273 research outputs found

    Dissociation between behavior and motor cortical excitability before and during ballistic wrist flexion and extension in young and old adults

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    PURPOSE: Aging is associated with slow reactive movement generation and poor termination. OBJECTIVE: We examined the hypothesis that the build-up of excitability in the primary motor cortex in the agonist muscle to generate ballistic wrist flexion and extension and in the antagonist to stop the movement, is lower and slower in old compared with young adults. METHODS: We measured the size of the motor potentials evoked (MEP) produced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), background integrated EMG (iEMG), and the MEP:iEMG ratio in healthy young (23 y, n = 14) and old adults' (73 y, n = 14) wrist flexors and extensors as they rapidly flexed or extended the wrist in response to an auditory cue. TMS was delivered at 80% of resting motor threshold randomly in 20 ms increments between 130 and 430 ms after the tone. RESULTS: Even though old compared to young adults executed the two wrist movements with ~23% longer movement duration and ~15% longer reaction time (both p < 0.05), the rise in MEP:iEMG ratio before the main similar in the two age groups. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that an adjustment of current models might be needed to better understand how and if age affects the build-up excitability accompanying movement generation and termination

    Voluntary suppression of associated activity decreases force steadiness in the active hand

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    Unilateral muscle contractions are often accompanied by the activation of the ipsilateral hemisphere, producing associated activity (AA) in the contralateral homologous muscles. However, the functional role of AA is not fully understood. We determined the effects of voluntary suppression of AA in the first dorsal interosseous (FDI), on force steadiness during a constant force isometric contraction of the contralateral FDI. Participants (n = 17, 25.5 years) performed two trials of isometric FDI contractions as steadily as possible. In Trial 1, they did not receive feedback or explicit instructions for suppressing the AA in the contralateral homologous FDI. In Trial 2, participants received feedback and were asked to voluntarily suppress the AA in the contralateral nontarget FDI. During both trials, corticospinal excitability and motor cortical inhibition were measured. The results show that participants effectively suppressed the AA in the nontarget contralateral FDI (-71%), which correlated with reductions in corticospinal excitability (-57%), and the suppression was also accompanied by increases in inhibition (27%) in the ipsilateral motor cortex. The suppression of AA impaired force steadiness, but the decrease in force steadiness did not correlate with the magnitude of suppression. The results show that voluntary suppression of AA decreases force steadiness in the active hand. However, due to the lack of association between suppression and decreased steadiness, we interpret these data to mean that specific elements of the ipsilateral brain activation producing AA in younger adults are neither contributing nor detrimental to unilateral motor control during a steady isometric contraction

    The effects of aerobic exercise and transcranial direct current stimulation on cognitive function in older adults with and without cognitive impairment:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Aerobic exercise (AE) may slow age-related cognitive decline. However, such cognition-sparing effects are not uniform across cognitive domains and studies. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a form of non-invasive brain stimulation and is also emerging as a potential alternative to pharmaceutical therapies. Like AE, the effectiveness of tDCS is also inconsistent for reducing cognitive impairment in ageing. The unexplored possibility exists that pairing AE and tDCS could produce synergistic effects and reciprocally augment cognition-improving effects in older individuals with and without cognitive impairments. Previous research found such synergistic effects on cognition when cognitive training is paired with tDCS in older individuals with and without mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. Aim: The purpose of this systematic review with meta-analysis was to explore if pairing AE with tDCS could augment singular effects of AE and tDCS on global cognition (GC), working memory (WM) and executive function (EF) in older individuals with or without MCI and dementia. Methods: Using a PRISMA-based systematic review, we compiled studies that examined the effects of AE alone, tDCS alone, and AE and tDCS combined on cognitive function in older individuals with and without mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. Using a PICOS approach, we systematically searched PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science searches up to December 2021, we focused on ‘MoCA’, ‘MMSE’, ‘Mini-Cog’ (measures) and ‘cognition’, ‘cognitive function’, ‘cognitive’, ‘cognitive performance’, ‘executive function’, ‘executive process’, ‘attention’, ‘memory’, ‘memory performance’ (outcome terms). We included only randomized controlled trials (RTC) in humans if available in English full text over the past 20 years, with participants’ age over 60. We assessed the methodological quality of the included studies (RTC) by the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale. Results: Overall, 68 studies were included in the meta-analyses. AE (ES = 0.56 [95% CI: 0.28–0.83], p = 0.01) and tDCS (ES = 0.69 [95% CI: 0.12–1.26], p = 0.02) improved GC in all three groups of older adults combined (healthy, MCI, demented). In healthy population, AE improved GC (ES = 0.46 [95% CI: 0.22–0.69], p = 0.01) and EF (ES = 0.27 [95% CI: 0.05–0.49], p = 0.02). AE improved GC in older adults with MCI (ES = 0.76 [95% CI: 0.21–1.32], p = 0.01). tDCS improved GC (ES = 0.69 [90% CI: 0.12–1.26], p = 0.02), all three cognitive function (GC, WM and EF) combined in older adults with dementia (ES = 1.12 [95% CI: 0.04–2.19], p = 0.04) and improved cognitive function in older adults overall (ES = 0.69 [95% CI: 0.20–1,18], p = 0.01). Conclusion: Our systematic review with meta-analysis provided evidence that beyond the cardiovascular and fitness benefits of AE, pairing AE with tDCS may have the potential to slow symptom progression of cognitive decline in MCI and dementia. Future studies will examine the hypothesis of this present review that a potentiating effect would incrementally improve cognition with increasing severity of cognitive impairment

    Contralateral effects of unilateral strength and skill training: Modified Delphi consensus to establish key aspects of cross-education

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Background: Cross-education refers to increased motor output (i.e., force generation, skill) of the opposite, untrained limb following a period of unilateral exercise training. Despite extensive research, several aspects of the transfer phenomenon remain controversial. Methods: A modified two-round Delphi online survey was conducted among international experts to reach consensus on terminology, methodology, mechanisms of action, and translational potential of cross-education, and to provide a framework for future research. Results: Through purposive sampling of the literature, we identified 56 noted experts in the field, of whom 32 completed the survey, and reached consensus (75% threshold) on 17 out of 27 items. Conclusion: Our consensus-based recommendations for future studies are that (1) the term ‘cross-education’ should be adopted to refer to the transfer phenomenon, also specifying if transfer of strength or skill is meant; (2) functional magnetic resonance imaging, short-interval intracortical inhibition and interhemispheric inhibition appear to be promising tools to study the mechanisms of transfer; (3) strategies which maximize cross-education, such as high-intensity training, eccentric contractions, and mirror illusion, seem worth being included in the intervention plan; (4) study protocols should be designed to include at least 13–18 sessions or 4–6 weeks to produce functionally meaningful transfer of strength, and (5) cross-education could be considered as an adjuvant treatment particularly for unilateral orthopedic conditions and sports injuries. Additionally, a clear gap in views emerged between the research field and the purely clinical field. The present consensus statement clarifies relevant aspects of cross-education including neurophysiological, neuroanatomical, and methodological characteristics of the transfer phenomenon, and provides guidance on how to improve the quality and usability of future cross-education studies

    Assessment of candidate immunohistochemical prognostic markers of meningioma recurrence

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    Although tumour recurrence is an important and not infrequent event in meningiomas, predictive immunohistochemical markers have not been identified yet. The aim of this study was to address this clinically relevant problem by systematic retrospective analysis of surgically completely resected meningiomas with and without recurrence, including tumour samples from patients who underwent repeat surgeries. Three established immunohistochemical markers of routine pathological meningioma work-up have been assessed: the proliferative marker Ki-67 (clone Mib1), the tumour suppressor gene p53 and progesterone receptor (PR). All these proteins correlate with the tumour WHO grade, however the predictive value regarding recurrence and progression in tumour grade is unknown. One hundred and fourteen surgical specimens of 70 meningioma patients (16 male and 54 female) in a 16 years' interval have been studied. All tumours had apparently complete surgical removal. On Mib1, PR and p53 immunostained sections, the percentage of labelled tumour cells, the staining intensity and the multiplied values of these parameters (the histoscore) was calculated. Results were statistically correlated with tumour WHO grade, (sub)type, recurrence and progression in WHO grade at subsequent biopsies. Our results confirmed previous findings that the WHO grade is directly proportional to Mib1 and p53 and is inversely proportional to the PR immunostain. We have demonstrated that Mib1 and p53 have a significant correlation with and predictive value of relapse/recurrence irrespective of the histological subtype of the same WHO grade. As a quantitative marker, Mib1 has the best correlation with a percentage of labelled cells, whereas p53 with intensity and histoscore. In conclusion, the immunohistochemical panel of PR, p53, Mib1 in parallel with applying standard diagnostic criteria based on H and E stained sections is sufficient and reliable to predict meningioma recurrence in surgically completely resected tumours

    Regional Multiple Pathology Scores Are Associated with Cognitive Decline in Lewy Body Dementias.

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    Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD) are characterized by the presence of α-synuclein-containing Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. However, both dementias also show variable degrees of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology (senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles), particularly in areas of the cortex associated with higher cognitive functions. This study investigates the contribution of the individual and combined pathologies in determining the rate of cognitive decline. Cortical α-synuclein, phosphorylated tau (phosphotau) and AÎČ plaque pathology in 34 PDD and 55 DLB patients was assessed semi-quantitatively in four regions of the neocortex. The decline in cognition, assessed by Mini Mental State Examination, correlated positively with the cortical α-synuclein load. Patients also had varying degrees of senile AÎČ plaque and phosphotau pathology. Regression analyses pointed to a combined pathology (AÎČ plaque plus phosphotau plus α-synuclein-positive features), particularly in the prefrontal cortex (BA9) and temporal lobe neocortex with the superior and middle temporal gyrus (BA21, 22), being a major determining factor in the development of dementia. Thus, cognitive decline in Lewy body dementias is not a consequence of α-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration alone but senile plaque and phosphorylated tau pathology also contribute to the overall deficits.The main fundingwas provided by the Alzheimer’s SocietyUK and the BUPA Foundation. The research in Newcastle was supported in part by the Dunhill Medical Trust (R173/1110). Tissue for this study was provided by (i) the Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource; (ii) the London Neurodegenerative Brain Bank; and (iii) the Thomas Willis Oxford Brain Collection. All three resources are funded in part by grants from the UK Medical Research Council and by Brains for Dementia Research, a joint venture between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK. In Singapore, funding was provided by a Centre grant (NMRC/CG/NUHS/2010) and a Clinical Scientist Award (NMRC/CSA/032/2011) from the National Medical Research Council.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bpa.12182/abstract

    Identification of floodwater source areas in Nepal using SCIMAP‐Flood

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    Practical approaches for managing flooding from fluvial sources are moving away from mitigation solely at the point of impact and towards integrated catchment management. This considers the source areas, flow pathways of floodwaters and the locations and exposure to the risk of communities. For a field site in southern Nepal, we analyse catchment response to a range of simulated rainfall events, which when evaluated collectively can help guide potential flood management solutions. This is achieved through the adoption of SCIMAP-Flood, a decision support framework that works at the catchment-scale to identify critical source areas for floodwaters. The SCIMAP-Flood Fitted inverse modelling approach has been applied to the East Rapti catchment, Nepal. For multiple flood impact locations throughout the catchment, SCIMAP-Flood effectively identifies locations where flood management measures would have the most positive effects on risk reduction. The results show that the spatial targeting of mitigation measures in areas of irrigated and rainfed agriculture and the prevention of deforestation or removal of shrubland would be the most effective approaches. If these actions were in the upper catchment above Hetauda or upstream of Manahari they would have the most effective reduction in the flood peak

    Effects of low- and high-intensity physical exercise on physical and cognitive function in older persons with dementia:A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Potential moderators such as exercise intensity or apolipoprotein-E4 (ApoE4) carriership may determine the magnitude of exercise effects on physical and cognitive functions in patients with dementia (PwD). We determined the effects of a 24-week aerobic and strength training program with a low- and high-intensity phase on physical and cognitive function. Methods: In an assessor-blinded randomized trial, 91 PwD (all-cause dementia, recruited from daycare and residential care facilities, age 82.3 ± 7.0 years, 59 women, Mini-Mental State Examination 20.2 ± 4.4) were allocated to the exercise or control group. In the exercise group, PwD participated in a walking and lower limb strength training program with 12 weeks low- and 12 weeks high-intensity training offered three times/week. Attention-matched control participants performed flexibility exercises and recreational activities. We assessed adherence, compliance, and exercise intensity for each session. We assessed physical (endurance, gait speed, mobility, balance, leg strength) and cognitive (verbal memory, visual memory, executive function, inhibitory control, psychomotor speed) functions with performance-based tests at baseline and after 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 weeks (follow-up). ApoE4 carriership was determined post-intervention. Results: Sixty-nine PwD were analyzed. Their mean attendance was ~ 60% during the study period. There were no significant effects of the exercise vs. control intervention on endurance, mobility, balance, and leg strength in favor of the exercise group (Cohen's d = 0.13-0.18). Gait speed significantly improved with ~ 0.05 m/s after the high-intensity phase for exercise participants (Cohen's d = 0.41) but declined at follow-up. There were no significant effects of the exercise vs. control intervention on any of the cognitive measures (Cohen's d ~ - 0.04). ApoE4 carriership did not significantly moderate exercise effects on physical or cognitive function. Conclusions: Exercise was superior to control activities for gait speed in our sample of PwD. However, the training effect provided no protection for mobility loss after detraining (follow-up). There were no beneficial effects of the exercise vs. control group on cognitive function. Exercise intensity moderated the effects of exercise on gait speed. ApoE4 carriership moderated the effect of exercise on global cognition only (trend level). Trial registration: Netherlands Trial Register, NTR5035. Registered on 2 March 2015
