3,119 research outputs found

    Change of Interest as a Function of Shift in Curricular Orientation

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67119/2/10.1177_001316445301300213.pd

    The W51 Giant Molecular Cloud

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    We present 45"-47" angular resolution maps at 50" sampling of the 12CO and 13CO J=1-0 emission toward a 1.39 deg x 1.33 deg region in the W51 HII region complex. These data permit the spatial and kinematic separation of several spectral features observed along the line of sight to W51, and establish the presence of a massive (1.2 x 10^6 Mo), large (83 pc x 114 pc) giant molecular cloud (GMC), defined as the W51 GMC, centered at (l,b,V) = (49.5 deg, -0.2 deg, 61 km/s). A second massive (1.9 x 10^5 Mo), elongated (136 pc x 22 pc) molecular cloud is found at velocities of about 68 km/s along the southern edge of the W51 GMC. Of the five radio continuum sources that classically define the W51 region, the brightest source at lambda 6cm (G49.5-0.4) is spatially and kinematically coincident with the W51 GMC and three (G48.9-0.3, G49.1-0.4, and G49.2-0.4) are associated with the 68 km/s cloud. Published absorption line spectra indicate that the fifth prominent continuum source (G49.4-0.3) is located behind the W51 molecular cloud. The W51 GMC is among the upper 1% of clouds in the Galactic disk by size and the upper 5-10% by mass. While the W51 GMC is larger and more massive than any nearby molecular cloud, the average H2 column density is not unusual given its size and the mean H2 volume density is comparable to that in nearby clouds. The W51 GMC is also similar to other clouds in that most of the molecular mass is contained in a diffuse envelope that is not currently forming massive stars. We speculate that much of the massive star formation activity in this region has resulted from a collision between the 68 km/s cloud and the W51 GMC.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal. 21 pages, plus 7 figures and 1 tabl

    High resolution imaging of molecular line emission from high redshift QSOs

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    We present moderate (1'') and high resolution (0.2'') observations of the CO(2-1) emission at 43 GHz, and radio continuum emission at 1.47 GHz, from the z=4.7 QSO BRI 1202-0725 and the z=4.4 QSO BRI 1335--0417 using the Very Large Array. The moderate resolution observations show that in both cases the CO emission is spatially resolved into two components separated by 1'' for 1335-0417 and 4'' for 1202-0725. The high resolution observations show that each component has sub-structure on scales of 0.2'' to 0.5'', with intrinsic brightness temperatures > 20K. The CO ladder from (2-1) up to (7-6) suggests a high kinetic temperature for the gas (70 K), and a high column density (10^{24} cm^{-2}). In both sources the continuum-to-line ratio: L_{FIR}/L'_{CO(1-0)} = 335. All these characteristics (brightness temperature, excitation temperature, column density, and continuum-to-line ratio) are comparable to conditions found in low redshift, ultra-luminous nuclear starburst galaxies. We find that the CO emitting regions in 1202-0725 and 1335-0417 must be close to face-on in order to avoid having the gas mass exceed the gravitational mass, implying perhaps unreasonably large rotational velocities. While this problem is mitigated by lowering the CO luminosity-to-H_2 mass conversion factor (X), the required X values become comparable to, or lower than, the minimum values dictated by optically thin CO emission. We considered the possibility of magnification by gravitational lensing in order to reduce the molecular gas masses.Comment: aastex 12 postscript figures. to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Scaling and universality in the anisotropic Kondo model and the dissipative two-state system

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    Scaling and universality in the Ohmic two-state system is investigated by exploiting the equivalence of this model to the anisotropic Kondo model. For the Ohmic two-state system, we find universal scaling functions for the specific heat, Cα(T)C_{\alpha}(T), static susceptibility, χα(T)\chi_{\alpha}(T), and spin relaxation function Sα(ω)S_{\alpha}(\omega) depending on the reduced temperature T/ΔrT/\Delta_{r} (frequency ω/Δr\omega/\Delta_{r}), with Δr\Delta_{r} the renormalized tunneling frequency, and uniquely specified by the dissipation strength α\alpha (0<α<10<\alpha<1). The scaling functions can be used to extract α\alpha and Δr\Delta_{r} in experimental realizations.Comment: 5 pages (LaTeX), 4 EPS figures. Minor changes, typos corrected, journal reference adde

    Molecular gas in the galaxy M83. I - The molecular gas distribution

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    We present CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) observations of the barred spiral galaxy M83 (NGC5236). The maps cover the entire optical disk. The CO emission is strongly peaked toward the nucleus, which breaks up into two separate components in the CO(2-1) data due to the higher spatial resolution. Emission from the bar is strong, in particular on the leading edges of the bar. The molecular gas arms are clearly resolved and can be traced for more than 360\degr . Emission in the inter-arm regions is detected. The average CO CO(2-1)/CO(1-0) line ratio is 0.77. The ratio is lower than this on the spiral arms and higher in the inter-arm regions. The arms show regularly spaced concentrations of molecular gas, Giant Molecular Associations (GMA's), whose masses are of the order 10^7 Msun. The total molecular gas mass is estimated to be 3.9*10^9 Msun. This mass is comparable to the total HI mass, but H_2 dominates in the optical disk. In the disk, H_2 and HI show very similar distributions, including small scale clumping. We compare the molecular gas distribution with those of other star formation tracers, such as B and H_alpha images.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, A&A accepted. A higher resolution version available at http://www.astro.su.se/~andreas/publications

    Constraints on the Cosmic-Ray Density Gradient beyond the Solar Circle from Fermi gamma-ray Observations of the Third Galactic Quadrant

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    We report an analysis of the interstellar γ\gamma-ray emission in the third Galactic quadrant measured by the {Fermi} Large Area Telescope. The window encompassing the Galactic plane from longitude 210\arcdeg to 250\arcdeg has kinematically well-defined segments of the Local and the Perseus arms, suitable to study the cosmic-ray densities across the outer Galaxy. We measure no large gradient with Galactocentric distance of the γ\gamma-ray emissivities per interstellar H atom over the regions sampled in this study. The gradient depends, however, on the optical depth correction applied to derive the \HI\ column densities. No significant variations are found in the interstellar spectra in the outer Galaxy, indicating similar shapes of the cosmic-ray spectrum up to the Perseus arm for particles with GeV to tens of GeV energies. The emissivity as a function of Galactocentric radius does not show a large enhancement in the spiral arms with respect to the interarm region. The measured emissivity gradient is flatter than expectations based on a cosmic-ray propagation model using the radial distribution of supernova remnants and uniform diffusion properties. In this context, observations require a larger halo size and/or a flatter CR source distribution than usually assumed. The molecular mass calibrating ratio, XCO=N(H2)/WCOX_{\rm CO} = N({\rm H_{2}})/W_{\rm CO}, is found to be (2.08±0.11)×1020cm2(Kkms1)1(2.08 \pm 0.11) \times 10^{20} {\rm cm^{-2} (K km s^{-1})^{-1}} in the Local-arm clouds and is not significantly sensitive to the choice of \HI\ spin temperature. No significant variations are found for clouds in the interarm region.Comment: Corresponding authors: I. A. Grenier ([email protected]); T. Mizuno ([email protected]); L. Tibaldo ([email protected]) accepted for publication in Ap

    Molecular line intensities as measures of cloud masses - II. Conversion factors for specific galaxy types

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    We present theoretically-established values of the CO-to-H2 and C-to-H2 conversion factors that may be used to estimate the gas masses of external galaxies. We consider four distinct galaxy types, represented by M51, NGC 6946, M82 and SMC N27. The physical parameters that best represent the conditions within the molecular clouds in each of the galaxy types are estimated using a chi^2 analysis of several observed atomic fine structure and CO rotational lines. This analysis is explored over a wide range of density, radiation field, extinction, and other relevant parameters. Using these estimated physical conditions in methods that we have previously established, CO-to-H2 conversion factors are then computed for CO transitions up to J=9-8. For the conventional CO(1-0) transition, the computed conversion factor varies significantly below and above the canonical value for the Milky Way in the four galaxy types considered. Since atomic carbon emission is now frequently used as a probe of external galaxies, we also present, for the first time, the C-to-H2 conversion factor for this emission in the four galaxy types considered.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Gas and Star Formation in the Circinus Galaxy

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    We present a detailed study of the Circinus Galaxy, investigating its star formation, dust and gas properties both in the inner and outer disk. To achieve this, we obtained high-resolution Spitzer mid-infrared images with the IRAC (3.6, 5.8, 4.5, 8.0 micron) and MIPS (24 and 70 micron) instruments and sensitive HI data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the 64-m Parkes telescope. These were supplemented by CO maps from the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST). Because Circinus is hidden behind the Galactic Plane, we demonstrate the careful removal of foreground stars as well as large- and small-scale Galactic emission from the Spitzer images. We derive a visual extinction of Av = 2.1 mag from the Spectral Energy Distribution of the Circinus Galaxy and total stellar and gas masses of 9.5 x 10^{10} Msun and 9 x 10^9 Msun, respectively. Using various wavelength calibrations, we find obscured global star formation rates between 3 and 8 Msun yr^{-1}. Star forming regions in the inner spiral arms of Circinus, which are rich in HI, are beautifully unveiled in the Spitzer 8 micron image. The latter is dominated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission from heated interstellar dust. We find a good correlation between the 8 micron emission in the arms and regions of dense HI gas. The (PAH 8 micron) / 24 micron surface brightness ratio shows significant variations across the disk of Circinus.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures. All figures have been compressed. Contact authors for original figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Thermodynamics of the dissipative two-state system: a Bethe Ansatz study

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    The thermodynamics of the dissipative two-state system is calculated exactly for all temperatures and level asymmetries for the case of Ohmic dissipation. We exploit the equivalence of the two-state system to the anisotropic Kondo model and extract the thermodynamics of the former by solving the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations of the latter. The universal scaling functions for the specific heat Cα(T)C_{\alpha}(T) and static dielectric susceptibility χα(T)\chi_{\alpha}(T) are extracted for all dissipation strengths 0<α<10<\alpha<1 for both symmetric and asymmetric two-state systems. The logarithmic corrections to these quantities at high temperatures are found in the Kondo limit α1\alpha\to 1^{-}, whereas for α<1\alpha< 1 we find the expected power law temperature dependences with the powers being functions of the dissipative coupling α\alpha. The low temperature behaviour is always that of a Fermi liquid.Comment: 24 pages, 32 PS figures. Typos corrected, final versio

    Molecular gas in the central regions of the latest-type spiral galaxies

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    Using the IRAM 30m telescope, we have surveyed an unbiased sample of 47 nearby spiral galaxies of very late (Scd-Sm) Hubble-type for emission in the CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) lines. The sensitivity of our data (a few mK) allows detection of about 60% of our sample in at least one of the CO lines. The median detected H2 mass is 1.4\times 10^7 \msun within the central few kpc, assuming a standard conversion factor. We use the measured line intensities to complement existing studies of the molecular gas content of spiral galaxies as a function of Hubble-type and to significantly improve the statistical significance of such studies at the late end of the spiral sequence. We find that the latest-type spirals closely follow the correlation between molecular gas content and galaxy luminosity established for earlier Hubble types. The molecular gas in late-type galaxies seems to be less centrally concentrated than in earlier types. We use Hubble Space Telescope optical images to correlate the molecular gas mass to the properties of the central galaxy disk and the compact star cluster that occupies the nucleus of most late-type spirals. There is no clear correlation between the luminosity of the nuclear star cluster and the molecular gas mass, although the CO detection rate is highest for the brightest clusters. It appears that the central surface brightness of the stellar disk is an important parameter for the amount of molecular gas at the galaxy center. Whether stellar bars play a critical role for the gas dynamics remains unclear, in part because of uncertainties in the morphological classifications of our sample.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, accepted by A&