2,161 research outputs found

    Muon Performance in the Presence of High Pile-up in ATLAS

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    In 2012, the LHC is operated at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV in a mode leading up to 40 inelastic pp collisions per bunch crossing. The identification and reconstruction of muons produced in hard collisions is difficult in this challenging environment. Di-muon decays of Z bosons have been used to study the muon momentum resolution as well as the muon identification and reconstruction efficiencies of the ATLAS detector as a function of the muon transverse momentum from 15 GeV to 100 GeV and the number of inelastic collisions per event. These studies show that the muon momentum resolution, muon identification and reconstruction efficiencies are independent of the amount of pile-up present in an event.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, PIC201


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    For years, mostly the effects of music on cardiorespiratory exercise performance have been studied, but a few studies have examined the effect of music on anaerobic exercise. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of listening to music and its rhythm on anaerobic exercise: on power output, heart rate and the concentration of blood lactate. 28 male subjects were required to visit the laboratory on 6 occasions, each separated by 48 hours. Firstly, each subject performed the Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) under 3 conditions on separate days: while listening to “slow rhythm music”, “fast rhythm music” or “no music”. 48 hours after the subjects completed RAST under 3 conditions, Wingate Anaerobic Power (WAN) tests were performed under 3 music conditions. The order of the 3 conditions (slow music, fast music and no music) was selected randomly to prevent an order effect. Results showed no significant differences between 3 conditions in anaerobic power assessments, heart rate or blood lactate (p>0.05). On the basis of these results it can be said that music cannot improve anaerobic performance. The type of music had no impact on power outputs during RAST and WAN exercise. As a conclusion, listening to music and its rhythm cannot enhance anaerobic performance and cannot change the physiological response to supramaximal exercise

    Molecular cloning, overexpression and biochemical characterization of bacterial amylase for biotechnological processes

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Biothechnology, Izmir, 2012Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 47-53)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxi, 59 leavesAmylases are the enzymes that act on glycosidic bond of starch and related polysaccarides. They comprise 25% of enzyme utilised in a variety of industry. It is used to obtain maltose, glucose and maltodextrins in various lenghts during industrial processes. Amylases are widely distributed enzymes in bacteria, fungi, higher plants and animals. Thermophilic enzymes are widely demanded in order to be stable at harsh process conditions. Isolating these enzymes from thermophilic microorganism is increasing trend because of ease of enzyme production. In this study α-amylase gene region from a thermophilic Bacillus sp. isolated from Balçova Geotermal region in İzmir was cloned to compotent E. coli BL 21 cells. Additionally protein expression was reinforced with pKJE7 chaperone plasmid. Cloned gene was sequenced and found as 1542 bp in length. Thermophilic amylase that has a 59.9 kD molecular weight was expressed and purified from this recombinant strain. Mass spectrometric analysis were performed and the enzyme was matched with α-amylase family protein of Geobacillus thermodenitrificans NG80-2 using NCBInr database. The aminoacid sequence of this enzyme was seen to be similar 92% with our obtained enzyme. According to the results of characterization studies, the amylase enzyme was seen to have highest activity at pH 8.0 and 60°C. The enzyme was also showed to have resonable activity between pH5 and 9. 85% of the enzyme activity was retained at 70°C. Furthermore, amylase activities at 65 and 85°C were observed to remain stable for 5 and 2 hours, respectively. It was also showed that the activity was stable and pH7 and 9 for 6 hours. The effects of some metal ions, chemical agents and organic solvents on enzyme activity were examined so, Co+2, Mg+2,Ca+2 was determined to be as inducer for the enzyme activity. Conversely the activity was inhibited by Cu+2. Furthermore methanol, DDT and Triton X-100 was found to have no effect on the enzyme activity

    Measurement of Attitudes Regarding Foreign Language Skills and Its Relation with Success

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    The aim of this research is to determine the attitudes of secondary level students regarding the skills in English as a Foreign Language and to compare the level of relationship between the academic success at English and the attitudes measured. Attitudes and success levels of the students of secondary education regarding their language skills were found to be high. A significant relationship at a linear low level was observed between the academic success of the students and their attitudes towards English language skills. In this study, the attitudes of high school students measured according to their gender concerning their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, showed difference in favor of female students. Again, high school students’ attitudes towards writing, speaking and listening skills except for the attitudes towards reading skills do differentiate according to the type of school in which they receive education

    Identification of adulterant oil and its ratio in adulterated olive oil by FTIR spectroscopy and chemometric methods

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    Bu çalışmada, Aydın'daki yağ üretim fabrikalarından temin edilen saf zeytinyağı numuneleri ile yine benzer üretim yerlerinden alınan pamuk yağı, marketlerden temin edilen saf mısırözü ve ayçiçeği yağı numunelerinin FTIR Infrared spektrofotometresinde spektrumları alınarak aradaki farklar incelenmiştir. Daha sonra, zeytinyağı ile yukarıda bahsi geçen bitkisel yağların belirli oranlarda karışımları hazırlanmış ve her bir numune için 10 adet olmak üzere toplam 190 adet spektrum, SİMCA-P istatistik programı kullanılarak kemometrik yöntemlerden başlıca bileşen analizi modellemesi ile sınıflandırılmıştır. Saf yağlara ait IR spektrumlardaki küçük farklara dikkat çekilmiş ve IR spektrum ve kemometri ile saf yağların birbirinden kolayca ayrılabildiği gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca, başlıca bileşen analizinin zeytinyağının, diğer üç yağdan biri ve hacimce en az % 10 olmak koşulu ile, katışıklı olup olmadığını belirlenmede etkin bir yöntem olduğu sergilenmiştir. Saf yağlar ve zeytinyağına diğer yağların değişik hacim oranlarında katılmasıyla hazırlanan karışımlarda öz ağırlık, kırılma indisi, sabunlaşma sayısı, iyot sayısı ve peroksit sayısı tayinleri yapılmıştır. Katılan yağın miktarı ve ölçülen büyüklük arasında çizilen grafiklerde bu ilişkinin doğrusal olduğu gösterilmiştir. Grafiklerdeki doğruların eğimlerinin yön ve büyüklüğünden yararlanarak katışıklı zeytinyağlarında katılan yağı cinsinin belirlenmesi için gerekli koşullar tartışılmıştır In this study, the FTIR spectrums of samples of pure olive oil and cotton oil, both obtained from oil producers, and samples of corn oil and sunflower seed oil bought from local markets, were recorded and the discrepancies in the spectrums, although very small, of different oil types were specifically noted. Additionally, olive oil samples were deliberately adulterated by adding the aforementioned vegetable oils at different volume ratios. For each mixture 10 IR spectrums were recorded, and hence, a total of 190 IR spectrums were obtained. The digitalized data of spectrums were analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA) using SIMCA-P statistical package program. It was shown that the pure oils could be neatly classified by PCA. Furthermore, PCA modeling was a very effective approach to show whether olive oil was adulterated by other vegetable oils, provided that the volume ratio of adulterant was at least 10 %. Pure oils and olive oil-vegetable oil mixtures were then analyzed to determine their densities. refractive indices and the values of saponification, iodine and peroxide. Graphs were drawn to see the relation between the adulterant oil ratio and the magnitude of measured quantities. Relations were linear in each case, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.99. Then, the possibilities of and conditions for detecting the type of adulterant oil by examining the direction and magnitudes of the slopes of the lines were disansed

    Askeri Müzedeki ateşli silah teçhizatından bir grup

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 114-Müzelerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Vestiges of Reftâr in historical music notations: Tarihsel musiki yazılarında Reftâr’ın izleri

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    Reftâr is known as a woman composer who lived in the Ottoman Empire Harem in the 17th century. We see compositions attributed to her in musical archives under names such as Reftâr Kalfa, Tanburi Reftâr Kalfa, and Musahip. Today, the claim that Reftâr was the first woman composer in Turkish classical music is based on a Peşrev – Der Makâm -ı Saba ‘‘Sabâ -yı Reftâr’’usüleş Düyek - found in the Kantemiroğlu Edvârı. In this study, Hamparsum Manuscripts, which were written using the Hamparsum musical notation developed at the beginning of the 19th century, were studied and it has been discovered that, in addition to Reftâr’s well known Saba Peşrev, there is also a Saba Saz Semâîsi attributed to her. Two Saz Semâîsi in the Saba makam, which were found in the Hamparsum Notebooks with archive numbers Y.205/3 and Y.211/9 at the Istanbul University Library of Rare Books were translated into modern Western notation and studied. Reftâr’s life as a musician and the music training of women in the Ottoman palace were studied based on written sources, in order to understand Reftâr’s place in the Turkish Classical Music tradition as a musician and a woman. Writing about the traditional Turkish Classical Music History requires scientific data on composers, their compositions, periods, institutions, genres and forms. In this respect, different musical notations that recorded the same musical tradition are the most important sources. Discovering a forgotten composition by a composer who’s thought to have lived 400 years ago is a proof of this.   Özet Reftâr, 17. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Sarayı Haremi’nde yaşamış bir kadın bestekar olarak bilinir ve Reftâr Kalfa, Tanburi Reftâr Kalfa, Musahip gibi unvanlarla nota arşivlerinde adına eserler kaydedildiği görülür. Günümüzde Reftâr’ın Türk Musikisi’nin ilk kadın bestekarı olduğu düşüncesi Kantemiroğlu Edvârı’nda bulunan- Der Makâm -ı Saba ‘‘Sabâ -yı Reftâr’’usüleş Düyek- bir Peşreve dayandırılır. Bu çalışmada, 19. Yüzyıl başında geliştirilen Hamparsum Musiki Yazısı ile kaydedilmiş el yazması Hamparsum defterlerinden günümüze ulaşanlar incelenmiş ve Reftâr’ın bilinegelen Sabâ Peşrevi’nin yanı sıra bir Sabâ Saz Semâîsi’nin de olduğu saptanmıştır. İstanbul Üniversitesi Nadir Eserler Kütüphanesi’nde bulunan Y.205/3 ve Y. 211/9 arşiv numaralı Hamparsum Defterleri’nde kayıtlı, Sabâ makamında bir Saz Semâîsi’nin iki örneği Batı nota yazısına çevrilmiş ve incelenmiştir. Reftâr’ın bir müzisyen ve kadın olarak Türk musikisi geleneği içinde varoluşunu kavramak üzere, Osmanlı Sarayı’nda musiki yaşamı ve kadının musiki eğitimi tarihsel perspektifte ele alınarak incelenmiştir. Geleneksel Türk Sanat Musikisi Tarihi hakkında yazmak; bestekarlar ve eserleri, dönemler, kurumlar, türler ve formlar gibi konularda bilimsel veriler göstermeyi gerektirir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, birbirinden farklı ama aynı sesli kültürü aktarmayı amaç edinmiş musiki yazıları en önemli kaynaklardır. Günümüzden 400 yıl önce yaşadığı düşünülen bir bestekar ile ilgili unutulmuş bir esere Hamparsum defterlerinde ulaşmak bunun kanıtıdır

    Natural disaster insurance: public-private sector partnership

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    The public sector should intervene in the natural disaster insurance market in order to increase economic efficiency and social welfare. However the governments should not put at risk the sustainability of public finance by undertaking excessive financial risks. Therefore, public-private sector partnership practices in natural disaster insurance are on the agenda. Public-private partnerships can incorporate some of the advantages of both public insurance systems and private insurance systems. In such insurance systems, government guarantees, fiscal incentives, regulations and private sector expertise come together. The insurance systems established in public-private partnership sectors should be designed appropriately to ensure sustainability. A sustainable public-private insurance system should include mandatory participation, risk-based premiums, encouraging risk-mitigation activities, risk transfer mechanisms. NFIP, CEA, CATNAT, TCIP, CCS, JER are successful examples of public-private sector partnership. However, these insurance systems do not have all the features that a good insurance system should have