152 research outputs found

    Wegener Granulomatosis Revealed by Pleural Effusion

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    Pulmonary signs are common in Wegener's granulomatosis (WG). However, an initial presentation including pleural effusion has not been described. We describe a case of WG in which pleural effusion was the first clinical manifestation. A 45-year-old man with dorsal pain presented with pleural thickening and effusion, and a visible nodule on a thoracic scan. A dense chronic inflammatory infiltrate was obtained by pleural biopsy and an open lung biopsy revealed necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis. Serologies were positive for antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and antiproteinase 3 antibodies. A diagnosis of WG was conducted and the patient was started on cyclophosphamide and methylprednisolone as an initial treatment, with a favorable evolution. Although pleural effusion is rarely described in WG, this pathology must be considered in the presence of this clinical manifestation

    Routine molecular profiling of cancer: results of a one-year nationwide program of the French Cooperative Thoracic Intergroup (IFCT) for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients.

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    International audienceBackground: The molecular profiling of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) for known oncogenic drivers is recommended during routine care. Nationally, however, the feasibility and effects on outcomes of this policy are unknown. We aimed to assess the characteristics, molecular profiles, and clinical outcomes of patients who were screened during a 1-year period by a nationwide programme funded by the French National Cancer Institute. Methods This study included patients with advanced NSCLC, who were routinely screened for EGFR mutations, ALK rearrangements, as well as HER2 (ERBB2), KRAS, BRAF, and PIK3CA mutations by 28 certified regional genetics centres in France. Patients were assessed consecutively during a 1-year period from April, 2012, to April, 2013. We measured the frequency of molecular alterations in the six routinely screened genes, the turnaround time in obtaining molecular results, and patients' clinical outcomes. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01700582. Findings 18 679 molecular analyses of 17 664 patients with NSCLC were done (of patients with known data, median age was 64·5 years [range 18–98], 65% were men, 81% were smokers or former smokers, and 76% had adenocarcinoma). The median interval between the initiation of analysis and provision of the written report was 11 days (IQR 7–16). A genetic alteration was recorded in about 50% of the analyses; EGFR mutations were reported in 1947 (11%) of 17 706 analyses for which data were available, HER2 mutations in 98 (1%) of 11 723, KRAS mutations in 4894 (29%) of 17 001, BRAF mutations in 262 (2%) of 13 906, and PIK3CA mutations in 252 (2%) of 10 678; ALK rearrangements were reported in 388 (5%) of 8134 analyses. The median duration of follow-up at the time of analysis was 24·9 months (95% CI 24·8–25·0). The presence of a genetic alteration affected first-line treatment for 4176 (51%) of 8147 patients and was associated with a significant improvement in the proportion of patients achieving an overall response in first-line treatment (37% [95% CI 34·7–38·2] for presence of a genetic alteration vs 33% [29·5–35·6] for absence of a genetic alteration; p=0·03) and in second-line treatment (17% [15·0–18·8] vs 9% [6·7–11·9]; p<0·0001). Presence of a genetic alteration was also associated with improved first-line progression-free survival (10·0 months [95% CI 9·2–10·7] vs 7·1 months [6·1–7·9]; p<0·0001) and overall survival (16·5 months [15·0–18·3] vs 11·8 months [10·1–13·5]; p<0·0001) compared with absence of a genetic alteration. Interpretation Routine nationwide molecular profiling of patients with advanced NSCLC is feasible. The frequency of genetic alterations, acceptable turnaround times in obtaining analysis results, and the clinical advantage provided by detection of a genetic alteration suggest that this policy provides a clinical benefit

    Druggable growth dependencies and tumor evolution analysis in patient-derived organoids of neuroendocrine neoplasms from multiple body sites

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    Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) comprise well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). Treatment options for patients with NENs are limited, in part due to lack of accurate models. We establish patient-derived tumor organoids (PDTOs) from pulmonary NETs and derive PDTOs from an understudied subtype of NEC, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC), arising from multiple body sites. PDTOs maintain the gene expression patterns, intra-tumoral heterogeneity, and evolutionary processes of parental tumors. Through hypothesis-driven drug sensitivity analyses, we identify ASCL1 as a potential biomarker for response of LCNEC to treatment with BCL-2 inhibitors. Additionally, we discover a dependency on EGF in pulmonary NET PDTOs. Consistent with these findings, we find that, in an independent cohort, approximately 50% of pulmonary NETs express EGFR. This study identifies an actionable vulnerability for a subset of pulmonary NETs, emphasizing the utility of these PDTO models

    Bases moléculaires de la progression tumorale dans les lésions prénéoplasiques bronchiques: Approches in situ

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    In order to identify in preneoplastic bronchial lesions molecular abnormalities characteristic of irrevesibility and tumoral progression, which could serve as markers for surveillance and chemoprevention of high risk patients, we have demonstrated the predictive value of cumulative molecular abnormalities in bronchial carcinogenesis. We have shown a competition between SEMA3F, lost early in carcinogensis and which gene is a candidate suppressor gene with possible proapoptotic properties, and VEGF, implicated in tumoral progression and migration, on their common recetors neuropilines 1 and 2. Furthermore, telomerase, an enzyme which maintains telomere lenght and thus enables immortality, is expressed with the highest levels in basaloid and small cell lung carcinoma. Its nuclear accumulation in non small cell lung carcinoma appears to be correlated with a worse prognosis, protecting tumor cells from an increased genetic instability. In bronchial carcinogenesis, telomerase is re activated early, preceded by telomere shortening which occurs in squamous metaplasia, and is increasingly expressed in dysplasia, along with Rb/p16 and p53 inactivation.Afin de mettre en évidence des signes génétiques et moléculaires d'irréversibilité de lésions prénéoplasiques bronchiques, pouvant améliorer le dépistage, la surveillance et la chimioprévention de patients fumeurs à risque, nous avons démontré la valeur prédictive de l'accumulation d'anomalies moléculaires dans les lésions prénéoplasiques et observé dans ces lésions une compétition sur leurs récepteurs communs les neuropilines 1 et 2 entre la Sémaphorine 3F, perdue précocement et dont le gÚne est un candidat suppresseur de tumeur proapoptotique, et VEGF, impliqué dans la progression et la migration tumorale, exprimé de façon croissante dans les lésions dysplasiques. Par ailleurs, la télomÚrase, enzyme permettant le maintien de la taille des télomÚres et donc l'acquisition de l'immortalité, est ré exprimée précocement en réponse au raccourcissement télomérique et de façon croissante dans les dysplasies, parallÚlement à l'inactivation des verrous du cycle cellulaire p16/Rb et p53

    Étude du profil mutationnel K-RAS, EGFR, LKB1 et de la transition Ă©pithĂ©lio-mĂ©senchymateuse dans une sĂ©rie de 22 carcinomes sarcomatoĂŻdes pulmonaires

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    Les carcinomes sarcomatoĂŻdes primitifs pulmonaires sont des tumeurs rares, reprĂ©sentant 0,3 Ă  3% des cancers primitifs pulmonaires. En 2004, l OMS dĂ©finit dans sa classification le carcinome sarcomatoĂŻde, nouvelle entitĂ©, comme toute prolifĂ©ration capable d offrir de façon permanente des aspects morphologiques de transition Ă©pithĂ©lio-mĂ©senchymateuse .Les mĂ©canismes de carcinogĂ©nĂšse ont Ă©tĂ© longtemps dĂ©battus. La thĂšse actuelle propose que les carcinomes sarcomatoĂŻdes dĂ©rivent de cellules souches pluri-potentes, capables d une diffĂ©renciation carcinomateuse et sarcomateuse. Comme pour les carcinomes bronchiques non Ă  petites cellules (CBNPC), on observe la prĂ©sence de mutations des oncogĂšnes K-RAS et EGFR, en fonction des ethnies et de l exposition tabagique. Les mutations de l EGFR et de K-RAS sont retrouvĂ©es dans les carcinomes plĂ©omorphes avec contingent adĂ©nocarcinomateux ou Ă  grandes cellules, rarement dans les carcinomes Ă  cellules gĂ©antes. Des cas de rĂ©ponse aprĂšs chimiothĂ©rapie par inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase chez des patients mutĂ©s pour l EGFR invitent Ă  prĂ©ciser par immuno-histochimie et/ou biologie molĂ©culaire, le phĂ©notype des carcinomes sarcomatoĂŻdes pour aiguiller les analyses molĂ©culaires. Des Ă©tudes supplĂ©mentaires du profil mutationnel vis-Ă -vis de BRAF, des PI3K ou de HER2, rĂ©cemment dĂ©crites dans le CBNPC seraient souhaitables. Si le profil mutationnel ne permet par de diffĂ©rencier les carcinomes sarcomatoĂŻdes des CBNPC, c est la prĂ©sence d une activation du processus de transition Ă©pithĂ©lio-mĂ©senchymateuse qui caractĂ©rise ces tumeurs. L Ă©tude immuno-histochimique confirme l activation du processus de transition Ă©pithĂ©lio-mĂ©senchymateuse dans les cellules sarcomatoĂŻdes sous forme de perte de la E-cadhĂ©rine et acquisition de la vimentine. La rĂ©pression de l E-cahĂ©rine ne semble pas ĂȘtre le seul fait de l action de Snail, ce dernier n Ă©tant pas exprimĂ© dans tous les carcinomes sarcomatoĂŻdes de notre sĂ©rie.GRENOBLE1-BU MĂ©decine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Bases moléculaires de la progression tumorale dans les lésions prénéoplasiques bronchiques (approchres in situ)

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    Afin de mettre en évidence des signes génétiques et moléculaires d irréversibilité de lésions prénéoplasiques bronchiques, pouvant améliorer le dépistage, la surveillance et la chimioprévention de patients fumeurs à risque, nous avons démontré la valeur prédictive de l'accumulation d'anomalies moléculaires dans les lésions prénéoplasiques et observé dans ces lésions une compétition sur leurs récepteurs communs les neuropilines 1 et 2 entre la Sémaphorine 3F, perdue précocement et dont le gÚne est un candidat suppresseur de tumeur proapoptotique, et VEGF, impliqué dans la progression et la migration tumorale, exprimé de façon croissante dans les lésions dysplasiques. Par ailleurs, la télomÚrase, enzyme permettant le maintien de la taille des télomÚres et donc l acquisition de l immortalité, est ré exprimée précocement en réponse au raccourcissement télomérique et de façon croissante dans les dysplasies, parallÚlement à l inactivation des verrous du cycle cellulaire p16/Rb et p53In order to identify in preneoplastic bronchial lesions molecular abnormalities characteristic of irrevesibility and tumoral progression, which could serve as markers for surveillance and chemoprevention of high risk patients, we have demonstrated the predictive value of cumulative molecular abnormalities in bronchial carcinogenesis. We have shown a competition between SEMA3F, lost early in carcinogensis and which gene is a candidate suppressor gene with possible proapoptotic properties, and VEGF, implicated in tumoral progression and migration, on their common recetors neuropilines 1 and 2. Furthermore, telomerase, an enzyme which maintains telomere lenght and thus enables immortality, is expressed with the highest levels in basaloid and small cell lung carcinoma. Its nuclear accumulation in non small cell lung carcinoma appears to be correlated with a worse prognosis, protecting tumor cells from an increased genetic instability. In bronchial carcinogenesis, telomerase is re activated early, preceded by telomere shortening which occurs in squamous metaplasia, and is increasingly expressed in dysplasia, along with Rb/p16 and p53 inactivationGRENOBLE1-BU Sciences (384212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Telomerase activation in adenocarcinoma-bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.

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