145 research outputs found

    O Renascimento da Língua Hebraica e sua Continuidade na Diáspora

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    O conjunto de processos que ocorre atualmente em diversas esferas da vida tornou o mundo no qual vivemos uma “aldeia global”. Distâncias geográficas, antes consideradas intransponíveis, foram superadas por meio da alta tecnologia, possibilitando uma maior aproximação entre diversos grupos culturais. Roupas, alimentos, filmes e composições musicais são universalmente familiares. Essas transformações produziram reflexos em diversas áreas do conhecimento e, sobretudo, na linguagem. Após ter sido usada por mais de 1700 anos, essencialmente como veículo de expressão literária escrita e de orações, a língua hebraica foi revitalizada e integrada de forma viva e em uso com o restabelecimento do Estado judeu. Como observa justamente Agnon: com o passar do tempo, e, sobretudo, durante o longo exílio alguns sábios já misturavam em seus livros temas sacros e laicos “cessaram de aproveitar- se da santidade das letras e escreveram sobre temas variados.” Os livros deixaram de debater exclusivamente normas, leis e comentários religiosos e éticos e deixaram de estar prenhes de louvores a Deus e de lamentos pelas aflições de Israel. Essas obras estavam agora dedicadas também à poesia, contos, dramas ou simplesmente dedicados ao gozo mundano. Vale lembrar, no entanto, que a “língua sagrada hebraica” tornou-se “secular laica” já na Europa, com o movimento de Emancipação da Europa do Século XIX (ilustração judaica), antes mesmo do movimento sionista (cuja representação simbólica era torná-la uma língua viva e em uso). Atualmente, o hebraico é a língua oficial e nacional do Estado de Israel, falada e escrita em todas as áreas do conhecimento: na filosofia, na imprensa, na tecnologia e na literatura. As transformações sofridas pela língua em Israel, desde sua adoção como língua nacional e oficial do Estado, absorvendo influencias inicialmente do Iídiche, Russo e do Inglês e, sendo esta ultima “língua franca” e hegemônica no mundo atual, tem contribuído de forma singular no ensino da língua hebraica como língua adicional na Diáspora

    Spontaneous breakdown of CP in left right symmetric models

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    We show that it is possible to obtain spontaneous CP violation in the minimal SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)B−L, i.e. in a left right symmetric model containing a bidoublet and two triplets in the scalar sector. For this to be a natural scenario, the non-diagonal quartic couplings between the two scalar triplets and the bidoublet play a fundamental role. We analyze the corresponding Higgs spectrum, the suppression of FCNC's and the manifestation of the spontaneous CP phase in the electric dipole moment of the electron

    Electroweak baryogenesis window in non standard cosmologies

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    In this work we show that the new bounds on the Higgs mass are more than difficult to reconcile with the strong constraints on the physical parameters of the Standard Model and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model imposed by the preservation of the baryon asymmetry. This bound can be weakened by assuming a nonstandard cosmology at the time of the electroweak phase transition, reverting back to standard cosmology by BBN time. Two explicit examples are an early period of matter dominated expansion due to a heavy right handed neutrino (see-saw scale), or a nonstandard braneworld expansion

    Structure Formation during an early period of matter domination

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    In this work we show that modifying the thermal history of the Universe by including an early period of matter domination can lead to the formation of astronomical objects. However, the survival of these objects can only be possible if the dominating matter decays to a daughter particle which is not only almost degenerate with the parent particle but also has an open coannihilation channel. This requirement translates in an upper bound for the coupling of such a channel and makes the early structure formation viable

    Bit Zamani and Assyria

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    Les fouilles et prospections récentes de la vallée du haut Tigre ont fourni de nouvelles données sur les contacts entre l’Assyrie et les populations locales du Sud-Est anatolien. Cependant elles ont généré également autant de questions que de réponses. Un des problèmes les plus frustrants concerne la nature de la transition entre le Bronze récent et l’âge du Fer, et le statut changeant du contrôle assyrien et araméen du haut Tigre. Bien que les sources écrites indiquent une longue relation entre l’Assyrie et le royaume araméen du Bît Zamani entre le xiiie et le ixe siècle, la présence des Araméens dans cette région a été difficile à démontrer du point de vue archéologique. Cet article explore le problème de cette transition dans le contexte des affrontements tribus-État, dont les conséquences peuvent être évidentes dans les données archéologiques. Les nouvelles relations culturelles qui se développent entre le haut Tigre et les tribus septentrionales du Nairi au début du Fer peuvent être liées à la structure tribale sociopolitique araméenne qui remplaça la présence administrative assyrienne dans le Bît Zamani.Recent excavations and surveys in the Upper Tigris valley have offered new evidence for contacts between Assyria and the local populations of southeast Anatolia. However, these excavations have generated as many questions as they have helped to answer. One of the most vexing of these questions concerns the nature of the transition from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age, and the changing status of Aramaean and Assyrian control of the Upper Tigris. Although the cuneiform record indicates a long relationship between Assyria and the Aramaean kingdom of Bît Zamani from the 13th to the 9th century, the presence of Aramaeans in this region has been difficult to demonstrate archaeologically. This paper explores the problem of the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age transition within the context of tribe-state encounters, the consequences of which may be evident in the archaeological record. New cultural links that develop between the Upper Tigris and the northern tribes of Nairi at the beginning of the Iron Age may be tied to the Aramaean tribal sociopolitical structure that replaced the Assyrian administrative presence in Bît Zamani.خلاصة – زوّدتنا آخر الحفريات وعمليات التنقيب التي أجريت في شمال وادي نهر دجلة بمعطيات جديدةً عن العلاقات التي قامت بين الدولة الآشورية وسكان جنوب شرق الأناضول ولكنها أثارت تساؤلاتٍ عدّة بقدر ما قدّمته من أجوبة. ومن المسائل المستعصية نذكر طبيعة الفترة الانتقالية بين العصر البرونزي المتأخّر والعصر الحديدي وتغيّر حالة النفوذ الآشوري والآرامي في شمال نهر دجلة. رغم بعض المصادر المكتوبة التي تشير إلى أن الدولة الآشورية ومملكة بيت زماني الآرامية قد أقامتا علاقات طويلة ابتداءً من القرن الثالث عشر حتى القرن التاسع، صعُب إثبات الحضور الآرامي في هذه المنطقة من منظور علم الآثار. يبحث هذا المقال في المشاكل المتعلّقة بهذه الفترة الانتقالية في ظل المواجهات التي دارت بين القبائل والدولة والتي قد تظهر آثارها جليا في هذه المعطيات الأثرية. إن تطوّر العلاقات الثقافية الجديدة بين منطقة وادي نهر دجلة والقبائل الشمالية في منطقة نائيري عند بداية العصر الحديدي قد يكون مرتبطا ببنية القبائل الآرامية الاجتماعية والسياسية التي حلّت محل الإدارة الآشورية في بيت زماني

    (Standard model) universe dominated by the right matter

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    We analyze the phenomenology of a prolonged early epoch of matter domination by an unstable but very long-lived massive particle. This new matter domination era can help to relax some of the requirements on the primordial inflation. Its main effect is the huge entropy production produced by the decays of such a particle that can dilute any possible unwanted relic, as the gravitino in supersymmetric models, and thus relax the constraints on the inflationary reheating temperature. A natural candidate for such a heavy, long-lived particle already present in the standard model of the electroweak interactions would be a heavy right-handed neutrino. In this case, we show that its decays can also generate the observed baryon asymmetry with right-handed neutrino masses well above the bound from gravitino overproduction

    Língua e Identidade: O Ídiche e o Hebraico no Contexto Histórico da Educação Judaica no Brasil

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo permear as políticas linguísticas adotadas nas primeiras escolas judaicas com a vinda dos primeiros imigrantes ao Brasil após o grande surto migratório proveniente da Europa Oriental ao Ocidente no século XIX. Em nossa retrospective histórica sobre a educação judaica no Brasil, visando permear as duas correntes políticas-ideológicas, a hebraista e a idichista, utilizaremos como fonte de conhecimento a imprensa judaica que tem sido um fator importante para o conhecimento da história mais recente da imigração judaica do seculo XX. No Brasil, entre os anos de 1914 e 1933 presenciamos a formação das instituições comunitárias com o término da guerra e a necessidade crescente dos imigrantes de criar raízes em terra brasileiras. Sinagogas, bibliotecas, instituições de amparo ao imigrante, juntamente com uma imprensa e escolas judaicas surgem no Rio de Janeiro, em São Paulo e Porto Alegre. Nesta última cidade é publicado por Joseph Halevi, em 1915, o primeiro jornal judaico no Brasil, em língua Ídiche. Chamava-se “Das Menscheit”,“A Humanidade”. Neste artigo marcaremos o lugar da Língua Ídiche no universo Ashkenazita como língua de identidade cultural e o Hebraico como língua nacional, predominantemente após o renascimento nacional judaico e a criação do Estado de Israel. Passando pela tensão que se estabeleceu entre as diversas correntes linguísticas entre os idishistas e hebraístas, representantes de diferentes correntes nacionalistas judaicos e suas ideologias marcaremos a função (o roll) da língua hebraica no atual contexto social histórico contemporâneo.

    Línguas Judaicas, História e Memória

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    Este trabalho, filiado à Análise de Discurso de Linha Francesa, centra-se na temática da identidade/identificação linguístico-cultural na condição judaica em sua heterogeneidade, representada pelos sefaraditas, judeus provenientes da Península Ibérica falantes do ladino, e ashkenazitas, judeus da Europa Central e Oriental falantes do ídiche, em suas relações contraditórias em torno de saberes sobre a língua hebraica. A identidade é aqui considerada como resultado de processos de identificação da heterogeneidade do sujeito e das línguas. E a memória é aqui tratada enquanto memória social inscrita no seio de práticas discursivas.&nbsp

    Social perception of tree plantations in the Atlantic forest of Argentina: The role of management scale

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    Land use changes associated with the advance of forest plantations on lands previously used for agriculture generate diverse perceptions of the socio-environmental impact they entail. Despite, these perceptions are influenced by the landscape context produced by the land use changes. In last decades there has been a transformation in land use associated with the development of forestry activity in the northwest of the province of Misiones, Argentina. Considering local communities in order to improve assessment, governance and decisionmaking in sustainable management, we posed two questions: What are environmental, social and economic perceptions of tree plantations of local communities with different land-use context'? What is the role of scale of production in these perceptions? To this purpose we first described the productive matrix of the landscape mapping the forest plantation cover of the area and classifying the productive units in different Forest Management Model (large, medium and small scale).Then, we identified and selected participants from comparable rural communities in each FMM, who through a Q survey grouped phrases according their perceptions. Subsequently, emerging viewpoints were recognised. Our analysis shows that forestry activity is not poorly conceived in contrast to conceptualization of the management of larger-scale productive systems in combination with government policies promoting them.The management carried out through large areas that result in a homogenization of the landscape are perceived negatively. In general terms, the local imagination perceives that the promotion and establishment of forestry companies could be positive if it is supported on planning to protect pre-existing familiar productive systems.Fil: Cariola Szuchman, Lucía. Centro de Investigaciones del Bosque Atlántico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú; ArgentinaFil: Izquierdo, Andrea Elisa. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Laboratorio de Investigaciones Ecológicas de las Yungas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Hilgert, Norma Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazú; Argentin

    The key role of cultural preservation in maize diversity conservation in the Argentine Yungas

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    Farmers' decisions on what to grow and why can contribute in understanding the conservation of agrobiodiversity. Culture and ethnicity are indicated as first-class factors leading preservation of heirloom cultivars but this has been little considered in studies examining factors that influence the loss or preservation of agrobiodiversity.We propose that corn?s ethnotaxa of less diverse uses, which are also key partners in local cultural reproduction, are usually cultivated by a few households. We analyse if there is a relationship between uses and richness of cultivated ethnotaxa at household level and describe corn's medicinal and ritual uses.We found 25 cultivated ethnotaxa, heterogeneously distributed in the region, and we also found that ethnotaxa with less diverse uses are cultivated in fewer households.We identified that, at regional scale, richness is related with food use diversity.The most frequently cited medicinal uses were urinary and tract infections, diarrhoea, and liver disorders.Medicinal recipes involve combinations with other elements.Maize is an indispensable resource in the rituals that propitiate productive activity, to augur prosperity or misfortune according to signals.We have identified the vulnerability in preserving the richness of corn in the region and the factors that shape its cultivation at different scales.Fil: Hilgert, Norma Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Nordeste. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical; Argentina;Fil: Zamudio, Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Nordeste. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical - Nodo Puerto Iguazu; Argentina;Fil: Furlan, Violeta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Nordeste. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical; Argentina;Fil: Cariola Szuchman, Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Nordeste. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical; Argentina