512 research outputs found
Analisis Ekranisasi Manga âKimetsu No Yaibaâ ke dalam Film Anime Layar Lebar âKimetsu No Yaiba: Mugen Reshha-Henâ Ditinjau dari Aspek Angle Kamera
Manga dan film anime layar lebar memiliki perbedaan dalam menyampaikan cerita secara visual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati perbedaan dalam ekranisasi manga "Kimetsu no Yaiba" ke dalam film anime "Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha-Hen". Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan fokus pada aspek angle kamera. Objek penelitian meliputi manga dan film anime tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekranisasi manga ke dalam film anime menghasilkan perubahan dalam aspek angle kamera, seperti penciutan, penambahan, dan perubahan yang bervariasi. Meskipun terdapat perubahan dalam angle kamera, penekanan pada adegan tidak mengubah alur cerita versi manga ke dalam film anime layar lebar. Perbedaan ini disebabkan oleh sifat media yang berbeda antara manga dan film anime layar lebar. Penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman lebih lanjut tentang pentingnya angle kamera dalam ekranisasi serta peran yang dimainkannya dalam mempertahankan inti cerita.
Pernikahan Beda Agama dalam Tafsir Bugis: Studi Penafsiran AGH. Daud Ismail atas Q.S. Al-Baqarah [2]:221 dan Q.S. al-MÄÊŸidah [5]:5
Islamic legal and intellectual tradition recognizes two categories of inter-religious marriages: non-Muslim men marrying Muslim women and Muslim men marrying non-Muslim women. There is a widespread agreement for the prohibition of the first category, but there are differences of views regarding the second. This article examines the interpretation of AGH. Daud Ismail on QS. al-Baqarah [2]:221 and QS. al-MÄÊŸidah [5]:5, two verses that are the basis of differing views on inter-religious marriage the second category. Using the analysis of Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutics, this study first introduces biographical sketches, intellectual journeys, and the works of AGH. Daud Ismail. The second step is to parse, translate and explain the interpretation of AGH. Daud Ismail. This study reveals that AGH. Daud Ismail recognizes the validity of inter-religious marriage the second category, with a specification of free women from among Ahl al-KitÄb, namely Jews and Christians. The background for his recognition is that he is influenced by the tafsir tradition that he widely referenced
Budget Communication, Final Authority, And Negotiation On Budgetary Proposal : An Experimental Study
This study aims to investigate the relation between budget communication, final authority and negotiation on budget setting which analyzed by Agency Theory. This research used 2x3 between subject experimental design of budget communications and final authority treatments. The results of this study show that less slack is created when budget proposal requires a factual assertion, but itâs not when manager not requires factual assertion. Meanwhile, in final authority condition, manager creates budget slack more when they have final authority than ownerâs authority. This study show an evidence that there is no significant interaction between budget communication and final authority in creating budget slack. Additionally, this study finds that negotiation can influence managerâs performance although itâs measured by budget slack or output of production. Negotiation can reduce budget slack. The performance test (which is measured by ability of manager to make product) show that as a whole is not have difference significantly. Meanwhile, for budget slack show that slack in No Factual Assertion treatment is higher than Factual Assertion treatment.
Keywords: Participative Budgeting, Budget Communication, Final Authority, Negotiation, Budget Slack, Managerâs Performance
Sinergitas Pemikiran Muhammad Natsir di Bidang Teologi, Pendidikan dan Poltik: suatu Kajian Perspektif Pemikiran Politik Islam
: This paper is a study of Islamic Political Thought. The philosophical approach and content analysis through several works of figures concerned was used. Thought from Muhammad Natsir was became the object, she is known as a nationally figure who has served as Prime Minister of Indonesia. This study aims to reveal patterns of his thought as a politician with International reputation. The result of this research found that Muhammad Natsir is a Muslim thinker who has written several books in many field of study. His writing mostly in the fields of religion, education and politics. These three field are integrated in his systems thinking. Researcher find synergy from his thoughts on these three field. Religion is a matter of life and death (ultimate), education is the most effective way to internalize the teachings of Islam, while politics is the power that can be utilized to actualize the teachings of religion in social life
Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Aftech Makassar Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of competence and work discipline on employee performance at PT. Aftech Makassar Indonesia. This study used 60 samples (respondents). Sources of primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method in this study used descriptive analysis and statistical analysis of validity test, reliability test, multiple regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, coefficient of determination analysis, t test and F test. The results of the descriptive analysis of competence obtained the actual score percentage of 89.3%, analysis work discipline obtained the percentage of the actual score of 89.5% and performance analysis obtained the percentage of the actual score of 91%. The results of statistical analysis obtained multiple linear regression coefficients, namely: Y = 18.933 + 0.263X1 + 0.333 X2, the correlation coefficient of competence to performance (r) = 0.393 and the correlation coefficient of work discipline to performance (r) = 0.469. And the coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.257 or 25.7%. The value of Fcount > Ftable (11,219 > 3.16) and through the partial test calculation (t-test) it is seen that H1 where the t-count value is greater than t-table (2,228 > 2.002 and the significance value is 0.030 < 0.05) and H2 where the t-count value of work discipline is greater than the t-table (3.186 > 0.05) and the significance value is 0.002 < 0.05). The results of this study indicate that competence and work discipline have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT. Aftech Makassar Indonesia, thus the hypothesis used is acceptabl
AbstractThe application of moral values in increasing spiritual intelligence in Islamic boarding schools is a priority scale. This application is carried out in a variety of activities, both formal and non-formal, considering that Islamic boarding schools now have formal education. This is done to realize religious students and morality.This is study aims to: (a) describes and analyze moral vallues in improving students 'spiritual intelligence, (b) describe and analyze the implementation of moral education values in improving students' spiritual intelligence, and (c) describe and analyze the results of the implementation of the values of the value of moral education in improving the intelligence of students.This research is a qualitative descriptive study and uses qualitative methods that prioritize phenomena experienced by subjects in the form of behavior, perception, views, and motivation. Data were collectedâ by interview, observation, and study documentation, as the source of information of this study were the stakeholders of Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 1 Ganjaran Gondanglegi. Then the data is analyzed by means of a flow model, then the validity of the data is checked by means of the credibility test to test the validity of the data collected.The results of the study are: (1) that studying the yellow book with the sorogan method led directly by the charismatic Kyai Sepuh becomes the santri's expectation in acting and behaving well coupled with the application of the values of the Raudlatul Ulum Ganjaran Islamic boarding school, (2) that the form the implementation of moral values is carried out at the Raudlatul Ulum 1 Islamic boarding school through formal and non-formal education, namely Madrasah Diniyah, Muhadoroh Kubro or Public Speaking activities, recitation of caregivers, Night Consultation, Nadzaman and Tasrifan, Compulsory Education, Bahtsul Masa'il Assembly, Ittihad Musyawarah inter Ma'had, Muhadloroh Kubro, (3) that routine worship activities and students' clothing, religious culture, prayer culture in congregation at all times, and activities of religious value, so that students increasingly motivated to always do things of religious value and train themselves for lunch when students return to their homes. Basedd on the resultâs of research and analysis of research data obtained the theory that "Increased Spiritual Intelligence through Values of Moral Education".Keywords: Implementation, Moral Values, Spiritual Intelligence, Santri  AbstrakPenerapan nilai-nilai akhlak dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual di pondok pesantren menjadi skala prioritas. Penerapan ini dilaksanakan dalam berbagai kegiatan, baik bersifat formal maupun non formal, mengingat pondok pesantren sekarang memiliki pendidikan formal. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mewujudkan santri yang religius dan berakhlakul karimah.Tujuan penelitian ini : (a) mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis nilai-nilai akhlaq dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual santri, (b) mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis implementasi nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak dalam menignkatkan kecerdasan spiritual santri, dan (c) mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis hasil implementasi nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan santri.Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatf dan menggunakan kualitatif yang mengedepankan fenomena yang dialami oleh subjek berupa perilaku, persepsi, pandangan, dan motivasi. Data terkumpul melalui proses wawancara, obserrvasi, dan study dokumentasi, sebagai sumber informasi penelitian ini adalah para stakehoder pondok pesantren Raudlatul Ulum 1 Ganjaran Gondanglegi. Kemudian data dianalisis dengan cara model alir, selanjutnya dilakukan pengecekan keabsahan data dengan cara uji kredibilatas untuk menguji kevalidan data yang dikumpulkan.Hasil penelitian, yaitu: (1) Nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak yang diimplementasikan dalam mengingkatkan kecerdasan spiritual santri di pondok pesantren Raudlatul Ulum I Ganjaran ini mendukung penuh nilai-nilai tawadluâ, nilai kedisplinan, nilai kejujuran, dan nilai kesederhanaan. Keenpat nilai tersebut dilaksanakan dalam bentuk kegiatan mengaji kitab kuning dengan metode sorogan yang dipimpin langsung oleh Dewan Pengasuh yang karismatik menjadi harapan santri dalam bertindak dan bersikap positif yang dibarengi dengan penerapan nilai-nilai salaf. (2) relevansi nilai-nilai akhlak terhadap santri, terbentuknya sikap tawadlu terhadap pengasuh, sikap disiplin di setiap kegiatan, sikap sabar dalam ketaâatan beribadah, dan sikap jujur dalam perbuatan. Keempat sikap tersebut diwujudkan dalam kegiatan sholat berjamaâah setiap waktu, dan kegiatan religius, mengaji kitab kuning oleh pengasuh, muhadloroh kubro, dan musyawarah malam mendalami ilmu agama melalui kitab kuning dengan 5 (lima) tingkatan, yaitu kelas Ula, kelas Wustho, kelas Ulya, kelas Maâhad Ali 1 dan 2.bahwa kegiatan ibadah yang rutin dan busana santri, budaya agamis, budaya sholat berjamaâah setiap waktu, dan kegiatan yang bernilai religius, agar para santri semakin terpacu untuk selalu melakukan hal-hal yang bernilai religius dan melatih diri untuk bekal ketika santri pulang ke rumah masing-masing. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data penelitian diperoleh teori bahwa âPeningkatan Kecerdasan Spiritual melalui Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan AkhlakâKata Kunci: Implementasi, Nilai-Nilai Akhlak, Kecerdasan Spiritual, Santr
Self-efficacy, perceived social support and psychological Adjustment in international students of Universiti Utara Malaysia
Due to the globalization of the economy, political and society give an impact on
Malaysian higher education institutions, especially public universities. The Ministry of
Higher Education Malaysia had a strategy on globalizing local education through increasing the number of international students in Malaysia. While adjusting to a new culture, many of international students struggle to do so. The role of self-efficacy, perceived social support and psychological adjustment is crucial because of the differences in academic and cultural challenges when they are in Malaysia. Furthermore, the current study analysed the relationship between self-efficacy, perceived social support and psychological adjustment. A total of 150 international students from various
country and nation in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) completed the questionnaire survey. As hypothesized, independent variables of the study; self-efficacy and perceived social support significantly related with psychological adjustment. Implication on the
findings and future research on international students are discussed
Terapi holistik terhadap pecandu narkoba
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan terapi holistic terhadap pecandu narkoba di Balai Rehabilitasi BNN Baddoka Makassar. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kualitatif dengan kajian analisis deskriptif, pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam penerapan terapi holistik yang dilaksanakan di Balai Rehabilitasi BNN Baddoka Makassar di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu pengebotan di bagian medis dan pengobatan di bagian non medis, pada bagian medis terdapat dua fase yaitu fase detoxifikasi dan entry-unit dan pengobatan di bidang non medis terdapat dua fase yaitu fase primary dan re-entry di fase primary yang menjadi fokus pengobatan adalah sosial, psikologis dan agamanya pada fase ini terdapat 4 tahapan yaitu tahap induction, younger, middle dan older. Faktor penghambat yaitu faktor tipe residen, sumber daya manusia, dan kepribadian residen, adapun solusinya untuk tipe residen diterapkan rawat jalan, kemudian untuk SDM di gunakan sistim kelompok dan pribadi residen solusinya dibutuhkan kepekaan psikolog
Analisis Ranah Kognitif Soal Latihan Berdasarkan Taksonomi Bloom Revisi Pada Buku Fisika Kelas X (Studi Pada Buku Karya Ni Ketut Lasmi)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis besar persentase kemunculan ranah kognitif pada soal latihan berdasarkan taksonomi Bloom Revisi yang terdapat pada buku pelajaran Fisika kelas X karya Ni Ketut Lasmi khususnya pada materi Vektor, Gerak Lurus dan Gerak Parabola dengan total soal sebanyak 172 butir soal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar klasifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase kemunculan soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat rendah (lower order thinking skills) terbilang besar yaitu C1-konseptual 2,9%, C2-konseptual 5,2%, C3-konseptual 0,6%, dan C3-prosedural 66,9%, sedangkan pada kategori soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (higher order thinking skills) persentase tertinggi terdapat pada kategori soal C4-prosedural sebesar 23,8% dan untuk C4-konseptual hanya 0,6%. Selain tingkatan soal di atas, maka persentase kemunculan tingkat soal lainnya sebesar 0%. Sehingga, persentase kemunculan soal yang mengembangkan keterampilan tingkat tinggi masih rendah dan masih perlu ditingkatkan
Penerapan Model ARIMA terhadap Kebutuhan Jumlah Vaksin Booster COVID-19 di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia pada tahun 2019 sangat tinggi, salah satu wilayah dengan angka terinfeksi tertinggi ialah di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Sikap yang diambil pemerintah dalam menanganinya yaitu dengan memberikan vaksin ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Vaksin yang diberikan terdiri atas dua yaitu vaksin primer dan vaksin Booster. Pemberian vaksin Booster COVID-19 membuat masyarakat berpikir apakah memang dibutuhkan?. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu model peramalan untuk meramalkan kebutuhan jumlah vaksin Booster COVID-19 di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pemodelan data jumlah vaksin Booster COVID-19 di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan menggunakan model ARIMA, diawali dengan pengecekan kestasioneran data, identifikasi model dugaan, estimasi dan uji parameter, uji asumsi residual, pemilihan model terbaik, peramalan, dan uji ketepatan peramalan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model terbaik pada peramalan kebutuhan jumlah vaksin Booster COVID-19 di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan adalah model ARIMA (1,1,0) dengan nilai ketepatan peramalan menggunakan MAPE sebesar 1.38%
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