6,006 research outputs found

    Extraordinary absorption of decorated undoped graphene

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    We theoretically study absorption by an undoped graphene layer decorated with arrays of small particles. We discuss periodic and random arrays within a common formalism, which predicts a maximum absorption of 50%50\% for suspended graphene in both cases. The limits of weak and strong scatterers are investigated and an unusual dependence on particle-graphene separation is found and explained in terms of the effective number of contributing evanescent diffraction orders of the array. Our results can be important to boost absorption by single layer graphene due to its simple setup with potential applications to light harvesting and photodetection based on energy (F\"orster) rather than charge transfer.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Falso aneurisma tras fractura diafisaria de fémur: Tratamiento mediante embolización

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    Un falso aneurisma es una complicación rara de una fractura de la diáfisis femoral. Se presenta un caso que fue diagnosticado tardíamente debido a la ausencia de sintomatología típica. Se discuten la etiología, profilaxis, diagnóstico y posibilidades terapéuticas; destacándose la novedad del diagnóstico y tratamiento mediante arteriografía y embolización selectiva.A false aneurysm following a closed femoral-shaft fracture is a rare complication. The author report a case that was lately diagnosed because of the absence of typical symptomatology. Aetiology, prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment are discussed, emphasizing the new method of diagnosis and treatment by arteriography and selective embolism

    Representación cartográfica mediante técnicas de SIG de formas del relieve y procesos geomorfológicos activos en el sector de Veguellina de Órbigo (León, noroeste de España)

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    En el presente trabajo se ha realizado un estudio de las formas del relieve y de procesos geomorfológicos activos en las proximidades de Veguellina de Órbigo (provincia de León). El objetivo es la caracterización detallada del medio físico de la zona de estudio como base para estudios de susceptibilidad de riesgos geológicos y su representación en un mapa geomorfológico y de procesos activos a escala 1:25000. El procedimiento metodológico ha consistido en una primera fase de estudio bibliográfico sobre trabajos previos en la zona. En una segunda fase se ha abordado el análisis geomorfológico del territorio, que se ha realizado combinando técnicas de fotointerpretación estereoscópica, trabajos de campo y con la ayuda de la cartografía base (curvas de nivel, ortofotos y MDT del Instituto Geográfico Nacional), identificando los relieves y los procesos de toda la zona, con su validación sobre el terreno en 28 puntos de observación. En la tercera fase se ha creado una base de datos en ArcGis tanto espacial como de atributos, que ha supuesto la digitalización de las distintas unidades cartográficas diferenciadas en la fase anterior, siguiendo durante el proceso de edición del mapa el método propuesto por el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME). Como resultados, se han determinado tres grandes unidades geomorfológicas en las que se dan procesos geomorfológicos específicos que se han Mapa Geomorfológico y de Procesos Activos final. Este mapa permite identificar los distintos procesos superficiales que han dado y dan lugar al relieve actual, reconocer las interacciones entre ellos y establecer la evolución del relieve a lo largo del tiempo, sirviendo como base del conocimiento del medio físico para su uso en distintos aspectos relacionados con el Medio Ambiente, como son la planificación territorial y el análisis de riesgos geológicos.Trabajo financiado por la Junta de Castilla y León, proyecto LE311A12-

    Levantamientos topográficos en la III Campaña de Excavaciones en Tell Mahuz - Iraq I

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    In the third campaign of the archaeological excavations performed in Tell Mahuz (September-October 2000), a group of Surveying engineers has taken part, whose aim has been the mapping of Tell and its environment. The surface to be represented exceeds 100 hectares. This article highlights the peculiarities to take into account when mapping an archaeological site, and it describes the fieldwork carried out during the campain

    Benchmarking CPUs and GPUs on embedded platforms for software receiver usage

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    Smartphones containing multi-core central processing units (CPUs) and powerful many-core graphics processing units (GPUs) bring supercomputing technology into your pocket (or into our embedded devices). This can be exploited to produce power-efficient, customized receivers with flexible correlation schemes and more advanced positioning techniques. For example, promising techniques such as the Direct Position Estimation paradigm or usage of tracking solutions based on particle filtering, seem to be very appealing in challenging environments but are likewise computationally quite demanding. This article sheds some light onto recent embedded processor developments, benchmarks Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and correlation algorithms on representative embedded platforms and relates the results to the use in GNSS software radios. The use of embedded CPUs for signal tracking seems to be straight forward, but more research is required to fully achieve the nominal peak performance of an embedded GPU for FFT computation. Also the electrical power consumption is measured in certain load levels.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Monte Carlo simulations of post-common-envelope white dwarf + main sequence binaries: comparison with the SDSS DR7 observed sample

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    Detached white dwarf + main sequence (WD+MS) systems represent the simplest population of post-common envelope binaries (PCEBs). Since the ensemble properties of this population carries important information about the characteristics of the common-envelope (CE) phase, it deserves close scrutiny. However, most population synthesis studies do not fully take into account the effects of the observational selection biases of the samples used to compare with the theoretical simulations. Here we present the results of a set of detailed Monte Carlo simulations of the population of WD+MS binaries in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7. We used up-to-date stellar evolutionary models, a complete treatment of the Roche lobe overflow episode, and a full implementation of the orbital evolution of the binary systems. Moreover, in our treatment we took into account the selection criteria and all the known observational biases. Our population synthesis study allowed us to make a meaningful comparison with the available observational data. In particular, we examined the CE efficiency, the possible contribution of internal energy, and the initial mass ratio distribution (IMRD) of the binary systems. We found that our simulations correctly reproduce the properties of the observed distribution of WD+MS PCEBs. In particular, we found that once the observational biases are carefully taken into account, the distribution of orbital periods and of masses of the WD and MS stars can be correctly reproduced for several choices of the free parameters and different IMRDs, although models in which a moderate fraction (<=10%) of the internal energy is used to eject the CE and in which a low value of CE efficiency is used (<=0.3) seem to fit better the observational data. We also found that systems with He-core WDs are over-represented in the observed sample, due to selection effects.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A new Co(II) coordination solid with mixed oxygen, carboxylate, pyridine and thiolate donors exhibiting canted antiferromagnetism with TC ≈ K

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    Reaction of Co(II) chloride with the sodium salt of 2-mercaptonicotinic acid in water at 200 ºC results in the formation of Co4(2-mna)4(H2O), which orders as a canted antiferromagnet at 68 K.Gomez Garcia, Carlos Jose, [email protected]

    Galactoseismology in cosmological simulations: Vertical perturbations by dark matter, satellite galaxies and gas

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    Only recently, complex models that include the global dynamics from dwarf satellite galaxies, dark matter halo structure, gas infalls, and stellar disk in a cosmological context became available to study the dynamics of disk galaxies such as the Milky Way (MW). We use a MW model from a high-resolution hydrodynamical cosmological simulation named GARROTXA to establish the relationship between the vertical disturbances seen in its galactic disk and multiple perturbations, from the dark matter halo, satellites and gas. We calculate the bending modes in the galactic disk in the last 6 Gyr of evolution. To quantify the impact of dark matter and gas we compute the vertical acceleration exerted by these components onto the disk and compare them with the bending behavior with Fourier analysis. We find complex bending patterns at different radii and times, such as an inner retrograde mode with high frequency, as well as an outer slower retrograde mode excited at different times. The amplitudes of these bending modes are highest during the early stages of the thin disk formation and reach up to 8.5 km s-1 in the late disk evolution. We find that the infall of satellite galaxies leads to a tilt of the disk, and produces anisotropic gas accretion with subsequent star formation events, and supernovae, creating significant vertical accelerations onto the disk plane. The misalignment between the disk and the inner stellar/dark matter triaxial structure, formed during the ancient assembly of the galaxy, creates a strong vertical acceleration on the stars. We conclude that several agents trigger the bending of the stellar disk and its phase spirals in this simulation, including satellite galaxies, dark sub-halos, misaligned gaseous structures, and the inner dark matter profile, which coexist and influence each other, making it challenging to establish direct causality

    The effect of stellar activity on the LiI 6708, NaI 5896 and KI 7699 \AA lines: A comparison with the Pleiades, field stars and the Sun

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    An analytical model has been developed to empirically study the effects of stellar spots and faculae on the observed equivalent widths of Li {\sc i} 6708, Na {\sc i} 5896 and K {\sc i} 7699 \AA lines (and abundances in the case of lithium) in late-type stars, taking into account the changes in the observed magnitudes and colors. Solar spectra corresponding to different active regions are used as input data and a range of filling factors are applied to simulate the surfaces of stars with different levels of activity. Detailed comparisons between predicted and observed photometric colors and equivalent widths are made for late-type stars of the Pleiades and the field. The observed dispersions in K {\sc i} and Li {\sc i} equivalent widths for Pleiades stars can be partially accounted by the simultaneous effects of activity on colors and the line formation, indicating that the lithium-rotation connection suggested for ~0.7-0.9 Msun Pleiades stars could be due in part to the stellar activity. However, under realistic values for the filling factors, only a small portion of the observed spread could be explained by these effect

    Fault System-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of a Moderate Seismicity Region: The Eastern Betics Shear Zone (SE Spain)

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    Including faults as seismogenic sources in probabilistic seismic hazard assessments (PSHA) has turned into a common practice as knowledge of active faults is improving. Moreover, the occurrence of earthquakes in multi-fault ruptures has evidenced the need to understand faults as interacting systems rather than independent sources. We present a PSHA for the Southeastern Spain obtained by including the faults of a moderate seismicity region, the Eastern Betics Shear Zone (EBSZ) in SE Spain, as the main seismogenic sources in two separate source models, one considering background seismicity. In contrast with previous studies in Spain, earthquake occurrence of the EBSZ system is modeled considering different hypotheses of multi-fault ruptures at the whole fault system scale and weighted in a logic tree. We compare the hazard levels with those from an area source PSHA and a previous fault-based approach. The results show a clear control of the EBSZ faults in the seismic hazard for all return periods, increasing drastically the hazard levels in the regions close to the fault traces and influencing up to 20 km farther with respect to the area source PSHA. The seismic hazard is dependent on the fault slip rates as peak ground accelerations and territorial extension of the fault influence appear higher around the Alhama de Murcia and Carboneras faults, while lower slip rate faults (Palomares Fault) show minor contribution to the hazard. For the return period of 475 years and near-fault locations, our models are more consistent with the ground motion values reached in the 2011 Mw 5.2 Lorca event than the building code or national seismic hazard map, which suggest that our fault system-based model performs more accurate estimations for this return period. Fault data, mainly slip rates, and its uncertainties have a clear impact on the seismic hazard and, for some faults, the lack of detailed paleoseismic studies can compromise the reliability of the hazard estimations. This, together with epistemic uncertainties concerning the background seismicity, are key discussion points in the present study, having an impact on further research and aiming to serve as a case example for other low-to-moderate seismicity regions worldwide