146 research outputs found

    Teeth discoloration and prescribed slimming magistral formula : a case report

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    Poster presented at the 4th International Congress of CiiEM - "Health, Well-being and Ageing in the XXI Century." 2-5 June 2019, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    As contribuições do estágio na formação dos saberes docentes de estudantes do curso de pedagogia

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    A presente pesquisa visa identificar quais saberes o estágio curricular obrigatório possibilita aos licenciandos de Pedagogia construir sobre a docência e a prática pedagógica nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico na literatura específica sobre estágio, formação e saberes docentes, a partir de autores como Charlot, Lima, Nóvoa, Tardiff e Pimenta. Além disso, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental, baseada na análise dos relatórios de estágio produzidos por alunos de Pedagogia que cursaram a disciplina de Práticas de Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental na Faculdade de Educação da UFRJ, em 2018. Através dos relatos foi possível identificar o que os licenciandos apontaram sobre ser professor dos anos iniciais e os saberes que eles construíram em seus estágios, apontando as contribuições desse momento na formação docente. As reflexões apresentadas buscaram refletir, entre o escrito e o vivido, o papel da prática de ensino no curso de formação de Pedagogos, destacando na análise dos relatórios três eixos de saberes: o ser, o estar, e o ter do professor

    Bone health in elite ballet dancers: a multidisciplinary approach

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    A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the Dual Degree of Doctor of PhilosophyBackground It has been reported that dancers are at greater risk of developing low bone mineral density (BMD) compared to general population; however, some published studies also highlight the positive effects of dance training on bone metabolism. Given the existing controversy, the aim of the current work was a) to investigate bone health status of professional ballet dancers and vocational dance students, and b) to investigate associated factors and mechanisms involved in dancers’ bone health. Design Cross-sectional, longitudinal analysis (2-yrs follow-up) and genetic association studies were conducted on a population which consisted of professional ballet dancers, vocational dance students and controls. Methods The total of 58 professional ballet dancers (66 sex- aged-matched controls), and 152 vocational dance students (96 aged- and sex-matched controls) were screened for BMD status at impact [femoral neck (FN); lumbar spine (LS)] and non-impact sites (forearm). Tanner staging, age at menarche and menstrual status were assessed via questionnaires. Bone mass, nutrition, peak height velocity estimation, energy availability, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1), oestrogens, growth hormone, and sclerostin serum concentrations were longitudinally measured in a sub-sample of 101 vocational dance students and age- and sex-matched controls. Association between polymorphisms of the Wnt/β-catenin and ER signalling pathways with low BMD were further investigated. Results Female vocational dance students were more likely to display low BMD at the forearm and LS than controls (OR= 0.1; p<0.05 and OR=0.2; p<0.05, respectively); the prevalence of low BMD at the forearm was significantly higher in female professional ballet dancers than controls (37.5% vs. 17.4%, p<0.001). During the follow-up, both female and male vocational dancers revealed significantly lower BMD at impact and non-impact sites (p<0.001) compared to controls. Serum IGF-1 concentrations were significantly increased in vocational dancers compared to controls at 2yrs follow-up (p<0.05), as well as serum sclerostin (p<0.05). Genetic variants at the Wnt/β-catenin and ER signalling pathways were identified as risk factors for low BMD at both impact and non-impact sites. Conclusion Professional dancers and vocational dance students have lower bone health compared to controls. Genetic mechanisms seem to be determinant. It is recommend that dancers performing at elite level should be referred for bone densitometry

    A articulação curricular: uma proposta para o 4.ºano de escolaridade

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    Relatório Final de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico apresentado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloO presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo. Este relatório encontra-se dividido em três capítulos, nomeadamente, o capítulo I referente à caraterização dos contextos e ao Percurso da Intervenção Educativa; o capítulo II contém a introdução, a fundamentação teórica, a metodologia, a apresentação e análise dos resultados; por fim, o capítulo III com uma reflexão global sobre a intervenção educativa. O estudo de investigação incidiu na área curricular de Português e o trabalho apresentado intitula-se “A articulação curricular: uma proposta para o 4.º ano de escolaridade” e foi realizado numa turma de vinte alunos. Teve como objetivo principal mostrar a possibilidade de articulação entre os conteúdos de Português, Estudo do Meio e Matemática, tendo como ponto de partida a disciplina de Português. De modo a orientar este estudo, foram estabelecidas quatro questões de investigação: 1. É possível fazer a articulação entre os conteúdos a lecionar nas disciplinas de Português, Estudo do Meio e Matemática?; 2. Quais as estratégias na operacionalização da articulação?; 3. Que aprendizagens realizam os alunos?; 4. Que reações têm os alunos perante atividades de articulação curricular?. De acordo com o problema e as questões de investigação definidas, trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, com um caráter descritivo e uma vertente exploratória. A recolha de dados foi levada a cabo através de observações, de registos audiovisuais, de conversas e dos diálogos realizados com os alunos. A análise feita, a partir dos dados recolhidos, permitiu verificar que a articulação curricular entre as três áreas propostas se revelou promotora de aprendizagens nos alunos. É de destacar o questionamento interpretativo de diferentes tipos de textos, valorizando a descodificação de vocabulário e a realização de inferências, a exploração oral, a resolução de problemas e os recursos digitais, verificando-se uma atitude positiva dos alunos, com um aumento das participações, que realizaram aprendizagens, sobretudo ao nível da compreensão de enunciados. Em suma, ficou provada a possibilidade de articulação curricular sugerida.This report was carried out within the Supervised Teaching Practice (PES) Curricular Unit of the Master's Degree in Preschool Education and Elementary School Teaching at Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute. This report is divided into three chapters, namely Chapter I on the characterization of contexts and the Path of Educational Intervention; Chapter II contains the introduction, the theoretical foundation, the methodology, the presentation and analysis of the results. Finally, Chapter III with a global reflection on educational intervention. The research study focused on the Portuguese curriculum area and the work presented is entitled “The curriculum articulation: a proposal for the 4th grade” and was carried out in a class of twenty students. Its main objective was to show the possibility of articulation between the contents of Portuguese, Environmental Studies and Mathematics, having as a starting point the discipline of Portuguese. In order to guide this study, four research questions were established: 1. Is it possible to articulate the contents to be taught in the subjects of Portuguese, Environmental Studies and Mathematics?; 2. What are the strategies in the operationalization of the joint 3. What learning do students do? 4. What reactions do students have to curriculum articulation activities? According to the problem and the research questions defined, it is a qualitative study, with a descriptive character and an exploratory aspect. Data collection was carried out through observations, audiovisual recordings, conversations and dialogues with students. The analysis made, based on the data collected, allowed to verify that the curricular articulation between the three proposed areas proved to be a promoter of learning in students. It is worth highlighting the interpretative questioning of different types of texts, valuing vocabulary decoding and making inferences, oral exploration, problem solving and digital resources, with a positive attitude of students, with an increase in participation, who have learned, especially at the level of comprehension of utterances. In short, the possibility of suggested curriculum articulation has been proven

    Effects of Pilates Training On Muscular Strength And Balance In Ballet Dancers

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a Pilates training programme on muscular strength and balance in ballet dancers. Fifteen ballet students were divided in experimental and control groups. Besides the daily technical classes, it was applied a Pilates training programme during 11 weeks in the experimental group. Groups were submitted at two moments of evaluation, before and after the programme. The muscular strength was evaluated through the time obtained in the maintenance of the performance of penché and developpé. Balance was evaluated using a Bertec force plate (4060-15). The migration area of the centre of pressure was calculated in the first position and in the attitude derriére skills. Results suggest that the Pilates training have a positive effect on muscular strength. No significant differences were obtained in ballet dancers’ balance

    Inserção Socioeconômica e Educacional do Programa de Mestrado Profissional de Educação de Jovens e Adultos-Eja junto à Comunidade Baiana

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    Este artigo tem como problemática a análise da questão da inserção social, econômica e educacional dos participantes e egressos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação de Jovens e Adultos (MPEJA), da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, destacando os impactos evidenciados na formação e atuação de dezenas de professores e professoras que ingressaram no Programa e já estão atuando profissionalmente junto à sua comunidade de origem. Entendemos que a inserção social expressa o compromisso e a responsabilidade da pós-graduação com a ciência e a sociedade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa que se espelha na investigação bibliográfica e análise documental, para consolidar as informações e os dados obtidos durante o processo. Os fundamentos teóricos apontam para a colaboração de autores como Gadotti (2000), Minayo (2008), Freire (1996), dentre outros. Entre os principais resultados obtidos, destacamos que o Programa faz um processo seletivo que contempla a entrada de discentes de várias regiões do Estado da Bahia, das três redes de ensino: municipal, estadual e federal. Os profissionais ao terminarem o curso no âmbito do mestrado, já estão atuando junto às suas instituições de origem, impactando a vida social, econômica e educacional dessas localidades interioranas, servindo de referência para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)

    Mais do que uma Apresentação : debates acerca da EJA

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    Esse Dossiê trata do tema “ ”. O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação de Jovens e Adultos-MPEJA, é pioneiro no Brasil na Modalidade de Mestrado Profissional com inserção na EJA e tem priorizado professores e gestores da educação básica, principalmente os que vêm atuando no campo da EJA. Foi recomendado pela CAPES em 2012 e começou a ofertar vagas, em 2013, no Departamento de EducaçãoCampus I da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB). A temática do Programa centra-se na preocupação pelo acesso e permanência à escola dos jovens e adultos analfabetos e/ou com baixo nível de escolaridade e, sobretudo, na formação de professores que precisam estar devidamente qualificados para atender às especificidades desse segmento da população

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory activity of extracts of hydrolysed k-casein glycomacropeptide: stability under simulated gastrointestinal digestion

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    Dietary proteins usually possess a wide range of nutritional, functional and biological properties; many of such biological properties have been attributed to physiologically active peptides, which are encrypted within the protein sequence. k‐Casein glycomacropeptide (CMP) – one of the main components of whey, is released in the first step of (enzymatic) cheese making – and has been claimed to act as mediator in important biological pathways. Peptides released from CMP via enzymatic or microbial activity have indeed been proven to posses inhibitory activity against the angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE). However, they will not act properly in the human body unless they can resist gastrointestinal digestion, as well as be absorbed and reach the cardiovascular system in active form. On the other hand, several studies have already demonstrated the important role of gastrointestinal digestion upon ACE‐inhibitory peptide formation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the ACE‐inhibitory activity of peptide extracts obtained via hydrolysis of CMP, using an extract of Cynara cardunculus as enzymatic vector. Moreover, such peptides were subjected to simulated gastrointestinal digestion, in order to assess their stability and the evolution of their ACE‐inhibitory activity. A 40 g/L solution of CMP, hydrolysed with 8.5 %(w/w) commercial crude extract of C. cardunculus, exhibitedACE‐inhibitory activity corresponding to IC50 values of 296.0 mg/mL (total fraction), 63.0 mg/mL (3000 Da fraction). The identification of peptides proceeded by LC‐MS, and permitted identification of the following peptides: MAIPPKKNDQD (k‐CN f106‐115), as potentially responsible for antihypertensive activity; and TVQVTSTAV (k‐CN f161‐169) and MAIPPKKNDQD (k‐CN f106‐115), as potentially responsible for antithrombotic activity, because both encompass sequences analogous to the bioactive fragment f400‐411 of fibrinogen g‐chain. A new peptide, KTEIPIN (k‐CN f116‐123), was also identified to relatively high concentrations, with a promising antihypertensive activity. Studies concerning the in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal digestion were conducted; the gastrointestinal stability of the total extract and of the 3000 Da peptide fraction, as well as of the plain CMP (used as control), following incorporation in water and fruit juice, was tested in said gastrointestinal model, but none of said fractions was significantly affected.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Young minds, deeper insights: a recap of the BMAS Summer School 2023, ranging from basic research to clinical implications of bone marrow adipose tissue

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    Bone marrow adiposity (BMA) is a rapidly growing yet very young research field that is receiving worldwide attention based on its intimate relationship with skeletal and metabolic diseases, as well as hematology and cancer. Moreover, increasing numbers of young scientists and students are currently and actively working on BMA within their research projects. These developments led to the foundation of the International Bone Marrow Adiposity Society (BMAS), with the goal to promote BMA knowledge worldwide, and to train new generations of researchers interested in studying this field. Among the many initiatives supported by BMAS, there is the BMAS Summer School, inaugurated in 2021 and now at its second edition. The aim of the BMAS Summer School 2023 was to educate and train students by disseminating the latest advancement on BMA. Moreover, Summer School 2023 provided suggestions on how to write grants, deal with negative results in science, and start a laboratory, along with illustrations of alternative paths to academia. The event was animated by constructive and interactive discussions between early-career researchers and more senior scientists. In this report, we highlight key moments and lessons learned from the event