293 research outputs found

    Alkaloids in Erythrina

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    Erythrina species are used in popular medicine as sedative, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and antihypertensive. In this work, we investigated the chemical composition of extracts obtained from leaves of E. falcata and E. crista-galli. The hypotensive potential of E. falcata and the mechanism of action were also studied. The extracts were obtained by maceration and infusion. The total content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids was estimated by spectrophotometric methods. The chemical constituents were studied performing a chromatographic analysis by UPLC-ESI-MS. For in vivo protocols, blood pressure and heart rate were measured by the invasive hemodynamic monitoring method. Different concentrations of extracts and drugs such as L-NAME, losartan, hexamethonium, and propranolol were administrated i.v. The results of total phenolic contents for E. falcata and E. crista-galli were 1.3193–1.4989 mgGAE/mL for maceration and 0.8771–0.9506 mgGAE/mL for infusion. In total flavonoids, the content was 7.7829–8.1976 mg RE/g for maceration and 9.3471–10.4765 RE mg/g for infusion. The chemical composition was based on alkaloids, suggesting the presence of erythristemine, 11β-methoxyglucoerysodine, erysothiopine, 11β-hydroxyerysodine-glucose, and 11-hydroxyerysotinone-rhamnoside. A potent dose-dependent hypotensive effect was observed for E. falcata, which may be related to the route of β-adrenergic receptors

    On the interpretative essence of the term "interaction-free measurement": The role of entanglement

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    The polemical term "interaction-free measurement" (IFM) is analyzed in its interpretative nature. Two seminal works proposing the term are revisited and their underlying interpretations are assessed. The role played by nonlocal quantum correlations (entanglement) is formally discussed and some controversial conceptions in the original treatments are identified. As a result the term IFM is shown to be consistent neither with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics nor with the lessons provided by the EPR debate.Comment: accepted in Found. Phy

    Are dairy cows with a more reactive temperament less efficient in energetic metabolism and do they produce more enteric methane?

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    It remains unknown whether dairy cows with more reactive temperament produce more enteric methane (CH4) and are less bioenergetically efficient than the calmer ones. The objectives of this study were (a) to evaluate the relationship between cattle temperament assessed by traditionally used tests with energetic metabolism and enteric CH4 emissions by crossbred dairy cows; (b) to assess how cows? restlessness in respiration chambers affects energetic metabolism and enteric CH4 emissions. Temperament indicators were evaluated for 28 primiparous F1 Holstein-Gyr cows tested singly in the handling corral (entrance time, crush score, flight speed, and flight distance) and during milking (steps, kicks, defecation, rumination, and kick the milking cluster off). Cows? behaviors within respiration chambers were also recorded for each individual kept singly. Digestibility and calorimetry trials were performed to obtain energy partitioning and CH4 measures. Cows with more reactive temperament in milking (the ones that kicked the milking cluster off more frequently) spent 25.24% less net energy on lactation (P = 0.04) and emitted 36.77% more enteric CH4/kg of milk (P = 0.03). Furthermore, cows that showed a higher frequency of rumination at milking parlor allocated 57.93% more net energy for milk production (P < 0.01), spent 50.00% more metabolizable energy for milk production (P < 0.01) and 37.10% less CH4/kg of milk (P = 0.04). Regarding the handling temperament, most reactive cows according to flight speed, lost 29.16% less energy as urine (P = 0.05) and tended to have 14.30% more enteric CH4 production (P = 0.08), as well as cows with a lower entrance time (most reactive) that also lost 13.29% more energy as enteric CH4 (P = 0.04). Temperament and restless behavior of Holstein-Gyr cows were related to metabolic efficiency and enteric CH4 emissions. Cows? reactivity and rumination in the milking parlor, in addition to flight speed and entrance time in the squeeze chute during handling in the corral, could be useful measures to predict animals more prone to metabolic inefficiency, which could negatively affect the sustainability of dairy systems

    Hygienisation, gentrification, and urban displacement in Brazil

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    This article engages recent debates over gentrification and urban displacement in the global South. While researchers increasingly suggest that gentrification is becoming widespread in “Southern” cities, others argue that such analyses overlook important differences in empirical context and privilege EuroAmerican theoretical frameworks. To respond to this debate, in this article, we outline the concept of higienização (hygienisation), arguing that it captures important contextual factors missed by gentrification. Hygienisation is a Brazilian term that describes a particular form of urban displacement, and is directly informed by legacies of colonialism, racial and class stigma, informality, and state violence. Our objective is to show how “Southern” concepts like hygienisation help urban researchers gain better insight into processes of urban displacement, while also responding to recent calls to decentre and provincialise urban theory

    Staging Bipolar Disorder.

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the evidence supporting a staging model for bipolar disorder. The authors conducted an extensive Medline and Pubmed search of the published literature using a variety of search terms (staging, bipolar disorder, early intervention) to find relevant articles, which were reviewed in detail. Only recently specific proposals have been made to apply clinical staging to bipolar disorder. The staging model in bipolar disorder suggests a progression from prodromal (at-risk) to more severe and refractory presentations (Stage IV). A staging model implies a longitudinal appraisal of different aspects: clinical variables, such as number of episodes and subsyndromal symptoms, functional and cognitive impairment, comorbidity, biomarkers, and neuroanatomical changes. Staging models are based on the fact that response to treatment is generally better when it is introduced early in the course of the illness. It assumes that earlier stages have better prognosis and require simpler therapeutic regimens. Staging may assist in bipolar disorder treatment planning and prognosis, and emphasize the importance of early intervention. Further research is required in this exciting and novel area

    Reducing repeat pregnancies in adolescence: applying realist principles as part of a mixed-methods systematic review to explore what works, for whom, how and under what circumstances

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    BACKGROUND: Previous research has demonstrated emotional, psychological and educational harm to young mothers following unintended conceptions. The UK has one of the highest rates of pregnancies in adolescence in Western Europe with a high proportion of these being repeat pregnancies, making it a topic of interest for public health policy makers, and health and social care practitioners. As part of a wider mixed-methods systematic review, realist principles were applied to synthesise evidence about interventions aiming to reduce repeat pregnancies in adolescence.METHODS: A multi-streamed, mixed-methods systematic review was conducted searching 11 major electronic databases and 9 additional databases from 1995 onwards, using key terms such as pregnancy, teen or adolescent. The principles of realist synthesis were applied to all included literature to uncover theories about what works, for whom, how and in what context. Initial theory areas were developed through evidence scoping, group discussion by the authors and stakeholder engagement to uncover context + mechanism = outcome (CMO) configurations and related narratives.RESULTS: The searches identified 8,664 documents initially, and 403 in repeat searches, filtering to 81 included studies, including qualitative studies, randomised controlled trials, quantitative studies and grey literature. Three CMO configurations were developed. The individual experiences of young mothers' triggered self-efficacy, notions of perceived risks, susceptibility and benefits of pregnancy, resulting in the adolescent taking control of their fertility and sexual encounters. The choice between motherhood and other goals triggered notions of motivations, resulting in the adolescent managing their expectations of motherhood and controlling their fertility and sexual encounters. Barriers and facilitators to accessing services triggered notions of connectedness and self-determination; resulting in interventions that are tailored so they are relevant to young persons, and improve access to services and engagement with the issue of pregnancy in adolescence.CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy in adolescence is a complex issue with many factors to consider. The conceptual platform described here could help guide policy makers and professionals towards a number of areas that need to be attended to in order to increase the likelihood of an intervention working to prevent rapid repeat pregnancy in adolescence.TRIAL REGISTRATION: PROSPERO CRD42012003168
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