118 research outputs found

    Effect of Meteorological Conditions and Anthropogenic Factors on Air Concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 Particulates on the Examples of the City of Kielce, Poland

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    The paper analyzes the influence of meteorological conditions (air temperature, wind speed, humidity, visibility) and anthropogenic factors (population in cities and in rural areas, road length, number of vehicles, emission of dusts and gases, coal consumption in industrial plants, number of air purification devices installed in industrial plants) on the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 dusts in the air in the region of Kielce city in Poland. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the relationship between the mentioned independent variables and air quality indicators. The calculated values of the correlation coefficient showed statistically significant relationships between air quality and the amount of installed air purification equipment in industrial plants. A statistically significant effect of the population in rural settlement units on the increase in air concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 was also found, which proves the influence of the so-called low emission of pollutants on the air quality in the studied region. The analyses also revealed a statistically significant effect of road length on the decrease in PM2.5 and PM10 air content. This result indicates that a decrease in traffic intensity on particular road sections leads to an improvement in air quality. The analyses showed that despite the progressing anthropopression in the Kielce city region the air quality with respect to PM2.5 and PM10 content is improving. To verify the results obtained from statistical calculations, parametric models were also determined to predict PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in the air, using the methods of Random Forests (RF), Boosted Trees (BT) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) for comparison purposes. The modelling results confirmed the conclusions that had been made based on previous statistical calculations

    Heat currents in non-superconducting flux qubits

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    A flux qubit based on a non-superconducting mesoscopic ring coupled to two split heat baths at different temperatures is studied. Heat currents flowing in such a nonequilibrium quantum thermodynamic system are analyzed. A method of control of heat transfer via the qubit is proposed

    Flux qubit on mesoscopic nonsuperconducting ring

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    The possibility of making a flux qubit on nonsuperconducting mesoscopic ballistic quasi 1D ring is discussed. We showed that such ring can be effectively reduced to a two-state system with two external control parameters. The two states carry opposite persistent currents and are coupled by tunneling which leads to a quantum superposition of states. The qubit states can be manipulated by resonant microwave pulses. The flux state of the sample can be measured by a SQUID magnetometer. Two or more qubits can be coupled by the flux the circulating currents generate. The problem of decoherence is also discussed.Comment: Phys. Rev. B. (accepted


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    The protection of cultural heritage is an important task of communities on various levels of social organization. The institutionalization of the processes of protection of modern heritage assets provides the necessary instruments (legislative, juridical, financial) enabling the actual realization of the assumed tasks. The criterion of age, which is still a dominating premise for monument protection, proved not to be sufficient, especially concerning protection of monuments of Modernism. A step that led to the determination of the value of individual architectural objects of the 20th century was the establishment of 10 evaluation criteria proposed by historians of architecture in Warsaw, and afterwards in Poznan.In this work, we focus on the architectural value of post-war buildings, which are most difficult to evaluate. Furthermore, we wanted to apply AI to objectify the process of decision making. The adequacy of the Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA) method has been established. This method takes into account preference orders on criteria and models patterns observed in data in terms of monotonic “if &hellip;, then &hellip;” decision rules.</p

    The professionalization of nursing in Poland

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    Współczesne pielęgniarstwo polskie i światowe ulega ciągłym przeobrażeniom. Zmiany zachodzące w nim były i nadal są wynikiem zachodzących przekształceń zarówno politycznych, jak i gospodarczo-społecznych. Postępująca i nieuchronna profesjonalizacja pielęgniarstwa stawia przed personelem pielęgniarskim coraz to nowe wyzwania. W pracy przedstawiono zmiany jakim podlegało pielęgniarstwo polskie. Omówiono znaczenie polskiej transformacji ustrojowej dla rozwoju rodzimego pielęgniarstwa, podkreślono znaczenie Procesu Bolońskiego w ewolucji zmian metod kształcenia i dokształcania się pielęgniarek. Omówiono także wyznaczniki profesjonalizacji pielęgniarstwa oraz wybrane zagadnienia z etyki tego zawodu. Scharakteryzowano również pojęcie roli, funkcji oraz misji współczesnej pielęgniarki.Contemporary nursing in Poland and worldwide is undergoing constant changes. The alterations in the field were once and still are now a result of political and socioeconomic transformations. The developing and inevitable professionalization of nursing continually presents the staff with new challenges. This paper presents the changes that the nursing in Poland has undergone. Moreover, the impact of political system transformations on the development of the Polish nurses is scrutinized here. The contribution of the Bologna Process to the evolution of education methods and courses in nursing. Furthermore, the indicators of the professionalization of nursing as well as selected ethical issues of the profession were dealt with. The role, function and objective of contemporary nurses were characterised

    Simulated seasonal impact on middle atmospheric ozone from high-energy electron precipitation related to pulsating aurorae

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    Recent simulation studies have provided evidence that a pulsating aurora (PsA) associated with high-energy electron precipitation is having a clear local impact on ozone chemistry in the polar middle mesosphere. However, it is not clear if the PsA is frequent enough to cause longer-term effects of measurable magnitude. There is also an open question of the relative contribution of PsA-related energetic electron precipitation (PsA EEP) to the total atmospheric forcing by solar energetic particle precipitation (EPP). Here we investigate the PsA-EEP impact on stratospheric and mesospheric odd hydrogen, odd nitrogen, and ozone concentrations. We make use of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model and recent understanding on PsA frequency, latitudinal and magnetic local time extent, and energy-flux spectra. Analysing an 18-month time period covering all seasons, we particularly look at PsA-EEP impacts at two polar observation stations located at opposite hemispheres: Tromsø in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Halley Research Station in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). We find that PsA EEP can have a measurable impact on ozone concentration above 30 km altitude, with ozone depletion by up to 8 % seen in winter periods due to PsA-EEP-driven NOx enhancement. We also find that direct mesospheric NOx production by high-energy electrons (E> 100 keV) accounts for about half of the PsA-EEP-driven upper stratospheric ozone depletion. A larger PsA-EEP impact is seen in the SH where the background dynamical variability is weaker than in the NH. Clearly indicated from our results, consideration of polar vortex dynamics is required to understand PsA-EEP impacts seen at ground observation stations, especially in the NH. We conclude that PsA-EEP has the potential to make an important contribution to the total EPP forcing; thus, it should be considered in atmospheric and climate simulations.publishedVersio

    Nursing : a profession or a mission?

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    Autorzy podjęli próbę określenia czy współczesne pielęgniarstwo jest zawodem czy misją. Ich zdaniem, pomimo profesjonalizacji pielęgniarstwa, zawód ten ma jednak wpisane w swoje ramy postrzeganie go jako misji. Tak postrzegają go społeczeństwa zdające sobie sprawę, że nie każdy jest zdolny do wykonywania tej profesji, a tylko ci, którzy bardziej niż inni z niewiadomych przyczyn i pobudek noszą w sobie potrzebę pomagania innym, chyba słusznie nazwaną powołaniem.The authors have attempted to answer the question – is contemporary nursing a profession or a mission? Their conclusion was that despite the ongoing professionalization of nursing, considering this that line of medical work a mission is somehow inherent in its characteristics. That is how it is perceived by the societies in which it is widely acknowledged that not just anyone can become a nurse and only those who for some reason have a need to help others (perhaps correctly dubbed “a calling”) are fir for the profession

    New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 11

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: red algae Sheathia confusa, parasitic fungus Anthracoidea caryophylleae, mycorrhizal fugus Hydnellum caeruleum, bryoparasitic fungus Octospora erzbergeri, liverwort Cephaloziella baumgartneri, mosses Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Streblotrichum convolutum var. commutatum and Ulota crispula, monocots Ophrys bertolonii subsp. bertolonii, Ophrys scolopax subsp. cornuta and Spiranthes spiralis and dicots Androsace hedraeantha, Hieracium mrazii, Ramonda nathaliae and Triglochin palustris are given within SE Europe and adjacent region

    Heppa III Intercomparison Experiment on Electron Precipitation Impacts: 2. Model‐Measurement Intercomparison of Nitric Oxide (NO) During a Geomagnetic Storm in April 2010

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    Precipitating auroral and radiation belt electrons are considered to play an important part in the natural forcing of the middle atmosphere with a possible impact on the climate system. Recent studies suggest that this forcing is underestimated in current chemistry-climate models. The HEPPA III intercomparison experiment is a collective effort to address this point. In this study, we apply electron ionization rates from three data-sets in four chemistry-climate models during a geomagnetically active period in April 2010. Results are evaluated by comparison with observations of nitric oxide (NO) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Differences between the ionization rate data-sets have been assessed in a companion study. In the lower thermosphere, NO densities differ by up to one order of magnitude between models using the same ionization rate data-sets due to differences in the treatment of NO formation, model climatology, and model top height. However, a good agreement in the spatial and temporal variability of NO with observations lends confidence that the electron ionization is represented well above 80 km. In the mesosphere, the averages of model results from all chemistry-climate models differ consistently with the differences in the ionization-rate data-sets, but are within the spread of the observations, so no clear assessment on their comparative validity can be provided. However, observed enhanced amounts of NO in the mid-mesosphere below 70 km suggest a relevant contribution of the high-energy tail of the electron distribution to the hemispheric NO budget during and after the geomagnetic storm on April 6

    An advanced tool integrating failure and sensitivity analysis into novel modeling of the stormwater flood volume

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    An innovative tool for modeling the specific flood volume was presented that can be applied to assess the need for stormwater network modernization as well as for advanced flood risk assessment. Field measurements for a catchment area in Kielce, Poland, were used to apply the model and demonstrate its usefulness. This model extends the capability of recently developed statistical and machine learning hydrodynamic models developed from multiple runs of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The extensions enable the inclusion of (1) the characteristics of the catchment and its stormwater network, calibrated model parameters expressing catchment retention, and the capacity of the sewer system; (2) extended sensitivity analysis; and (3) risk analysis. Sensitivity coefficients of calibrated model parameters include correction coefficients for percentage area, flow path, depth of storage, and impervious area; Manning roughness coefficients for impervious areas; and Manning roughness coefficients for sewer channels. Sensitivity coefficients were determined with respect to rainfall intensity and characteristics of the catchment and stormwater network. Extended sensitivity analysis enabled an evaluation of the variability in the specific flood volume and sensitivity coefficients within a catchment, in order to identify the most vulnerable areas threatened by flooding. Thus, the model can be used to identify areas particularly susceptible to stormwater network failure and the sections of the network where corrective action should be taken to reduce the probability of system failure. The simulator developed to determine the specific flood volume represents an alternative approach to the SWMM that, unlike current approaches, can be calibrated with limited topological data availability; therefore, the aforementioned simulator incurs a lower cost due to the lower number and lower specificity of data required.</p