570 research outputs found

    Tanino condensando das espécies jurema preta (Mimosa hostilis), sabiá (Mimosa caesalpinifolia) e mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha), em três fases do ciclo fenológico.

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    Resumo: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar os taninos condensados das espécies Jurema Preta (Mimosa hostilis), Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpinifolia) e Mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha) nas fases de vegetação(Mimosa hostilis), Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpinifolia) e Mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha) nas fases de vegetação plena, floração plena e frutificação. A concentração em tanino solúvel, tanino ligado ao resíduo e tanino total (TT) foi determinada pelo método butanol-HCL e a adstringência pelo método de difusão radial. Foram observadas diferenças entre as espécies quanto a concentração (P<0,05) e adstringência (P<0,05) dos taninos. A Jurema Preta apresentou os maiores valores (30,98% TT e 22% de adstringência na vegetação plena) e Mororó as menores (10,38% TT e 14% de adstringência na frutificação). A concentração e adstringência dos taninos condensados, assim como a adstringência variaram entre as espécies e, em alguns casos, entre as fases do ciclo fenológico. Os valores observados foram sempre superiores aos considerados benéficos (5%) para a digestão ruminal e aproveitamento geral da dieta. Abstract: This study was conducted aiming at characterizing the condensed tannins present in the legumes species Jurema Preta (Mimosa hostilis), Sabiá (Mimosa caesalpinifolia) and Mororó (Bauhinia cheilantha) at three stages of their phenological cycle. The concentration of soluble tannin, bound tannin and total tannin (TT) was determined using the butanol-HCL method and astringency was determined using the radial diffusion method. Jurema Preta presented the highest values (30.98% TT and 22 % astringency at full growth stage), and Mororó the lowest (10.38% TT and 14 % astringency during fructification). Concentration and astringency of condensed tannins, as well as their monomeric composition varied between species, and in some cases among phenological cycles. The values observed were always above the limits considered beneficial for ruminal digestion (i.e. 5%)

    Molecular gas in QSO host galaxies at z>5

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    We present observations with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer of three QSOs at z>5 aimed at detecting molecular gas in their host galaxies as traced by CO transitions. CO (5-4) is detected in SDSSJ033829.31+002156.3 at z=5.0267, placing it amongst the most distant sources detected in CO. The CO emission is unresolved with a beam size of ~1", implying that the molecular gas is contained within a compact region, less than ~3kpc in radius. We infer an upper limit on the dynamical mass of the CO emitting region of ~3x10^10 Msun/sin(i)^2. The comparison with the Black Hole mass inferred from near-IR data suggests that the BH-to-bulge mass ratio in this galaxy is significantly higher than in local galaxies. From the CO luminosity we infer a mass reservoir of molecular gas as high as M(H2)=2.4x10^10 Msun, implying that the molecular gas accounts for a significant fraction of the dynamical mass. When compared to the star formation rate derived from the far-IR luminosity, we infer a very short gas exhaustion timescale (~10^7 yrs), comparable to the dynamical timescale. CO is not detected in the other two QSOs (SDSSJ083643.85+005453.3 and SDSSJ163033.90+401209.6) and upper limits are given for their molecular gas content. When combined with CO observations of other type 1 AGNs, spanning a wide redshift range (0<z<6.4), we find that the host galaxy CO luminosity (hence molecular gas content) and the AGN optical luminosity (hence BH accretion rate) are correlated, but the relation is not linear: L(CO) ~ [lambda*L_lambda(4400A)]^0.72. Moreover, at high redshifts (and especially at z>5) the CO luminosity appears to saturate. We discuss the implications of these findings in terms of black hole-galaxy co-evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters, 6 pages, 3 figure

    Characterization of condensed tannins from native legumes of the brazilian Northeastern Semi-arid.

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    Apesar da possível influência do tanino sobre o valor nutritivo das forrageiras da Caatinga, poucos são os estudos que avaliam a concentração de taninos nestas plantas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar os taninos condensados presentes nas espécies Mimosa hostilis (Jurema Preta), Mimosa caesalpinifolia (Sabiá) e Bauhinia cheilantha (Mororó), em três fases do ciclo fenológico. As concentrações de tanino solúvel (TS), tanino ligado ao resíduo (TL) e tanino total (TT) foram determinadas pelo método butanol-HCl; a adstringência foi avaliada pelo método de difusão radial e a composição de monômeros dos taninos purificados através do sistema de cromatografia líquida de alta resolução, utilizando delfinidina, cianidina e pelargonidina como padrões. A concentração e adstringência dos taninos condensados purificados, assim como sua composição monomérica, variou entre as espécies e, em alguns casos, entre os ciclos fenológicos. Os valores foram superiores aos considerados benéficos a digestão ruminal (5%). Jurema Preta apresentou os maiores valores (30,98% TT e 22% de adstringência na vegetação plena) e Mororó os menores valores observados (10,38 TT e 14% de adstringência na frutificação). A Jurema Preta apresentou uma relação prodelfinidina (PD):procianidina (PC) média de 97:3 que se mostrou pouco variável, indicando uma alta capacidade adstringente dos taninos desta espécie em todas as fases do ciclo fenológico. O Sábia apresentou uma relação de 90:20 nas fases de vegetação plena e floração, diminuindo para 40:50 na fase de frutificação. A relação PD:PC do Mororó foi mais equilibrada, oscilando em torno de 40:50 nas fases de vegetação plena e floração e reduzindo para 35:60 durante a frutificação. A propelargonidina esteve ausente ou em pequena concentração nas espécies estudadas. Abstract: Despite the possible influence of tannins on the nutritional value of the forages from Caatinga vegetation, there are few studies that evaluated their tannin concentration. This study was conducted to characterize condensed tannins present in the legumes species Mimosa hostilis (Jurema Preta), Mimosa caesalpinifolia (Sabia) and Bauhinia cheilantha (Mororo), at three stages of their phenological cycle. The concentration of soluble tannin (ST), bound tannin (BT) and total tannin (TT) were determined using the butanol-HCL method; astringency was by the radial diffusion method, and the monomeric composition of purified tannins by a high-performance liquid chromatograph with delphinidin, cyanidin and pelargonidin as standards. Concentration and astringency of purified condensed tannins, as well as their monomeric composition varied between species, and in some cases among phenological cycles. The values observed were always above the limits considered beneficial for ruminal digestion (i.e. 5%). Jurema Preta presented the highest values (30.98% TT and 22% astringency at full growth stage), and Mororo the lowest (10.38% TT and 14% astringency during fructification). Jurema Preta presented a mean relationship prodelfinidin (PD): procyanidin (PC) of 97:3, which did not vary during the phenological cycle, showing the high astringent capacity of these tannins. Sabia presented a relationship of 90:20 during full growth and flowering stages, decreasing to 40:50 at fructification. In Mororo the PD:PC relationship was more equilibrated, around 40:50 during full growth and flowering stages, decreasing to 35:60 During fructification. Propelargonidin was not detected or was present at low concentration in the three species

    List Decoding of Matrix-Product Codes from nested codes: an application to Quasi-Cyclic codes

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    A list decoding algorithm for matrix-product codes is provided when C1,...,CsC_1,..., C_s are nested linear codes and AA is a non-singular by columns matrix. We estimate the probability of getting more than one codeword as output when the constituent codes are Reed-Solomon codes. We extend this list decoding algorithm for matrix-product codes with polynomial units, which are quasi-cyclic codes. Furthermore, it allows us to consider unique decoding for matrix-product codes with polynomial units

    Study of the Quantum Efficiency of CsI Photocathodes Exposed to Oxygen and Water Vapour

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    The operation of CsI photocathodes in gaseous detectors requires special attention to the purity of the applied gas mixtures.We have studied the influence of oxygen and water vapour contaminations on the performance of CsI photocathodes for theALICE HMPID RICH prototype. Measurements were done through comparison of Cherenkov rings obtained from beamtests. Increased levels of oxygen and water vapour did not show any effect on the performance. The results of this studyfound a direct application in the way of storing CsI photocathodes over long periods nad in particular in the shipment of theHMPID prototype from CERN to the STAR experiment at BNL. (Abstract only available,full text to follow

    A hyper luminous starburst at z=4.72 magnified by a lensing galaxy pair at z=1.48

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    International audienceWe serendipitously discovered in the Herschel Reference Survey an extremely bright infrared source with S500 ∼ 120 mJy in the line of sight of the Virgo cluster which we name Red Virgo 4 (RV4). Based on IRAM/EMIR and IRAM/NOEMA detections of the CO(5−4), CO(4−3), and [CI] lines, RV4 is located at a redshift of 4.724, yielding a total observed infrared luminosity of 1.1 ± 0.6 × 1014 L⊙. At the position of the Herschel emission, three blobs are detected with the VLA at 10 cm. The CO(5−4) line detection of each blob confirms that they are at the same redshift with the same line width, indicating that they are multiple images of the same source. In Spitzer and deep optical observations, two sources, High-z Lens 1 (HL1) West and HL1 East, are detected at the center of the three VLA/NOEMA blobs. These two sources are placed at z = 1.48 with X-shooter spectra, suggesting that they could be merging and gravitationally lensing the emission of RV4. HL1 is the second most distant lens known to date in strong lensing systems. Constrained by the position of the three VLA/NOEMA blobs, the Einstein radius of the lensing system is 2.2″ ± 0.2 (20 kpc). The high redshift of HL1 and the large Einstein radius are highly unusual for a strong lensing system. In this paper, we present the insterstellar medium properties of the background source RV4. Different estimates of the gas depletion time yield low values suggesting that RV4 is a starburst galaxy. Among all high-z submillimeter galaxies, this source exhibits one of the lowest L[CI] to LIR ratios, 3.2 ± 0.9 × 10−6, suggesting an extremely short gas depletion time of only 14 ± 5 Myr. It also shows a relatively high L[CI] to LCO(4−3) ratio (0.7 ± 0.2) and low LCO(5−4) to LIR ratio (only ∼50% of the value expected for normal galaxies) hinting at low density of gas. Finally, we discuss the short depletion time of RV4. It can be explained by either a very high star formation efficiency, which is difficult to reconcile with major mergers simulations of high-z galaxies, or a rapid decrease of star formation, which would bias the estimate of the depletion time toward an artificially low value

    Far-Infrared Properties of Spitzer-selected Luminous Starbursts

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    We present SHARC-2 350 micron data on 20 luminous z ~ 2 starbursts with S(1.2mm) > 2 mJy from the Spitzer-selected samples of Lonsdale et al. and Fiolet et al. All the sources were detected, with S(350um) > 25 mJy for 18 of them. With the data, we determine precise dust temperatures and luminosities for these galaxies using both single-temperature fits and models with power-law mass--temperature distributions. We derive appropriate formulae to use when optical depths are non-negligible. Our models provide an excellent fit to the 6um--2mm measurements of local starbursts. We find characteristic single-component temperatures T1 ~ 35.5+-2.2 K and integrated infrared (IR) luminosities around 10^(12.9+-0.1) Lsun for the SWIRE-selected sources. Molecular gas masses are estimated at 4 x 10^(10) Msun, assuming kappa(850um)=0.15 m^2/kg and a submillimeter-selected galaxy (SMG)-like gas-to-dust mass ratio. The best-fit models imply >~2 kpc emission scales. We also note a tight correlation between rest-frame 1.4 GHz radio and IR luminosities confirming star formation as the predominant power source. The far-IR properties of our sample are indistinguishable from the purely submillimeter-selected populations from current surveys. We therefore conclude that our original selection criteria, based on mid-IR colors and 24 um flux densities, provides an effective means for the study of SMGs at z ~ 1.5--2.5.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, edited to match published version in ApJ 717, 29-39 (2010

    First detection of [CII]158um at high redshift: vigorous star formation in the early universe

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    We report the detection of the 2P_3/2 -> 2P_1/2 fine-structure line of C+ at 157.74 micron in SDSSJ114816.64+525150.3 (hereafter J1148+5251), the most distant known quasar, at z=6.42, using the IRAM 30-meter telescope. This is the first detection of the [CII] line at high redshift, and also the first detection in a Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxy (L_FIR > 10^13 Lsun). The [CII] line is detected at a significance level of 8 sigma and has a luminosity of 4.4 x 10^9 Lsun. The L_[CII]/L_FIR ratio is 2 x 10^-4, about an order of magnitude smaller than observed in local normal galaxies and similar to the ratio observed in local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies. The [CII] line luminosity indicates that the host galaxy of this quasar is undergoing an intense burst of star formation with an estimated rate of ~3000 Msun/yr. The detection of C+ in SDSS J1148+5251 suggests a significant enrichment of metals at z ~ 6 (age of the universe ~870 Myr), although the data are consistent with a reduced carbon to oxygen ratio as expected from chemical evolutionary models of the early phases of galaxy formation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A&A Letter