17 research outputs found

    FinUgRevita : nyelvtechnológiai eszközök fejlesztése kisebbségi finnugor nyelvekre

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    A jelenleg is futĂł nemzetközi FinUgRevita projekt (2013-2017) keretĂ©ben olyan nyelvtechnolĂłgiai eszközöket fejlesztĂŒnk, melyek a kis finnugor nĂ©pek közĂŒlĂŒk a manysik (vogulok) Ă©s udmurtok (votjĂĄkok) nyelvĂ©nek digitĂĄlis Ă©s online jelenlĂ©tĂ©t teszi lehetƑvĂ©, Ă©s segĂ­ti az anyanyelvi beszĂ©lƑket Ă©s a tanulni vĂĄgyĂłkat a nyelvi kommunikĂĄciĂł kĂŒlönfĂ©le szĂ­nterein. A kezdeti fĂĄzisban a kĂ©t nyelv jelenkori leĂ­rĂł nyelvtanai alapjĂĄn nyelvtani kivonatok kĂ©szĂŒlnek, melyek a kĂ©szĂŒlƑ online morfolĂłgiai elemzƑ szabĂĄlyrendszerĂ©t adjĂĄk, mĂ­g az eddig megjelent nyomtatott szĂłtĂĄrak szkennelĂ©sĂ©vel, OCR-es elemzĂ©sĂ©vel Ă©s manuĂĄlis javĂ­tĂĄssal az udmurt esetĂ©ben 13000, mĂ­g a manysi esetĂ©ben elƑrelĂĄthatĂłlag 10-15000 szavas elektronikusan felhasznĂĄlhatĂł szĂłtĂĄr kĂ©szĂŒl. A morfolĂłgiai elemzƑ futtatĂĄsĂĄhoz Ă©s tovĂĄbbi nyelvtechnolĂłgiai eszközök fejlesztĂ©sĂ©hez az interneten szabadon elĂ©rhetƑ udmurt Ă©s manysi nyelvƱ tartalmakbĂłl nagy tokenszĂĄmĂș korpuszt Ă©pĂ­tĂŒnk. A projekt cĂ©lja, hogy a kĂ©szĂŒlƑ eszközök online szabadon hozzĂĄfĂ©rhetƑek legyenek az udmurt Ă©s manysi nyelvek beszĂ©lƑinek Ă©s tanulĂłinak szĂĄmĂĄra, Ă©s nem utolsĂł sorban kutatĂĄsi cĂ©lokra is alkalmazhatĂłak legyenek

    KutatĂĄsi fĂŒzetek 14. : A magyarsĂĄgkĂ©p a közĂ©p-eurĂłpai tankönyvekben a 20. szĂĄzadban

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    SzerkesztƑk: HornyĂĄk ÁrpĂĄd; VitĂĄri Zsolt | TovĂĄbbi szerzƑk: Pilkhoffer MĂłnika; Gyarmati György; Radek TĂŒnde; Gerhard Seewann; VitĂĄri Zsolt; MĂ€tzing, Heike Christina; DĂ©vĂ©nyi Anna; TĂłth Imre; PĂĄtrovics PĂ©ter; PolgĂĄr TamĂĄs; Vajda BarnabĂĄs; Kollai IstvĂĄn; Jakab György; Fedinec Csilla; Bocskor Medvecz Andrea; Nagy MihĂĄly ZoltĂĄn; ZahorĂĄn Csaba; SzilĂĄgyi Imre; Sokcsevits DĂ©nes; HornyĂĄk ÁrpĂĄd | CĂ­m: KutatĂĄsi fĂŒzetek 14. | AlcĂ­m: A magyarsĂĄgkĂ©p a közĂ©p-eurĂłpai tankönyvekben a 20. szĂĄzadban | MegjelenĂ©si adatok: PĂ©csi TudomĂĄnyegyetem, PĂ©cs, 2009. | ISSN: 1416-0986 | ISBN: 978-963-642-287-5 | MegjegyzĂ©s: A KutatĂĄsi FĂŒzetek a PĂ©csi TudomĂĄnyegyetem InterdiszciplinĂĄris Doktori IskolĂĄjĂĄnak kiadvĂĄnysorozata.(1) ElƑszĂł 11-20 | (2) Pilkhoffer MĂłnika: MagyarsĂĄgkĂ©p a Hungexpo kiĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsain az 1960-1980-as Ă©vekben 21-38 | (3) Gyarmati György: A szakmai mĂșltfeltĂĄrĂĄs a törtĂ©neti közgondolkodĂĄs Ă©s a tananyag között 39-68 | (4) Radek TĂŒnde: A magyarsĂĄgkĂ©p jellemzƑirƑl a közĂ©pkori nĂ©met nyelvƱ törtĂ©netĂ­rĂĄsban – ImagolĂłgiai megközelĂ­tĂ©s 69-98 | (5) Seewann, Gerhard: A NĂ©metorszĂĄgrĂłl alkotott kĂ©p MagyarorszĂĄgon a 20. szĂĄzad elsƑ felĂ©ben 99-110 | (6) VitĂĄri Zsolt: A NĂ©metorszĂĄgi SzövetsĂ©gi KöztĂĄrsasĂĄg törtĂ©nelem Ă©s földrajztankönyveinek magyarsĂĄg- Ă©s MagyarorszĂĄg-kĂ©pe 111-159 | (7) MĂ€tzing, Heike Christina: A NĂ©met Demokratikus KöztĂĄrsasĂĄg törtĂ©nelem- Ă©s földrajztankönyveinek magyarsĂĄg- Ă©s MagyarorszĂĄg-kĂ©pe 161-171 | (8) VitĂĄri Zsolt: A svĂĄjci törtĂ©nelem- Ă©s földrajztankönyvek MagyarorszĂĄg- Ă©s magyarsĂĄgkĂ©pe a mĂĄsodik vilĂĄghĂĄborĂș utĂĄni idƑszakban 173-199 | (9) DĂ©vĂ©nyi Anna: KurucokrĂłl labanc szemmel - MagyarsĂĄg Ă©s magyar törtĂ©nelem az 1945 utĂĄn megjelent osztrĂĄk törtĂ©nelemtankönyvekben 201-216 | (10) TĂłth Imre: MagyarorszĂĄg-kĂ©p az 1990 utĂĄni osztrĂĄk Ă©s burgenlandi törtĂ©nelemtankönyvekben 217-231 | (11) PĂĄtrovics PĂ©ter: „Z dalekiego kraju”. MagyarorszĂĄg kĂ©pĂ©rƑl a LengyelorszĂĄg törtĂ©netekben 233-241 | (12) PolgĂĄr TamĂĄs: Az Ășjabb lengyelorszĂĄgi törtĂ©nelemtankönyvek magyarsĂĄgkĂ©pe 243-258 | (13) Vajda BarnabĂĄs: MagyarsĂĄgkĂ©p a csehszlovĂĄk törtĂ©nelemtankönyvekben 1950–1993 259-282 | (14) Kollai IstvĂĄn: A szlovĂĄk közĂ©piskolai törtĂ©nelemtankönyvek összehasonlĂ­tĂł jellegƱ bemutatĂĄsa 283-319 | (15) Jakab György: Lehet-e közös magyar-szlovĂĄk törtĂ©nelemkönyvet Ă­rni? 321-350 | (16) Fedinec Csilla: Ukrajnai törtĂ©nelem- Ă©s földrajztankönyvek – magyar szempontbĂłl 351-383 | (17) Bocskor Medvecz Andrea: Ukrajnai törtĂ©nelemtankönyvek kĂ©pe a magyarokrĂłl Ă©s a magyar törtĂ©nelemrƑl 385-410 | (18) Nagy MihĂĄly ZoltĂĄn: A mĂșltszemlĂ©let „szĂ­nevĂĄltozĂĄsa” RomĂĄniĂĄban - A közös hagyomĂĄnyoktĂłl a kirekesztĂ©sig - A magyarsĂĄgkĂ©p vĂĄltozĂĄsa a romĂĄniai törtĂ©nelemtankönyvekben 1947–1989 között 411-430 | (19) ZahorĂĄn Csaba: RivĂĄlis nemzeti narratĂ­vĂĄk - A romĂĄn Ă©s a magyar közĂ©piskolai törtĂ©nelemtankönyvek összehasonlĂ­tĂł elemzĂ©se 431-470 | (20) SzilĂĄgyi Imre: VogrskĂłtĂłl a rendszervĂĄltĂĄsig - Janus arcĂș magyarok a szlovĂ©n törtĂ©nelemtankönyvekben 471-496 | (21) Sokcsevits DĂ©nes: A dualista korszak horvĂĄt tankönyveinek magyarsĂĄgkĂ©pe 497-508 | (22) HornyĂĄk ÁrpĂĄd: A szerb törtĂ©nelemkönyvek magyarsĂĄgkĂ©pe a 20. szĂĄzad mĂĄsodik felĂ©ben 509-525 | (23) KötetĂŒnk szerzƑi 526-52

    Il futuro del Programma Landscape Education for Democracy

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    This chapter reflects how the LED project has achieved systemic change, institutional learning and sustainability. The introduction of the LED course into the educational systems of five universities in four European countries has been challenging because it required capacity building at various levels: building a joint body of knowledge; testing, evaluating and revising teaching and learning methods; learning ICT skills; adapting to virtual team work; becoming a reflective educator - to name only the most relevant ones. In parallel, this new capacity had to be validated, ideally by full curricular integration of the new course, which required systemic change. The LED team therefore had to be in constant dialogue with its institutional environments and work hard to disseminate its outcomes from the beginning of the project. This process was very similar to the aims of the LED course itself: it enabled a community to work together, to create something which they cannot create alone and to consider this outcome as an added value that needs to be maintained. The sustainability concept of the LED programme therefore builds on three mutually reinforcing pillars: the LED course, the LED resources and the LED certificate. Each is explained in more detail in this chapter. We conclude with an emerging participatory and transdisciplinary methodology for landscape democracy, the landscape biography.Questo capitolo riflette il modo in cui il progetto LED ha raggiunto un cambiamento sistemico, l'apprendimento istituzionale e la sostenibilitĂ . L'introduzione del corso LED nei sistemi educativi di cinque universitĂ  di quattro paesi europei Ăš stata impegnativa perchĂ© richiedeva lo sviluppo di capacitĂ  a vari livelli: la costruzione di un corpo comune di conoscenze; sperimentare, valutare e rivedere i metodi di insegnamento e di apprendimento; apprendimento delle competenze in materia di TIC; adattamento al lavoro di squadra virtuale; diventare un educatore riflessivo - per citare solo i piĂč importanti. Parallelamente, questa nuova capacitĂ  ha dovuto essere convalidata, idealmente mediante una piena integrazione curricolare del nuovo corso, che richiedeva un cambiamento sistemico. Il team LED ha dovuto quindi dialogare in modo costante con gli ambienti istituzionali e lavorare sodo per diffondere i suoi risultati fin dall'inizio del progetto. Questo processo Ăš molto simile agli obiettivi del corso LED: essa ha permesso a una comunitĂ  di lavorare insieme, di creare qualcosa che non puĂČ creare da sola e di considerare questo risultato come un valore aggiunto che va mantenuto. Il concetto di sostenibilitĂ  del programma LED si basa pertanto su tre pilastri che si rafforzano reciprocamente: il corso LED, le risorse LED e il certificato LED. Ognuno di essi Ăš illustrato piĂč dettagliatamente in questo capitolo. Concludiamo con una metodologia partecipativa e transdisciplinare emergente per la democrazia del paesaggio, la biografia del paesaggio


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    Due to rapid urbanization and the increase of density in large cities, urban safety and security strategies became increasingly important for development processes. The proper design and effective use of the built environment can reduce the incidence and fear of crime that can lead to improvements in the quality of life. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) can be a tool not only for reducing crime and creating safer cities but also for increasing liveability and lovability in cities. Safecity program was the first comprehensive initiative in Hungary with the approach of mapping and promoting crime prevention tools and methods supported by environmental design. In the frame of the program, design out of crime strategies have been introduced by presenting national and international best practices. Sub-projects have been implemented to explore and provide guidelines in training young professionals and in urban development processes. The main goal of the pilot projects was to establish adaptable models and initiate professional discussions about how CPTED strategies and tools can be implemented in the different fields. Besides engaging future and practicing professionals, a special collaboration with a dormitory was provided an opportunity to engage youth and to make an example of how environmental crime prevention can contribute to create more liveable and lovable environments