11,793 research outputs found

    Transplacental transmission of field and rescued strains of BTV-2 and BTV-8 in experimentally infected sheep

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    Transplacental transmission of bluetongue virus has been shown previously for the North European strain of serotype 8 (BTV-8) and for tissue culture or chicken egg-adapted vaccine strains but not for field strains of other serotypes. In this study, pregnant ewes (6 per group) were inoculated with either field or rescued strains of BTV-2 and BTV-8 in order to determine the ability of these viruses to cross the placental barrier. The field BTV-2 and BTV-8 strains was passaged once in Culicoides KC cells and once in mammalian cells. All virus inoculated sheep became infected and seroconverted against the different BTV strains used in this study. BTV RNA was detectable in the blood of all but two ewes for over 28 days but infectious virus could only be detected in the blood for a much shorter period. Interestingly, transplacental transmission of BTV-2 (both field and rescued strains) was demonstrated at high efficiency (6 out of 13 lambs born to BTV-2 infected ewes) while only 1 lamb of 12 born to BTV-8 infected ewes showed evidence of in utero infection. In addition, evidence for horizontal transmission of BTV-2 between ewes was observed. As expected, the parental BTV-2 and BTV-8 viruses and the viruses rescued by reverse genetics showed very similar properties to each other. This study showed, for the first time, that transplacental transmission of BTV-2, which had been minimally passaged in cell culture, can occur; hence such transmission might be more frequent than previously thought

    Meteorological application of Apollo photography Final report

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    Development of meteorological information and parameters based on cloud photographs taken during Apollo 9 fligh

    Approximate Inference for Robust Gaussian Process Regression

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    Gaussian process (GP) priors have been successfully used in non-parametric Bayesian regression and classification models. Inference can be performed analytically only for the regression model with Gaussian noise. For all other likelihood models inference is intractable and various approximation techniques have been proposed. In recent years expectation-propagation (EP) has been developed as a general method for approximate inference. This article provides a general summary of how expectation-propagation can be used for approximate inference in Gaussian process models. Furthermore we present a case study describing its implementation for a new robust variant of Gaussian process regression. To gain further insights into the quality of the EP approximation we present experiments in which we compare to results obtained by Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling

    Superconductivity-enhanced bias spectroscopy in carbon nanotube quantum dots

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    We study low-temperature transport through carbon nanotube quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime coupled to niobium-based superconducting leads. We observe pronounced conductance peaks at finite source-drain bias, which we ascribe to elastic and inelastic cotunneling processes enhanced by the coherence peaks in the density of states of the superconducting leads. The inelastic cotunneling lines display a marked dependence on the applied gate voltage which we relate to different tunneling-renormalizations of the two subbands in the nanotube. Finally, we discuss the origin of an especially pronounced sub-gap structure observed in every fourth Coulomb diamond

    Measuring the equation of state of a hard-disc fluid

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    We use video microscopy to study a two-dimensional (2D) model fluid of charged colloidal particles suspended in water and compute the pressure from the measured particle configurations. Direct experimental control over the particle density by means of optical tweezers allows the precise measurement of pressure as a function of density. We compare our data with theoretical predictions for the equation of state, the pair-correlation function and the compressibility of a hard-disc fluid and find good agreement, both for the fluid and the solid phase. In particular the location of the transition point agrees well with results from Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in EPL, slightly corrected versio

    Supporting User-Defined Functions on Uncertain Data

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    Uncertain data management has become crucial in many sensing and scientific applications. As user-defined functions (UDFs) become widely used in these applications, an important task is to capture result uncertainty for queries that evaluate UDFs on uncertain data. In this work, we provide a general framework for supporting UDFs on uncertain data. Specifically, we propose a learning approach based on Gaussian processes (GPs) to compute approximate output distributions of a UDF when evaluated on uncertain input, with guaranteed error bounds. We also devise an online algorithm to compute such output distributions, which employs a suite of optimizations to improve accuracy and performance. Our evaluation using both real-world and synthetic functions shows that our proposed GP approach can outperform the state-of-the-art sampling approach with up to two orders of magnitude improvement for a variety of UDFs. 1

    Studying the WHIM Content of the Galaxy Large-Scale Structures along the Line of Sight to H 2356-309

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    We make use of a 500ks Chandra HRC-S/LETG spectrum of the blazar H2356-309, combined with a lower S/N spectrum of the same target, to search for the presence of warm-hot absorbing gas associated with two Large-Scale Structures (LSSs) crossed by this sightline at z=0.062 (the Pisces-Cetus Supercluster, PCS) and at z=0.128 ("Farther Sculptor Wall", FSW). No statistically significant (>=3sigma) individual absorption is detected from any of the strong He- or H-like transitions of C, O and Ne at the redshifts of the structures. However we are still able to constrain the physical and geometrical parameters of the associated putative absorbing gas, by performing joint spectral fit of marginal detections and upper limits of the strongest expected lines with our self-consistent hybrid ionization WHIM spectral model. At the redshift of the PCS we identify a warm phase with logT=5.35_-0.13^+0.07 K and log N_H =19.1+/-0.2 cm^-2 possibly coexisting with a hotter and less significant phase with logT=6.9^+0.1_-0.8 K and log N_H=20.1^+0.3_-1.7 cm^-2 (1sigma errors). For the FSW we estimate logT=6.6_-0.2^+0.1 K and log N_H=19.8_-0.8^+0.4 cm^-2. Our constraints allow us to estimate the cumulative number density per unit redshifts of OVII WHIM absorbers. We also estimate the cosmological mass density obtaining Omega_b(WHIM)=(0.021^+0.031_-0.018) (Z/Z_sun)^-1, consistent with the mass density of the intergalactic 'missing baryons' for high metallicities.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Strong Far-IR Cooling Lines, Peculiar CO Kinematics and Possible Star Formation Suppression in Hickson Compact Group 57

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    We present [C II] and [O I] observations from Herschel and CO(1-0) maps from the Combined Array for{\dag} Research in Millimeter Astronomy (CARMA) of the Hickson Compact Group HCG 57, focusing on the galaxies HCG 57a and HCG 57d. HCG 57a has been previously shown to contain enhanced quantities of warm molecular hydrogen consistent with shock and/or turbulent heating. Our observations show that HCG 57d has strong [C II] emission compared to LFIR_{\rm FIR} and weak CO(1-0), while in HCG 57a, both the [C II] and CO(1-0) are strong. HCG 57a lies at the upper end of the normal distribution of [C II]/CO and [C II]/FIR ratios, and its far-IR cooling supports a low density warm diffuse gas that falls close to the boundary of acceptable PDR models. However, the power radiated in the [C II] and warm H2_2 emission have similar magnitudes, as seen in other shock-dominated systems and predicted by recent models. We suggest that shock-heating of the [C II] is a viable alternative to photoelectric heating in violently disturbed diffuse gas. The existence of shocks is also consistent with peculiar CO kinematics in the galaxy, indicating highly non-circular motions are present. These kinematically disturbed CO regions also show evidence of suppressed star formation, falling a factor of 10-30 below normal galaxies on the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation. We suggest that the peculiar properties of both galaxies are consistent with a highly dissipative off-center collisional encounter between HCG 57d and 57a, creating ring-like morphologies in both systems. Highly dissipative gas-on-gas collisions may be more common in dense groups because of the likelihood of repeated multiple encounters. The possibility of shock-induced SF suppression may explain why a subset of these HCG galaxies have been found previously to fall in the mid-infrared green valley.Comment: ApJ accepted, 16 pages, 12 figures, 3 table