40 research outputs found

    Semiannual Kelvin Waves Propagation along the South Coast of Sumatra-Jawa-Bali and the Lesser Sunda Islands Observed by TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-1/2 Satellites

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    The merged TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) and ERS-1/2 altimeter data during 10/14/1993 "“ 2/12/2002 have been used to study Indian Ocean Kelvin waves propagation along the south coast of Jawa, Bali, Lombok, and the Lesser Sunda Islands. The results show that the occurrence of semiannual Indian Ocean Kelvin waves either in April/May or November/December for all the year of 1993-2001 (except in 1994) with the intraseasonal period and phase speed ranging from 35 to 90-day and 1.54 to 2.9 m/s, respectively

    Semiannual Kelvin Waves Propagation Along the South Coast of Sumatra-Jawa-Bali and the Lesser Sunda Islands Observed by TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-1/2 Satellites

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    The merged TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) and ERS-1/2 altimeter data during 10/14/1993 – 2/12/2002 have been used to study Indian Ocean Kelvin waves propagation along the south coast of Jawa, Bali, Lombok, and the Lesser Sunda Islands. The results show that the occurrence of semiannual Indian Ocean Kelvin waves either in April/May or November/December for all the year of 1993-2001 (except in 1994) with the intraseasonal period and phase speed ranging from 35 to 90-day and 1.54 to 2.9 m/s, respectively

    Perangkap Tikus Menggunakan Mikrokontroler dengan Fasilitas Short Message Service (SMS)

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    This paper will be discussing about the design of mouse trap based in microcontroller using SMS as a media. The purpose of this designing is to detect a mouse when it has been trapped by using infrared sensor, to inform mouse trapped by using short message service and also to instruct the microcontroller to activate the shocking element by sending back the SMS with a special command to this designing. This shocking element is installed inside the trap and be used for killing mouse with AC voltage 220 vol

    Mechanical Analysis of Serpentinite Rock in Indrapuri, Tangse, and Beutong

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    Aceh is one of province that has abundant natural resources, which consist of natural resources which can be renewed or not renewed. With the increasing human population, especially in Indonesia, resulting in increasing human needs of various sectors, particularly in the construction sector. In the development activities required a lot of materials-minerals, such as sandstone, limestone, serpentinite rock which serves for a variety of needs in development activities. In District Indrapuri (Aceh Besar Regency), Tangse (Pidie Regency), and Beutong (Nagan Raya Regency) finding of the serpentinite rock is abundance. Meanwhile, in line with the rapid physical development in Aceh and its surroundings, then the needs of rock as building materials will increase as well. Research done by physical properties (specific gravity, absorption, porosity), and mechanical properties (testing compressive strength, wear/abrassion) of serpentinite rock to determine its quality as a building material. The results show that the serpentinite rock contained in District Indrapuri, Tangse, and Beutong for the building according SII 0378-80 is qualified for the foundation, curb stones, and ornamental stones or paste stones

    Pengendalian Conveyer Batubara Secara Wireless

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    Since 1980\u27s wireless technology apply to communication, for example Handy talky and hand phone. This days wireless technology expand to world industry, there was introduce wireless communication use for control coal conveyer, this system can help operators work more easily. Many some of purpose can be added when implemented an automated control of coal conveyer. The conveyer were remotely and communicate with a wireless system that were decrease a human error at work

    Characteristics of Soil Fauna Communities and Habitat in Small- Holder Cocoa Plantation in South Konawe

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    The composition of the soil fauna community have played an important role in regulating decomposition and nutrient cycling in agro-ecosystems (include cocoa plantation). Changes in food availability and conditions in the soil habitat can affected the abundance and diversity of soil fauna. This study aimed: (i) to analyze the pattern of changes in soil fauna community composition and characteristic of soil habitat based on the age increasing of cocoa plantation, and (ii) to identify taxa of soil fauna and factors of soil habitat which differentiate among the cocoa plantations. Sampling of soil, roots and soil fauna was conducted from cocoa plantation aged 4, 5, 7, 10, and 16years. Difference in composition of the soil fauna community between ages of the cocoa plantation is significant. Profile of soil habitats was differ significantly between the cocoa plantations, except 5 and 7 years aged. A group of soil fauna has relatively limited in its movement, and sensitively to changes in temperature, soil acidity, and the availability of food and nitrogen are taxa differentiating between soil fauna communities. Soil physic-chemical conditions that affect metabolic activity, movement, and the availability of food for soil fauna is a  distinguishing factor of the characteristics of the soil habitat between different ages of smallholder cocoa plantations.Keywords: Abundance, arthropod, composition, nematodes [How to Cite: Kilowasid LMH, TS Syamsudin, F X Susilo, E Sulistyawati and H Syaf. 2013. Characteristics of Soil Fauna Communities and Habitat in Small-Holder Cocoa Plantation in South Konawe. J Trop Soils 18 (2): 149-159. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2013.18.2.149][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2013.18.2.149]REFERENCESAdejuyigbe CO, G Tian and GO Adeoye.1999. Soil microarthropod populations under natural and planted fallows in Southwestern Nigeria. 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    RAMA : the Research Moored Array for African–Asian–Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (2009):459-480, doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2608.1.The Indian Ocean is unique among the three tropical ocean basins in that it is blocked at 25°N by the Asian landmass. Seasonal heating and cooling of the land sets the stage for dramatic monsoon wind reversals, strong ocean–atmosphere interactions, and intense seasonal rains over the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, East Africa, and Australia. Recurrence of these monsoon rains is critical to agricultural production that supports a third of the world's population. The Indian Ocean also remotely influences the evolution of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), North American weather, and hurricane activity. Despite its importance in the regional and global climate system though, the Indian Ocean is the most poorly observed and least well understood of the three tropical oceans. This article describes the Research Moored Array for African–Asian–Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA), a new observational network designed to address outstanding scientific questions related to Indian Ocean variability and the monsoons. RAMA is a multinationally supported element of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS), a combination of complementary satellite and in situ measurement platforms for climate research and forecasting. The article discusses the scientific rationale, design criteria, and implementation of the array. Initial RAMA data are presented to illustrate how they contribute to improved documentation and understanding of phenomena in the region. Applications of the data for societal benefit are also described

    Supplement to RAMA : the Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (2009): ES5-ES8, doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2608.2