88 research outputs found

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    Elektronikus taneszközfejlesztések a Nemzeti Tankönyv- kiadóban

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    Fotometriai vöröseltolódások és az SDSS adatbázis = Photometric redshifts and the SDSS Science Archive

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    A kitűzött célokat messzemenően teljesítettük. Az általunk folyamatosan fejlesztett fotometrikus vöröseltolódás becslésének technika az SDSS hivatalos módszerévé vált, ennek segítségével készítettük el a publikus adatkibocsátások katalógusait. A fotometrikus vöröseltolódás becslés felhasználásával MgII abszorberek távolságát határoztuk meg spektroszkópiai észlelések nélkül, LRG-MgII korrelációs függvényeket, és halo tömeget becsültünk. Kimutattuk, hogy az MgII felhők nem virializálódnak, melyből sejtéseket lehet felállítani keletkezésük körülményeire. Az adatbázis indexelési technológiákat fejlesztve kialakítottunk egy több-dimenziós (pl. fotometriai) térben hatékonyan kereső keretrendszert, melyet integráltuk az SDSS adatbázis architektúrájába, újfajta kereséseket lehetővé téve. Elkészültek prototípusok, amelyek az adatok 2 és 3 dimenziós, az adatbázissal közvetlenül kölcsönható vizualizációját szolgálják. Bekapcsolódtunk a nemzetközi Virtuális Obszervatórium munkájába, és büszkén mondhatjuk, hogy a valójában működő eszközök (Spectrum and Filter Services, Footprint Services, SkyServer, CasJobs, SDSS WorldWind) jelentős hányada elsősorban a pályázatban résztvevő kollégák munkájának eredménye. A pályázat lehetővé tette számos diák bekapcsolódását a nemzetközi kutatásokba, mely több diploma- és PhD munka alapját képezte, hozzájárult a témavezető MTA doktori disszertációjának elkészítéséhez valamint új alapkutatási és kutatás-fejlesztési pályázatok elnyeréséhez. | The goals of the proposal have been fulfilled. Our photometric estimation technique became the official method to estimate galaxy redshifts for the SDSS. With our algorithm we have created the public catalogs for the yearly data releases. With the help of the estimated photometric redshifts we were able to measure the distance of MgII absorbers without spectroscopic observations, and estimated the LRG-MgII correlation function and the mass of halos. We have shown, that the MgII clouds are not virialized, which fact contributes to the understanding of their formation. The development of new database indexing techniques resulted in a new multidimensional search method, which has been integrated into the SDSS archive to search the magnitude space. We have created prototypes for interactive data visualization in 2 and 3 dimensions. We have joined the International Virtual Observatory Alliance, and most of the flagship tools (Spectrum and Filter Services, Footprint Services, SkyServer, CasJobs, SDSS WorldWind) are results of mostly colleagues participating in this project. The support of the project made possible for several students to join the international astronomical research community, several theses were based on this research, and it was a solid base for further grant proposals, where the work can be continued

    Hogyan szĂĽlettek a galaxisok?

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    Mechanical and energy examination of different agripellets

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    As an indirect consequence of climate change, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, the energy utilization of agricultural by-products will be increasingly emphasized in the future. Hungary has a large potential of agricultural residues of which is a big part could be used for energy purposes. Common feature of this by-products is that thay are originally difficult to handle and they have a small bulk density. Pellet production is one possible way to utilization, however the high ash content and low ash melting point cause problems in pellet burner equipments. Mixtures of different plant residues (wheat straw, rape seed stem, sunflower husk) and agripellets have different energetic and mechanical properties. Besides high ash content and low ash softening temperature, mechanical properties can also significantly affect the quality of pellets as well as the efficiency of firing. There were also significant differences in diameter, length, bulk density and mechanical durability of pellets

    Mechanical and energy examination of different agripellets

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    As an indirect consequence of climate change, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, the energy utilization of agricultural by-products will be increasingly emphasized in the future. Hungary has a large potential of agricultural residues of which is a big part could be used for energy purposes. Common feature of this by-products is that thay are originally difficult to handle and they have a small bulk density. Pellet production is one possible way to utilization, however the high ash content and low ash melting point cause problems in pellet burner equipments. Mixtures of different plant residues (wheat straw, rape seed stem, sunflower husk) and agripellets have different energetic and mechanical properties. Besides high ash content and low ash softening temperature, mechanical properties can also significantly affect the quality of pellets as well as the efficiency of firing. There were also significant differences in diameter, length, bulk density and mechanical durability of pellets

    How can the integration of environmental considerations into construction decisions help?

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    Buildings around the world (their design, maintenance and disposal) contribute significantly to global warming. It is no coincidence that achieving the sustainable operation of buildings is a priority objective worldwide, not only in terms of the choice of materials but also in terms of achieving the best possible technological solutions. The aim of the project is to deliver the highest possible quality results in a comprehensible way to all audiences in any way connected with the building industry: interested parties, renovators, builders, architects, contractors, etc

    Evaluation of the frost tolerance of Hungarian-bred walnut cultivars

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    At present very few walnut cultivars can be said to be cosmopolitan cultivars, grown widely in the walnut-producing countries of the world. Walnut (Juglans regia L.) has poor ecological adaptability, as its cultivation is greatly influenced by low temperatures during the winter dormancy period and in early spring. The breeding activities conducted in various countries are therefore of great significance. Choosing suitable locations for cultivation is of key importance if optimum yield stability is to be achieved. The introduction of foreign walnut cultivars regularly runs into problems if, despite their high yielding ability, they are unable to adapt to the Hungarian climate. In Hungary the most critical weather events for walnuts are the frequent frosts in early spring. Buds therefore need to burst late to avoid damage to the flowers. Many papers have dealt with the frost tolerance of stone fruit, but only limited information has been published on the frost tolerance of walnut. For the first time in Hungary, artificial freezing tests were performed in the present work to determine the frost tolerance of the cultivars available in Hungary. The results could be of service to Hungarian growers in choosing the most suitable cultivar
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