627 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tiga hal yang mengakut tentang Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah Di SMP Negeri 3 Panca Rijang Kabupaten Sidrap. Adapun ketiga hal tersebut yaitu (i) Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah Di Smp Negeri 3 Panca Rijang Kabupaten Sidrap. (ii) Untuk mengetahui faktor pedukung Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah Di Smp Negeri 3 Panca Rijang Kabupaten Sidrap, dan (iii) Untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah Di Smp Negeri 3 Panca Rijang Kabupaten Sidrap. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang dimana peneliti berupaya untuk memahami, mendeskripsikan, menjelaskan dengan teori dalam bentuk kualitatif apa yang diperoleh dari lapangan penelitian Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Sekolah Di SMP Negeri 3 Panca Rijang Kabupaten Sidrap, telah melaksanakan program bantuan operasional sekolah (BOS) dengan baik yaitu sesuai dengan aturan pemerintah yang dimuat dalam petunjuk teknis Pengelolaan bantuan operasional sekolah (JUKNIS pengelolaan BOS tahun 2017). Meskipun masih ada beberapa yang perlu dibenahi seperti salah satunya peran komite sekolah sebagai pengelolah dan sekaligus pengawas dana BOS diharapkan dapat membuka informasi tentang dana BOS kepada orang tuan siswa guna menjaga transparansi, dan seluruh pengelolah anggaran dana BOS harus benar-benar memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip dalam pemanfaatan anggaran sehingga dana dapat berfungsi lebih maksimal (2) faktor-faktor pedukung pelaksanaan program bantuan operasional sekolah Di SMP Negeri 3 Panca Rijang Kabupaten Sidrap yaitu. (a) Dukungan Pemerintah dengan memberikan petunjuk teknis pengelolaan dana BOS dan sosialisasi tentang tatacara pengelolaan dana bantuan operasional sekolah dari Dinas Pendidikan (b) terjalinnya bentuk kerja sama yang baik dari pihak pengelolah dana BOS, Komite Sekolah dan para Guru, Pemerintah (Dinas Pendidikan) (c) motivasi yang tinggi dan kinerja yang maksimal untuk mengembangkan kualitas pendidikan, (d) dukungan dari para guru baik dengan sumbangan pemikiran maupun dengan dukungan tenaga. (3) faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaan program bantuan operasional sekolah yaitu; (a) waktu pencairan dana sering mengalami keterlambatan, (b) Anggaran yang diperoleh tidak sebanding dengan kebutuhan sekolah (c) sekolah dibatasi dalam melakukan perbaikan berat sehingga sekolah masih mengalami kekurangan ruangan, dan (d) Dana bantuan operasional sekolah belum mampu membiayai seluruh program sekolah secara merata/menyeluruh. Kata Kunci: Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS

    Dampak customer relationship marketing terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada rumah makan Ayam Bakar Wong Solo Cabang Malang

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    INDONESIA: Dalam dunia marketing, strategi pemasaran merupakan hal penting. hal ini menuntut peran aktif para pemasar agar bisa menciptakan strategi pemasaran yang inovatif dan efektif untuk meraih pelanggan. Strategi pemasaran yang tepat akan menguntungkan perusahaan karena akan bisa menciptakan loyalitas pelanggan. Salah satu strategi yang digunakan Rumah Makan Ayam Bakar Wong Solo cabang Malang dalam persaingan adalah dengan memfokuskan diri dalam membina hubungan dengan peanggan dengan menerapkan Customer Relationship Marketing dengan harapan tujuan akhirnya yaitu mendapatkan loyalitas pelanggan. Customer relationship marketing itu sendiri dapat dikembangkan melalui empat langkah, yaitu Pertalian, Empathy, Timbal Balik, dan Kepercayaan. Penelitian ini disusun untuk mengetahui dampak Customer Relationship Marketing yang terdiri dari indikator Pertalian, Empathy, Timbal Balik, dan Kepercayaan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Rumah Makan Ayam Bakar Wong Solo cabang Malang. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebesar jumlah sampel yang ada yaitu sebanyak 80 orang. Tahap analisis data menggunakan metode regresi linear berganda seri program SPSS versi 21.0. Dari hasil analisis regresi linear berganda, peneliti menemukan bahwa secara serempak ada dampak yang signifikan antara indikator Pertalian, Empathy, Timbal Balik, dan Kepercayaan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Rumah Makan Ayam Bakar Wong Solo Cabang Malang dengan hasil signifikansi uji F 0,000 < 0,05. Indikator yang paling berdampak terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Rumah Makan Ayam Bakar Wong Solo cabang Malang adalah indikator Empathy dengan hasil signifikansi uji t 0,001 < 0,05. ENGLISH: In the world of marketing, marketing strategy is crucial. This course requires the active role of marketers in order to create innovative marketing strategies and effective way to reach consumers and will be able to create customer loyalty. One of strategy is used by Ayam Bakar Wong Solo restaurant branch Malang in competition is focusing itself in constructing relationship with customers in the final purpose. Customer Relationship Marketing can be developed into four steps, Relationship, Empathy, Reciprocal, and Confidence. This research is to know the influence of Customer Relationship Marketing which consists of Relationship, Empathy, Reciprocal, and Confidence towards Customer Loyalty in Ayam Bakar Wong Solo restaurant branch Malang. The total samples is 80 respondents. The analysis system used the double regression model series program SPSS version 21.0. The result of the double linear regression analysis, the writer found out that Relationship, Empathy, Reciprocal, and confidence influence Customer Loyalty at Ayam Bakar Wong Solo restaurant branch Malang simultaneously with F significance value 0.000 < 0.05. Besides, the most influencing variable is Empathy with t significance value 0.001<0.05

    Rancang Bangun Avr pada Sisi Tegangan Rendah (Tegangan Konsumen) Berbasis Atmega8

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    — Tugas akhir ini membahas system pengaturan jala- jala listrik terhadap Perubahan beban pada pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro (PLTMH). Saat ini pengaturan jala-jala pada PLTMH dilakukan secara manual yang melibatkan tenaga operator sebagai pengendali hidup - mati lampu beban pengatur.. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengatasi naik turun tegangan dengan cara mengendalikan lampu beban pengatur secara otomatis. Alat akan bekerja secara otomatis apabila terjadi Perubahan beban pada konsumen. Naik-turun tegangan pada PLTMH disebabkan oleh Perubahan beban pada konsumen. Tegangan pada beban konsumen naik, tengan jala- jala turun, sebaliknya tegangan beban konsumen turun, tegangan jala-jala naik. Perubahan pada tegangan PLTMH menjadi input untuk mikrokontroller ATMega 8 untuk mengendalikan lampu pengatur. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian alat ini mampu menjaga kestabilan tegangan antara 218,1 Volt sampai dengan 221,7 Volt. Kata kunci— Beban, Tegangan, Rangkaian Sistem Kendali da

    The Analysis of Social Conflict in J.K. Rowling’s novel “The Casual Vacancy

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    This thesis studied social conflict in J.K. Rowling’s novel “The CasualVacancy”. The problems of this thesis are to find outkinds and causes of socialconflictin thenovel. The method used in this researchwasqualitativedescriptivemethod. Thesource of data is J.K. Rowling’snovel“The Casual Vacancy”, which is publishedin 2012. The writer used note taking to collect the data source. From thisinstrument the writer read the novel, identified the statement which contain thesocial conflict. The writer used cards to write the sentences fromThe CasualVacancywhich contain thesocial conflict in the novel.Besides, the writer usedMalesevic’s and Rummel’s theory to analyzing kinds and causes of social conflictin the novel. The writer foundall the kindsofsocial conflict.The writer found 6dataman versus man and20 datagroup versus group (16 data intergroup and 4dataintragroup).The result of this research shows that intergroup isdominantkindsofsocial conflict in the novel, and intragroup is less kinds of social conflict in thenovel.Then, the causes of social conflict found in thenovel J.K. Rowling’s “TheCasual Vacancy” are 13 data political, 1data moral, 3 data bullying, 6 dataemotional, 1data religious and 2data racism. Political is the dominant cause inthe novel that 13data, and religious and moral are the less cause in the novel thoseare 1data. The writer suggests the readers to know and understand about socialconflict especially kinds and causes of socialconflic

    The Influence of Knowledge and Attitude on The Performance of Nagari Apparatus in Nagari Financial Management in Sungai Tarab, Tanah Datar

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of knowledge andattitude on apparatus performance in nagari financial management in Sungai TarabSubdistrict, Tanah Datar, West Sumatra. This study used quantitative approach.Population of this study consisted of 70 nagari apparatus in Sungai Tarab Subdistrict.The sample in this study was determined through multi stage random samplingtechnique with Slovin formula and cosisted of 68 apparatus. Data were collectedthrough questionnaires with Likert scale measurements and analyzed with multipleregression analysis technique. The results of this study indicated that there was asignificant influence of the knowledge on nagari apparatus performance in financialmanagement in Sungai Tarab Subdistrict, Tanah Datar amounted to 5,4%. Besides,there was also a significant influence of the attitude on nagari apparatus performancein financial management amounted to 4,0%. Finally, there were also simultaneouslysignificant influence of knowledge and attitude on the nagari apparatus performance infinancial management amounted to 5,6%. Based on this study, it could be concludedthat the knowledge and attitude were needed for nagari apparatus in nagari financialmanagement, although the influence were not so strong

    Pola Spasial Kasus Diare Pada Balita Berdasarkan Faktor Lingkungan Dan Perilaku Hidup Sehat Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lempake Kota Samarinda

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    Tujuan Studi:Diare merupakan salah satu&nbsp;penyakit yang banyak diderita oleh penduduk di berbagai negara. Hampir&nbsp;seluruh wilayah di dunia ditemukan kasus diare pada semua kelompok usia, khususnya pada balita.&nbsp;Menunjukkan diare masih menjadi permasalahan global yang membutuhkan penanganan khusus, utamanya kasus diare yang terjadi pada balita. Pola spasial penyebaran penyakit merupakan bagian pengaplikasian Geografic Information System&nbsp;(GIS). Metodologi:Penelitian ini untuk Mengidentifikasi diare pada anak balita&nbsp;di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lempake&nbsp;dan untuk Menganalisis faktor lingkungan dan perilaku hidup sehat. Sampel&nbsp;188 balita berdasarkan rumus proporsi binomunial. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Desain Penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain cross sectional. Hasil:&nbsp;penelitian&nbsp;menunjukan adanya hubungan antara CTPS dengan kejadian diare pada balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lempake Kota Samarinda balita yang tidak terkena diare lebih besar (58.0%) Manfaat: menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara perilaku CTPS dengan kejadian diare (p value&nbsp;0,018&lt;&nbsp;0,05). Secara spasial, balita diare yang perilaku CTPS ibunya tidak tersebar seluruh wilayah kerja Puskesmas Lempake. Balita diare dan tidak diare tersebar di wilayah rawan banjir dan tidak rawan banjir, tidak ada hubungan antara kondisi jamban dengan kejadian diare

    Influence Of Integrity, Career Development And The Provision Of Additional Employee Income On The Work Productivity Of Employees In The Regional Secretariat Of Pasaman Regency

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    Background – Work productivity is a real result (product) created by individuals or groups. In this situation, the more products produced in less time, the more valuable the productivity level. Work productivity in the organization is one of the goals that must be achieved by every organization. Thus the low productivity of employees will affect the goals of the organization. In the study the low work productivity of employees at the Regional Secretariat of Pasaman Regency.&nbsp;Purpose – The aims of this research are analyze the effect of integrity, career development and the provision of additional employee income on the work productivity of employees at the Pasaman Regency Secretariat. Work productivity is often used by private organizations with the aim of measuring inputs and outputs within the organization. But in this article work productivity is measured in government agencies.&nbsp;Design/ Methodology/ Approach - This research was conducted at the Regional Secretariat of Pasaman Regency. The sampling technique used in this study is total sampling. The total population in this study amounted to 117 respondents. Analysis of research data using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 program as statistical data processing.&nbsp;Finding – The results showed that (1) There is an influence of integrity on the work productivity of employees in the Regional Secretariat of Pasaman Regency (2) There is an effect of career development on the work productivity of employees in the Regional Secretariat of Pasaman Regency. (3) There is an effect of providing additional employee income (TPP) on the work productivity of employees in the Regional Secretariat of Pasaman Regency. (4) There is an influence of integrity, career development and the provision of additional employee income (TPP) on the work productivity of employees in the Regional Secretariat of Pasaman Regency.&nbsp;Conclusion - The leadership of the Pasaman Regency Regional Secretariat must be able to provide encouragement through integrity and career development and be able to provide additional employee income based on the quantity and quality of employee work. Thus the work productivity of employees will be achieved in accordance with the objectives set by the agency.&nbsp;Research Implication – To get good employee integrity at the Regional Secretariat of Pasaman Regency, it is necessary to improve and foster the integrity of good employees. Furthermore, the greater and better career development given at the Regional Secretariat of Pasaman Regency, the greater the work productivity of employees. As well as means that the bigger and better the additional employee income provided, the greater the employee's work productivity.&nbsp;Limitations – The scope of this research is limited to one particular agency, so it cannot reflect the situation of other institutions in the same area regarding integrity, career development and additional employee income

    Demokratisasi Hak Berpikir dan Berkreasi Warga Negara di Indonesia

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    Pengaturan tentang Hak Asasi Manusia didalam Undang-Undang dasar 1945 dapat dilihat dalam amandemen kedua dari Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 pada tahun 2000. Pada amandemen tersebut dimasukkan bab baru yang khusus mengatur hak asasi manusia yang terdiri dari 10 (sepuluh) pasal, mulai dari Pasal 28A sampai dengan Pasal 28J. Dengan dilakukannya amandemen tersebut, materi muatan UUD 1945 khususnya yang mengatur Hak Asasi Manusia semakin lengkap dan rinci. Namun harus diakui bahwa pada pelaksanaanya sering terjadi penyimpangan bahkan pelanggaran terhadap Hak Asasi Manusia. Studi kasus terhadap beberapa kasus yang menyangkut permasalahan kebebasan warga negara dan keadilan dapat dilihat dari beberapa kasus diindonesia sperti kasus ahmadiyah, kasus pelarangan komunis diindonsesia dan menyangkut pluralisme.negara barat menganggap Indonesia belum bisa menjamin kebebasan warga negarany

    Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Jagung di Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Price fluctuations at the producer and consumer levels determine the performance of the maize market in Gorontalo Province. This will affect the decisions and ability of the corn marketing agencies involved in responding to price changes. The slow response of marketing agencies to changes in maize prices indicates inefficient market conditions in terms of prices. In addition, differences in market power between marketing agencies indicate inefficiencies in marketing maize from an operational perspective. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of 1) analyzing market integration and transmission of maize prices between producers and consumers, 2) analyzing the distribution of marketing margins in the maize marketing channels in Gorontalo Province. The research data used is in the form of weekly price data at the producer and consumer levels for 148 weeks, from March 2016 to March 2019 and added data from direct interviews with the marketing actors involved, namely farmers as many as 30 people, while sampling of traders was carried out by snowball sampling technique. Data analysis used the Asymmetric Error Correction Model (AECM), marketing margin and farmer share for each channel. The results showed that the transmission of maize prices at the producer and consumer level is symmetrical in the long run indicating market integration. The smallest marketing margin and the largest farmer share are in Channel III, where marketing is done directly to an exporter. Corn marketing in Gorontalo Province shows price transmission and market integration as well as high farmer share value in each channel, so it can be concluded that marketing is efficient.Price fluctuations at the producer and consumer levels determine the performance of the maize market in Gorontalo Province. This will affect the decisions and ability of the corn marketing agencies involved in responding to price changes. The slow response of marketing agencies to changes in maize prices indicates inefficient market conditions in terms of prices. In addition, differences in market power between marketing agencies indicate inefficiencies in marketing maize from an operational perspective. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of 1) analyzing market integration and transmission of maize prices between producers and consumers, 2) analyzing the distribution of marketing margins in the maize marketing channels in Gorontalo Province. The research data used is in the form of weekly price data at the producer and consumer levels for 148 weeks, from March 2016 to March 2019 and added data from direct interviews with the marketing actors involved, namely farmers as many as 30 people, while sampling of traders was carried out by snowball sampling technique. Data analysis used the Asymmetric Error Correction Model (AECM), marketing margin and farmer share for each channel. The results showed that the transmission of maize prices at the producer and consumer level is symmetrical in the long run indicating market integration. The smallest marketing margin and the largest farmer share are in Channel III, where marketing is done directly to an exporter. Corn marketing in Gorontalo Province shows price transmission and market integration as well as high farmer share value in each channel, so it can be concluded that marketing is efficient
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