237 research outputs found


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    The prediction using COSMO-RS which majorly rely on hydrogen bonding mechanism, showed inconsistent results against experimental data. The present study using Raman spectroscopy has led to the same conclusion where π-electron density becomes a vital viewpoint in the process of screening potential ILs for desulfurization. The use of a new complementary method which estimates the aromaticity index (AI) for cation and double bond equivalent (DBE) for anion selection showed good agreement between the literature and experimental results. The AI and DBE methods were later used to select the appropriate combination of cation and anion of ILs for extractive desulfurization study

    Investigation on Aromaticity Index and Double-Bond Equivalent of Aromatic Compounds and Ionic Liquids for Fuel Desulphurization

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    Aromaticity index (AI) and double-bond equivalent (DBE) were studied to seek a simpler approach in identifying suitable ionic liquids for the desulphurization process. Manifestation of interaction mechanism by COSMO-RS and Raman spectroscopy is discussed. The findings demonstrate that AI and DBE calculations can be used to analyze and arrogate potential combination of cation and anion for fuel desulphurization purposes

    Gerakan Literasi Alternatif Untuk Pembudayaan Kegemaran Membaca di Kecamatan Barru, Kabupaten Barru (Studi Kasus: Komunitas Gerakan Barru Membaca)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini agar mendapat pengetahuan mengenai pembudayaan kegemaran membaca melalui gerakan literasi alternatif dan melihat respon masyarakat mengenai gerakan literasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu penulis melakukan wawancara dengan informan. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dengan alat bantu pedoman wawancara dan kamera. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi, penyajian data dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pembudayaan kegemaran membaca ini sudah dilakukan secara sistematis, efisien dan mandiri. Mulai dari melakukan perencanaan program-program pembudayaan membaca, sampai evaluasi program-program pembudayaan membaca yang telah di lakukan


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    The prediction using COSMO-RS which majorly rely on hydrogen bonding mechanism, showed inconsistent results against experimental data. The present study using Raman spectroscopy has led to the same conclusion where π-electron density becomes a vital viewpoint in the process of screening potential ILs for desulfurization. The use of a new complementary method which estimates the aromaticity index (AI) for cation and double bond equivalent (DBE) for anion selection showed good agreement between the literature and experimental results. The AI and DBE methods were later used to select the appropriate combination of cation and anion of ILs for extractive desulfurization study

    Ionic Liquids for Desulphurization: A Review

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    The literature survey has shown that not much work has been reported on the interaction mechanism of ionic liquids (ILs) with sulfur in model oil system. In recently published work, the interaction was predicted using COSMO-RS where the strength of hydrogen bond of anion should be reduced in order to increase thiophene extraction capacity. On the other hand, the same researchers also found that the smaller sized cations would lead to higher selectivity, which could lower the capacity and vice versa. While others have reported that the absorption capacity of sulfur compounds in ILs are strongly dependent on the chemical structures, physical properties and compactness between the cation and the anion of the ILs. However, these conclusions lead to a broad selection of ILs for extractive desulphurization process

    Speed recognition based on ground vehicle in passive forward scattering radar

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    The merging of noise reduction and reshaped of the signal in time domain is headed to newfangled clustering methods. After a deep investigation on pre-processing the detection of ground vehicle using passive forward scattering radar (PFSR), principal component analysis (PCA) could be used as spectral signature for target’s speed recognition. The clustering-based PCA able to distinguish the target’s rapidity from the passive forward scattering radar receiver. A small five door hatchback vehicle is used for detection as ground vehicle with several speed and various distance from the passive forward scattering radar receiver. The distance give impact to the clustering-based PCA which is closer vehicle to the passive forward scattering radar offers finer variance of training data in speed recognition

    Narrowband elliptic bandpass filter using dual-mode microstrip square loop resonator for WiMax application

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    In this paper, a narrowband bandpass filter using dual-mode microstrip square loop resonator is proposed. This structure has a 5.1% fractional bandwidth at 2.3GHz. By using some simple techniques, the optimum results will be achieved. The dual-mode resonator will be produced by adding a square patch inside the loop resonator. The simulation and measurement results are also presented. The filter is fabricated on RT/Duroid 6010 substrate having a relative dielectric constant of 10.2 and 0.635 mm thickness. The final dimension is measured at 19.65 mm 19.65 mm. The minimum measured insertion loss is 1.68 dB and return loss obtained is better than -20 dB, where experimental results and simulated values are in good agreement

    Nabi Harun Dalam Al-Qur’an Dan Perjanjian Lama

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    Nabi Harun adalah utusan Allah yang diutus bersama saudaranya nabi Musa untuk bani Israil. Dia juga seorang tokoh sentral dalam agama Yahudi yang memimpin segala ritual keagamaan yang darinya keturunan-keturunannya mendapatkan hak istimewa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan nabi Harun serta karakternya didalam umat bani Israil dilihat dari dua kitab suci yaitu Al-Qur’an dan Perjanjian Lama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat komparatif normatif. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka yang menjadi sumber rujukan utama, yaitu: Al-Qur’an dan Perjanjian Lama. Dalam analisis data ini peneliti menggunakan model analisis kualitatif komparatif yang menekankan keaslian dan kepastian (tanpa perlakuan manipulatif) dalam menggambarkan fenomena sosial secaraholistik. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa kedudukan nabi Harun dalam Al-Qur’an sebagai seorang nabi yang mempunyai karakter tegas dan amanah. Sedangkan dalam Perjanjian Lama ia berkedudukan sebagai seorang Imam Besar yang menjadi sentral dalam keagamaan Yahudi justru berkarakter lemah dan mudah terpengaruh umatnya dalam menentang Tuhan

    Development of Learning Model of Islamic Education Based On Mind Mapping to Improve Vocational School Student Learning Outcomes

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    Abstract : This research aimed to acquire an overview of learning and the effectiveness of the learning model of Islamic Education in SMK Negeri 1 South Sulawesi based Mind Mapping. This research used Research and Development approach, the type of research was quasi-experimental design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population of this research is XI class students of SMK Negeri 1 South Sulawesi. The techniques used random sampling. The sample was XI class of Engineering Technology 1 of SMK Negeri 1 South Sulawesi as experimental class and XI class of Engineering Technology 2 as control class. Data analysis in this study is the analysis of the data at the stage of preliminary studies, development models, and model evaluation stage. Analysis Test of the effectiveness of the model used t-test of pretest and posttest the outcomes of the study.Based on the results of research, the development of model-based Islamic education learning Mind Mapping: validation with enough valid categories, regarding Practicality and terms of withdrawals by category. The second test of the effectiveness of the model was done through quasi-experimental research test results-t on the score on Post-Test indicates that there is a difference between knowledge of the control class with a class experiment thus learning in Islamic Education demonstrate effective and good implementation of model-based learning Mind Mapping