6 research outputs found

    Delay-Intolerant Covert Communications with Either Fixed or Random Transmit Power

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    In this paper, we study delay-intolerant covert communications in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels with a finite block length, i.e., a finite number of channel uses. Considering the maximum allowable number of channel uses to be N, it is not immediately clear whether the actual number of channel uses, denoted by n, should be as large as N or smaller for covert communications. This is because a smaller n reduces a warden’s chance to detect the communications due to fewer observations, but also reduces the chance to transmit information. We show that n=N is indeed optimal to maximize the amount of information bits that can be transmitted, subject to any covert communication constraint in terms of the warden’s detection error probability. To better make use of the warden’s uncertainty due to the finite block length, we also propose to use uniformly distributed random transmit power to enhance covert communications. Our examination shows that the amount of information that can be covertly transmitted logarithmically increases with the number of random power levels, which indicates that most of the benefit of using random transmit power is achieved with just a few different power levels.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects under Grant DP180104062

    Channel training design in full-duplex wiretap channels to enhance physical layer security

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    In this work, we propose a new channel training (CT) scheme to enhance physical layer security in a full-duplex wiretap channel, where the multi-antenna and full-duplex receiver simultaneously receives the information signal and transmits artificial noise (AN). In order to suppress the self-interference caused by AN, the receiver has to estimate the self-interference channel prior to the data communication phase. In the proposed CT scheme, the receiver transmits limited pilot symbols which are known only to itself, which prevents the eavesdropper from estimating the jamming channel from the receiver to the eavesdropper, hence effectively degrades the eavesdropping capability. Compared with the traditional CT scheme that uses publicly known pilots, the newly proposed secret CT scheme offers significantly better performance when the number of antennas at the eavesdropper is larger than one, e.g., Ne > 1. The optimal power allocation between CT and data/AN transmission at the legitimate transmitter/receiver is determined for the proposed secret CT scheme.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects (DP150103905)

    Estimation of Sparse Directional Connectivity With Expectation Maximization

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