976 research outputs found

    The Prompt Gamma-Ray and Afterglow Energies of Short-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    I present an analysis of the gamma-ray and afterglow energies of the complete sample of 17 short duration GRBs with prompt X-ray follow-up. I find that 80% of the bursts exhibit a linear correlation between their gamma-ray fluence and the afterglow X-ray flux normalized to t=1 d, a proxy for the kinetic energy of the blast wave ($F_{X,1}~F_{gamma}^1.01). An even tighter correlation is evident between E_{gamma,iso} and L_{X,1} for the subset of 13 bursts with measured or constrained redshifts. The remaining 20% of the bursts have values of F_{X,1}/F_{gamma} that are suppressed by about three orders of magnitude, likely because of low circumburst densities (Nakar 2007). These results have several important implications: (i) The X-ray luminosity is generally a robust proxy for the blast wave kinetic energy, indicating nu_X>nu_c and hence a circumburst density n>0.05 cm^{-3}; (ii) most short GRBs have a narrow range of gamma-ray efficiency, with ~0.85 and a spread of 0.14 dex; and (iii) the isotropic-equivalent energies span 10^{48}-10^{52} erg. Furthermore, I find tentative evidence for jet collimation in the two bursts with the highest E_{gamma,iso}, perhaps indicative of the same inverse correlation that leads to a narrow distribution of true energies in long GRBs. I find no clear evidence for a relation between the overall energy release and host galaxy type, but a positive correlation with duration may be present, albeit with a large scatter. Finally, I note that the outlier fraction of 20% is similar to the proposed fraction of short GRBs from dynamically-formed neutron star binaries in globular clusters. This scenario may naturally explain the bimodality of the F_{X,1}/F_{gamma} distribution and the low circumburst densities without invoking speculative kick velocities of several hundred km/s.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 9 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Effects of a low electron distribution cutoff on multiwavelength spectra and light curves of GRB afterglows

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    Aims: We investigate the behavior of the frequency-centered light curves expected within the standard model of Gamma Ray Bursts allowing the maximum electron energy to be a free parameter permitted to take low values. Methods: We solve the spatially averaged kinetic equations which describe the simultaneous evolution of particles and photons, obtaining the multi-wavelength spectra as a function of time. From these we construct the frequency-centered light curves giving emphasis in the X-ray and optical bands. Results: We show that in cases where the maximum electron energy takes low values, the produced X-ray light curves show a plateau as the synchrotron component gives its place to the Synhro Self-Compton one in the X-ray band.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Modeling GRB 050904: Autopsy of a Massive Stellar Explosion at z=6.29

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    GRB 050904 at redshift z=6.29, discovered and observed by Swift and with spectroscopic redshift from the Subaru telescope, is the first gamma-ray burst to be identified from beyond the epoch of reionization. Since the progenitors of long gamma-ray bursts have been identified as massive stars, this event offers a unique opportunity to investigate star formation environments at this epoch. Apart from its record redshift, the burst is remarkable in two respects: first, it exhibits fast-evolving X-ray and optical flares that peak simultaneously at t~470 s in the observer frame, and may thus originate in the same emission region; and second, its afterglow exhibits an accelerated decay in the near-infrared (NIR) from t~10^4 s to t~3 10^4 s after the burst, coincident with repeated and energetic X-ray flaring activity. We make a complete analysis of available X-ray, NIR, and radio observations, utilizing afterglow models that incorporate a range of physical effects not previously considered for this or any other GRB afterglow, and quantifying our model uncertainties in detail via Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis. In the process, we explore the possibility that the early optical and X-ray flare is due to synchrotron and inverse Compton emission from the reverse shock regions of the outflow. We suggest that the period of accelerated decay in the NIR may be due to suppression of synchrotron radiation by inverse Compton interaction of X-ray flare photons with electrons in the forward shock; a subsequent interval of slow decay would then be due to a progressive decline in this suppression. The range of acceptable models demonstrates that the kinetic energy and circumburst density of GRB 050904 are well above the typical values found for low-redshift GRBs.Comment: 45 pages, 7 figures, and ApJ accepted. Revised version, minor modifications and 1 extra figur

    Detailed study of the GRB 030329 radio afterglow deep into the non-relativistic phase

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    We explore the physics behind one of the brightest radio afterglows ever, GRB 030329, at late times when the jet is non-relativistic. We determine the physical parameters of the blast wave and its surroundings, in particular the index of the electron energy distribution, the energy of the blast wave, and the density (structure) of the circumburst medium. We then compare our results with those from image size measurements. We observed the GRB 030329 radio afterglow with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at frequencies from 325 MHz to 8.4 GHz, spanning a time range of 268-1128 days after the burst. We modeled all the available radio data and derived the physical parameters. The index of the electron energy distribution is p=2.1, the circumburst medium is homogeneous, and the transition to the non-relativistic phase happens at t_NR ~ 80 days. The energy of the blast wave and density of the surrounding medium are comparable to previous findings. Our findings indicate that the blast wave is roughly spherical at t_NR, and they agree with the implications from the VLBI studies of image size evolution. It is not clear from the presented dataset whether we have seen emission from the counter jet or not. We predict that the Low Frequency Array will be able to observe the afterglow of GRB 030329 and many other radio afterglows, constraining the physics of the blast wave during its non-relativistic phase even further.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics after minor revisions; small changes in GMRT fluxes at 1280 MH

    Quantum particle displacement by a moving localized potential trap

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    We describe the dynamics of a bound state of an attractive δ\delta-well under displacement of the potential. Exact analytical results are presented for the suddenly moved potential. Since this is a quantum system, only a fraction of the initially confined wavefunction remains confined to the moving potential. However, it is shown that besides the probability to remain confined to the moving barrier and the probability to remain in the initial position, there is also a certain probability for the particle to move at double speed. A quasi-classical interpretation for this effect is suggested. The temporal and spectral dynamics of each one of the scenarios is investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Retinal metric: a stimulus distance measure derived from population neural responses

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    The ability of the organism to distinguish between various stimuli is limited by the structure and noise in the population code of its sensory neurons. Here we infer a distance measure on the stimulus space directly from the recorded activity of 100 neurons in the salamander retina. In contrast to previously used measures of stimulus similarity, this "neural metric" tells us how distinguishable a pair of stimulus clips is to the retina, given the noise in the neural population response. We show that the retinal distance strongly deviates from Euclidean, or any static metric, yet has a simple structure: we identify the stimulus features that the neural population is jointly sensitive to, and show the SVM-like kernel function relating the stimulus and neural response spaces. We show that the non-Euclidean nature of the retinal distance has important consequences for neural decoding.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys Rev Let

    Spectra and Light Curves of GRB Afterglows

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    We performed accurate numerical calculations of angle-, time-, and frequency-dependent radiative transfer for the relativistic motion of matter in gamma-ray burst (GRB) models. Our technique for solving the transfer equation, which is based on the method of characteristics, can be applied to the motion of matter with a Lorentz factor up to 1000. The effect of synchrotron self-absorption is taken into account. We computed the spectra and light curves from electrons with a power-law energy distribution in an expanding relativistic shock and compare them with available analytic estimates. The behavior of the optical afterglows from GRB 990510 and GRB 000301c is discussed qualitatively.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Rise and fall of the X-ray flash 080330: an off-axis jet?

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO). DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200911719Context. X-ray flashes (XRFs) are a class of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with a peak energy of the time-integrated spectrum, , typically below 30 keV, whereas classical GRBs have of a few hundreds of keV. Apart from and the systematically lower luminosity, the properties of XRFs, such as their duration or spectral indices, are typical of the classical GRBs. Yet, the nature of XRFs and their differences from GRBs are not understood. In addition, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the shallow decay phase observed in most X-ray afterglows of both XRFs and GRBs. Aims. We examine in detail the case of XRF 080330 discovered by Swift at redshift 1.51. This burst is representative of the XRF class and exhibits an X-ray shallow decay. The rich broadband (from NIR to UV) photometric data set we collected during this phase makes it an ideal candidate for testing the off-axis jet interpretation proposed to explain both the softness of XRFs and the shallow decay phase. Methods. We present prompt -ray, early and late NIR/visible/UV and X-ray observations of the XRF 080330. We derive a spectral energy distribution from NIR to X-ray bands across the shallow/plateau phase and describe the temporal evolution of the multi-wavelength afterglow within the context of the standard afterglow model. Results. The multiwavelength evolution of the afterglow is achromatic from ~102 s to ~8104 s. The energy spectrum from NIR to X-ray is reproduced well by a simple power-law, , with = 0.790.01 and negligible rest-frame dust extinction. The light curve can be modelled by either a piecewise power-law or the combination of a smoothly broken power law with an initial rise up to ~600 s, a plateau lasting up to ~2 ks, followed by a gradual steepening to a power-law decay index of ~2 until 82 ks. At this point, a bump appears to be modelled well with a second component, while the corresponding optical energy spectrum, , reddens by = 0.260.06. Conclusions. A single-component jet viewed off-axis can explain the light curve of XRF 080330, the late-time reddening being due to the reverse shock of an energy injection episode and its being an XRF. Other possibilities, such as the optical rise marking the pre-deceleration of the fireball within a wind environment, cannot be excluded definitely, but appear to be contrived. We exclude the possibility of a dust decreasing column density being swept up by the fireball as explaining the rise of the afterglow.Peer reviewe

    Prompt and Afterglow Emission Properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts with Spectroscopically Identified Supernovae

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    We present a detailed spectral analysis of the prompt and afterglow emission of four nearby long-soft gamma-ray bursts (GRBs 980425, 030329, 031203, and 060218) that were spectroscopically found to be associated with type Ic supernovae, and compare them to the general GRB population. For each event, we investigate the spectral and luminosity evolution, and estimate the total energy budget based upon broadband observations. The observational inventory for these events has become rich enough to allow estimates of their energy content in relativistic and sub-relativistic form. The result is a global portrait of the effects of the physical processes responsible for producing long-soft GRBs. In particular, we find that the values of the energy released in mildly relativistic outflows appears to have a significantly smaller scatter than those found in highly relativistic ejecta. This is consistent with a picture in which the energy released inside the progenitor star is roughly standard, while the fraction of that energy that ends up in highly relativistic ejecta outside the star can vary dramatically between different events.Comment: 55 pages including 23 figures and 8 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Replaced with the accepted versio