97 research outputs found

    Analytic Determination of the Critical Coupling for Oscillators in a Ring

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    We study a model of coupled oscillators with bidirectional first nearest neighbours coupling with periodic boundary conditions. We show that a stable phase-locked solution is decided by the oscillators at the borders between the major clusters, which merge to form a larger one of all oscillators at the stage of complete synchronization. We are able to locate these four oscillators as well as the size of major clusters in the vicinity of the stage of full synchronization which we show to depend only on the set of initial frequencies. Using the method presented here, we are able to obtain an analytic form of the critical coupling, at which the complete synchronization state occurs.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure

    Transition to complete synchronization in phase coupled oscillators with nearest neighbours coupling

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    We investigate synchronization in a Kuramoto-like model with nearest neighbour coupling. Upon analyzing the behaviour of individual oscillators at the onset of complete synchronization, we show that the time interval between bursts in the time dependence of the frequencies of the oscillators exhibits universal scaling and blows up at the critical coupling strength. We also bring out a key mechanism that leads to phase locking. Finally, we deduce forms for the phases and frequencies at the onset of complete synchronization.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in CHAO

    Range expansion with mutation and selection: dynamical phase transition in a two-species Eden model

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    The colonization of unoccupied territory by invading species, known as range expansion, is a spatially heterogeneous non-equilibrium growth process. We introduce a two-species Eden growth model to analyze the interplay between uni-directional (irreversible) mutations and selection at the expanding front. While the evolutionary dynamics leads to coalescence of both wild-type and mutant clusters, the non-homogeneous advance of the colony results in a rough front. We show that roughening and domain dynamics are strongly coupled, resulting in qualitatively altered bulk and front properties. For beneficial mutations the front is quickly taken over by mutants and growth proceeds Eden-like. In contrast, if mutants grow slower than wild-types, there is an antagonism between selection pressure against mutants and growth by the merging of mutant domains with an ensuing absorbing state phase transition to an all-mutant front. We find that surface roughening has a marked effect on the critical properties of the absorbing state phase transition. While reference models, which keep the expanding front flat, exhibit directed percolation critical behavior, the exponents of the two-species Eden model strongly deviate from it. In turn, the mutation-selection process induces an increased surface roughness with exponents distinct from that of the classical Eden model

    Quantum properties of a cyclic structure based on tripolar fields

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    The properties of cyclic structures (toroidal oscillators) based on classical tripolar (colour) fields are discussed, in particular, of a cyclic structure formed of three colour-singlets spinning around a ring-closed axis. It is shown that the helicity and handedness of this structure can be related to the quantum properties of the electron. The symmetry of this structure corresponds to the complete cycle of 2/3π{2/3}\pi-rotations of its constituents, which leads to the exact overlapping of the paths of its three complementary coloured constituents, making the system dynamically colourless. The gyromagnetic ratio of this system is estimated to be g2\approx 2, which agrees with the Land\'e g-factor for the electron.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, journal versio

    Crossover effects in a discrete deposition model with Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling

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    We simulated a growth model in 1+1 dimensions in which particles are aggregated according to the rules of ballistic deposition with probability p or according to the rules of random deposition with surface relaxation (Family model) with probability 1-p. For any p>0, this system is in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, but it presents a slow crossover from the Edwards-Wilkinson class (EW) for small p. From the scaling of the growth velocity, the parameter p is connected to the coefficient of the nonlinear term of the KPZ equation, lambda, giving lambda ~ p^gamma, with gamma = 2.1 +- 0.2. Our numerical results confirm the interface width scaling in the growth regime as W ~ lambda^beta t^beta, and the scaling of the saturation time as tau ~ lambda^(-1) L^z, with the expected exponents beta =1/3 and z=3/2 and strong corrections to scaling for small lambda. This picture is consistent with a crossover time from EW to KPZ growth in the form t_c ~ lambda^(-4) ~ p^(-8), in agreement with scaling theories and renormalization group analysis. Some consequences of the slow crossover in this problem are discussed and may help investigations of more complex models.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Metabolomic profile, anti-trypanosomal potential and molecular docking studies of <i>Thunbergia grandifolia</i>

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    Trypanosomiasis is a protozoan disease transmitted via Trypanosoma brucei. This study aimed to examine the metabolic profile and anti-trypanosomal effect of methanol extract of Thunbergia grandifolia leaves. The liquid chromatography-high resolution electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (LC-HRESIMS) revealed the identification of fifteen compounds of iridoid, flavonoid, lignan, phenolic acid, and alkaloid classes. The extract displayed a promising inhibitory activity against T. brucei TC 221 with MIC value of 1.90 μg/mL within 72 h. A subsequent in silico analysis of the dereplicated compounds (i.e. inverse docking, molecular dynamic simulation, and absolute binding free energy) suggested both rhodesain and farnesyl diphosphate synthase as probable targets for two compounds among those dereplicated ones in the plant extract (i.e. diphyllin and avacennone B). The absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) profiling of diphyllin and avacennone were calculated accordingly, where both compounds showed acceptable drug-like properties. This study highlighted the antiparasitic potential of T. grandifolia leaves

    Uric Acid Is a Mediator of the Plasmodium falciparum-Induced Inflammatory Response

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    Malaria triggers a high inflammatory response in the host that mediates most of the associated pathologies and contributes to death. The identification of pro-inflammatory molecules derived from Plasmodium is essential to understand the mechanisms of pathogenesis and to develop targeted interventions. Uric acid derived from hypoxanthine accumulated in infected erythrocytes has been recently proposed as a mediator of inflammation in rodent malaria.We found that human erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum gradually accumulate hypoxanthine in their late stages of development. To analyze the role of hypoxanthine-derived uric acid induced by P. falciparum on the inflammatory cytokine response from human blood mononuclear cells, cultures were treated with allopurinol, to inhibit uric acid formation from hypoxanthine, or with uricase, to degrade uric acid. Both treatments significantly reduce the secretion of TNF, IL-6, IL-1beta and IL-10 from human cells.Uric acid is a major contributor of the inflammatory response triggered by P. falciparum in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Since the inflammatory reaction induced by P. falciparum is considered a major cause of malaria pathogenesis, identifying the mechanisms used by the parasite to induce the host inflammatory response is essential to develop urgently needed therapies against this disease


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    women as one of the human resources in the labor market, especially in Indonesia, have a large contribution,in the sense that the number of women who offer themselves to work is quite large. Women in Barae Villageparticipate especially in fulfilling the economic functions of their families and households. The participationof women workers is closely related to family background, given that the function of the family in decisionmaking is very decisive. It’s just that the value of female labor is sometimes still low, while women also havehousehold obligations that cannot be ignored. This study aims to determine the role of women in bamboomanagement and the contribution of women to family income in Barae Village, Marioriwawo district,soppeng Regency. The study was conducted in Barae Village, Marioriwawo district, soppeng Regencyfrom March to april 2022. The population in the study were women who worked in the bamboo managementindustry and a sample of 36 people. data collection methods are observation and interviews. The dataanalysis used is descriptive and contribution analysis. The results showed that the role of women in bamboo management, from the production process to the marketing of the produce, was carried out by women. Theproducts produced are winnows, rice baskets, and parcel baskets. The contribution of women’s income tofamily income is 24.52%. The total average income obtained based on the results of the analysis is Rp.2,083,889,- per month. for respondents’ income from the sale of woven bamboo products - an average of495,000, - per month