnancy on day 75 after insemination. Clitoral massage application had no significant effect on the levels of E2, T, DHEA-S and pregnancy rate in cows. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in the degree of the intensity of oestrus between control and application groups. A significant negative correlation (P<0.01, r = -0.93) was found between levels of E2 and T
Sr Surface Enrichment in Solid Oxide Cells – Approaching the Limits of EDX Analysis by Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Simulations
In solid oxide cells, Sr segregation has been correlated with degradation. Yet, the atomistic mechanism remains unknown. Here we begin to localize the origin of Sr surface nucleation by combining force field based simulations, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and multi-variate statistical analysis. We find increased ion mobility in the complexion between yttria-stabilized zirconia and strontium-doped lanthanum manganite. Furthermore, we developed a robust and automated routine to detect localized nucleation seeds of Sr at the complexion surface. This hints at a mechanism originating at the complexion and requires in-depth studies at the atomistic level, where the developed routine can be beneficial for analyzing large hyperspectral EDX datasets
Geo-Biological Investigations on Azooxanthellate Cold-Water Coral Reefs on the Carbonate Mounds Along the Celtic Continental Slope
Northeast Atlantic 2004 Cruise No. 61, Leg 1 April 19 to May 4, 2004, Lisbon – Cor
Effect of exogenous GnRH at the time of artificial insemination on reproductive performance of awassi ewes synchronized with progestagen-PMSG-PGF2α combination
This study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of PGF2a
for oestrus synchronization (ES) in Awassi ewes to which were
administered the progestagen–PMSG combination, and to
evaluate the effect of the exogenous GnRH administration
immediately after the artificial insemination (AI) on their
pregnancy rate and lambing performance during the breeding
season. The ewes (n ¼ 33) were treated with an intravaginal
sponge impregnated with 30 mg fluorogestane acetate for
12 days and were injected with 500 IU PMSG at the time of
removal of the sponge. The ewes were then divided into three
equal groups of 11 ewes each. One millilitre of physiological
saline (0.9% NaCl; placebo) was administered to each ewe in
Group 1 at the time of second AI. Approximately 4 lg GnRH
(busereline) was injected to each ewe in Group 2 immediately
after second AI. A total of 150 lg PGF2a (cloprostenole) was
injected at the time of sponge removal on day 12 and 4 lg
GnRH immediately after the second AI was also treated to
each ewe in Group 3. Intracervical AI with diluted fresh semen
was performed twice at 12 and 24 h following the onset of
oestrus. The injection-oestrus onset and injection-oestrus-end
interval in Group 3 was significantly (p < 0.001) shorter than
both Groups 1 and 2. Although the pregnancy rates of Groups
2 and 3 (81.8%; 9/11) were numerically higher than of Group 1
(63.6%; 7/11), the difference among the groups was statistically
insignificant. The multiple birth rate of Group 3 was
found higher than Groups 1 and 2. However, the number of
single lambs of Group 1 was also higher than Groups 2 and 3
(p < 0.05). Despite the litter sizes of Groups 2 (1.27; 14/11)
and 3 (1.55; 17/11) being numerically higher than Group 1
(0.73; 8/11), the differences among all the groups were
statistically insignificant. In conclusion, the administration of
PGF2a at the time of removal of the sponge shortens the
injection oestrus-onset and oestrus-end interval in Awassi ewes
treated with progestagen–PMSG. Additionally, exogenous
GnRH treatment immediately after the AI increases the
multiple birth rate of Awassi ewes synchronized with progestagen–
PMSG–PGF2a combination
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