12,971 research outputs found

    Superconductors are topologically ordered

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    We revisit a venerable question: what is the nature of the ordering in a superconductor? We find that the answer is properly that the superconducting state exhibits topological order in the sense of Wen, i.e. that while it lacks a local order parameter, it is sensitive to the global topology of the underlying manifold and exhibits an associated fractionalization of quantum numbers. We show that this perspective unifies a number of previous observations on superconductors and their low lying excitations and that this complex can be elegantly summarized in a purely topological action of the ``BFBF'' type and its elementary quantization. On manifolds with boundaries, the BFBF action correctly predicts non-chiral edge states, gapped in general, but crucial for fractionalization and establishing the ground state degeneracy. In all of this the role of the physical electromagnetic fields is central. We also observe that the BFBF action describes the topological order in several other physically distinct systems thus providing an example of topological universality

    Deficiency of RgpG causes major defects in cell division and biofilm formation, and deficiency of LytR-CpsAPsr family proteins leads to accumulation of cell wall antigens in culture medium by Streptococcus mutans

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    ABSTRACT Streptococcus mutans is known to possess rhamnose-glucose polysaccharide (RGP), a major cell wall antigen. S. mutans strains deficient in rgpG , encoding the first enzyme of the RGP biosynthesis pathway, were constructed by allelic exchange. The rgpG deficiency had no effect on growth rate but caused major defects in cell division and altered cell morphology. Unlike the coccoid wild type, the rgpG mutant existed primarily in chains of swollen, “squarish” dividing cells. Deficiency of rgpG also causes significant reduction in biofilm formation ( P &lt; 0.01). Double and triple mutants with deficiency in brpA and/or psr , genes coding for the LytR-CpsA-Psr family proteins BrpA and Psr, which were previously shown to play important roles in cell envelope biogenesis, were constructed using the rgpG mutant. There were no major differences in growth rates between the wild-type strain and the rgpG brpA and rgpG psr double mutants, but the growth rate of the rgpG brpA psr triple mutant was reduced drastically ( P &lt; 0.001). Under transmission electron microscopy, both double mutants resembled the rgpG mutant, while the triple mutant existed as giant cells with multiple asymmetric septa. When analyzed by immunoblotting, the rgpG mutant displayed major reductions in cell wall antigens compared to the wild type, while little or no signal was detected with the double and triple mutants and the brpA and psr single mutants. These results suggest that RgpG in S. mutans plays a critical role in cell division and biofilm formation and that BrpA and Psr may be responsible for attachment of cell wall antigens to the cell envelope. IMPORTANCE Streptococcus mutans , a major etiological agent of human dental caries, produces rhamnose-glucose polysaccharide (RGP) as the major cell wall antigen. This study provides direct evidence that deficiency of RgpG, the first enzyme of the RGP biosynthesis pathway, caused major defects in cell division and morphology and reduced biofilm formation by S. mutans , indicative of a significant role of RGP in cell division and biofilm formation in S. mutans . These results are novel not only in S. mutans , but also other streptococci that produce RGP. This study also shows that the LytR-CpsA-Psr family proteins BrpA and Psr in S. mutans are involved in attachment of RGP and probably other cell wall glycopolymers to the peptidoglycan. In addition, the results also suggest that BrpA and Psr may play a direct role in cell division and biofilm formation in S. mutans . This study reveals new potential targets to develop anticaries therapeutics. </jats:p

    Instant WS2 platelets reorientation of self-adaptive WS2/a-C tribocoating

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    WS2/a-C nanocomposite coatings were deposited by magnetron co-sputtering using WS2 and graphite targets. The microstructure and triboperformance of the coatings were scrutinized via microscopy (AFM, SEM, FIB, HRTEM), spectroscopy (XRD, XPS) and tribometry. Atomic WS2 platelets are randomly embedded in an amorphous carbon matrix of the as-deposited nanocomposite coating. HRTEM observations of tribofilm/transfer layer reveal that the sliding contact immediately reorients WS2 platelets parallel to the sliding interface and thereby leads to self-adaptive “frictionless” response. The coefficient of friction falls to 0.02 in dry air and reaches 0.10 in humid air, and is reversible as testing atmosphere cycles between dry air and humid air

    Sharp and Smooth Boundaries of Quantum Hall Liquids

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    We study the transition between sharp and smooth density distributions at the edges of Quantum Hall Liquids in the presence of interactions. We find that, for strong confining potentials, the edge of a ν=1\nu=1 liquid is described by the ZF=1Z_F=1 Fermi Liquid theory, even in the presence of interactions, a consequence of the chiral nature of the system. When the edge confining potential is decreased beyond a point, the edge undergoes a reconstruction and electrons start to deposit a distance 2\sim 2 magnetic lengths away from the initial QH Liquid. Within the Hartree-Fock approximation, a new pair of branches of gapless edge excitations is generated after the transition. We show that the transition is controlled by the balance between a long-ranged repulsive Hartree term and a short-ranged attractive exchange term. Such transition also occurs for Quantum Dots in the Quantum Hall Regime, and should be observable in resonant tunneling experiments. Electron tunneling into the reconstructed edge is also discussed.Comment: 28 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 18 figures available upon request, cond-mat/yymmnn

    A non-abelian spin-liquid in a spin-1 quantum magnet

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    We study a time-reversal invariant non-abelian spin-liquid state in an SU(2)SU (2) symmetric spin S=1S = 1 quantum magnet on a triangular lattice. The spin-liquid is obtained by quantum disordering a non-collinear nematic state. We show that such a spin-liquid cannot be obtained by the standard projective construction for spin-liquids. We also study phase transition between the spin-liquid and the non-collinear nematic state and show that it cannot be described within Landau-Ginzburg- Wilson paradigm.Comment: 4.25 pages, 1 figur

    Exact Critical Exponents for Pseudo-Particles in the Kondo Problem

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    Exact critical exponents of the Green functions for pseudo-fermions and slave bosons in the SU(NN) Anderson model with UU\rightarrow\infty are obtained by using the Bethe ansatz solution and boundary conformal field theory. They are evaluated exactly for mixed valence systems and Kondo systems with crystalline fields. The results agree with the prediction of Menge and M\"uller-Hartmann, which coincide with those of the X-ray problem. Some implication of our results in one-dimensional chiral systems is also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Partition noise and statistics in the fractional quantum Hall effect

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    A microscopic theory of current partition in fractional quantum Hall liquids, described by chiral Luttinger liquids, is developed to compute the noise correlations, using the Keldysh technique. In this Hanbury-Brown and Twiss geometry, at Laughlin filling factor \nu=1/3, the real time noise correlator exhibits oscillations which persist over larger time scales than that of an uncorrelated Hall fluid. The zero frequency noise correlations are negative at filling factor 1/3 as for bare electrons (anti-bunching), but are strongly reduced in amplitude. These correlations become positive (bunching) for \nu\leq 1/5, suggesting a tendency towards bosonic behavior.Comment: revised version, curve for time correlations at nu=1/3 adde

    Topological Order and Conformal Quantum Critical Points

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    We discuss a certain class of two-dimensional quantum systems which exhibit conventional order and topological order, as well as two-dimensional quantum critical points separating these phases. All of the ground-state equal-time correlators of these theories are equal to correlation functions of a local two-dimensional classical model. The critical points therefore exhibit a time-independent form of conformal invariance. These theories characterize the universality classes of two-dimensional quantum dimer models and of quantum generalizations of the eight-vertex model, as well as Z_2 and non-abelian gauge theories. The conformal quantum critical points are relatives of the Lifshitz points of three-dimensional anisotropic classical systems such as smectic liquid crystals. In particular, the ground-state wave functional of these quantum Lifshitz points is just the statistical (Gibbs) weight of the ordinary 2D free boson, the 2D Gaussian model. The full phase diagram for the quantum eight-vertex model exhibits quantum critical lines with continuously-varying critical exponents separating phases with long-range order from a Z_2 deconfined topologically-ordered liquid phase. We show how similar ideas also apply to a well-known field theory with non-abelian symmetry, the strong-coupling limit of 2+1-dimensional Yang-Mills gauge theory with a Chern-Simons term. The ground state of this theory is relevant for recent theories of topological quantum computation.Comment: 48 pages. v2: fixed typos, added reference