99 research outputs found

    Dispersive Waves in Microstructured Solids

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    The wave motion in micromorphic microstructured solids is studied. The mathematical model is based on ideas of Mindlin and governing equations are derived by making use of the Euler–Lagrange formalism. The same result is obtained by means of the internal variables approach. Actually such a model describes internal fields in microstructured solids under external loading and the interaction of these fields results in various physical effects. The emphasis of the paper is on dispersion analysis and wave profiles generated by initial or boundary conditions in a one-dimensional case


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    The aim of the work – to determine the role of different educational technologies used by the stuff of the Department of Internal Medicine 1 of the State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” (SI “DMA”).The main body. Modern education in Ukraine should ensure the adherence of young people to world and national culture, to universal values. According to the forms and methods, it can be implemented in different directions – from training of future doctors for cooperation within the framework of schools for patients with different chronic pathologies. The staff of the department pays great attention to the comprehensive education of the future generation of doctors and teachers, knowing well that it should be not only knowledgeable but emotionally sound and well-informed. For this purpose, young people are attracted to visits to theaters, museums of the city, exhibitions of works of folk art craftsmen, etc.Conclusions. Different educational technologies form the high-quality qualities of a modern physician. The experience of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy has a powerful arsenal of pedagogical innovations in the educational process. The effectiveness of their implementation depends on the traditions of the educational institution, as well as the abilities, skills and desires of the teaching staff.Мета роботи – визначити роль різних виховних технологій, які використовують співробітники кафедри внутрішньої медицини 1 Державного закладу “Дніпропетровська медична академія Міністерства охорони здоров’я України” (ДЗ “ДМА”), у формуванні особистості сучасного лікаря.Основна частина. Сучасне виховання в Україні повинне забезпечувати долучення молоді до світової й національної культури, до загальнолюдських цінностей. За формами й методами воно може впроваджуватися у   різних напрямках – від навчання майбутніх лікарів щодо співпраці у рамках шкіл для хворих з різною хронічною патологією. Співробітники кафедри приділяють велику увагу всебічному вихованню майбутнього покоління лікарів і викладачів, добре розуміючи, що воно повинно бути не лише багато у чому обізнаним, а й емоційно здоровим та виваженим. Задля цієї мети молодь залучається до відвідувань театрів, музеїв міста, виставок робіт майстрів народної творчості тощо.Висновки. Різні виховні технології формують високоморальні якості сучасного лікаря. Досвід ДЗ “ДМА” має потужний арсенал застосування педагогічних інновацій у навчально-виховному процесі. Ефективність їх впровадження залежить від традицій навчального закладу, а також здібностей, вмінь і бажань педагогічного колективу

    Variational Foundations and Generalized Unified Theory of RVE-Based Multiscale Models

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    A unified variational theory is proposed for a general class of multiscale models based on the concept of Representative Volume Element. The entire theory lies on three fundamental principles: (1) kinematical admissibility, whereby the macro- and micro-scale kinematics are defined and linked in a physically meaningful way; (2) duality, through which the natures of the force- and stress-like quantities are uniquely identified as the duals (power-conjugates) of the adopted kinematical variables; and (3) the Principle of Multiscale Virtual Power, a generalization of the well-known Hill-Mandel Principle of Macrohomogeneity, from which equilibrium equations and homogenization relations for the force- and stress-like quantities are unequivocally obtained by straightforward variational arguments. The proposed theory provides a clear, logically-structured framework within which existing formulations can be rationally justified and new, more general multiscale models can be rigorously derived in well-defined steps. Its generality allows the treatment of problems involving phenomena as diverse as dynamics, higher order strain effects, material failure with kinematical discontinuities, fluid mechanics and coupled multi-physics. This is illustrated in a number of examples where a range of models is systematically derived by following the same steps. Due to the variational basis of the theory, the format in which derived models are presented is naturally well suited for discretization by finite element-based or related methods of numerical approximation. Numerical examples illustrate the use of resulting models, including a non-conventional failure-oriented model with discontinuous kinematics, in practical computations

    Guyer-Krumhansl–type heat conduction at room temperature

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    Results of heat pulse experiments in various artificial and natural materials are reported in this paper. The experiments are performed at room temperature with macroscopic samples. It is shown that temperature evolution does not follow Fourier's law but is well explained by the Guyer-Krumhansl equation. The observations confirm the ability of non-equilibrium thermodynamics to formulate universal constitutive relations for thermomechanical processes