11 research outputs found

    Népesedési folyamatok a Kárpát-medencében

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    Studying long-term demographic changes is one of the most intriguing areas of the field of demography, especially in cases which focus on a smaller region or a country. The theory of Second Demographic Transition describes best the present and expected demographic changes in the Carpathian Basin and Europe. However, there are subtle differences in the Hungarian trends compared to the western part of Europe. This study presents an overview of the mentioned theory followed by a detailed analysis of the most prominent type of demographic changes characterizing the 21st century:a general aging of the population. Data used encompasses processes of the past ca. 100 years. Characteristic features of suicide as a special phenomenon 111 Hungary is also touched upon

    A délről és keletről jövő migráció társadalmi és gazdasági hatásai a Dél-Alföldön a rendszerváltás idején, 1988-1999

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    Migration, regardless if it is inwards or outwards results in substantial changes of a country’s economic, social, demographic and political structure. The period around the fall of the communism in Hungary is characterized by intensive immigration of Hungarian national minorities from the neighboring countries. The ca. 200,000 people who arrived in the country representing mainly the younger generations have significantly improved the demographic, economic and social outlook of Hungary seen in such factors as new potential workforce supply, positive shift of age distribution, reduction of subsidy loads. The most dynamic source areas of migration were restricted to Transylvania and Vojvodina. The present paper discusses the demographic, social, economic aspects of this two-way migration process focusing on the most affected region of the near-border region of the Southern Great Hungarian Plain and the city of Szeged

    Külföldi bevándorlók és befektetők Szegeden

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    Demográfiai öregedés Csongrád megye határán

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    There were major global transformations in the entire world during the time of the 20th century, including a boom of information and the population as well. According to the latest demographic forecasts the 21st century will witness an aging of the population. This assumption seems to become true, as the demographic structure of the societies of the developed world experienced a major transformation at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, resulting in an acceleration of the aging of the population. For the next 50 years in Europe, we may project a prevalence of serious demographic problems, which will by all means affect the social and economic development of the countries of the continent. The first part of this paper discusses the theoretical questions of aging. Then a brief overview is given on the process of aging in Hungary considering the individual settlements. Finally, the settlements of Csongrád county are separately evaluated from this type of analytical point of view

    A külföldi vállalkozások régióépítő szerepe az elmúlt 25 évben a Dél-Alföldön

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    In the last 25 years the economic relations worked out in different ways near the southern, eastern, western and northern border regions of Hungary. The cooperation was influenced by our country's relationship with the bordering countries both in the past and in the present. The most important common feature is that the bordering areas were the parts of Hungary in the historical past. The other important factor of the border relations is that how big areas were belonged to Hungary in the past. From 1990 the political and economic processions shaped different ways and these changes created different types of migration, cooperative relations, enterprises. This paper demonstrates the foreign enterpises near the Hungarian-Serbian border in the last 25 years and showes the enterprise willingness in the present. A tanulmány a Dél-AlfÖld határ menti térségében az elmúlt 25 év társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatának részletes feltárására törekedett. A polgármesteri és a vállalkozói interjúkat, a statisztikai adatokat, a CD Céghírek 1996-os és 1999-es adatait feldolgozva kirajzolódott egy sajátos helyzetű, egyedi fejlődésű határ menti tér. Ennek a korábban elmaradottnak tekintett határ menti régió gazdaságában és társadalmában a délről jövő letelepülő menekültek sok új innovatív változást hoztak, ugyanakkor ez a változás visszahatott a határ túloldalán maradt magyar kisebbségre is. A dolgozat ezeket a gazdasági és humán kapcsolatokat és azok időben történő alakulását táija fel