1,078 research outputs found


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    The escalating information security threats and their impacts have made firms pay careful attention to potential risks they face and the actions they can take to mitigate such risks. We explore if and how the information security risk perceptions of firms shape their boundary-changing behaviors. We argue that organizations have risk transfer, risk avoidance, risk reduction, risk acceptance options, and combine these options in their attempts to reduce the perceived effects of information security risks. Organizations through risk transfer could transfer some effects of information security risks to third parties, while boundary changing behaviors could alter the potential vulnerabilities of a firm, and hence decisions to alter firm boundaries are likely to be shaped by risk perceptions. By fine-tuning 11 state-of-the-art NLP models with causal extraction, we find that organizations’ information security risk perception is positively associated with their information security risk transfer behavior, and less-risky boundary changing actions

    Understanding tissue morphology: model repurposing using the CoSMoS process

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    We present CoSMoS as a way of structuring thinking on how to reuse parts of an existing model and simulation in a new model and its implementation. CoSMoS provides a lens through which to consider, post-implementation, the assumptions made during the design and implementation of a software simulation of physical interactions in the formation of vascular structures from endothelial cells. We show how the abstract physical model and its software implementation can be adapted for a different problem: the growth of cancer cells under varying environmental perturbations. We identify the changes that must be made to adapt the model to its new context, along with the gaps in our knowledge of the domain that must be filled by wet-lab experimentation when recalibrating the model. Through parameter exploration, we identify the parameters that are critical to the dynamic physical structure of the modelled tissue, and we calibrate these parameters using a series of in vitro experiments. Drawing inspiration from the CoSMoS project structure, we maintain confidence in the repurposed model, and achieve a satisfactory degree of model reuse within our in silico experimental system

    A Test of Social Disorganization on Juvenile Property and Violent Crime Rates by Zip Codes Within Two Nonmetropolitan Counties

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    This study tests the effects of social disorganization on juvenile crimes rates by zip code within two nonmetropolitan counties. It does so by examining the relationships between the selected social disorganization indicators of nontraditional family, residential mobility, and socioeconomic status (poverty) and violent and property crime among juveniles through the use of ANOVA testing. Secondary data obtained from the South Dakota Department of Corrections on adjudicated juveniles and their associated crime and residential location, as well as data from the United States Census Bureau is used and analyzed to test three main hypotheses. Findings indicate that areas characterized by poverty and residential mobility are associated with violent and property crime committed by juveniles. A discussion and implication section is provided


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    Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat baik secara fisik, psikologis, maupun intelektual. Sifat khas remaja yang memiliki rasa keingintahuan yang besar, menyukai petualangan dan tantangan serta cenderung berani menanggung risiko tanpa pertimbangan yang matang, salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi pada masa remaja seperti masalah seksualitas kehamilan tidak diinginkan (KTD) dan aborsi, terinfeksi Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS), serta penyalahgunaan NAPZA1. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif Analitik. Dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional dimana penelitian yang akan dilakukan bertujuan mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dengan sikap pencegahan terhadap kehamilan remaja di Kota Jambi. Responden adalah remaja berumur 13 sampai 17 tahun sebanyak 76 oran

    Faktor yang berhubungan dengan Penggunaan Jamban di Desa Sungai Terap Kecamatan Kumpeh Ulu Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    The use of latrines in the village is still unhealthy because of the habits of the people who use pit latrines in the river and the people in the terap river themselves use dug wells as a source of clean water where there is still insufficient clean water, the impact of not using latrines is causing environmental-based diseases, causing odor , and cause pollution. Access to latrines in Indonesia 79.42% Jambi Province 84.26% Muaro Jambi Regency 89.35 and Sungai Terap Village 77.93%. This research used quantitative methods with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all family heads of the Sungai Terap Village community as many as 550 families. The sample in this study were 90 respondents. The sampling technique was simple random sampling. This research was conducted in July 2020. Data were obtained by means of interviews using questionnaires, observations and checklist sheets. Data were analyzed univariate and bivariate using the chi-square test. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between clean water facilities (p-value = 0,000), community leaders (p-value = 0,000), and knowledge (p-value = 0.002). Meanwhile, there is no relationship between education (p-value = 0.957) and the role of health workers (p-value = 0.189) and the use of latrines. It is hoped that health workers can trigger STBM to the community about the importance of using latrines and the impact if people do not use latrines so that people's knowledge about latrines can increase, so that it can change people's behavio


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    Penomena yang terjadi di perusahaan, para pekerja belum melaksanakan perilaku keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, dimana sebagian besar pekerja tidak menggunakan masker, tidak terdapat banyak spanduk keselamatan kerja, hal lain yang ditemukan pada saat kunjungan belum dilakukan  Safety induction kepada tamu yang datang ke perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberi pemahaman kepada perusahaan dan pekerja tentang pentingnya program Safety induction dalam menjaga keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja para pekerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional dengan variabel Safety induction, Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan / tenaga kerja subkontrak yang merupakan keseluruhan sampel penelitian yang berjumlah 30 orang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada .Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan proportional cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner. Data dianalisa secara deskriptif. : Berdasarkan beberapa pertanyaan yang diajukan    kepada responden PT. X tentang penerapan Safety induction didapat bahwa dari 30 responden sebesar 23 (76,7%) tidak memahami kepatuhan dalam memakai alat pelindung diri (APD),  Ketidakpahaman pekerja tentang penggunaan APD Sesuai SOP sebesar 20 (66,7%).  Dalam pertanyaan Safety induction Meningkatkan Produktivitas sebesar 18 (60,0%), dan 18 (60,0%) pekerja tidak paham dengan manfaat safety induction, pemahaman pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala sebesar 17 (56,7%) . Safety induction belum dijadikan suatu program yang harus dilaksanakan dengan pembentukan SOP. Dalam kepatuhan pekerja dalam pemakaian alat pelindung diri masih dikatakan menunjukan nilai persentasi yang cukup rendah, karena masih kurangnya pengetahuan pekerja tentang pentingnya alat pelindung diri bagi pekerja, SOP yang ada belum sepenuhnya diterapkan di perusahaa

    Cryo-EM of ribosomal 80S complexes with termination factors reveals the translocated Cricket Paralysis Virus IRES

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    The cricket paralysis virus (CrPV) uses an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) to hijack the ribosome. In a remarkable RNA-based mechanism involving neither initiation factor nor initiator tRNA, the CrPV IRES jumpstarts translation in the elongation phase from the ribosomal A site. Here, we present cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) maps of 80Sâ‹…CrPV-STOP â‹… eRF1 â‹… eRF3 â‹… GMPPNP and 80Sâ‹…CrPV-STOP â‹… eRF1 complexes, revealing a previously unseen binding state of the IRES and directly rationalizing that an eEF2-dependent translocation of the IRES is required to allow the first A-site occupation. During this unusual translocation event, the IRES undergoes a pronounced conformational change to a more stretched conformation. At the same time, our structural analysis provides information about the binding modes of eRF1 â‹… eRF3 â‹… GMPPNP and eRF1 in a minimal system. It shows that neither eRF3 nor ABCE1 are required for the active conformation of eRF1 at the intersection between eukaryotic termination and recycling

    On Energy, Laplacian Energy and PP-fold Graphs

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    For a graph GG having adjacency spectrum (AA-spectrum) λn≤λn−1≤⋯≤λ1\lambda_n\leq\lambda_{n-1}\leq\cdots\leq\lambda_1 and Laplacian spectrum (LL-spectrum) 0=μn≤μn−1≤⋯≤μ10=\mu_n\leq\mu_{n-1}\leq\cdots\leq\mu_1, the energy is defined as E(G)=∑i=1n∣λi∣ E(G)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}|\lambda_i| and the Laplacian energy is defined as LE(G)=∑i=1n∣μi−2mn∣LE(G)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}|\mu_i-\frac{2m}{n}|. In this paper, we give upper and lower bounds for the energy of KKnj, 1≤j≤nKK_n^j,~1\leq j \leq n and as a consequence we generalize a result of Stevanovic et al. [More on the relation between Energy and Laplacian energy of graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. {\bf 61} (2009) 395-401]. We also consider strong double graph and strong pp-fold graph to construct some new families of graphs GG for which E(G)> LE(G)
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