1,500 research outputs found

    An analysis of key leadership behaviors of the principal in a high -performing elementary school serving Mexican American children in South Texas

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    This study is based on the theoretical framework that defines leadership as an influence process, one that depends on the extent to which people eventually perceive leadership as a quality someone possesses and as a result of that perception, consent to be led (Greenfield, 1998). Leadership is the process of being perceived as a leader (Lord and Maher, 1993). Doing good work at one\u27s school and being seen to do such work is likely to be the most powerful strategy for positively influencing teachers\u27 perceptions of one\u27s leadership. This study expands on the theory that it is what you do (your actions and their perceived efforts) not who you are (age, gender) that matters to teachers (Leithwood,1995). The research questions that guided the study are: (1) What strategies and techniques do respondent stakeholders perceive this elementary principal use to promote high expectations among all teachers, students and parents? (2) What strategies and techniques do respondent stakeholders perceive this elementary school principal use to promote high parental involvement? (3) What strategies and techniques do respondent stakeholders perceive this elementary school principal use to build a shared vision among teachers, students and parents? (4) What strategies and techniques do respondent stakeholders perceive this elementary school principal use to develop high teacher morale and support? A qualitative study was conducted at an elementary school using two types of data: a teacher and parent survey and teacher, staff and parent interviews. An analysis was conducted to determine the critical strategies and techniques contributing to a high performing elementary school. Findings of the study indicated that there are different types of strategies used by the principal to influence teachers, parents and students in the areas of high expectations, parental involvement, shared vision and high teacher morale. These strategies included: (1) communication, (2) goal setting, (3) modeling, (4) organization, (5) encouragement, (6) facilitative, (7) agreement building, (8) networking, (9) institution-building, (10) recognition, (11) support, and (12) interpersonal. This study added to the theory by expanding the knowledge base of what teachers and parents believe are the key behaviors of the principal that contribute to a high performing campus. The conclusion that principals do play a vital role in influencing what happens in the school was strengthened by this study

    Fundamentos de ciencias físicas y químicas para los nuevos títulos de grado de maestro de primaria

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    Se presenta una adaptación de bloques correspondientes a fundamentos básicos de física y fundamentos básicos de química, que podrían formar parte de las futuras asignaturas correspondientes al módulo didáctico disciplinar Aprendizaje y enseñanza de las ciencias experimentales, del Título de Grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria. Se describen las tareas que se han llevado a cabo para elaborar o adaptar recursos, diseñar la guías de trabajo y planificar la organización docente. Finalmente, se analizan los primeros datos obtenidos tras recoger información sobre la implementación de estos recursos durante el curso 2008/09

    A geometrical coefficient implying the fixed point property and stability results

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    In this paper we define a new geometric constant M(X) in Banach spaces such that X has the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings if M(X) > 1. We prove that M(X) •_ WCS(X), the inequality being strict in many important classes of Banach spaces and we obtain lower bounds for M(X) based upon either the modulus of near uniform smoothness or the modulus of the Opia] property of the conjugated space. We show that this new constant gives us stability results for the fixed point property with respect to œp-spaces which improve all previous results.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y TécnicaJunta de Andalucí

    Percepción de estudiantes de magisterio sobre clases reales de ciencias en centros escolares de Irlanda

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    Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación consistente en emplear la percepción de los estudiantes de magisterio durante el prácticum, para estudiar las clases reales de ciencias en la etapa de primaria. En esta fase del proyecto hemos reunido datos procedentes de centros escolares de Irlanda, en los que se analizan recursos como laboratorios, huertos escolares, así como aspectos organizativos y metodológicos. Estos resultados permiten abordar una primera aproximación a una valoración comparativa con la situación encontrada en los centros españoles

    El rol del control personal en la función paliativa de la justificación del sistema entre la población indígena y no indígena de estudiantes peruanos

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    Indexación: Scopus.In this article we propose a mediation model for the association between system justification and psychological well-being (i.e., the palliative function of ideology), based on system justification theory and compensatory control theory. Specifically, we argue that endorsing system-justifying beliefs leads to increased perceived personal control, which in turn predicts higher well-being. We used a convenience sample of students from two Peruvian universities. The results showed that system justification was related to general psychological well-being and personal control. In addition, indigenous students rated lower on system justification, general psychological well-being, self-esteem and personal control. Next, we found that the association between system justification and general psychological well-being was stronger among indigenous students, and this relationship was partially mediated by personal control. In addition, we showed that the mediation model is moderated by ethnicity, so that personal control is a mediator only among non-indigenous participants. We conclude that personal control is a mechanism involved in the palliative function of ideology among this group. Finally, we discuss possible explanations for the mechanisms involved in the palliative function of ideology among low-status individuals. © 2018, © 2018 Fundacion Infancia y Aprendizaje.En este artículo se propone un modelo de mediación de las relaciones entre la justificación del sistema y el bienestar psicológico (i.e., la función paliativa de la ideología) basado en las teorías de la justificación del sistema y del control compensatorio. En concreto, se propone que la adopción de creencias justificativas del sistema produce un aumento del control personal percibido que, a su vez, predice niveles más elevados de bienestar. En este estudio se utilizó una muestra por conveniencia de estudiantes provenientes de dos universidades peruanas. Los resultados muestran que la justificación del sistema está relacionada con el bienestar psicológico general y con el control personal. Además, los estudiantes indígenas mostraron niveles más reducidos de justificación del sistema, bienestar psicológico general, autoestima y control personal. También se observó que la relación entre la justificación del sistema y el bienestar psicológico general era más fuerte entre los estudiantes indígenas y que el control personal mediaba parcialmente en esta relación. Asimismo, mostramos que la etnicidad es un factor moderador del modelo de mediación, por lo que el control personal es un mediador únicamente entre los participantes no indígenas. El estudio concluye que el control personal es un mecanismo que interviene en la función paliativa de la ideología en este grupo. Por último, se discuten posibles explicaciones de los mecanismos implicados en la función paliativa de la ideología entre individuos de estatus social bajo.https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02134748.2018.153765

    Validación de un cuestionario para medir retrospectivamente la exposición laboral a plaguicidas

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    ResumenObjetivosValidar un cuestionario diseñado para medir retrospectivamente la exposición laboral a plaguicidas en un estudio de casos y controles sobre trabajadores expuestos a plaguicidas y malformaciones congénitas.MétodosSe compara la información obtenida mediante una entrevista personal con 56 agricultores con: 1) una entrevista con los empleadores de los agricultores, 2) la observación directa de los lugares de trabajo y 3) un cuestionario que cumplimentaron los agncultores durante la realización del Programa de Capacitación para Manipuladores de Plaguicidas.ResultadosLos índices de exactitud y fiabilidad fueron altos para las variables «cultivos trabajados», «períodos de tratamiento» y «utilización de protección personal», con sensibilidades entre 0,81 y 1 e índices Kappa de 0,65 a 0,80. Sin embargo, las variables «duración de los tratamientos» y «productos plaguicidas utilizados» presentaron índices de exactitud más bajos con sensibilidades entre 0,32 y 0,50.ConclusionesLos resultados sugieren que el cuestionario es un buen instrumento para la medición de algunas variables pero en otras reflejan la existencia de problemas de recuerdo. Esto hace necesario adoptar medidas que mejoren la exactitud de la medida de la exposición como la introducción en el cuestionario del tamaño del área tratada como otra variable que permita valorar la duración de la exposición y la utilización de listas de recuerdo de productos plaguicidas durante la entrevista.SummaryObjectiveThe aim of this study is to validate a questionnaire intended to assess retrospective occupational exposure to pesticides in a case control study of workers exposed to pesticides and congenital malformations.MethodsOccupational data were gathered through personal interviews to 56 agricultural workers and this information was compared to: 1) personal interviews with the workers’ foremen, 2) direct observation of working places and 3) another questionnaire self-administered previously by the workers as a part of the «Training Program for Pesticide Aplicators».ResultsAccuracy and reliability indices are high for variables such as the crops where the interviewees have been working, the time period of the treatments with pesticides and the use of personal protection during treatments (sensitivity ranges between 0.81 and 1 and Kappa index ranges between 0.65 and 0.80). However, for variables such as the duration of the treatments and the pesticides used, sensitivity values range between 0.32 and 0.50.ConclusionsThe results suggest that the questionnaire is a valid tool for measuring some items but in order to improve the quality of the exposure assessment the questionnaire was modified, including a question about size of treated areas (as a proxy variable for duration of treatments) and prompt lists were developed to make easier recall by the workers of specific pesticides used in treatments

    On stationary points of nonexpansive set-valued mappings

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    In this paper we deal with stationary points (also known as endpoints) of nonexpansive set-valued mappings and show that the existence of such points under certain conditions follows as a consequence of the existence of approximate stationary sequences. In particular we provide abstract extensions of well-known fixed point theorems.Dirección General de Enseñanza SuperiorJunta de Andalucí