1,377 research outputs found

    Relativistic Diskoseismology. I. Analytical Results for 'Gravity Modes'

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    We generalize previous calculations to a fully relativistic treatment of adiabatic oscillations which are trapped in the inner regions of accretion disks by non-Newtonian gravitational effects of a black hole. We employ the Kerr geometry within the scalar potential formalism of Ipser and Lindblom, neglecting the gravitational field of the disk. This approach treats perturbations of arbitrary stationary, axisymmetric, perfect fluid models. It is applied here to thin accretion disks. Approximate analytic eigenfunctions and eigenfrequencies are obtained for the most robust and observable class of modes, which corresponds roughly to the gravity (internal) oscillations of stars. The dependence of the oscillation frequencies on the mass and angular momentum of the black hole is exhibited. These trapped modes do not exist in Newtonian gravity, and thus provide a signature and probe of the strong-field structure of black holes. Our predictions are relevant to observations which could detect modulation of the X-ray luminosity from stellar mass black holes in our galaxy and the UV and optical luminosity from supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, uses style file aaspp4.sty, prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v4.0, significant revision of earlier submission to include modes with axial index m>

    Hadron formation in high energy photonuclear reactions

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    We present a new method to account for coherence length effects in a semi-classical transport model. This allows us to describe photo- and electroproduction at large nuclei (A>12) and high energies using a realistic coupled channel description of the final state interactions that goes beyond simple Glauber theory. We show that the purely absorptive treatment of the final state interactions can lead to wrong estimates of color transparency and formation time effects in particle production. As an example, we discuss exclusive rho^0 photoproduction on Pb at a photon energy of 7 GeV as well as K^+ production in the photon energy range 1-7 GeV.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, version published in Phys. Rev.

    In-Medium Properties of Hadrons - Observables II

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    In this review we discuss the observable consequences of in-medium changes of hadronic properties in reactions with elementary probes, and in particular photons, on nuclei. After an outline of the theoretical method used we focus on a discussion of actual observables in photonuclear reactions; we discuss in detail 2π2\pi- and vector-meson production. We show that the 2π02\pi^0 photoproduction data can be well described by final state interactions of the pions produced whereas the semi-charged π0π±\pi^0\pi^\pm channel exhibits a major discrepancy with theory. For ω\omega production on nuclei in the TAPS/CB@ELSA experiment we analyse the π0γ\pi^0\gamma decay channel, and illustrate the strength of the method by simulating experimental acceptance problems. Completely free of final state interactions is dilepton production in the few GeV range. We show that the sensitivity of this decay channel to changes of hadronic properties in medium in photonuclear reactions on nuclei is as large as in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions and make predictions for the on-going G7 experiment at JLAB. Finally we discuss that hadron production in nuclei at 10 -- 20 GeV photon energies can give important information on the hadronization process, and in particular on the time-scales involved. We show here detailed calculations for the low-energy (12 GeV) run at HERMES and predictions for planned experiments at JLAB.Comment: Invited Talk by U. Mosel, Proceedings of the Int. School on Nuclear Physics, 26th Course, "Lepton scattering and the structure of hadrons and nuclei", Erice (Sicily), September 16th-24th, 2004, short piece of text adde

    In-medium Properties of Hadrons -- Observables

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    We first briefly review the theoretical basis for calculations of changes of hadronic properties in dense nuclear matter. These changes have usually been investigated by means of relativistic heavy-ion reactions. Here we discuss that observable consequences of such changes can also be seen in more elementary reactions on nuclei. Particular emphasis is put on a discussion of actual observables in photonuclear reactions; we discuss in detail η\eta- and vector-meson production. We show that photoproduction of η\eta's can yield essential information on in-medium properties of the S11(1535)S_{11}(1535) resonance while the ϕ\phi meson properties will probably not be accessible through the K+KK^+K^- decay channel. However, for ω\omega mesons the π0γ\pi^0\gamma decay channel, due to its reduced final state interaction, looks more promising in this respect. Completely free of final state interactions is dilepton production in the few GeV range. We show that the sensitivity of this decay channel to changes of hadronic properties in medium in photonuclear reactions on nuclei is as large as in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. Finally we discuss that hadron production in nuclei at 10 -- 20 GeV photon energies can give important information on the hadronization process.Comment: Invited Lecture by U. Mosel at Erice International School on Nuclear Physics 200

    IL-6 activated integrated BATF/IRF4 functions in lymphocytes are T-bet-independent and reversed by subcutaneous immunotherapy.

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    IL-6 plays a central role in supporting pathological TH2 and TH17 cell development and inhibiting the protective T regulatory cells in allergic asthma. TH17 cells have been demonstrated to regulate allergic asthma in general and T-bet-deficiency-induced asthma in particular. Here we found an inverse correlation between T-bet and Il-6 mRNA expression in asthmatic children. Moreover, experimental subcutaneous immunotherapy (SIT) in T-bet((-/-)) mice inhibited IL-6, IL-21R and lung TH17 cells in a setting of asthma. Finally, local delivery of an anti-IL-6R antibody in T-bet((-/-)) mice resulted in the resolution of this allergic trait. Noteworthy, BATF, crucial for the immunoglobulin-class-switch and TH2,TH17 development, was found down-regulated in the lungs of T-bet((-/-)) mice after SIT and after treatment with anti-IL-6R antibody, indicating a critical role of IL-6 in controlling BATF/IRF4 integrated functions in TH2, TH17 cells and B cells also in a T-bet independent fashion in allergic asthma

    Delocalizing effect of the Hubbard repulsion for electrons on a two-dimensional disordered lattice

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    We study numerically the ground-state properties of the repulsive Hubbard model for spin-1/2 electrons on two-dimensional lattices with disordered on-site energies. The projector quantum Monte Carlo method is used to obtain very accurate values of the ground-state charge density distributions with NpN_p and Np+1N_p+1 particles. The difference in these charge densities allows us to study the localization properties of an added particle. The results obtained at quarter-filling on finite clusters show that the Hubbard repulsion has a strong delocalizing effect on the electrons in disordered 2D lattices. However, numerical restrictions do not allow us to reach a definite conclusion about the existence of a metal-insulator transition in the thermodynamic limit in two-dimensions.Comment: revtex, 7 pages, 7 figure

    Alter und Innovation: Befunde aus der Beschäftigtenstatistik

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    Bei dem zu beobachtenden Altern der Bevölkerung stellt sich die Frage nach der künftigen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Industriestandorts Deutschland, der mit gealterten Belegschaften am Weltmarkt bestehen muss. Besonders akzentuiert könnte die Problemlage bei innovationsintensiven Tätigkeitsfeldern sein, in denen die hohen Anforderungen an aktuelles Wissen, Belastbarkeit und Kreativität nach dem "Defizit-Modell" des Alterns eher mit Jugend assoziiert werden. Folglich müssten Unternehmen besonders in innovationsnahen Tätigkeiten der Industrie eine rapide Verjüngung anstreben. Eine Untersuchung der westdeutschen Industrie zwischen 1990 und 1996 zeigt jedoch, dass es bei "Innovatoren" (Ingenieure, Techniker) keinen überdurchschnittlichen altersselektiven Personalabbau gegeben hat. Vielmehr ist die allgemeine "Verjüngung" der Industriebelegschaften auf den deutlichen Personalabbau in der Großindustrie, der im Wesentlichen über Altersabgänge geregelt wurde, zurückzuführen. In der Entwicklung der industriellen Personalstruktur findet sich also kein Beleg für die These vom Alter als spezifisches Innovationsproblem