20 research outputs found

    Foxn1 Is Dynamically Regulated in Thymic Epithelial Cells during Embryogenesis and at the Onset of Thymic Involution

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    Thymus function requires extensive cross-talk between developing T-cells and the thymic epithelium, which consists of cortical and medullary TEC. The transcription factor FOXN1 is the master regulator of TEC differentiation and function, and declining Foxn1 expression with age results in stereotypical thymic involution. Understanding of the dynamics of Foxn1 expression is, however, limited by a lack of single cell resolution data. We have generated a novel reporter of Foxn1 expression, Foxn1G, to monitor changes in Foxn1 expression during embryogenesis and involution. Our data reveal that early differentiation and maturation of cortical and medullary TEC coincides with precise sub-lineage-specific regulation of Foxn1 expression levels. We further show that initiation of thymic involution is associated with reduced cTEC functionality, and proportional expansion of FOXN1-negative TEC in both cortical and medullary sub-lineages. Cortex-specific down-regulation of Foxn1 between 1 and 3 months of age may therefore be a key driver of the early stages of age-related thymic involution

    Thymopoiesis in mice depends on a Foxn1-positive thymic epithelial cell lineage

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    The thymus is essential for T-cell development. Here, we focus on the role of the transcription factor Foxn1 in the development and function of thymic epithelial cells (TECs) of the mouse. TECs are of endodermal origin; they initially express Foxn1 and give rise to orthotopic (thoracic) and additional (cervical) thymi. Using Foxn1-directed cytoablation, we show that during embryogenesis, cervical thymi develop a few days after the thoracic lobes, and that bipotent epithelial progenitors of cortical and medullary compartments express Foxn1. We also show that following acute selective near-total ablation during embryogenesis, complete regeneration of TECs does not occur, providing an animal model for human thymic aplasia syndromes. Finally, we address the functional role of Foxn1-negative TECs that arise postnatally in the mouse. Lineage tracing shows that such Foxn1-negative TECs are descendants of Foxn1-positive progenitors; furthermore, Foxn1-directed subacute intoxication of TECs by polyglutamine-containing EGFP proteins indicates that a presumptive Foxn1-independent lineage does not contribute to thymopoietic function of the adult thymus. Our findings therefore support the notion that Foxn1 is the essential transcription factor regulating the differentiation of TECs and that its expression marks the major functional lineage of TECs in embryonic and adult thymic tissue

    Formation of a functional thymus initiated by a postnatal epithelial progenitor cell

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    The thymus is essential for the generation of self-tolerant effector and regulatory T cells. Intrathymic T-cell development requires an intact stromal microenvironment, of which thymic epithelial cells (TECs) constitute a major part1-3. For instance, cell-autonomous genetic defects of forkhead box N1 (Foxn1)1 and autoimmune regulator (Aire)5 in thymic epithelial cells cause primary immunodeficiency and autoimmunity, respectively. During development, the thymic epithelial rudiment gives rise to two major compartments, the cortex and medulla. Cortical TECs positively select T cells6, whereas medullary TECs are involved in negative selection of potentially autoreactive T cells7. It has long been unclear whether these two morphologically and functionally distinct types of epithelial cells arise from a common bi-potent progenitor cell8 and whether such progenitors are still present in the postnatal period. Here, using in vivo cell lineage analysis in mice, we demonstrate the presence of a common progenitor of cortical and medullary TECs after birth. To probe the function of postnatal progenitors, a conditional mutant allele of Foxn1 was reverted to wild-type function in single epithelial cells in vivo. This led to the formation of small thymic lobules containing both cortical and medullary areas that supported normal thymopoiesis. Thus, single epithelial progenitor cells can give rise to a complete and functional thymic microenvironment, suggesting that cell-based therapies could be developed for thymus disorders