68 research outputs found

    Influence of plasma on the physical properties of the ointments with quercetin

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    Effects of two independent variables – the content of quercetin (0 or 1 or 1.5 or 5 %) and the content of plasma (0 or 2 or 4 or 6 %) – on the organoleptic properties and rheological parameters of model formulations prepared on an amphiphilic base were estimated. The consistency of all ointments was uniform, and the content of quercetin and plasma lay within the predefined range. Tested ointments are non-Newtonian systems. The content of quercetin and plasma was found to have a significant effect on the rheological properties of the ointments. An increase in the content of plasma in ointments was accompanied by a significant increase in their hardness, viscosity and shear stress and a reduction of their spreadability. The best rheological properties were shown by formulation F-3, containing 1.5 % of quercetin and 2 % of plasma

    Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover

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    Urbanization transforms environments in ways that alter biological evolution. We examined whether urban environmental change drives parallel evolution by sampling 110,019 white clover plants from 6169 populations in 160 cities globally. Plants were assayed for a Mendelian antiherbivore defense that also affects tolerance to abiotic stressors. Urban-rural gradients were associated with the evolution of clines in defense in 47% of cities throughout the world. Variation in the strength of clines was explained by environmental changes in drought stress and vegetation cover that varied among cities. Sequencing 2074 genomes from 26 cities revealed that the evolution of urban-rural clines was best explained by adaptive evolution, but the degree of parallel adaptation varied among cities. Our results demonstrate that urbanization leads to adaptation at a global scale

    Microbiological Contamination at Workplaces in a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Station Processing Plant Biomass

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the microbial contamination at a plant biomass processing thermal power station (CHP). We found 2.42 × 103 CFU/m3 of bacteria and 1.37 × 104 CFU/m3 of fungi in the air; 2.30 × 107 CFU/g of bacteria and 4.46 × 105 CFU/g of fungi in the biomass; and 1.61 × 102 CFU/cm2 bacteria and 2.39 × 101 CFU/cm2 fungi in filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs). Using culture methods, we found 8 genera of mesophilic bacteria and 7 of fungi in the air; 10 genera each of bacteria and fungi in the biomass; and 2 and 5, respectively, on the FFRs. Metagenomic analysis (Illumina MiSeq) revealed the presence of 46 bacterial and 5 fungal genera on the FFRs, including potential pathogens Candida tropicalis, Escherichia coli, Prevotella sp., Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp.). The ability of microorganisms to create a biofilm on the FFRs was confirmed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We also identified secondary metabolites in the biomass and FFRs, including fumigaclavines, quinocitrinines, sterigmatocistin, and 3-nitropropionic acid, which may be toxic to humans. Due to the presence of potential pathogens and mycotoxins, the level of microbiological contamination at workplaces in CHPs should be monitored

    Persuasion, manipulation and influencing on employees in organizations

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    Celem tej pracy jest analiza mechanizmu manipulacji i perswazji w zarządzaniu. W części teoretycznej przedstawiono istotę i techniki tych zjawisk, natomiast w części empirycznej przeprowadzono badania ankietowe. Wyniki tych badań wskazują, że zjawiska manipulacji i perswazji są dość często obserwowane przez pracowników w miejscach ich pracy i mają one charakter zarówno pozytywny jak i negatywny. W opinii respondentów częstszym wpływom ulegają kobiety i pracownicy o niewielkim staż pracy. W pracy przedyskutowano znaczenie tych zjawisk dla zarządzania.The scope of the Master's thesis presented hereby was the analysis of mechanisms of manipulation and persuasion in management. In the theoretical part the essence and techniques of the matter were presented, while  the explorative one was based on the survey. The survey's results demonstrated that manipulation and persuasion are often observed by employees in theirs workplace and that they both had positive and negative aspects. In respondents' opinions more often the women and employees with little work experience were affected. The Master's thesis presents a consideration of those matters in management context

    NF-κB as an Important Factor in Optimizing Poxvirus-Based Vaccines against Viral Infections

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    Poxviruses are large dsDNA viruses that are regarded as good candidates for vaccine vectors. Because the members of the Poxviridae family encode numerous immunomodulatory proteins in their genomes, it is necessary to carry out certain modifications in poxviral candidates for vaccine vectors to improve the vaccine. Currently, several poxvirus-based vaccines targeted at viral infections are under development. One of the important aspects of the influence of poxviruses on the immune system is that they encode a large array of inhibitors of the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB), which is the key element of both innate and adaptive immunity. Importantly, the NF-κB transcription factor induces the mechanisms associated with adaptive immunological memory involving the activation of effector and memory T cells upon vaccination. Since poxviruses encode various NF-κB inhibitor proteins, before the use of poxviral vaccine vectors, modifications that influence NF-κB activation and consequently affect the immunogenicity of the vaccine should be carried out. This review focuses on NF-κB as an essential factor in the optimization of poxviral vaccines against viral infections

    Ocena potrzeb zajęciowych u pacjentów psychiatrycznych – badania pilotażowe

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    Wstęp: Współczesne europejskie rozumienie terapii zajęciowej opiera się na indywidualnym podejściu do osoby, dzięki czemu trafniejsze jest określanie celu interwencji terapeutycznej. Ze względu na to, że każdy człowiek ma inne problemy zajęciowe, należy dobrze je określić poprzez przeprowadzenie rozmowy, nawiązanie relacji, pozwolenie osobie na przedstawienie jej punktu widzenia oraz wykorzystanie odpowiednio dostosowanych narzędzi i technik terapeutycznych tak, aby osiągnąć wyznaczony cel. Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie obszarów interwencji dla terapii zajęciowej u osób ze schizofrenią oraz pokazanie zróżnicowania potrzeb terapeutycznych osób tej samej płci, wieku i schorzeniu.Materiał i metody: Grupę badaną stanowiło 5 kobiet w wieku 50-55 lat, chorujących na schizofrenię, mieszkających w Domu Pomocy Społecznej. Badanie przeprowadzono za pomocą dwóch kwestionariuszy EQ-5 i NHP, które obrazowały jakość życia uczestników badania. Dodatkowo, u każdej badanej osoby przeprowadzono wywiad terapeutyczny, dzięki któremu identyfikowano problemy zajęciowe.Wyniki: Każda z badanych kobiet przedstawiała zróżnicowane potrzeby zajęciowe, odnoszące się bezpośrednio do ich potrzeb i problemów, które w momencie badania były dla nich najistotniejsze. Przedstawione potrzeby zajęciowe odnosiły się do kilku sfer życiowych, często zbieżnych z ich aktualnym stanem zdrowia czy samopoczuciem.Wnioski: Pomimo podobnego wieku, płci, schorzenia oraz miejsca zamieszkania każda badana osoba wykazywała inne potrzeby zajęciowe.  Podstawą do identyfikacji potrzeb zajęciowych okazał się wywiad terapeutyczny.Introduction: Contemporary European understanding of occupational therapy is based on an individual approach to the person, so it is more apt in defining the purpose of therapeutic intervention. Due to the fact that each person has different occupational problems, it is important to identify them well by conducting interviews, establishing relationships, allowing the person to present their point of view, and to use appropriately tailored therapeutic tools and techniques to achieve the designated goal. The purpose of this paper was to present intervention areas for occupational therapy in people with schizophrenia and to show differences in therapeutic needs of people of the same sex, age and medical condition.Materials and methods: The study group consisted of 5 women aged 50-55 years, suffering from schizophrenia and living in the Social Welfare Home. The study was conducted using two questionnaires: EQ-5 and NHP, which illustrated the quality of life of participants in the study. In addition, each person has participated in therapeutic interview, thanks to which occupational problems were identified.Results: Each of the women examined represented a variety of occupational needs, directly related to their needs and problems, which were most relevant to them at the time of the study. The presented occupational needs referred to several life spheres that has often coincided with their current state of health or well-being.Conclusions: Despite similar age, gender, medical conditions and place of residence, each examined person showed different occupational needs. The therapeutic interview turned out to be the basis for identifying occupational needs