40 research outputs found
Manajemen Kurikulum dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Masa Pandemi COVID-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a change in learning patterns from face-to-face systems to distance learning systems. This requires innovation and creativity from school principals in order to build an effective curriculum for distance learning. This study aims to examine school curriculum management in distance learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method by using literature that are in accordance with the theory discussed in the scope of curriculum management in distance learning and also analyzes cited scientific articles using google scholar with keywords Curriculum; Strategy; SMK; Online Learning; Emergency Curriculum, Learning Management, Learning Effectiveness. The results show that in implementing curriculum management in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, one must pay attention to the conditions of each region and different schools so that the predetermined goals can be achieved. Curriculum management in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic that was implemented by schools had 4 scopes, namely: 1) planning; 2) organizing; 3) implementation; 4) evaluation. Planning that is carried out must be in accordance with the distance learning model and use essential basic competencies, in organizing must design learning activities in accordance with the conditions and time allocation and those related to increase the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process, while in implementation it requires teachers and students to be adaptive and innovative in using technology. So that learning is effective, as well as the evaluation is carried out applied with aspects of attitude, aspects of knowledge, aspects of skills to determine the extent to which school programs have been implemented
Urgency of The Position of District Election Supervisory Body in The Resolution of Disputes Between Participants in The Regional Head Election in Indonesia
The ad hoc position of the District Election supervisory body will have an impact on actions to carry out the functions and duties of the District Election supervisory body during the election of regional heads. This study aims to determine the urgency of the position of the District Election supervisory body in the formation of effective supervision in the Pilkada and to find out the Mechanism of Dispute Resolution between Election Participants by the District Election supervisory body in the election of regional heads. This study uses a normative juridical research method, with secondary data and a conceptual approach. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The result of the first study is that the decision of the Election supervisory body an ad hoc institution is binding but still limited and not final because the aggrieved party can file a lawsuit to the State Administrative High Court. The mechanism for resolving disputes between participants in the Pilkada organizers by the District Election supervisory body is regulated technically through Election supervisory body Number 2 of 2020. Disputes between participants are carried out on the principle of the quick and simple, same-day to achieve legal certainty and benefit in regional head elections
Learning Strategies In The Digital Era
Implementing learning is growing from a traditional face-to-face system to digital-based learning in the digital era. These changes create new problems for education actors, and they especially require digital adaptation capabilities that teachers must do quickly. This study aims to analyze learning strategies in the digital era, especially at 3 Tapung Junior High School, and reveal what factors influence the implementation of learning in the digital era. This research uses a case study method conducted at the school. The data was obtained by using the interview instrument with the teacher. The interviews showed that the school teachers still felt weaknesses in learning in the digital era. However, they overcome the teachers' various advantages and strategies. The teacher in the learning process applies them. In addition, teachers also take advantage of multiple platforms such as WhatsApp groups, google classroom, google meet, power points, and creative videos to increase student activity in learning to improve student learning outcomes in the digital era
Analysis of Heavy Metal Distribution in Regional Sediments Batang Ayumi River Flow
The presence of heavy metals in waters can be sourced from mining, household, agricultural waste and industrial wastes. Some heavy metals are toxic such as Cu, Hg, and Pb can accumulate in aquatic sediments. Sediments that are contaminated with heavy metals will endanger the organisms that live in them. This research aims to identify the concentrations of heavy metals Cu, Hg, and Pb in sediments in the Batang Ayumi River. This research uses a descriptive exploratory method by conducting a survey in advance. Determination of sampling locations using purposive sampling method at four determined stations. This research uses an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Data analysis was performed by comparing the test result data with the quality standards issued by the IADC / CEDA. The test results show that the concentration of Cu, Hg and Pb in the sediment has a value smaller than the target level value, so the substance in the sediment is not too dangerous for the environment
Mathematics Curriculum Management of Distance Learning Program in Junior High School
AbstrakPenerapan pembelajaran jarak jauh atau pembelajaran tatap muka di era pendidikan normal baru memiliki implikasi psikologis bagi siswa termasuk pada pelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model konseptual implementasi manajemen kurikulum dalam pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh di SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan data berasal dari 10 SMP, data diperoleh secara kolektif berupa wawancara dari narasumber. Data diolah dengan aplikasi atlas.ti 8 kemudian divalidasi dan melakukan triangulasi sumber sehingga muncul hasil penelitian yakni (1) strategi pelaksanaan manajemen kurikulum dalam pembelajaran matematika jarak jauh yang diterapkan di pimpin langsung oleh kepala sekolah dengan bentuk brakedown peraturan, (2) pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru berdasarkan perencanaan yang telah disusun oleh guru pada awal tahun ajaran, (3) sarana prasarana untuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran sudah terpenuhi, (4) pelatihan yang diberikan pada guru sudah di program oleh kepala sekolah dengan periodik, (5) pembentukan kelas yang dilakukan berfungsi untuk mengelompokan peserta didik sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuannya, (6) kendala yang dihadapi oleh guru adalah sulit mengetahui eksperesi peserta didik saat pembelajaran, (7) kendala yang dihadapi oleh peserta didik adalah jaringan dan kuota yang dimiliki oleh peserta didik sehingga sulit memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh guru. AbstractThe implementation of distance learning or face-to-face learning in the new normal education era has psychologically affected the students, including in mathematics learning. This study aimed to find a conceptual model to implement curriculum management of distance learning in mathematics in junior high schools. This qualitative descriptive study collected data from 10 junior high schools. The data were obtained collectively by using interviews. The data was processed using the atlas.ti 8 application and then validated and triangulated the sources so that the results of the research emerged, namely, the implementation strategy of curriculum management of the distance learning in was directed by the school principal in the form of regulatory breakdown, learning carried out by the teacher based on the plan prepared by the teacher at the beginning of the school year, the infrastructure of the learning process was provided, the training provided to teachers was programmed by the principal periodically, the class distribution was based on the student’s interests and abilities, the obstacle faced by the teacher was that it was difficult to know the expressions of the students during learning, the obstacles faced by students was the internet quota and unstable network to such an extent that students were having difficulties to understand the materials delivered by the teacher
The state is a social entity that consists of areas that have almost similar historical-cultural backgrounds. These areas have administrative divisions that are hierarchical in nature, where the division aims to accelerate the development and improvement of the area and the people in it. The research method used in this research is normative legal research method. The normative legal research method is a research method that looks for facts through the variables derived from the laws and regulations that are examined on their implementation and their effectiveness and shortcomings so that improvements and improvements can be made to these laws and regulations. Regional head elections are an inseparable part of a country that adheres to the principles of democracy and is even part of the characteristics of a democratic country
Optimization of Regional Revenues Through Tax Revenues Regulation
This study aims to examine the Role and Function of the Agency for tax management and regional levy of North Sumatra Province in improving regional income. The research method used is normative legal research method with secondary data. Qualitative analysis is used to analyze problems. The results of the research obtained that Local Tax and Levy Management Agency plays an important role in the improvement of Locally-Generated Revenue North Sumatra through the receipt of Local Taxes. Regional Tax Receipts derived from Motor Vehicle Tax and Public Surface Water in North Sumatra are still low because that Local Tax And Levy Management Agency North Sumatra has not had a strategic policy that can support and improve the Locally-Generated Revenue of North Sumatra Province through Motor Vehicle Tax and Public Surface Water, a Limited number of human resources and low quality of human resources competencies in Local Tax And Levy Management Agency North Sumatra is one of the obstacle factors that Local Tax and Levy Management Agency does not run optimally
Analisis sektor unggulan di Kabupaten Batanghari
This study aims to analyze the leading sectors in the economy in Batanghari Regency. This study uses secondary data for the period 2011-2017, sourced from the Central Statistics Agency of Jambi Province and Batanghari Regency. The analysis tools used are Location Quotient (LQ) analysis and Shift Share analysis. The results of the study found that the leading sectors in Batanghari Regency are the manufacturing industry sector, the government administration sector, defense, compulsory social security, and the education service sector.
Keywords: Leading sector, Location quotient, Shift shar
Design of Election Criminal Enforcement Through A Restorative Justice Approach in Nort Sumatra
The large number of cases of suspected election crimes at every stage of the elections in Indonesia are not balanced with a fair law enforcement design and legal certainty. The establishment of the Integrated General Election Law Enforcement Center (Sentra Gakkumdu Pemilu) apparently did not have a significant impact in effectively prosecuting perpetrators of election crimes. This research aims to examine the design of law enforcement for election crimes and analyze the application of the concept of restorative justice as an approach to law enforcement for election crimes. The results of the research, firstly, are that the complexity of the law enforcement mechanism for election crimes causes the number of reports of election crimes submitted by the public to election supervisors to be meaningless. Second, that the current law enforcement design for election crimes still prioritizes punishment, even though law enforcement prioritizes the principle of ultimum remedium in its implementation. The absence of legal loopholes in prioritizing the concept of restorative justice in enforcing election criminal law is an obstacle for the Gakkumdu Center in enforcing election criminal law. The large number of cases of suspected election crimes that occur while the resolution time is relatively short makes it difficult for law enforcement to promote election crimes to promote justice and legal certainty. So there is a need to design technical regulations in implementing restorative justice in handling election crimes in the future
Implementasi Penggunaan Kecerdasan Buatan dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah
Penggunaan kecerdasan buatan dalam proses pembentukan perda di era revolusi industri 4.0 seolah mendapatkan pembenaran guna meminimalisir disharmoni antara peraturan daerah dengan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya. Namun penggunaan Kecerdasan buatan tidak dapat serta merta menggantikan kewenangan organ pembentuk perda secara menyeluruh, tentunya hal ini masih menimbulkan perdebatan. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam tulisan ini adalah Bagaimana implementasi penggunaan kecerdasan buatan dalam pembentukan Peraturan Daerah? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, dalam konteks penelitian ini juga akan dilihat apakah penggunaan kecerdasan buatan dalam proses pembentukan Perda memiliki pijakan secara teoritis yang diutarakan para ahli, maupun basis yuridis dalam berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kecerdasan buatan dalam proses pembentukan perda tidak serta merta dapat menggantikan peran dan fungsi organ pembentuk perda. Penggunaan kecerdasan buatan dalam proses pembentukan perda diposisikan hanya sebatas alat bantu yang dapat memprediksi potensi disharmoni antara perda dan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya. Untuk mengakomodir pengunaan AI dalam Proses pembentukan perda diperlukan perubahan terhadap UUP3, UU Pemda dan peraturan perundang-undangan turunannya yang berkaitan dengan pembentukan perda.