145 research outputs found

    Uwagi o rozważaniach Wojciecha Dzieduszyckiego o państwie i prawie

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    Conservatives in Galicia during the Austro-Hungarian monarchy exerted an overwhelming influence on political and social life. Among the conservative groups and parties, there were the so-called Podolaks, to which Wojciech Dzieduszycki belonged, writer, politician and philosopher. He wrote about the genesis and concept of law, the functions of the state and the scope of state power. He spoke against the law that regulates all manifestations of human life, because social relations are also regulated by moral and religious norms. Dzieduszycki was critical of socialism and all excessive forms of state intervention because he was against excessive state power. Based on Dzieduszycki’s reflections on the state and law, it can be concluded that he was an advocate of evolutionary conservatism.Konserwatyści w Galicji doby monarchii austro-węgierskiej wywierali przemożny wpływ na życie polityczne i społeczne. Spośród ugrupowań i stronnictw zachowawczych silną pozycją odznaczali się tzw. podolacy, do których przynależał Wojciech Dzieduszycki, pisarz, polityk i filozof. Myśliciel ten zajmował się genezą i pojęciem prawa, funkcjami państwa i zakresem władzy państwowej. Wypowiadał się przeciwko prawu regulującemu wszelkie przejawy ludzkiego życia, gdyż stosunki społeczne są regulowane także przez normy moralne i religijne. Krytyczny stosunek do omnipotencji prawa implikował u Dzieduszyckiego sprzeciw wobec socjalizmu i wszelkich nadmiernych form interwencjonizmu państwa. Na podstawie jego rozważań o państwie i prawie można stwierdzić, że był zwolennikiem konserwatyzmu ewolucyjnego

    X Zjazd historyków doktryn politycznych i prawnych w Szklarskiej Porębie

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    X Zjazd historyków doktryn politycznych i prawnych w Szklarskiej Porębi

    Desakralizacja myśli politycznej w czasach nowożytnych

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    The subject of this article is the demonstration of the changes that occurred in modern times in the perception of the goal of the state and politics and desirable attitudes of the ruler. The article presents a comparison of the medieval political thought and the thought developed by later political writers: N. Machiavelli, J. Bodin, H. Grotius, and T. Hobbes. The conclusion that follows from the considerations is that, in the Renaissance and Baroque times, the deprivation of the political thought of the sacral themes became evident. What is interesting is that the causes of transformations were at the same time found in the contradictions existing in the Middle Ages. The reception of Aristotelianism, undermining the authority of the papacy and the creation of sovereign states thoroughly and permanently changed the perception of politics and the functioning of the state.Przedmiotem artykułu jest ukazanie zmian, jakie nastąpiły w czasach nowożytnych, w postrzeganiu celu państwa, polityki i pożądanych postaw władcy. W pracy przedstawiono porównanie myśli politycznej średniowiecza z tą, która była autorstwem późniejszych pisarzy politycznych: N. Machiavellego, J. Bodina, H. Grotiusa i T. Hobbesa. Nasuwającym się wnioskiem z rozważań jest konstatacja, że w czasach renesansu i baroku uwidoczniło się pozbawienie dotychczasowej myśli politycznej wątków sakralnych. Interesującym zagadnieniem jest to, że przyczyny przeobrażeń tkwiły również w samych sprzecznościach istniejących w średniowieczu. Recepcja arystotelizmu, podkopanie autorytetu papiestwa i powstanie suwerennych państw dogłębnie i trwale zmieniły postrzeganie polityki i funkcjonowania państwa

    Multi-agent blackboard architecture for supporting legal decision making

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    Our research objective is to design a system to support legal decision-making using the multi-agent blackboard architecture. Agents represent experts that may apply various knowledge processing algorithms and knowledge sources. Experts cooperate with each other using blackboard to store facts about current case. Knowledge is represented as a set of rules. Inference process is based on bottom-up control (forward chaining). The goal of our system is to find rationales for arguments supporting different decisions for a given case using precedents and statutory knowledge. Our system also uses top-down knowledge from statutes and precedents to interactively query the user for additional facts, when such facts could affect the judgment. The rationales for various judgments are presented to the user, who may choose the most appropriate one. We present two example scenarios in Polish traffic law to illustrate the features of our system. Based on these results, we argue that the blackboard architecture provides an effecive approach to model situations where a multitude of possibly conflicting factors must be taken into account in decision making. We briefly discuss two such scenarios: incorporating moral and ethical factors in decision making by autonomous systems (e.g. self-driven cars), and integrating eudaimonic (well-being) factors in modeling mobility patterns in a smart city

    Congruence between breeding and wintering biodiversity hotspots: A case study in farmlands of Western Poland

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    Farmland landscapes are recognized as important ecosystems, not only for their rich biodiversity but equally so for the human beings who live and work in these places. However, biodiversity varies among sites (spatial change) and among seasons (temporal change). In this work, we tested the hypothesis that bird diversity hotspots distribution for breeding is congruent with bird diversity hotspots for wintering season, focusing also the representation of protected areas for the conservation of local hotspots. We proposed a framework based on the  use of species richness, functional diversity, and evolutionary distinctiveness to characterize avian communities. Although our findings show that the spatial distribution of local bird hotspots differed slightly between seasons, the protected areas’ representation was similar in both seasons. Protected areas covered 65% of the most important zones for breeding and 71% for the wintering season in the farmland studied. Functional diversity showed similar patterns as did bird species richness, but this measure can be most effective for highlighting differences on bird community composition. Evolutionary distinctiveness was less congruent with species richness and functional diversity, among seasons. Our findings suggest that inter-seasonal spatial congruence of local hotspots can be considered as suitable areas upon which to concentrate greater conservation efforts. However, even considering the relative congruence of avian diversity metrics at a local spatial scale, simultaneous analysis of protected areas while inter-seasonally considering hotspots, can provide a more complete representation of ecosystems for assessing the conservation status and designating priority areas

    Seasonal changes in avian communities living in an extensively used farmland of Western Poland

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    To study the seasonal changes in avian communities, we collected data in an extensively used farmland in Western Poland during 2006-2013. Generalized additive mixed models were used in order to study the effects of seasonality and protected areas on the overall bird species richness. A similarity percentage analysis was also conducted in order to identify the species that contribute most strongly to dissimilarity among each bird according to the phenological season. Furthermore, the differences in bird communities were investigated applying the decomposition of the species richness in season, trend, and remainder components. Each season showed significant differences in bird species richness (seasonality effect). The effect of the protected areas was slightly positive on the overall species richness for all seasons. However, an overall negative trend was detected for the entire period of eight years. The bird community composition was different among seasons, showing differences in terms of dominant species. Greater differences were found between breeding and wintering seasons, in particular, the spatial pattern of sites with higher bird richness (hotspots) were different between breeding and wintering seasons. Our findings showed a negative trend in bird species richness verified in the Polish farmlands from 2006. This result mirrors the same negative trend already highlighted for Western Europe. The role of protected areas, even if slightly positive, was not enough to mitigate this decline process. Therefore, to effectively protect farmland birds, it is necessary to also consider inter-seasons variation, and for this, we suggest the use of medium-term temporal studies on bird communities’ trends


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    The research results (SEM, UV-Vis) that contain a part of the work connected with determining the influence of a modified starch addition on the physical and chemical property changes of green sands (including the emission levels of harmful substances from the used molding sands formed as a result of the liquid metal pouring of molds) are presented in this paper. A surface analysis (SEM) was performed for the fresh molding sands and used molding sands with and without modified starch samples. On the bases of the received microscopic images, the impact of the temperature factor on the morphology of the molding sand samples after the liquid metal pouring process are assessed. In the second part of the performed work on the UV-Vis research, eluates from two used molding sands (green sand [sand number 1] and green sand with the addition of a modified starch [sand number 2]) were tested for nitrate and sulfate content. In order to determine whether the level of nitrate and sulfate elusion from the used molding sands is permissible, the received results were compared with the Minister of Environment’s regulations concerning the requirements of surface waters used for supplying the population with potable water

    Natural value of mountain debris soils

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    The paper deals with debris soils, a characteristic feature of mountain landscapes. Profiles of debris soils from the Tatras, Sudetes and Flysch Carpathians are presented and analyzed in relation with parent materials, altitude above sea level, landforms and vegetation. The authors point out a different genesis of coarse-fraction materials including periglacial weathering, gravitational processes as well as moraine deposition and landsliding. Characteristic, common properties of debris soils are described, two evolutional variants are distinguished and the systematic position of these soils in various soil classifications is also discussed. The authors emphasize an important ecological and hydrological role of debris soils

    Analiza wpływu wybranej metodologii oceny mostków cieplnych na bilans energetyczny budynku

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    The article presents an analysis of the impact of the selected methodology for thermal bridges assessment on the energy balance on the example of a typical single-family building project.Analytical calculations clearly show that the adopted methodology for determining the value of the coefficient of linear heat transfer of thermal bridge, significantly affects the energy performance of the building. The values of linear heat transfer coefficient presented in thermal bridge catalogs for specific partitions, most often system solutions of various companies, give more precise values than those adopted on the basis of a simplified methodology in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 14683: 2008 standard. Using computer calculations in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 10211: 2008 standard, the values of the linear heat transfer coefficient are a reflection of the actual construction details. It can therefore be clearly stated that these calculations are the most accurate. However, compared to catalogs, this method requires much more work.The change in the method of taking into account the value of the thermal bridge may change the value of the non-renewable primary energy index by up to 20 [kWh/m2a]. Particular attention to precise analyzes of heat losses by thermal bridges should be taken into account when designing passive and zero-energy buildings in which the influence of thermal bridges may constitute more than 20% of the total heat demand.W artykule przedstawiona została analiza wpływu wybranej metodologii oceny mostków cieplnych na bilans energetyczny na przykładzie projektu typowego budynku jednorodzinnego.Obliczenia analityczne jednoznacznie pokazują, że przyjęta metodyka wyznaczenia wartości współczynnika liniowego przenikania ciepła mostka cieplnego, znacząco wpływa na charakterystykę energetyczną budynku. Przedstawione w katalogach mostków cieplnych wartości liniowego współczynnika przenikana ciepła dla konkretnych przegród, najczęściej rozwiązań systemowych różnych firm, dają bardziej precyzyjne wartości aniżeli przyjęte na podstawie uproszczonej metodyki zgodnie z normą PN-EN ISO 14683:2008. Przy użyciu obliczeń komputerowych zgodnie z normą PN-EN ISO 10211:2008 wartości współczynnika liniowego przenikania ciepła są odzwierciedleniem rzeczywistych detali konstrukcyjnych. Można zatem jednoznacznie stwierdzić, że obliczenia te są najdokładniejsze. Jednak w porównaniu do katalogów metoda ta wymaga dużo większych nakładów pracy.Zmiana sposobu uwzględnienia wartości mostka termicznego może zmienić wartość wskaźnika nieodnawialnej energii pierwotnej nawet o 20 [kWh/m2rok]. Szczególną uwagę do precyzyjnych analiz strat ciepła przez mostki cieplne powinno się uwzględniać przy projektowaniu budynków pasywnych oraz zero-energetycznych, w których wpływ mostków termicznych stanowić może ponad 20% łącznego zapotrzebowania na ciepło